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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 401 KB, 557x691, Screenshot 2022-12-05 144505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18661495 No.18661495 [Reply] [Original]

Working at Starbucks is hell.

>> No.18661497

wagie wagie, time to get in the cagie

>> No.18661509

>on my way!
truly the goodest of goys.
its a shame they wouldnt let you off. but thats what the system does,

>> No.18661512

What the fuck is that gay ass background? Also can I get uhhhhhhhhh

>> No.18661516

If you have sick time available then tell your boss to suck a dick

>> No.18661518
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>On my way!
I got up at 5pm today

>> No.18661520

okay but being exhausted genuinely isn't an excuse, if you're fatigued in a way that clearly indicates being sick that needs to be communicated

>> No.18661529

Call me when you're working 12 hours a day with 1 day off after every 7 straight days of work

>> No.18661537

>can't call in for being exhausted
pretty sure i just did, bud.

>> No.18661546

Fucking idiot. Just lie and say you're sick. They legally can't ask for specifics.

>> No.18661552

Get a white collar office job and stop being a fucking slave bitch

>> No.18661556

dude, these fucking zoomers.
i used to to 16 hour days at a dog boarding facility that housed drug, fighting, abused, beaten, etc. dogs.
like 60-80 pitbulls at a time and 40 other dogs.
all the people that worked there were so fucking lazy it was ridiculous.
imagine getting 4 hours of sleep a night and having to deal with 80 pitbulls a day.

>> No.18661558

those are normal chef/cook hours retard where do you think you are right now

>> No.18661564

>They legally can't ask for specifics
they 100% can ask for a doctor's note.
white collar jobs are even more slavery because you have to be politically correct in an office.

>> No.18661567

That’s kinda sad, anon

>> No.18661577

How many infants did they consume on a daily basis?

>> No.18661582

>They legally can't ask for specifics.
Jobs can ask for a doctors note depending on how much time you take off.

That said, OP is retarded and should have just called in sick and said you just took a bunch of nyquil or something.

>> No.18661583

Okay I work 9-5 5 days a week but you're winning because you can call people niggers or whatever while you're slaving away in a kitchen for boomer customers

>> No.18661588

funnily enough they were like people in jail.
actin' all hard on the outside but once they're inside they knew they were got so they always tried to appear innocent.

>> No.18661589

>white collar jobs are even more slavery because you have to be politically correct in an office.


>> No.18661595

imagine defending being an office wagie.

>> No.18661597

Nobody here thinks working at Starbucks is cool but how else can you afford food?

>> No.18661599

>white collar jobs are even more slavery because you have to be politically correct in an office.
Anon I doubt the art ho millennial that is your boss at star cucks is going to tolerate you going around and dropping the enword while making fat soccer moms their coffee milk shakes.

>> No.18661602

really read your statement and ask yourself why it's ok that people are not allowed to share a differing political opinion.
really think hard instead of just thinking in memes, anon.

>> No.18661609

i havent woken up to an alarm since 2019
i look forward to fellow neetchads replying with "i havent woken up to an alarm ever" etc

>> No.18661611

imagine thinking that "political correctness" only means "can't say racial slurs".
how are you this brainwashed?

>> No.18661613

Bro I make 80k a year to sit in an air conditioned office shitposting on 4chan 5 hours out of my 8 hour day, you have a warped view of what white collar work is because it's not like your minimum wage bullshit

>> No.18661619

i have an alarm set for 5am every weekday.
i don't have a job.

>> No.18661624

80k isn't enough for me to lose my honor.
sorry you're a cheap whore.

>> No.18661626

because your opinions are designed to normalize violence against minority groups
fascist christians should be rounded up and exterminated
go be hateful in a grave somewhere

>> No.18661631

i said "instead of just thinking in memes", anon.

>> No.18661639

Its called hyperbole you faggot. It's current year, anything to the right of stalin and mao is treated as the equivalent of dropping the gamer bomb. .

>> No.18661645

Yeah those 6 hour shifts must be brutal. Loading the coffee in a machine. Pushing buttons. Pouring things in a cup. Damn.

