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File: 569 KB, 978x577, 1FD76097-6C21-4502-8AC5-1DA0303807A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18650903 No.18650903 [Reply] [Original]

I had some chopped cheese in Brooklyn, now burgers are ruined for me.

>> No.18650967

>best sloppa-sandwich
>Chopped Cheese, NYC

Flyovers really can't do anything right, can they?

>> No.18650972

looks tasty but i dont wanna eat breathe or generally be around anything in nyc

>> No.18651024

Believe it or not, it’s pretty chill.
I think it’s because the mayor threw all the bums in the nut house.

>> No.18652081
File: 1.34 MB, 2084x2725, 20221128_123925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chop cheese enjoyer. That bread is nowhere near greasy enough though

>> No.18652086

Too bready unless that was some subway type shit

>> No.18652092

Sorry. But yeah. It had to happen.

>> No.18652120

>the 'quintessential' sandwich in the most culturally diverse city in America is a fucking hamburger
the ironing is palpable

>> No.18652153

He can’t just violate state law and I live in Manhattan and haven’t seen any change but keep throwing misinformation out there

>> No.18652163
File: 45 KB, 480x360, Maison+Pickle-French+dip-1-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maison pickle is a 10 minute walk from me and the french dips are fucking great. it's a big city anon, you can get literally anything you want lmao try not to seethe about it. things will get better for you.

>> No.18652184 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 600x800, girls_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be iowa, did you get an organic kombucha with that, or some artisanal small-batch rooftop micro greens? Chop cheese is for uptown and the bronx not lena dunham land. KYS and then return to your sunset town invader transplant

>> No.18652192

native new yorkers are, always, the dumbest people i meet in manhattan. like "oh wow you live in a shitty part of the bronx you're real new york wow" like jesus, what a fucking small town rube wannabe. the only interesting people i meet move here and live in midtown or financial district like me. sorry you couldn't be successful, sorry you had to have mom be your guarantor for your shitty bronx apartment, sucks to suck right.

>> No.18652201 [DELETED] 

I own a coop that I bought for $145k and is now worth $750k because I live within my means, looking forward to your interview with the post about "job creators moving to florida" because you couldn't cut it, retard

>> No.18652207

from my own experience with embellishing on the internet, i imagine about a quarter of this is true. that being said, you didn't say where your spiffy coop is located, which is highly suspect lmao. how's dressing like a homeless person so you don't get mugged when you step outside working out for you?

>> No.18652215

>I own a coop that I bought for $145k and is now worth $750k
bloody hell, do the chickens shit golden eggs??

>> No.18652240 [DELETED] 

Trying to flex on strangers by wearing sneakers with gold letters on them is for poor people. I would know, I see people like that on the subway all the time

>> No.18652243

nyc smells like poop, i went on a bus trip with my church and the stench on the street was crazy
glad to leave

>> No.18652254

i'm cracking up at how on point i am with you and your mannerisms. still ride the subway huh, sucks to not be able to walk to work, doesn't it lmao. literally zero respect for anyone from the bronx, bunch of fucking whiney babies 100% of the time incapable of being successful in the same city they base their entire personality off it, what a massive cope. enjoy the trains sweaty

>> No.18652264 [DELETED] 

Oh no a future florida man doesn't have any respect for me lol. Why are you even here? Nobody has any reason to go to midtown, it's a ghost town, nothing but crazy homeless people and people in BMWs robbing clubgoers at gunpoint. You probably don't walk around after dark, which gives you about 15 minutes to run outside and grab a sandwich at pret (are they still open? I wouldn't know)

>> No.18652277

my god dude you're such a scaredy cat. i'm walking down to see a broadway show tonight, gets out at 10 and i'll grab some drinks after. sorry your crippling anxiety keeps you pinned to the fucking bronx lmfao.
>it's a ghost town
jesus man, seriously, you should get out more, there's a ton of fun shit all over. there's a modest mouse concert literally on the next block over from me i'm going to in a couple weeks. tons of cool shit.
>why are you even here
I came here to laugh at you, and how your entire personality is getting mad that other people are more successful and happy than you are in the place that you ***erroneously*** feel defines you as a person.

>> No.18652289 [DELETED] 

Can't leave your rental without jumping at the sight of your own shadow because someone might steal your impressive $300 sneakers but hey, you're a real tough guy, that's cute

BTW everything north of 59th street isn't "the bronx", "harlem" or "where the columbia is", but you wouldn't know because crazed homeless people stole all the maps downtown

>> No.18652293

you just couldn't understand how amusing it is that you're terrified of "cop on every corner, bumbling tourist" midtown lmfao. i understand if you can't reply right away because you're on the train, though, try not to get shanked

>> No.18652299

Jew York should be nuked

Disgusting rats in a rat nest

>> No.18652301

>it's a 2 jew yorkers seeing who can out-kvetch the other episode
best thread on /ck/

>> No.18652304


>> No.18652314 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 1736x668, average_day_in_midtown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm safe because I'm surrounded by cops
Lol, I'm safe because I know my neighbors and they know me, have fun getting shot or ignored by police, depending on their mood that day

>> No.18652321

Ayo come to Brooklyn
Dey got dat ding
Whaddya call it?
>Chopped cheese
Yeah duh chopped cheese
You aint had nothin like dis heah
Dese mutha fuckas dey dont know what real food is
Get a chopped cheese with de ah fuckin grease its fuckin awesome, cmon.

>> No.18652324

no, you're right, midtown is super spooky, you'd hate it here, please stay in the bronx, thx

>> No.18652346

They think they are different species of rats

>> No.18652579

You’re right. I fucked up royally.
I came to NY from a So-Cal surf ghetto. My visit was basically limited to Williamsburg, Greenwich Village, Midtown and Central Park. I haven’t felt much safer in my life.
I’m used to stark raving mad junkies lurking around every gas station, liquor store or bus stop.
It’s not the only ‘quintessential sandwich’ though. There’s also Pastrami, Corned Beef, Brisket and Italian sandwiches. Not sure if gyro wraps count, but Halal food carts outnumbered the dirty water dogs.

Chopped cheese is more like the quintessential burger of New York.

>> No.18652905
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x1908, 20221124_220057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my chopped cheese

>> No.18652913

>this guy is a literal double coastie

I feel fucking sick

>> No.18652967

If we could you limp wrist nigger loving fags would just find something else to be elitist about

>> No.18652997
File: 38 KB, 500x390, carnegie deli reuben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some good jewish delis in NY but I guess you can get that anywhere now

>> No.18653028

I give it a sideways out of fuck you.

I'd eat it.

>> No.18653043

>a downie fucked up making a burger at the local bodega so they had to chop up the patty and throw it on a sub roll
>waoww our regional specialty!!
how is this unique again? I'm sure it's good, but, this is embarassing.

>> No.18653050
File: 69 KB, 800x1200, Authentic-Philly-Cheesesteak-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopped cheese look like a shit version of a cheesesteak

>> No.18653097

That doesn’t look good

>> No.18654515

Cali bro here.
There’s one Philly cheese steak shop in the bay.
Absolutely none in socal