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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.75 MB, 650x850, 1669054875502761.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18661090 No.18661090 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18661092


>> No.18661102

It is honestly kind of irritating to me that this webm has food in it. The fact that it has a singular cute girl and food, means that it can be spammed on this board fucking constantly. It is one mundane interaction. I dont get how it could be this fucking entertaining

>> No.18661110

>Only gets a single line of hot sauce
white women amirite?

>> No.18661117

Its a halal stand so whatever food that is

>> No.18661121

she looks Italian

>> No.18661156

She's Brazilian.

>> No.18661164

una vela xaxaxa

>> No.18661165

Why can't she handle the heat? Fucker smothers it in white sauce, do Brazilians really eat food extra-mild with mild sauce on top?

>> No.18661172

It looks like a salad, some chicken on top, ranch or mayo, and a tiny bit of hot sauce. It's also cancer in a tin because this weebum gets spammed all over the site by pathetic normalfag permvirgins who get off to a chick standing there making faces while getting the meal served.

>> No.18661175

That's from Argentina.

Brazilians don't eat super spicy food, most Latinos don't actually, spicy food is only common in Mexican, Central American and Caribbean cuisine.

>> No.18661176

They eat their meat burnt to a crisp if they can afford it, most of the population literally eats garbage

>> No.18661183

Brazilians and Spanish people cannot handle spicy food. They literally eat mashed up bananas and rice and beans. Mexicans think Jalapenos are hot for crying out loud

>> No.18661200 [DELETED] 

How does she get it?

>> No.18661204

>>18661090 (OP)
How does she get in?

>> No.18661231

this isn't a white woman. leave your shitty barrio.

>> No.18661246

is this going to be another 300 post thread of terminally online incels who never even talk to women claim to suddenly be experts on women to the point where within this aprox 30 second clip they can ascertain exactally how many dicks she has taken in her vagina and what race they were and why she deserves nothing but hate, mind you all this from a 30 second clip.
you guys are fucking insane. get a life. go outside and touch grass.

>> No.18661255

post tits

>> No.18661259

Ok chud

>> No.18661271

Why does this Webm make me irrationally angry? Fake bitch. Her charm will soon fade.

>> No.18661279

it's already starting. the incels are out in full force. 300 more pointless posts from internet women experts and master psychologists with degrees (real) overanalyzing the absolute everloving fuck out of a 30 second clip.
"guys you can tell she's a jew"
"you know she sucks black dick"
"actually she's only acting like this because she wants to fuck"
"no you retard she's acting like this because she wants free food"
etc etc for 300 posts. it's a pointless clip made by a tourist in some area. why the fuck do incels think that they can somehow use it to solve women or whatever. it's fucking retarded.
i'm not even a woman you fucking idiot.

>> No.18661281

You can't stand the sight of a happy white woman.

>> No.18661288

Girl fuel aka coom - mind the "white sauce"

>t. seething nigcel

>> No.18661320

She's drunk and wants food.

>> No.18661328

I dont get why incels seethe so much over this webm. She is beautiful and friendly, and I want to smell her stinky halal braps

>> No.18661334

white sauce is garlic right?
mam this is a /ck/ thread, the only one taking about black cocks is you

>> No.18661976

facial expressions are enjoyable to look at on a cute female. Simple as, chudster

>> No.18661990

They can't breed.

>> No.18662011
File: 110 KB, 1021x1024, 1669300304359359m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple webm of a girl getting food
>inexplicable seethe over other people enjoying it
lmao never fails. fucking retards.

>> No.18662015

please stop being willfully stupid and not act like it happens every single time a webm of a hot woman gets posted. already started >>18661271

>> No.18662054
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>seething roastoid still seething
>literally nobody but her mentions what she claimed would flood the thread
let it go already you dumb bitch holy shit lol

>> No.18662076

Toenail clippings and dog scrotum.

>> No.18662087

My heart. Done and ready to be served.

>> No.18662138
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>> No.18662444

>singular cute girl

She is acting like a nigger!

>> No.18662609

big dick energy to starving roastie

>> No.18662666


>> No.18662710


>> No.18663091

>i'm not even a woman you fucking idiot.
you sure type like one then, twink

>> No.18663105

Double meat and extra hot sauce, allright babe.

>> No.18663110

I just realized that mark wiens is doing the same expressions
What does that mean?

>> No.18663116


>> No.18663117

yeah it's like a thinner garlic aioli, it's amazing

>> No.18663118

>same expressions
>What does that mean?

>Verification not required.

>> No.18663130

>i'm not even a woman you fucking idiot.
kek. nice try, cunt

>> No.18663188

beef or lamb (probably shawarma) with rice and a green salad, covered in garlic and hot sauce.