>> No.18661646

cringe rightoid triggered for not being able to share a "differing" opinion

>> No.18661647

christians deserve to be murdered for their hateful beliefs

>> No.18661656

Anon, don't bother. They'll figure it out eventually I'm sure of it

>> No.18661657

Is this from the tranny who cried because he had to put in an 8 hour shift at starbucks?

>> No.18661658

i tried that man but it just didnt work out

>> No.18661659

Now you know what it's like being a cop if you replace pitbull with negro.

>> No.18661661

>Its called hyperbole
that's what a memes is, anon.
>calling a rightwinger cringe
it's like you legit think in reverse.
>says people should be murdered for loving thy neighbor
>doesn't have the self-actualization that they are the hateful one

>> No.18661665

christians are about spreading hatred and violence
the solution for their violence is more violence
if christians feared violent action against them they would stop harassing other people

>> No.18661666

oh 100% it's like being a corrections officer.

>> No.18661987

Shut up you little faggot. You threw a tantrum in the CFA thread already. If like is so fucking unfair to your kind then just end yourself.

>> No.18662020


>> No.18662044

>"I just did. Bitch."
What is she going to do? Fire you? Then she will be even shorter on staff. You have the advantage here. Tell the cunt to fuck off.

>> No.18662056

"If I was in good enough shape to go to the doctor, I would have just came to work."

>> No.18662118

>Can you work more?
>Don't elaborate or respond further
Doing or saying anything else is retarded

>> No.18662127
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>> No.18662139

STFU and make my coffee you stupid fucking wagie.

>> No.18662192

>I wageslave harder than you!!!!
Congrats? Lol. I completey phone it in at my job and have a completey comfortable life. Enjoy slaving away to buy Mr. Noseberg a third sportscar

>> No.18662212

Perfect way to get fired, retard.

>> No.18662214

If a boss is going to fire you for not working overtime or when you're not scheduled you shouldn't be working there anyway.

>> No.18662220

is it to remind you of the hell you're safe from?

>> No.18662250

why even respond? just put your phone on silent / do not disturb the minute you leave work and don't turn it on until the minute your shift starts. is there an obligation to be contactable outside of work hours? maybe if you're a doctor or emergency plumber not a fuckin coffee milkshake maker.

>> No.18662267

fuck honor, ur selling ur soul for 8.50 an hour to prove what exactly?

>> No.18662268

These jobs are easily replaceable. If you're not willing to "go the extra mile" and "be a team player", they will find someone else who will.

>> No.18662271

Exactly. The lack of ability people have to understand this confounding.

>> No.18662282

>These jobs are easily replaceable
Apparently not if they don't even have enough people to work.

>> No.18662289

yeah frfr I used to work 90 hours a day for Mr. Weinhardbert and I was lucky for the opportunity. It was an internship too got so much work experience actually I'm still doing it

>> No.18662301

nice dude don't forget the time you spend going to and leaving "work" all so you can pay taxes to ZOG

>> No.18662322

i have to get up at 1030 or so otherwise i can't keep a sleeping pattern. I'll end up going bed later and later because not tired otherwise and next thing you know its bedtime at 8am. Sucks tbqh because i hate getting up so early. 1130 would be perfect

t. 15 year neet

>> No.18662349
File: 1.28 MB, 1992x1992, 1632156618011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a career employee for a government land management agency and I get to do whatever I want. My supervisor works in a different office and I produce enough and am friendly enough that everyone just thinks I'm doing what I should be doing and leaves me alone, when in reality half the time I'm at home playing vidya or doing whatever else I want. I probably actually work 1-2 hours a day. Even if I am doing work I make my own hours all year and I can come and go as I please. They even give me a truck to drive so sometimes I just drive around the forest all day or go park somewhere and read/take a nap while using the gov credit card for gas.
During covid when the office was closed I'd go in and steal office supplies, at that time I didn't have a supervisor at all so I just clocked full days and sometimes got overtime without even showing up.
Thanks for the tax money idiots :)

>> No.18662354

nobody cares, didnt read

>> No.18662357
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>> No.18662360

I'd happily deal with that many pitbulls, but I doubt enough would be coming in to have 80 more every day.

