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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18657945 No.18657945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18657950

the ones with no labels and just an expiry date

>> No.18657969

Corned beef hash easily. There's a reason it's never left rotation since WW2. It might look and smell like dogfood just like the can you'll get at Krogers, but it also taste exactly as delicious as it as well.

>> No.18657976

None of them. They're overpriced chef boyardee tier diarrhea sold for 20x the retail price to the government on the taxpayer's tab.

>> No.18658018
File: 185 KB, 600x600, white_castle_sliders-16ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You MRE eatin folk should at least get white castle burgers, 16ct here enough to share or else be a greedy fuck

>> No.18658036
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The cold-weather ones taste the best. Lrp are good too just add hot water.

>> No.18658075

I have to ask, what's lrp, larping or logisitcal recon provisions? Maybe something like that?

>> No.18658081

Long range patrol. Specialized rations that remove all the fluff in favor of calorie density for long term missions.

>> No.18658114

Thanks, got it.

>> No.18658116
File: 85 KB, 1051x1200, lr5u52k8rq951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this it's a big block of dehydrated food but man is it good. Also comes with chocolate that is not M&Ms.

>> No.18658127

I'm just here for the steve memes

>> No.18658129

Bruh, we all love Steve, he's as wholesome as it gets. But in no world can anyone describe reconstituted food as "oh man is it good.". I appreciate not being an angry shit poster, but you just can't.

>> No.18658131

i only watch his videos just incase he smokes a cigarette thats 50 years old or something

>> No.18658134

Those are actually kino, nothing better than watching him savor a 70 year old pack of chesterfields, god I wish that was me

>> No.18658136

It can be. If you're in the USA anyways. Any even moderately sized town has an army/navy surplus store. Every one I've been to has had cases of 40 year old rations they'll practically beg you to take. I usually grab some anytime I go camping. More than once I've gotten one old enough to have cigarettes in it still. Probably not many left, but you can still find them.

>> No.18658143

Chili mac

>> No.18658148

i know cigs are obviously easier but do you ever get rolling tobacco and papers?
id say rolling tobacco is more common in the uk than tailor made cigs but ive never seen an mre with it

>> No.18658166

Don't think US MREs ever had roll your owns. The government spends more to ship a pencil from one coast to the other than what song spends to ship a television across the ocean. They cannot compete with the market so we always had name brands. Usually camel and lucky strike. Very rarely some Marlboros.

>> No.18658182
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I'm not lying the dehydrated chicken and rice soup is fantastic.

>> No.18658189

You can enjoy it, that's fine. But it's not fantastic. It's edible.

>> No.18658204
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Bro I'm not joshing you if I made the real thing you could not tell the diff. Chicken and rice is an impossible meal to fuck up. Even the us military could not fuck it up.

>> No.18658209

soup is bulletproof

>> No.18658215

well not techincally, but youre not wrong

>> No.18658229
File: 55 KB, 200x200, 74188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might give too much credit to my fellow man but man if you can't cook a basic soup (bouillon cube, hot water, thin noodles) unironically end your suffering.

>> No.18658232

i meant physically soup is not bullet proof
but it wont effect it

>> No.18658233

If you made the real thing it wouldn't be reconstituted.

>> No.18658238

it's not it's dehydrated

>> No.18658240

australia/new zealand.

>> No.18658241

Which becomes what when you add water?

>> No.18658251


>> No.18658258

As verbs, the difference between reconstitute and rehydrate is that reconstitute is to construct something anew, or in a different manner while rehydrate is to restore water that has been removed or lost; to moisten something that has dried.

>> No.18658262

Making up definitions is fun, but no.

>> No.18658267


>> No.18658273

By the way, anew doesn't mean different. Quite the opposite. It means restored to it's original state. As in reborn. Not made in a new way.

>> No.18658279

I think Miriam Webster has more authority on definitions than wikidiff.

>> No.18658287
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>> No.18658291
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again or anew

>> No.18658299

: in a new or different form

OR different

>> No.18658306
File: 32 KB, 568x518, 7f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why sully Steve anon?

>> No.18658310

Now read the one for reconstitute now that we know you can read.

>> No.18658322


>> No.18658346

The chilli was good I didn’t like the chicken ones I ordered a fresh case before Covid hit just to try them after watching Steve.

They aren’t great but if you’re hungry and after a Hurricane without power or fighting a war they’re pretty good

>> No.18658351
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how the fuck did this become lit debate? I just said I liked the soup.

>> No.18658358

If you're autistic enough to spend your free time watching a stranger eat MREs on the internet, and you're not a grammar Nazi, what the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.18658364

Are these actually any good? Never had white castle before

>> No.18658374

> tokes 65 year old filterless dried out dank cigarette

>> No.18658380

I wish they had these in Canada.

>> No.18658385

Best in what sense? Are you a prepper, a larper, an outdoorsman, a collector, or an actual soldier?

