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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18662793 No.18662793 [Reply] [Original]

Americans are classless. I sure this would taste okay, but it’s just not sophisticated. Imagine you go out to eat at a nice restaurant and then for desert the waiter brings you a flower pot with dirt in it.

>> No.18662797

Dirt and worms is literally something brought to elementary school pizza parties as a dessert. You will never see it elsewhere. I imagine your thread was made in bad faith as a troll thread so that's where I'm leaving this.

>> No.18662798

shut the frick up

>> No.18662799

It's called whimsy

>> No.18662800

reddit: the thread

>> No.18662802
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for me, it’s a McFlurry feast

>> No.18662804

What do you mean by whismy?

>> No.18662805

when you get dirt pudding at a restaurant (rarity outside of virginia in my experience) it's usually served in a much more fancy fashion than this, and almost never with the gummy worms - just chocolate pudding and oreo powder, which is no less sophisticated than about half of the offerings you'd find at a pâtisserie
having written that, i'm now pretty certain you're joking about the multiple michelin star restaurants that server flower pots with edible dirt in it

>> No.18662809

>Imagine you go out to eat at a nice restaurant
if you're eating pudding with oreos and gummy worms you're not at a nice restaurant, it's halloween of 1995 and you need to wake up from your dream

>> No.18662812

I live in VA and have never seen this

>> No.18662813

you have to bring your own gummy worms

>> No.18662815

Fuck you I eat dirt and worms

>> No.18662816

dirt cups are great but i only knew one place that had them and it was like 20 years ago

>> No.18662818

America where do you hale from?

>> No.18662839

Whimsy. Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor. Some colorful worms flavor of fruit coming out of your cookie and pudding dirt? Yes I think so. Quite so. So much so in fact, that it tickles me pink.

>> No.18662845

I bet you like fairy bread too, queerbait

>> No.18662896

you're eating at the wrong places

>> No.18662912

Last time i had this was like 98. I know its good and i can still taste it but ive never made it

>> No.18662915

One time after I got my IQ measured as a 5 year old (I cracked my skull by falling off a chair and the doctors were making sure I wasn't retarded) they gave me one of these as a reward. I ate it and then promptly threw up all over my father's passenger seat, specifically in the crevice where the seat belt goes. Good memories.

>> No.18662942

>he doesn't bring his dates to TGI Friday's

>> No.18662964

It's not served in restaurants, you idiot. It's a party snack some suburbanite made for her kids that is in no way a national custom.

>> No.18662968
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ok randall

>> No.18663675

blue board, dummy

>> No.18663679

You can tell that OP is Yuropoorean that has to actually eat dirt now that Biden is doing such a great job of crashing the EU economy.

>> No.18663683

dirt is actually quite nutritious. anericans lose again

>> No.18663702

Isn’t it just the gummy worms though? Any dessert will look unsophisticated with gummies on it.

>> No.18664882

Yeah the worms make it look juvenile. It’s like
>le I am eating dirt and bugs look how crazy and random I am.

>> No.18664886

Americans have been training their children to eat bugs for two centuries

>> No.18664909

xkcd is pg

>> No.18664952

someone post the toilet icecream bowl

>> No.18664961

>shitty WAAAH AMERICA thread number 52453563573
Why do you retards bump this trash?

>> No.18665061

>Americans are classless
We don't care.

>I sure this would taste okay, but it’s just not sophisticated
The point of food is for it to taste good. Don't be a stick in the ass.

>> No.18665069

i wuv dirt pie >//<
it's nummy and fun (>^w^)>

>> No.18665108

Kek, that’s right you tell him.

>> No.18665116

I saged my post, retard.

>> No.18665118

> i'm now pretty certain you're joking about the multiple michelin star restaurants that server flower pots with edible dirt in it

>> No.18665126

Based dirt pie wuvver.

>> No.18665128

it's not an unusual dish in curated fine dining experiences, usually early on in the courses or as a dessert. usually used to represent the soil from which the food you are consuming comes from, very rarely is it actually dirt - just a creation that looks like it

>> No.18665133

I despise this board so much it’s unreal

>> No.18665137

maybe if chuu had some dirt pie with lots'n lotsa yummy nummy gummy wyrms you'd cheer right up!! do u want my recipe ?,,?

>> No.18665168

This is how Americans sound. Everything has to be some baby garbage, they have no tradition, no culture. It’s just a bunch of goyslop that they try to make appealing by making it childish and stupid

>> No.18665199

we have twaditional bar-b-que and it's real nummy too!! i smoked sum chickenz on saturday but somebuddy i invited got me sicky >//< ur invited for the next one if u want some tasty smoked meats!! well maybe not the next one...that's family christmas...but u can come to my bday bbq!! <(^.^)>

>> No.18665229
File: 99 KB, 540x540, wurrli---trolli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those Trolli Wurrli?

>> No.18665338
File: 569 KB, 1084x1084, America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have good food unlike you

>> No.18665370

Inshallah brother. Allah is great.

>> No.18665528

What if I held up one pinky whilst enjoying this delicious dessert?

>> No.18665547

Haribo or die, beeyotch.

>> No.18666995

everything in this photo is shit

>> No.18667051

I live in a VA facility as an inpatient and see and eat dirt and worm deserts daily.

>> No.18667217

Based and inpatientpilled.

>> No.18667223

Jesus christ you schizos are fucking everywhere

>> No.18668422

Then it would be incredibly classy.