>> No.18662365

>gay marriage enthusiasts of ten years ago now want to be able to fuck dogs and children now
the cross is a bulwark against the total depravity of man
good laws make good people while bad people make bad laws

>> No.18662370


my workplace has a policy where you can use sick days for mental health reasons and they aren't allowed to question it. I would check if they have a similar policy.

>> No.18662371

nice bro. always happy to know that some of the tax money the vampires take goes to decent people instead of nigs and jews

>> No.18662375

>giving wagie overlords any kind of reasoning, excuse, or internal thought process as if trying to communicate with another human being that cares about you
everything you say can and will be used against you

>> No.18662377

That's how it works for most large corporations, since it opens up too much paperwork and liability to to try to track why people do what. Though in the case of something like Starbucks that's assuming you work for an actual corporate store and not a franchisee.

>> No.18662385

>On my way!
I'd rather die than live like this

>> No.18662390

>I'd rather die
thanks so much??!

>> No.18662396

I went to starbucks twice in my life and it indeed looks like hell, only like 3 people handling a huge lineup of white chicks and their fancy Frappuccino orders that all take like 5 minutes to prepare each, I felt bad for the workers subjecting themselves to such a hell

>> No.18662403

>replying at all
my personal phone isn't for work purposes, they can talk to me at work during my pre scheduled hours if they need to. if they need to contact me outside of my scheduled shifts they need to provide a work phone.

>> No.18662404

Not the same guy but I work for a decent local company and frequently talk to the owners. I have no issue busting my ass for those guys. Good fellas

>> No.18662415
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>Food service

>> No.18662434

next time just say "I am also sick"

you are under no obligation to tell your boss exactly what's wrong with you.

>> No.18662435

>they 100% can ask for a doctor's note
"Hi doc, don't feel gr8 can I get a note cheers"
wow so tricky
>white collar jobs are even more slavery because you have to be politically correct in an office.
fucking moron

>> No.18662443

Starcucks isn't food service. I saw that an my wife works there.

>> No.18662445

That sounds terrible. Even when I was unemployed I enjoyed getting up nice and early. I can't imagine enjoying waking up just as the sun is going down. What a waste

>> No.18662451

Basically you need to stop being nice in these situations. I've been there myself and I've seen it happen to many. Notice how your co-workers basically fucked the manager over with no regard. You should do that too.

We don't live in the society we use to. Never expect common decency or courtesy from anyone making less then 60k a year.

Don't tell him you feel exhausted, tell him you feel sick. Actually fuck it, just don't come in at all LMFAO. Whats he going to do? Fire you from some shit min wage job? The quality of workers and turnover rate for places like these is so bad he needs you far more then you need him. From the look of it your co-workers already basically just didn't show up 3 mornings in a row.

>> No.18662469

>80k isn't enough for me to lose my honor.

>> No.18662475

You are without honor

>> No.18662549

I'm sorry about your wife. I can have sex with her if you like.

>> No.18662555

On the McChicken/Microwavable Goycram board.

>> No.18662586

>we can have different opinions unlike officecucks
>>I think China is better than America because America is a drug addled retard pit that rewards the mediocre
I know all about the acceptance of different opinions on the right.

>> No.18662635

People are the waste. The only times in any given 24 hour period that are worth are a damn are 6pm-10am for the tranquility. People winding down from work/school, settling in, streets start clearing out, twilight wraps the world in a soft sheen. Normies go to bed. The Internet switches from Normie mode to degenerate mode; you're more likely to get nudes/sexting from people at night, more likely to have long, drawn out conversations for hours on end. MMOs are more fun. FPS are less sweaty.
Enjoying a good book, album, or show/movie are easier with the least amount of potential distractions-- and best of all, nobody expects you to be busy at night. Nobody expects a thing of you because they're all busy being asleep forcing themselves into a slightly anxious slumber for the sole purpose of recharging for the next shift, the next fake smile, the next commute to and from.

Shopping at 10pm is magical. It used to be better when shops were open later but COVID ruined 24 hour groceries where I am. Shopping at 6am is just as magical. The shelves are freshly stocked, yesterday's bakery has prices marked down on bread, cakes, cookies that are going stale. The only people are the few handfuls of degenerate night owls that enjoy the tranquility as much as me but still wants to work.

