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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 363 KB, 880x1000, 1669891453.254283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18644287 No.18644287 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18644295

I had a really nice shit today. Liquid squirts. Really cleaned me out.

>> No.18644296


>> No.18644297

Thought thought he farted but really he shit his pants

>> No.18644304
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>> No.18644305

None at all, I try not to think.

>> No.18644308

you dont like the netherlands?

>> No.18644353

Jägermeister reporting in

>> No.18644354

Also WTF that's not Arme Ritter.

Arme Ritter is like French Toast and not a cheese Sandwich

>> No.18644363

Amazing. Literally every good dish listed in that image is from either Bayern or the Black Forest. Why didn't the north ever make anything decent?

>> No.18644392
File: 228 KB, 1200x800, snirtjebraten_width_1200-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they always claim bratwurst and schweinebraten being Bavarian?
Also Frisia needs pic related.

>> No.18644434

Who does?

>> No.18644444
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Only ever been to DUDEWEEDsterdam
Pretty ok

>> No.18644452

No their walls just broke, the entire country is under the sea now.

>> No.18644454

nice quads
I mostly find the Dutch insufferable so I tend to not visit

>> No.18644463

whats your favorite dish that involves fish?

>> No.18644530
File: 57 KB, 645x851, 1669909638104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Germans and I appreciate their culture, but even a Germanyaboo like me puts his hands up with German food. Brehs it's just not very good, there I said it. You gotta wonder why the largest European minority has limited cultural impact in regards to their traditional foods when compared to other ethnicities like Italians in America. The only German food in America of note is bastardized versions like hamburgers and hot dogs, foods that no longer resemble their predecessors.

Regardless, I can't think of any German dishes that really inspired me with much excitement like other cuisines can. Most regional German varieties seem to just be variations in sausages, bread, and beer. And if we're being honest that seems like what most German meals are; a couple sausage links, some bread, and a glass of beer. No sauces, no special seasoning, nothing that melts my panties. I live in a big city that's known for it's German settlers, and we have a grand total of 2 German restaurants in a metro area of over 8 million. I mean common guys, that's not good.

>> No.18644539

yeah, that looks pretty German

>> No.18644543

I like the white cabbage salad

and even pizza delivery gave me a side of salad
in america, side salads are beyond shit especially fast food

>> No.18644547

Most germans like me would outright admit that our food is shit.
I live in a city of ~120k people and theres only 1 (one) german restaurant. The others are italians, chinese, greeks, turks, or Sushi
Also most young germans don't really cook traditional food at home.
Chilli Con Carne, Spaghetti and Fried Rice are probably more popular than any of the foods in the OP image

>> No.18644556

1. South
2. East
5. Central
6. North
9001. West

>> No.18644564

Surely it couldn’t have anything to do with the tsunami of anti-German propaganda and laws leading up to WWI and continuing to this day.

>> No.18644568

I like when germans take credit for kebab and get all excited about teaching the german way of making kebab (on youtube for example)

>> No.18644600
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>he thinks I didn't know that shit happened

Its a testament to the resilience of German culture that foods like hot dogs and hamburgers weren't eliminated all together. But even if German culture was completely obliterated in America after ww2, that wouldn't change the fact that modern German food just isn't very interesting or good enough to warrant having a bunch of restaurants and imitators, like other cuisines. You don't see hundreds of German all over the place, not because people are too afraid of their stores being burned down in an anti German pogrom; they don't exist because nobody would go to them bedsus German food just isn't that good.

>> No.18644603

It's so gay
Kebab is kino though

>> No.18644604
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I love German sushi

>> No.18644612

Barely anyone actually knows or eats the foods in OP pic.

The only reason I even know foods like Arme Ritter or Knieper Kohl is because my mom used to cook the recipes she grew up with

>> No.18644637

It's a shame because Germans seem to have cool foods, but when I visited it was a little limited. Reminds me a lot of Poland, except Poles still like to cook their own dishes. You're sort of in between abyss that is Scandinavia and UK and high tier stuff like Italy and France. I love to joke and say Spaniards are actually tan Germans with better temperament as half of their dishes are potatoes and they're the biggest beer drinkers in Southern Europe.

>> No.18644681

amsterdam was my least favorite place because of that culture. it was like a Seattle coop with a rembrandt background, but somehow with even more piss.

>> No.18644703
File: 279 KB, 764x702, karte-1-887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visit Drenthe instead :)

>> No.18644711

pharisaer looks nice, what is it?

>> No.18644712
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1549742527025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Seelachs is fucking delicious.

>> No.18644717

coffee with brown rum and whipped cream on top

>> No.18644718

you had me at rum, gonna make that myself frfr

>> No.18644720

I also visited Leiden and found it very comfortable. I am not in the vicinity to visit Drenthe atm.

>> No.18644727

sweet pastries are the only decent part of our cuisine. Maybe Klöße because it's so unique (basically big gnocchi). German sausage and ham is overrated as fuck and other countries like Poland and Italy mog us in this department. Most dishes are just sad and a waste of good ingredients.

>> No.18644746

German food is some of the best. It's not flashy like French dining, nor is it exotic like Indian, nor is it focuses on fresh ingredients like Italian. German cuisine is the home cooked meal, the dependable stomach filler that nevertheless manages to be delicious.
German cuisine has a few staples. Bread, kraut, pigs, potatoes, soup greens, herring, mushrooms, berries, apples, hazelnuts. We squeeze out whatever variance we can from those ingredients. Where other cuisines have five types of bread, we have 500. Yet it all remains simple enough that a housewife can cook pretty much every single German dish in her kitchen.