You don't want MREs, they're not economic or efficient unless you're benefitting from a taxpayer-funded military supply line. You want a defensible homestead with immense stores of non-perishable drygoods and canned foods, combined with agricultural supplies and know-how, and hunting/fishing equipment/skills.

You want the latest & greatest official-issue MREs sold [illegally] on eBay or at sketchy gun shows. No civilian Mountain House sloppa or Costco "survival" buckets for you! Just don't scuff your $500 Cold Steel black tactical karambit opening the package.

An MRE can be a fun "treat" but be honest, you're usually not far enough away from home that some sausage, jerky, cheese, crackers, etc, wouldn't do the same job better.

You want the rarest 10/10 mint unopened numbered Kyrgyzstani yak stew, at least mildly radioactive, with certificate of authenticity signed in blood by the looters who removed it from the insurgent's corpse.

>Actual soldier
MREs in their proper context should provide baseline nutrition for highly active young men, well preserved for missions from forward-operating bases or survival situations--well preserved, as light as possible, edible without standard cooking facilities. They should also provide some morale boost and comfort ("a taste of home"). Even generally speaking, both of these factors depend on the nation and military force involved. Some forces never leave their country's backyards, others are frequently abroad in hostile territory. And of course, national tastes in food vary quite a bit. In NATO countries, MREs should also contain adequate HRT supplements.

>> No.18658401

i liked the fruitcake bars from the 90s. the cheese spread too. honestly il take anything from the 80s-90s. theres just something about those giant hardtact crackers man.

>> No.18658450

is Steve technically a collector?

>> No.18658455

Anything with tortillas and without a first strike bar. I like first strike rations because they’re more practical.

>> No.18658459

He's not "technically" a collector, he is a collector.

>> No.18658466

In more ways than one. I'll bet his gut biome is host to long dormant strains of botulism.

>> No.18658482

you're very gullible aren't you

>> No.18658502

No. They're the taco bell of burgers.

>> No.18658584

tinned hormel tortillas plus tinned wal-mart brand collard greens

>> No.18658586

They are what they are, maybe a little taste of home for people out in the shithole.

>> No.18658693

Steve transcends categories. He protec but he also attac. He hoards rations for that "museum" that he keeps talking about, but he also opens old rations on video and puts them in his body, physically uniting himself with zogchow spanning centuries and continents. He's been featured in the NY Times for a hobby about as glamorous as trainspotting, all while maintaining a beefy pump. He's a Chad Nerd and a Nerd Chad. Will he ever post again? Nobody knows. Download the vids and archive now.

>> No.18658700
File: 38 KB, 447x444, michaelscott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're getting paid to eat these, you're fucking it all up by eating these lol. In the Armed Forces? Congrats you're getting paid to eat these. Making Youtube money while eating these? Congrats you're making money while eating MRE's. Are you Jimbo eating these on a Saturday at your house/aspartment/mom's basement? Congrats you went out of your way to spend money on shitty food you weren't forced to eat. Good for you I guess?

>> No.18658748

>Steve trans
Rent free

>> No.18658767

>MREs in their proper context should provide baseline nutrition for highly active young men, well preserved for missions from forward-operating bases or survival situations--well preserved, as light as possible, edible without standard cooking facilities. They should also provide some morale boost and comfort ("a taste of home").
Don't forget that they need to make you constipated so that you're not having to shit every day when out on a mission.

>> No.18658785
File: 844 KB, 260x146, ScratchyHealthyHog-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw Steve1989MREInfo at a VFW gun show in Sanginaw, Michigan. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Nice." but he kept cutting me off and going "Nice? nice? nice?" and flexing his 'cep in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out of the VFW with like fifteen P-51 can openers in his hands without paying.

The fudd at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Boy, you need to pay for those first." At first Steve kept pretending to have PTSD and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When the fudd took one of the can openers and started scanning it multiple times, Steve stopped him and told him to scan them each individually "to prevent any 5G infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After he scanned each P-51 and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Steve kept interrupting him by groaning really loudly as if he had food poisoning.

>> No.18658789

It's Saginaw, idiot. Sanginaw doesn't exist.

>> No.18658838 [DELETED] 

I met Bill Murray at the airport
I was in the toilet washing my hands then my face. I was rinsing my face with my eyes closed when I felt someone walk behind me and start massaging my shoulders. I was so terrified I couldn't say a word, as soon as I got my eyes open I looked in the mirror and saw him grinning wide as fuck. I knew it was him because he was wearing a shirt with his username on it. Then he leaned in and whispered (almost in my ear) "No one will ever believe you" and left.

>> No.18658840

I met Steve at the airport
I was in the toilet washing my hands then my face. I was rinsing my face with my eyes closed when I felt someone walk behind me and start massaging my shoulders. I was so terrified I couldn't say a word, as soon as I got my eyes open I looked in the mirror and saw him grinning wide as fuck. I knew it was him because he was wearing a shirt with his username on it. Then he leaned in and whispered (almost in my ear) "No one will ever believe you" and left.