Now, if you do sleep at night there's a magical time 4am-8am. It's short-lived but doing as much as you can in that window; shopping, running errands, working out, starting a slow cooker, cleaning your house, it can set up a really comfy day where you don't need to worry. But you won't have the same peace as somebody who stays up at night.

Nothing can beat it. People that think a day can be wasted haven't lived a day worth living.

>> No.18662652

This anon gets it. I work in the kitchen of a nursing home and there's always at least one person being a no call no show at any given day. Management's hands are tied though because we're bleeding employees so an employee who shows up half the time at best is better than no employee at all

>> No.18662687

>EVER responding to a work-related call/text when you're not on the clock
Rookie mistake.

>> No.18662949

You type like a tranny
What was this thread about anyway, I forgot while reading your string of insane posts. Am I on /ck/, wasn't there supposed to be food in this conversation somewhere?

>> No.18662958

True. I just quit a job because of something like that.

>> No.18663071

can't drive with a fever

get your electric kettle, heat it up to 102 and stick a thermometer in it, snap a photo and leave that on your phone just in case

>> No.18663082

this, i never answered the phone when i worked in retail. i worked 6 days a week unless for some reason they emptied my schedule.

not that i work a real office job, i do so little work, and can take days off whenever or remote work, i can never imagine working there again.

ngl, for the hours you put in of your LIFE in these jobs, they should honestly pay more. if they increase min wage then wages for real jobs will increase tenfold. the fact that you can work corporate, do little to no work or like 4 hours worth of work in a week and get paid 100k+ salary plus benefits is disgusting

>> No.18663101

>What the fuck is that gay ass background?
That's the logo of pewdoopee, that gamer swede who had 200 million subs on youtube. But he said the N word on a stream accidentally when he got killed and had to flee to Japan to get away from the angry twitter zoomers.

>> No.18663103

Is this copy pasta? If not, HIGHLY based and wisepilled beyond any measure or doubt.

>> No.18663199

yeah retard and slaves like you are why conditions suck ass
if everyone said no it wouldn't happen
retard with no self respect

>> No.18663329

just shit your pants, bro.

>> No.18663343

>MY life sucked once, so YOUR life has to suck

You're a fucking pussy

>> No.18663351
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>his job can send him text messages

My office manager doesn't even have my cellphone number I think as he's never sent me a text message. I just call HR when I'm sick. No questions asked

>> No.18663363

wagie wagie
stuck in cagie
neet is nice and warm and lazy
bossman says you can't call out
wagie can do naught but pout
parents say the neet must work
neet says no to sit and lurk
wagie whines and cries and groans
neet jerks off and writhes and moans
wage wagie
get in cagie
can do naught but seethe and ragie
neet will say a prayer for you
but not too hard his day is through

>> No.18663428
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I call that 4 to 8 period the magic hour. Feels like you have the world to yourself. Dark, quiet... perfect. By far the most satisfying time to enjoy a cup of coffee. You're missing out on the 1pm to 3pm mini break, though. Can often be as peaceful and empty as that 8am to 10am timeframe. Get a little lunch or a snack in the morning, enjoy the noon hours at home while the lunch rush clears out, then head back out and linger in some stores you like. Specialty markets like those with a bunch of euro food products are one of my favorites.

>> No.18663598

Worst thing is when you work shifts and a coworker, no the manager, asks you to come replace them early beacuse ???
It's like a shit test they do or something. Infuriating

>> No.18663639

Do you at least get to put the pitbulls down? if not, you really should

>> No.18663643

pitbulls are better customers than humans

>> No.18663737

Why did this make me laugh out loud. This nigga talking as if hes working as a prison guard for pibbbles

>> No.18663852

lol, my departments teams chat is pol lite

>> No.18663881

Talking to your employer like this is cucked. I feel like most wagies wouldn't have so much trouble if they actually had self respect.

>> No.18664281

Sure, I have to hide my power-level a bit at my remote job, but I work like 4 hours a week and get paid for 40. Give and take.

