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18662206 No.18662206 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we:

Discuss the best honey types

Share the tastiest honey recipes

Suggest the best honey producers, large or small scale

>> No.18662230

UHHH WOAH? sir? this thread is far too intelligent and important for these tacobell eating chattel. but I have noticed perennial woody saplings have made the hive's work so much better. forgive me, I don't know the honey part--just the ecology stuff. i'd like to learn though

>> No.18662232


>> No.18662241

is swiss honey healthy?

>> No.18662246


>> No.18662280

I put manuka honey in my eyes before sleeping for my dry eye disease.
It stings like fucking hell and I shed tears, but all’s well after a couple of minutes.

>> No.18662284

Zitto figlio di puttana

>> No.18662288

Clover and Orange Blossom honey is my favorite.

>> No.18662292

tu sei un cretino

>> No.18662299
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>find yellowjacket nest on my porch
>decide to try to smoke them out for some wild honey
>move my charcoal grill to my porch and start grilling
>the yellowjackets actually leave
>carefully try to knock it down with a stick
>suddenly like a half dozen yellowjackets come out and sting me
>have to run off my property and hide in a nearby 7-11
>when I come back my porch is filled with smoke so I open the hive
>mfw there wasn't even any honey inside..

>> No.18662308


>> No.18662337

I was reading a paper on honey and they said honey has no real benefits to our bodies. Its just like corn syrup.
What do you think?

>> No.18662338

For all you “wake up at 3am with a sticky mouth and rumbling tummy” bros out there… put a scoop of peanut butter in a small bowl and stir in some honey. Eat straight out of bowl with a glass of cold milk. Proceed to jizz in pants.

>> No.18662343

Yellowjackets don’t make honey, retard.

>> No.18662358
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>spicy honey on pepperoni pizza

>> No.18662362

I am a wizard.
I have not read the paper you mentioned yet I can guess the name of who wrote it:
his last name ends with -berg

>> No.18662364

Orange blossom is the best

>> No.18662908

based triple dubs
but also dangerously retarded

>> No.18662914

I buy local honey from the farmer's market, but it tastes the same as the one in stores. My tastebuds are shit.

>> No.18663040

Tiny insectoid legs typed this post.

>> No.18663115

It can help with seasonal allergies if you consume local honey. They dont understand how the mechanism works. Uconn science

>> No.18663135
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have any of you tried honey from Pitcairn island? I've always wanted to try it.

Google pitcairn and its history if you are unfamiliar its pretty interesting.

>> No.18663481

I've never had anything except for clover honey. I've made delicious mead, too, but never bothered to try other kinds of honey. I like floral notes in food like lavender, rose, camomile, juniper, sunflower, and even dandelion... but never broadened my tastes with honey. Any recommendations? I don't want to spend $30 on manuka

>> No.18663647

How can I tell if honey is raw

>> No.18663655

Honey will cause cavities and rot your teeth if you lack the ENAM polymorphism. Get dental sealants for all your molars if you plan on eating it.

>> No.18663770

sometime back I was on my way to the wound care center and the driver mentioned to use honey on the wound.
I told him the doc's would take care of it...so I thought. It's been almost a year and three different types of treatment. and it still refuses to heal
has anyone here had any luck with honey healing a wound? or knew anyone with success using honey
when I mentioned it to a nurse, she told of a medical grade honey. a few minutes later when I mentioned it to the doc he switched the treatment to a non honey treatment and said that type of honey is not for wounds you would need to pack strips of gauze or medicated strips into. just surface wounds

>> No.18663810
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>> No.18663824


better be shitting me I have a spoonfull of manuka every morning

>> No.18663829
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>> No.18663845
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It usd to benow i don't see my favorite honey (the one that get hard like real honey) anymore only those liquid shit one and i got sadly redpilled about it when i learned that i can't trust anyone selling honey

>> No.18663865
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You could catch some bees and steal some real honey for yourself.

>> No.18663934

you are a mongoloid for putting food grade honey on an open wound.
it needs to be concentrated honey.
and still it should only be used as a last resort, even fucking alcohol would have been a better choice.

>> No.18664107

I haven't done shit yet except regular doc's orders. but now that a year has passed with a wound that I and the would care center has been caring for. I fucking want this to heal up already and will try something better than the treatments I have tried. I'm going to start looking into this further and started here

>> No.18664636


>> No.18664651

Bullshit honey is full of viatmins and sugar

>> No.18664662
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honey is for making turron

>> No.18664664

bros i have a DIRE dilemma..

honey spoons.. are those actually any good for scooping out honey? should i get one? i used to just use a squeeze honey bottle but have upped my honey game to local, raw wildflower honey and transporting it is kind of a pain. honey spoons seem like they result in a lot of wasted honey but im not sure

>> No.18664686

Is that the wooden stick with disks at the end? You are supposed to rotate it while holding, that's why it has this shape. It does not waste honey, it is efficient at transporting honey. If you use it right, it's effective and drops panties.

>> No.18664690

Nah you're wrong. Honey is a pretty good preservative due to sugar content

>> No.18664695
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For me, it's buckwheat

>> No.18664737
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>> No.18664829
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Overall I prefer acacia. Thyme honey goes great with lamb roast (or stew) and saffron. Lavender with tea is awesome. Different types of honey have different uses though.

The best brand is pic related.

Mountain honey is generally better because the seasons are more pronounced. It's not limited to Switzerland. You get all the different flowers blooming one after the other, giving far purer taste profiles. In temperate or tropical climates flowers bloom at the same time more often, which muddles their flavour profile. Healthy honey comes from a good beekeeper, you can find those anywhere in the world.

>> No.18664849

or they buy it from stores and repackage it as local honey

>> No.18664861


>> No.18665183

I'm not, honey causes cavities. Sealents prevent 99% of them which is why dentists never mention them. You shouldn't consume carbs in the morning but at night.

>> No.18665189

>full of vitamins
Amount Per
1 tbsp (21 g)
1 tbsp (21 g)
Calories 64
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0 g 0%
Saturated fat 0 g 0%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 11 mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 17 g 5%
Dietary fiber 0 g 0%
Sugar 17 g
Protein 0.1 g 0%
Vitamin C 0% Calcium 0%
Iron 0% Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin B6 0% Cobalamin 0%
Magnesium 0%

>> No.18665238


>best honey type

Colorado wildflower honey

It's such a slow release of flavor and incomparable to mass-market honey

>> No.18665251

Orange blossom and sunflower are the perfect honey's honey. Try to buy local to support your local keepers. Local is almost always better too.

>> No.18665255
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Honey is just glorified sugar syrup. In fact it's basically HFCS.

>> No.18665336

post nose

>> No.18665360

get your booster fuckface

>> No.18665371

>It's basically HFCS
Sure, without the F and the C

>> No.18665387

>without the F
It's like 40% fructose. The C is irrelevant.

>> No.18665395

honey has been on this earth for 1000s of years before you and it will be here 1000s of years after you're gone

>> No.18665404

>all sugar is fructose

>> No.18665471

>reading comprehension 0%

>> No.18665524

are you actually retarded?

>> No.18665565

Manjar de los dioses desu

>> No.18667069
