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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18660106 No.18660106 [Reply] [Original]

You ARE growing your own food already , right?

>> No.18660122

No. I'm a lazy asshole. I have 5 nice acres at home. I basically just let 4 goats, 4 chickens, and one donkey just dick around in the yards all day. I'm not growing shit. I've got a couple pear and black cherry trees that were already here when I got the place. Man, I'm shitty

>> No.18660144

I live in an apartment

>> No.18660160

I have a backyard but I don’t really have a green thumb, sorry

>> No.18660166

I dont know if your trolling but that would be an impressive lifestock

>> No.18660170

Not this month haha but yes, I grow beans, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes, salad greens, sometimes radishes, more tomatoes.
The corn didn't do well this year.

>> No.18660180
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Not trolling, ESL bro

>> No.18660184
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you only have to plant once , and install irrigation , easy lazy solution
very nice

>> No.18660261

Oh lawd he comin

>> No.18660266
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She's so great. Have some more

>> No.18660272
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She's quite the proper lass. She's sitting next to her fish tank just chilling in this one

>> No.18660282

Do you molest the donkey? If not what's the point

>> No.18660294

No, but I pretend I do on /pol/.

>> No.18660304

Live in an apartment. Landlord won't allow it

>> No.18660315

She runs protection for the property. She's REALLY smart. It's kind of scary sometimes. Great pet. I highly recommend. Also, kys for being a coomer

>> No.18660387

Beautiful farm cat, jealous of your life, do you sell any of the eggs or goat milk?

>> No.18660422
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Selling that stuff would require me interacting with the public far too often. I just use the products and don't cull anything. Give away what I don't need. I also have a lot of quail. They aren't allowed to roam like the rest of the pets. Quail eggs are the very best though

>> No.18660429
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He's one from when my 4 chickens were just chicks. One got after her tail and she told it no

>> No.18660430
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They grow up fast

>> No.18660450

Do it anyways.

>> No.18660454

>Nice house from the looks of it
>Nice cat
>Owns a few acres of property
Not going to lie, I'm pretty jelly.

>> No.18660457

I did for a few years but can't be arsed anymore. Now it's just herbs and some tomatoes. Some zucchini when I feeling like it

>> No.18660460

it's winter fool

>> No.18660468

anon I hope some times you take a moment to ponder that chikuns are like dinosaurs in a way

>> No.18660537

I've never seen a real dinosaur but I know they've used chicken movements/features in like every cgi since jurassic Park. But, yes. They are definitely little raptors.

>> No.18660548
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It's December. So not right now. But my garden gets bigger every year. Planting tree and shrubs instead of new beds for the next few years. Maybe more grapes

>> No.18660550

Not in the souther hemisphere

>> No.18660555

What state? Is that a scrub palm in the weeds there?

>> No.18660559

how do you keep your garden so healthy anon? Specifically bugs not eating the leaves and al.

>> No.18660578

Don't onions grow during the winter?

>> No.18660585
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Maine. It's some flower bulbs I forgot to label.
I use soap, hand pick, mixed planting, and ducks

>> No.18660591

those are some nice ducks anon.

>> No.18660592

>I use soap, hand pick, mixed planting, and ducks
pls elaborate, my dad has a big garden and he plants all kinds of veggies there

>> No.18660626

You the one that slaughtered the duck and showed us pictures?

>> No.18660653

oh I see, you meant the ducks were doing the debugging process maybe? neat

>> No.18660680

Aww cool, same state.
York county here.

>> No.18660803
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That was me. I'm thinking about doing a thread when I take my frost try at rabbits soon
Planting flowers between things and smelly herbs and not planting large blocks of plants in the same family in the same bed. So a whole bed won't be brassicas or night shades etc. Not as effective on a garden this small but it helps.
They'll go through and eat all the grasshoppers and slugs they can find. They do a little bit of damage by trampling things but everything a trade off. They stay outside the fence most of the time. I want to experiment with some extra small breeds of duck and have them stay in permanently.
I live on the border near sebago lake. Glad I got this place well before the prices exploded again

>> No.18660862

long shot, but this could be fun, check this calendar
Do you see something you apply or you could apply? What got my attention was the "month of fumigations.". It's kind of silly cause Celts weren't known for being big farmers as far as I'm aware.

>> No.18660943

My half-acre plot is covered in mature trees and I don't wanna cut them down so not much can grow. Gonna try some more things this year but it won't be much

>> No.18660955

The celts hard large cities and towns at least during the period of Caesars conquests. They probably had everything the latins could grow adjusting for climate.

>> No.18660973

Look into ephemeral bulbs. It's not much. But it could be a nice addition to your spring.

>> No.18661021

Are there ones that are worth growing to eat? I was already planning to plant a bunch of ground covers and mosses that like shade

>> No.18661042
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Ginsing, ramps, hostas are edible.
I have inoculated shitake logs in my woody area. Unfortunately sunlight is very important to growing plants. Youre best bet would probably be raising a pig or some chickens or some such. They like the woods.

>> No.18661607

>taking care of poop, screams and feed
No thanks plants are fine for me
I'm limited in my options but there's still a few hours of sunlights in some spots

>> No.18661973


>> No.18662925

Kale, lettuce, spinach, etc will grow all be it slowly in that much light.