>> No.18664292

>"Hi doc, don't feel gr8 can I get a note cheers"
>wow so tricky
if it's so easy prove to me you can do it
right now
get a doctors note within the hour or you're full of shit because you're speaking out of your asshole

>> No.18664299

Imagine being proud of being exploited lmao
Your boss doesn't care, all he thinks about is how to get you to do 13 hours a day with 0 days off instead, no matter how many "we appreciate you!" pizza parties they throw.

>> No.18664342

Kek I could do with 2 hours of sleep every night if that meant I could put down 80 pitbulls a day. Living the dream anon, I'm jelly

>> No.18664379

nigger I don't need opinions to hate you.

>> No.18664410

>because your opinions are designed to normalize violence against minority groups
>*proceeds to normalize violence against a minority group*
literal brainwashed cultist

>> No.18664484

It's wild how unbalanced the work:pay ratio can be between jobs. Used to work in a high-tier kitchen: 6x16 hours, no breaks ever, insanely high pace and high skill requirements. Left to work at a corporate job and after just a few years I make three fucking times what I used to, on only 40hrs/week, of whick probably only 20 is actually work, doing work that is orders of magnitude easier and honestly way less skilled.

>> No.18664506

But that’s a standard opinion on 4chan.

>> No.18664572

Kek it seems no sharts are salaried kek

>> No.18664619

I'm literally laying in bed making money listening to some conference call that has nothing to do with my work and don't have to pay attention at all. WFM office work is the best thing Covid evee did for my life.

>> No.18664665


It should be legal to murder bosses like this in cold blood.

I did you a favor and you're going to give me shit when it negatively affects me? Unions need to come back in full force. There should be riots after the motion carried out by the U.S. government against train unions.

>> No.18664790

About to walk an hour and a half in the rain and cold just to work at a job I hate to get paid enough to simply exist on cheap unhealthy food.

>> No.18664809

At this point, alcohol and books are the only thing that keeps me going. Some days, I envy and admire the homeless. I once stumbled upon a homeless camp and say genuine cheer and laughter.

>> No.18664813

Saw*. It made me think of being a kid again.

>> No.18664859

Do you write environmental assessments?

>> No.18664871

so it's really true

>> No.18664876

I generally don't get involved in NEPA writing because you have to deal with obstructionist specialists (usually women) that can't agree on shit and want to argue about every little thing, my job is more following those decisions on the ground. Most of the decisions are retarded so if I can get away with it I ignore them as much as possible.

>> No.18664928

>Have friendly relationship with doctor
>Make an appointment and tell him you're depressed/anxious/feel like shit/sick and ask for a sick note
>Writes a sick note because he's known you for years and you don't usually ask for sick notes so it's whatever, plus it doesn't affect him
Wa la you fucking retard it's that easy, how fucking hard is it to be friendly and honest with people? Does your doctor have to determine it's an absolute fact that you have something before he writes you a sick note?

>> No.18664933

If you go to the doctor often enough for him to remember you at all, something's wrong.

>> No.18665001

im not reading that!

>> No.18665054

Making coffee isn't that hard.

>> No.18665060

Burn it down

>> No.18665103

Fucking little tyrant middle managers need to be the first to go on the day of the rope. Billionaires suck and they're convenient bad guys to make your point against our capitalism but honestly they're less the problem as middle management of working class traitors and landlords that act as small time dictators. There's nothing more disgusting and loathsome than a worker that throws his fellow workers under the bus for an ounce of favorable treatment by the higher ups .

>> No.18665110

If they're asking "will you be able?" learn how to respond. Say "unfortunately I can not" and if pressed say it's a rather personal matter and that you'll definitely come in for your regularly scheduled shift.

Again, they're the ones asking you.

>> No.18665140
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Wagie wagie...

>> No.18665142

>kowtowing like this

>> No.18665163

>extra money is bad
stay poor

>> No.18665184

Everyone has done that before, you are not special

>> No.18665232

>genuinely thinking there are any rewards or reason to do well at fast food/quick service
OP, instead of being a faggot try this thing called acting your wage. I work at taco bell and put in the barest minimum effort; I show up only when I'm scheduled, I don't stay a minute longer than I absolutely have to, and I never come in on my days off no matter how desperate they are. If they wanted more from me, they can pay me more.

>> No.18665283

Why would you tell your work you're exhausted lol

Use SICK lmao

>> No.18665288
