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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18663915 No.18663915 [Reply] [Original]

what is it about cast iron thats so /comfy/?
>inb4 panlets

>> No.18663919

I can see your female penis.

>> No.18663925

>female penis
its called a clit, female humans cannot have a penis, i know that disgusts you.
since youre hungry for sausage...

I'm feeling spicy today, maybe some jalapeno cornbread....

>> No.18663927
File: 1.42 MB, 3407x1399, 230linllk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to post file fucking with the god damn captcha

>> No.18663947

if your cast iron doesn't weigh at least 20lbs ur a bitch

>> No.18664312
File: 1.27 MB, 3669x1531, 20221204_172956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the size

>> No.18664321

no thats my point. if you have a small cast iron ur gay. i strengthen my wrists every time i cook a steak

>> No.18664326

Still waiting on that vid of you dropping your "indestructible" pan, bud.

Your apple pie exemplified how terrible you are at cooking. A better pan won't do you any good if you can't use it properly.

>> No.18664353
File: 86 KB, 1000x666, post-featured-worlds-largest-cast-iron-skillet-unboxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, 20lbs is absurd, even my 14" vintage Griswold frying pan is only about 12lbs.

The only thing I've heard of being THAT heavy is this massive 20"x3" frying pan. Weighs around 36lbs. But it's far too large to use in a home kitchen, at least not without using multiple burners.

>> No.18664367

mine isn't too slightly smaller than that one. it fits on one burner but barely

>> No.18664375

My 12lbs 14" diameter already barely fits, and if you think you DO have a 16"+ that weighs 20lbs you should sell that fat bitch, big vintage pieces like that can sell for hundreds or even a couple grand.

>> No.18664384

i only use the densest of skillets

>> No.18664388

>what is it about cast iron thats so /comfy/?
That would be the brain damage from ingesting iron because you're essentially cooking on a giant rusty nail. It just feels "comfy" because as you make yourself mire retarded, you oay attention to the outside world less you dumb fucking ironfag

>> No.18664391

iron is an essential mineral. your body literally needs it to function

>> No.18664398

What makes people this stupid? Aluminum pans?

>> No.18664408

I think more likely you're just LARPing. But hey whatever makes you happy anon.

>> No.18664419

no need to be envious of my extremely dense and manly skillet. if you season your pan enough one day yours might be as dense as mine

>> No.18664426
File: 550 KB, 1080x2126, image_picker7464632708663011434.jpg-2022-12-06T09_41_09.088857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi schizo anon, please let me know, is iron poisoning the next wellness scam? Should I be printing "iron detox" labels for sugar pills? It actually looks promising, do you have any conspiracy youutubers or Facebook groups to recommend?

>> No.18664429

So is salt, go eat 5 lbs and post results
>ironbrain detected

>> No.18664430

Lol now you're confirming the LARP.

>> No.18664434

how do you suppose my skillet is leaching a whole 5 pounds of iron into my food? i would have noticed the difference in weight afterwards, especially considering how dense and manly my pan is to begin with. i think you're just not educated enough to understand the chemical properties of such a device

>> No.18664437

>unironically shilling for big iron on a cambodian fishing bet forum
reevaluate your life, then kys

>> No.18664443

troll harder retard

>> No.18664445

>no answer followed with some deflection
typical. like i said you're just ignorant and probably disappointed that your limp wrists can't lift a cast iron in the first place

>> No.18664457

Ok, let me spell it out for you. The iron you are ingesting from your precious cast iron pan is not actually iron, it's iron oxide, aka rust. Rust is just iron with an extra oxygen atom, and it's this oxygen that when picked up by acidic foods (like tomatos) that allows for tye iron to pass the blood/brain barrier and poisons you. I learned this shit in highschool you absolute brainlet. Why do you think "antioxidants" are so important?

>> No.18664475

Nigger, you don't cook on BARE iron, there is a layer of seasoning (or enamel) between the iron and your food.

Unless you're retarded and strip off the seasoning before you make some tomato sauce or some shit. Then sure, you'll get some iron in your food. But unless you do that every day there isn't a chance in hell it'll have a negative impact on your health. And again you should never be at that point to begin with since you SHOULD have a layer of seasoning that stops your food from touching bare iron.

>> No.18664488

why would you think my cast iron pan is rusty? lol just because you're too wimpy to use a cast iron doesn't mean you can go ahead and start spreading libel about people who can dude

>> No.18664500

Tardslinger falling for fear mongering articles.

We don't fully understand the way the BBB controls iron transport to the brain.

>> No.18664767

Ok have fun with metal in your brain, I'll stick with stainless.

>> No.18664772

>T.seething anemic

>> No.18664780

unless you're scraping it off, or cooking HIGHLY acidic things in it then how the fuck is it going to wear out?

The seasoning is CONSTANTLY being repaired when you cook fatty foods on your skillet.
Unless you make a tomato-based sauce every single day for weeks or months on end, it's not going to eat through your seasoning.

>> No.18665454

Finex pans are a scam

>> No.18665469

He already bought it, bragged about it, and made enemies over it. His ears are closed to the truth, brother.

>> No.18665508
File: 38 KB, 403x433, 1497738751164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fried some herring in my cast-iron pan and now it reeks of fish

>> No.18666269

sucks to suck

>> No.18667480

...cast iron is poormans shit, why do you have a octa-cock pan?
cast iron has is place but if you've got money to burn buy something that actually matters, faggot

>> No.18667671

You would know, get back to sucking my cum encrusted musty balls.

>> No.18669175

>buy something that actually matters
such as?

>> No.18669193

Didn't you post this exact thread a few days ago?

>> No.18669203


>> No.18669206

Oh, those are those $500 pans with the weird handle and which are severely overpriced.

>> No.18669231

I like that lobster

>> No.18670058
File: 245 KB, 1120x2016, soyeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wasnt me