>> No.18663166

why do people grow things besides grass? vegetables are less nutritious and taste worse than beef so just grow grass and feed it to cows

>> No.18663187
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If you have little bit if estate chicken are literally just free meat and eggs growing
You don't even have to feed them most of the time

>> No.18663189

What if the point of raising your own horse/donkey in the backyard if you are not going to fuck it?

>> No.18663220

Tomatoes, peppers, beans, greens, herbs.
Grew some butternut squash last year, but it turns out that no one wants to eat that much butternut squash, so probably won't do that again.

>> No.18663328

if i wanted to grow inside what would yall recommend?

>> No.18663332

cherry tomatoes
grow fast
taste great
keep growing forever

>> No.18663688

There's that Youtube channel that does raised bed farming. Seems fun and easy on the back. If I wasn't a rentcel I'd try that. It's this guy:

There's an orange tree in our shared backyard. It's got a lot of fruits on it now. Nobody's taking care of it, but it still provides fruits.. They're good for juicing

>> No.18663738

I do what I can in my 2 bedroom Showbox

>> No.18665205

your jealous of his parents

>> No.18665231


>tfw my parents have their own greenhouse with an aquaponics system that grows so many veggies year-round that they're the largest donors to the local food bank

I mean it's rural but still quite remarkable how much they can grow in such a small area.

>> No.18665406

I have a full time job so no I don't have 50hrs a week to manage a homestead with a farm.

I'll instead use the money I earn for my work to purchase food grown by others.

Not everyone needs to be or should be a subsistence farmer, you derp.

>> No.18665412

what do donkeys even do

>> No.18665418

insecurity borne of dependence

>> No.18665440

I will be soon.
I bought some saucers for my gallon sized pots the other day at Gardenworks. They had run out of the saucers like 2 years ago when I picked up the plant pots there, so my plan of growing indoor veggies with a full set of pots filling my windowsill was put on hold.

I'm growing to grow my own lettuce to start. Big sexy lettuce. Fuck paying $5 for a head for lettuce. I have the seeds already. I just need to buy the soil at some point.

>> No.18665446

kek, I have a full time job, and still manage my place just fine. It doesn't take 50 hours a week though, unless you're literally John Townsend and only use sticks and chunks of sharpened rock.

>> No.18665449

So you're basically just a cash cow for the farmers and food producers?

>> No.18665956

How smart? Is she doing sign language like Koko the gorilla?

>> No.18666010

This guy is 100% larping and just lives with his parents who happen to own a farm. Goddamn you burgers are gullible.

>> No.18666015

That's cool. I wish my parents were still alive.

>> No.18666103


>> No.18667367

2 years?brah get started already :D

>> No.18667737
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>not growing copious amounts of alfalfa for cheap and easy calories. Doubles as insulation for your pillow too!

>> No.18667833

whats a good setup for indoor hydroponics? I need herbs but my coriander and mint plants always die outside.

>> No.18667901

Just start small. And grow some random herb

>> No.18667936

These Cleetuses are the Trump supporters you hear about in the news

>> No.18667985

Protect the animals and lands. Graze the grass. Be awesome. Tons of stuff. Just Google them

>> No.18667992

I'm 41 and my parents live 800mi away. Would be glad to prove it, retard.

>> No.18667996

Wrong. You have nothing. Stop projecting that

>> No.18668001

She has hooves but if she had hands, I guarantee sign language wouldn't be a problem. I'd be willing to bet they could learn a dozen and know what they mean/apply them.

>> No.18668670

>The colombian ha entered the chat

>> No.18668947

I'll take this opportunity to ask: can you recommend me a book or any other learning materials if I want to start from scratch? My aunt got a (very) small plot of land and we were talking about growing veggies there for us and some relatives, and I've been thinking about doing that even if it means more trips per month to her house.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.18668956

no, it's winter

>> No.18668978

The majority of posters here are grown men who live with their parents. Those troons don't have land to grow anything

>> No.18669003
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This is what the demoralizing shills want you to think. That what you see in threads like this isn't an easy goal. And that you should remain hopeless and in the grind. Fuck every one of these people

>> No.18669017

I'm a 35 years old autist with three kids and a house. Been here all summer.

>> No.18669025
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How do I clear out overgrown brush and put up a decent fence for animals /ck/? I live on a decent piece of property, but we let everything go to shit and I want to grow my own food.

Please help me, /ck/.

>> No.18669071
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How much do you want to spend, time/money wise?

>> No.18669081

>clear out overgrown brush and put up a decent fence
I don't know how to further explain such a simple straightforward thing

>> No.18669082

What are these?

>> No.18669083

baby steps anon, start by figuring out what you can support on your land, is the soil worth the effort or will you have to put up raised beds?
Could the brush be cleared out by animals like goats? prioritize the fence
Do you even want to deal with animals? Prioritize clearing the brush

>> No.18669090

i'm brewing a tasty load of protein in my balls for you, op. come and get it!

>> No.18669106

pour that sugar on me UwU

>> No.18669138

Kill predators

>> No.18669164


It can. I've grown a field of corn on it before. And a goat could eat some of it, but I guess I'd be able to clear the bigger stuff with a tractor. The only thing that worries me would be stumps of trees and cutting the taller ones down.

I already have two ducks that make good eggs and a pygmy goat.