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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.17 MB, 1882x1061, Screenshot_20221130-182356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18645647 No.18645647 [Reply] [Original]

what did we think of his latest video, bros https://youtu.be/6K_S6ULRFhM

mods, if you're deleting this thread you need to delete >>18645172 too

>> No.18645670

as always it was decidedly juicy
he deserves a hand for this latest vid

>> No.18645687

is that his wife having to help him?

>> No.18645862
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>> No.18645879
File: 524 KB, 705x900, jonhck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh oh
chef john would never do that

>> No.18645967

His last video is a re-upload of a previous video he did last year. Guy is out of content

>> No.18645970

Wait.....he turned comments back on? When?!

>> No.18645971

Ragusa threads are paid advertisements, dude. They never get deleted.

>> No.18646020

>mods, if you're deleting this thread you need to delete >>18645172(Cross-thread) too
why? Adam paid for advertising rights, j*ck didn't. Fuck off with your free advertising.

>> No.18646044

Daily reminder to check your fucking flame, f@ggotS

>> No.18646064
File: 2.89 MB, 853x480, jack seasoning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jack.

>> No.18646079

what confuses me the most is why did he add it to the glass jug
and then just add it to another bowl, was it sterilised or something ?

>> No.18646156

Anyone else remember that time when Ragusa forgot to pay his advertising fees on the first of the month? I want to say it was this past October, and when he went to bump his thread it started auto-saging and he freaked out and started making new threads which immediately got deleted. It was almost an entire week before he went back to posting his threads like clockwork.

>> No.18646164

He was measuring it in the measuring jar instead of just....using as much as he needed and seasoning it. its not like it was only two ingredients or anything

>> No.18646182

foodja/ck/s do it for the glory, that's something ragfags will never understand

>> No.18646191

There's no such thing as "ragfags". It's literally Ragusa himself making those threads and bumping them for days. The saddest part is that he often posts negative things about himself because he's seen jack threads and thinks he can turn himself into a meme and get people to hate watch his videos, but it's painfully obvious that it's just him trying to force something.

>> No.18646193

and im still non the wiser

>> No.18646217

I'm not sure I've seen a single webm of this guy, maybe if he wants attention he should try putting on a show

>> No.18646229

He's probably posting his shit on a dozen other forums. He basically just stops by when his thread is towards the bottom of the catalog and bumps it with a one sentence throwaway line that isn't addressing anyone or trying to start any kind of conversation. He's too stupid and lazy to actually put in any effort. He's counting on people here actually doing the work for him just by virtue of the fact that there's always a thread with his face in it in the catalog.

>> No.18646257

kek i was surprised to find a bigger yt make a vid on Jack pretty recently. been a while since our stroke victim got some limelight

>> No.18646272

Ragusea has 2 million subs
Hes the new Babish
Jack is a nobody
Soychad won

>> No.18646288

Being a nobody is part of Jack's appeal. he's the everyday man struggling in the kitchen. When you watch him you know he puts his shirt on one arm at a time just like everyone else.

>> No.18646390

>at a time

>> No.18646615

Puts his shirt on with one arm*

>> No.18646621

True, I unironically like him, even though he clearly knows nothing about cooking or any other subject he talks about. It might be because he's authentic and just shows his retardation to the world. Shit video quality and the intro straight from the 90s are a factor too. Opposite of scripted, engineered fags like Ragusea.

>> No.18646674
File: 2.91 MB, 720x480, jack13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately all you do for recovery from strokes like he had is exercise it (basically move it around a bunch) for an hour or so every day. He's going to be dead in 10-15 years regardless and he's just okay with a totally dead arm that could be fixed? I just don't get it. Usually people are this defeatist if they're on hard drugs and don't care anymore but his keto shit makes me think he does? What is going on?

>> No.18646678

>Usually people are this defeatist if they're on hard drugs
youve never met someone as chronically obese as jack, food IS THERE DRUG

one of my old roommates would walk over to the convenience store and buy $15 worth of snacks/candies/soda and consume it all in like 20 minutes

>> No.18646687
File: 128 KB, 1108x1098, 515622fc-25de-4d05-ab69-e428fd6a546a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir another stroke has hit the Scalfani

>> No.18646689

its weird seeing old jack vids where he uses both hands because im so used to him having a useless bloated gnarled claw

>> No.18646762

He's one of those "devout" Christians who thinks it's God's job to deliver him from evil as long as he regularly attends church.

>> No.18646803

it can't be fixed any more it's completely dead at this point

>> No.18646811

I got a 3 day site wide ban for saying Uncle Rodger made a video on him :|

>> No.18646829

>making digusting, freeze-dried Thanksgiving "food" for a kid in the military stationed in Germany
>thinking he wouldn't be able to get turkey and mashed potatoes in fucking Germany
Those videos might be the stupidest thing he's ever done

>> No.18646836

Croutons, black celery, and two pounds of sausage being stuffing might be one of his "best" dishes

>> No.18646882

I was quietly hoping that he'd post a thanksgiving episode where he defrosts all that shit and shows us how it turned out, but he never did which really makes you think

>> No.18646883

If it was seriously in necrosis the doctor would have amputated it to prevent infection.

>> No.18646888

He promised he was going to show the freeze drying process so that must not have gone well.

>> No.18646935

an italian woman refused to share a cookie recipe with me once because she was convinced my country doesn't have almond meal

>> No.18646958
File: 2.61 MB, 640x360, jackpork.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be sad because it's over
>be happy because it happenned

>> No.18646980

I think he's out of arms

>> No.18646998

I used to work in stroke rehab. Some people never get better despite trying.
Jack, however, is NOT trying and he does look like a patient who could get better if he did.
He's a lazy retarded asshole who would rather virtue signal about going to church than spend some time every day doing exercises.

It's neurological damage. The arm is fine but the communications with the brain ain't. It is literally all in his head.

>> No.18647006

what does/did he do for a living? like, how does he afford a house, a family, while being a fat slob?

>> No.18647014

I guess there's a trickle of income from the Youtube and the sauces but his wife, who is an accountant, probably covers most of the bills.
As far as I know, Jack has not worked a real job for at least a decade.

>> No.18647037

His wife isn't an appealing woman. But Jack seeming like a guy that she needs to keep around even after their children are adults feels like a horror movie plot point. His dick must be massive.

>> No.18647052

He doesn't make shit off YouTube and his sauces aren't even available in store anymore. His wife is the one making money while he just films a couple videos per week. He hasn't had a real job since the 90s

>> No.18647082

I remember this lmao

>> No.18647111

This is a ja/ck/ board retard. Notice how this thread has far more activity than Adam's?

>> No.18647114

Maybe he has a pension.

>> No.18647116

i imagine jack just milks his 'sickness' (being overweight and having had a heart attack) and keeps telling his wife "ill go back to work when i feel better" (never)

>> No.18647121

He was fired, so unlikely

>> No.18647128

I habent watched ja/ck/ on the go in a while, but there was a string of several uploads where Tammy is visibly annoyed and short with Jack. To be fair, he was acting like a literal retard constantly asking
>wait what are we eating again
>Tammy answers
>ok *takes a bite* wow I don't think we ordered this
>Tammy confirms they did order it and she just told him what it was

>> No.18647131

This is literally every jack on the go video

>> No.18647146

Makes you wonder just how bad it was if it made Jack go "I shouldn't put this on Youtube"

>> No.18647160

>useless bloated gnarled claw

>> No.18647165

3 strokes

>> No.18647203

Im still sure his entire channel is just very dedicated shitpost.