>> No.18658889

honestly they're all not bad except for the omelette

>> No.18658950

Just remember those airport gloryholes between the stalls, that was big hilarious news like 20 years ago. Hilarious to everyone except the US congress fags that were into it and got nailed doing that shit.
We all know, it's the government culture.

>> No.18658955

If you can afford to buy MREs to larp then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.18658962

kek I still make jokes about tapping your foot in a stall in the men's room to solicit gay sex

>> No.18659229

non military people who eat purposely eat MREs will never stop being cringe

>> No.18659253

Cheaper and better to just get freeze dried stuff

>> No.18659814
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>> No.18659867
File: 1.75 MB, 3968x2232, IMG_20220708_063802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in afghanistan recently and they are selling all these in their bazaars still, looted from american bases, picrel

>> No.18660093

looks like the civie mre's

>> No.18660199
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>> No.18660203

he's doing it for his work (youtube), thats a reason. And he has extensive interest in it

>> No.18660426
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>tfw no new steve for months
hope he's okay bros

>> No.18660478

he's fine he does vids for fun not money.

>> No.18660513

He went to volunteer in Ukraine in the summer anon. Said so on discord. No updates since but I'm sure he's OK

>> No.18660525






>> No.18660527

he was rubbing your shoulders to prevent electrical infetterence

>> No.18660616



>> No.18660619

You guys said that mre-empire.com was good, but they didn't even send me everything I paid for. Should I just e-mail them about this?

>> No.18660639

No bullshit I met him at the liquor store once. He was buying some $200 15 year old scotch when I came up behind him in the cashier line. He noticed I was looking at him and realize I recognized him and smirked and nodded at me. When the cashier wasn't looking, he stealthily grabbed a handful of those $1 sampler bottles and stuffed them in his jacket pocket. He turned back to smirk at me one more time and then turned back to the cashier. He folded his hand behind his back and held up a middle finger at me until he finished his transaction. I kept staring in disbelief as he walked out of the store, now he was pretending to rub the back of his neck as the walked, but he was just showing his middle finger again.

>> No.18660684

Ballsy dude

>> No.18660687

nah just suck it up

>> No.18660710


I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon

you should try it too

>> No.18660805

Why do you hit enter twice for a break

>> No.18660806

veggie omelet

>> No.18660819

Not that anon but creating a giant wall of text isn't all that great on the eyes. Double spacing creates nice paragraphs that aren't complete eyesores.

>> No.18661085

Ukrainian MREs are among the highest rated. Minimal reliance on sugar to inflate calorie counts. Hearty and appetizing.

Russian MREs were among the worst rated. Horrible oil separation, barely edible.

>> No.18661100

yeah, that way they can get constipated minus the miltary larp

>> No.18662388


>> No.18662419

Creamy spinach

>> No.18662431
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>> No.18662439
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 57kqtrc22je71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler didn't kill enough of you insufferable faggots

>> No.18662458

When I was in, it was Chili Macaroni

>> No.18663092

faggot youtuber

>> No.18663640
File: 1.36 MB, 3840x1606, meat_popsicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative, I am just a meat popsicle

>> No.18663648

White Castles don't make you constipated.

>> No.18663707

Propaganda aside:
> 24 hour ration includes wheat porridge with beef; rice and meat soup; beef stew; chicken with vegetables; pork and vegetables; crackers; biscuits; tea bags; coffee; blackcurrant drink; honey; sugar; black pepper; chewing gum; bar of dark chocolate; plastic spoons; moist wipes.
Sounds alright man.

>> No.18663718

That's a clear copypasta and you fell for it.
Don't be a homosexual troll feeder.

>> No.18663724

That seems odd, what about the ones from olde tymes where there were ciggies and matches?
Maybe that's not politically correct now.

>> No.18663728


>> No.18663733

That seems like something that michelle obama came up with.

>> No.18663749

I think the Italians still throw in a tiny amount of lunch liquor.
Absolutely not. Unlike corrupt politicians, the food is nutritious and not pizza counting as a vegetable serving. Apparently the coffee is bland as fuck, but overall the ration is very edible and very filling. I remember school lunches, I'd rather having a fucking European ration.

>> No.18663799

>7 months since last video

>> No.18663853
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>> No.18663898

>Pretending to have PTSD
I keked irl thank you anon, god bless

>> No.18663936

Is there anything cringier than innawood/military LARPers?

>> No.18663998

OK but after that "nutricious" meal, what's better than a nice smoke?

>> No.18664179

Chili mac by far. Burrito bowl is good too. The halal ones with spinach lamb are nice too but doesn't have great sides.

>> No.18665064

That seems decent and needs beers.

>> No.18665598

the one you mix and match yourself
trade for what you want and trade to get rid of what you dont want