>> No.18663204

you must be a very effeminate 'man'

>> No.18663603

Someone explain to me why this causes me and others to seethe

>> No.18663619
File: 87 KB, 211x268, 8654658686584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wet pussy

>> No.18663723

It looks like it just lays there on the griddle all day. Kinda gross in a gas station hotdog kind of way

>> No.18663729

I want to marry her

>> No.18663730

I'd agree with the sentiment if you didn't start your post exclaiming you hate men, you obnoxious cunt.

>> No.18663736


>> No.18663747

Fake ass bitch

>> No.18663755

The are beta male simps ITT.

>> No.18663783

why would u wanna marry someone thats got my semen leaking out of them

>> No.18663792

doesn't matter whose semen it is

>> No.18663957

This guy is projecting that he will never be cool.
This chick is just plain cool. Fun and unapologetic.

>> No.18663976

We get it, you feel threatned by a sexy and friendly woman because your own insecurities and hang ups.

>> No.18663977

How can girls stay slim, when eating crap food and drinking all night? I've got an idea, but jannies would boot me.

>> No.18664466

This guy fuckin gets it

>> No.18664479

Called exercise and earingin moderation there chubs

>> No.18664501

She's built for pale white cock

>> No.18664527


>> No.18664534

i'm so lonely

>> No.18664546
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>> No.18664554


>> No.18664621

Imagine caving her skull in with the back end of a rifle

>> No.18664625
File: 2.80 MB, 270x480, dd30d233e6bc06f8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18664629

It's easy when you're under 25 or so

>> No.18664676

cute smile at the end preferable to the mega stacy whore in OP

>> No.18664874

Imagine thinking of that

>> No.18664899
File: 225 KB, 343x418, Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-06 um 19.24.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she's afraid of your hot sauce being too much for her

>> No.18664920

Women with a tiny overbite is so cute.

>> No.18665100
File: 271 KB, 888x230, ickle-dickle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18665272
File: 161 KB, 806x1414, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedish Meatball Kebab without even the sauce is offensive on several layers, but Why didn't she core the tomato?

>> No.18665286

looks like we got a tourist

>> No.18665326

she's excitable, she's probably gay
for her it's more about the experience than the means or the ends

>> No.18665828

Bros... why does she get so excited a out the white sauce. This gets asked everyone. There has yet to be an answer.

>> No.18665847


>> No.18665850

that's taco salad

>> No.18665855

Halal chicken and rice

>> No.18665862

Because she's very pretty and we'll never have someone as pretty and nice as her and makes us hate ourselves so we lash out at the world

>> No.18666128


>> No.18666146

Does she know she is popular on 4chan?

>> No.18666174

Is this that goy slop I keep hearing about?

>> No.18666210

Nah, I don’t think I will touch grass. Seeing you squirm and bring up black penises unprovoked is funny.

>> No.18666702

>Shocking news: Inebriated people are annoying to non inebriated people! More news at 11!

>> No.18666743

I wonder this too..
All the autists on here seem to love the way she smiles.

>> No.18666766
File: 113 KB, 796x447, 8DCC252B-1542-400D-9C80-8A5E25211F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is much cuter. Remember her?

>> No.18666824

This gif probably destroyed half a dozen of my relationships as a teenager.
ywnhsl the stop girl... also she's ridiculously ugly now.

>> No.18666836

i remember the first time i clicked on this webm i was so disappointed the video didnt end with her being violently beaten. when the black dude walked by i for sure thought he was about to deck her in the face lol god that woulda been so satisfying

>> No.18667549
File: 66 KB, 480x662, brazilian-soccer-fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this one

>> No.18667558

Absolutely mindbroken.

>> No.18667565

why do you say this every thread

>> No.18667599

The big cunt menu

>> No.18667601

All me, btw

>> No.18667732

because you have negative beliefs about not being able to achieve happiness unless you have them/are them,the phenomenon of jealousy/envy

>> No.18667760
File: 129 KB, 777x437, Vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18667787
File: 2.57 MB, 576x1024, 1670256296207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halal food i suppose

>> No.18667822

>mashed potato
>lingonberry sauce
>in a pita
Scandinavia will one day answer for its culinary atrocities

>> No.18667828

>tfw these sluts probably saw the vid spammed here
>tfw they sought out the cart so they could be videoed for their 15 seconds of fame too
>tfw they're probably reading this right now
Hello sloots!

>> No.18667839

Mmm, sounds oriental!

>> No.18667845

If I had an Asian gf who'd eat my toenail clippings and dog's scrotum I'd be soooooo happy.

>> No.18667905
File: 121 KB, 882x624, 1558273577292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't you bots or whatever fuck off man you're on literally every board with hundreds of replies, even category threads on places like /gif/ always have it as the op file, and theres always several schizopost copypasta all over the threads like >>18661279

>> No.18667915

That's exactly what happens. That cook a ton of it before the lunch rush and then push all of it into a giant pile in the corner. They then reheat it over the griddle when you order it. I actually prefer buying my chicken over rice from a bodega, where at least you know the chicken is refrigerated before they cook it.

>> No.18668823

They're gross and their dance is stupid and forced.