>> No.18644760

German food besides cakes seems rather hard to bastardize for the American taste.
Warm liver and blood wurst is the shit, but i cant imagine eating it with a honey bbq glaze

>> No.18644768

Same brah. I lost count of how many scoops of coffee I put in the basket this morning, took about 20 minutes for that first cup to turn my normally rock solid guts into a pyroclastic shit slide that would put the mount saint Helen's eruption to shame

>> No.18644774
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>> No.18644792

>No Elsass

>> No.18645072

It's French, sorry.

>> No.18645139

Mediterranean and more southern areas (this includes india, china, mexico etc.) always had had a richer cuisine due to a greater number of availble ingredients and less need to keep things well preserved for long winters. They also had a large number of emigrants opening restaurants for lack of other options.
Also, but this is american-specific: A large part of "american" cuisine is similar to german one. That's no surprise - english (whose cuisine also shares similarities with german, though we like to deny it) and german are the largest historical immigrant groups. Hence a restaurant serving mainstream german dishes wouldn't be a big novelty, it'd have to sell special stuff like in OP.

>> No.18645236
File: 378 KB, 880x1000, 1669900736640930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea it is hilarious.

>> No.18645405

a lot of savory
probably lots of sodium too

>> No.18647086

Thank you for writing so beautifully and aptly

>> No.18647112

Did it ever occur to you that you’re just a flaming homosexual?

>> No.18647286

Do you retards even understand the things that you are talking about before you type out your essays? Unless you're some 50 year old American boomer, you should know better that French is opposite of "flashy". Half of the most famous dishes are heavy, savoury dishes with thick sauces and lots of meat, like pot au feu and beef bourguignon. One of my favourite things are andouillettes. You probably googled 'French cuisine', saw some haute cuisine dishes and then reinforced it with fifty other boomer memes before deciding, 'Yup, I'm an expert of French food now'. Half of this board still believes Italians use a lot of garlic for seasoning too, JFL.

>> No.18647466

>Half of this board still believes Italians use a lot of garlic for seasoning too, JFL.
Americans think the same about French cuisine.

>> No.18647481

It's insane how much of American perception of Europe is still based on boomer memes. Lots of France has similar climate to Germany, so it isn't like the ingredients are much different, French are just better at cooking (not to say Germans are shit, they have lots of traditional stuff that is interesting, but sadly they don't respect their own food tradition as much as nations like Italy or France).

>> No.18647538

Most of the well known French dishes even are from the nordic or central regions. I don't get the France is mediteranian meme.
France's biggest advantage is their creativity desu. They use much more techniques, herbs/spices, spirits etc. in their cooking although they basically stay in the same food tradition as Germany, which only gets creative with seasonings, when it comes to sausages.

>> No.18647560
File: 48 KB, 560x420, cotechino-con-lenticchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, much like Italy, where the North has a lot of heavy dishes with polenta and lentils, and traditionally butter was used more than olive oil. I think France can more or less be split down in langues d'oc as far as Med food goes. Pic related is very typical of the North, but this is not what people imagine when they hear of Italian food. This is delicious as fuck though.

>> No.18647562
File: 141 KB, 1000x563, cibo tapulone polenta-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example. Polenta with donkey meat sloppa.

>> No.18647571
File: 65 KB, 900x730, vitello_tonnato2-900x730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine what these clueless tards would think if this was served instead of some meme "Mediterranean flavours", which is completely made up bullshit by an American author.

>> No.18647578
File: 441 KB, 1280x960, fritto misto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that different from Germany I'd like to think.

>> No.18647581
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>> No.18647591
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Fegato_alla_veneziana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in Germany, I noticed that lots of Germans sort of look down upon their own food. When they think of Italy, they think of this idealized image of cuisine from the South, herbs, etc. Meanwhile they don't need to look any further than just across the southern face of Alps to see that these sort of dishes can be very dignified.

>> No.18647614

Man I would *really* like a Fischbrötchen right now...

>> No.18647656

Why did you sink Borkum into the sea?

>Bremer Klaben
>not in Bremen
Where is Matjes? Where is Mehlpüt?
I also don't see a single Frikadelle, and the Northern German tea ceremony is ignored entirely.

As a norf german, I feel unrepresented.

>> No.18647685

Germ food is dogshit, with the exception of that raw mince on bread. Even then it would be better if it was rye bread.

Central european food in general is atrocious (poland/germany/czech rep/austria) which is weird considering all their neighbours have decent to great cuisine, and at least a few great dishes.

>> No.18647693

Polish food is very good. Probably the best of the area.

>> No.18647714

Their good food is basically eastern european food, but worse. I can give poles flaki and zurek, but the rest is either german-tier meat-and-potatoes or a shitter version of eastern european dish, like pierogi vs dumplings.

Imo czech is best of region.

>> No.18647716

I like all those things and they do them way better with more variety than their neighbours.

>> No.18647717

Well, at least it's not british food.
I'd rather eat french food tho

>> No.18647730

Well you should stop liking them.

>> No.18647734

Friendship with Poland terminated... now Czechia is my best friend

>> No.18647790

>easteen Europe has better food than central Europe
Soviet bot detected.

>> No.18647803
File: 54 KB, 676x385, stoveti-kaposti-50557125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with him. More variety, and even if it is a lot of meat and potatoes, there's many somewhat unusual things, such as kefit, kvass, etc. Germans don't even know the best uses for cabbage, which is pic related and borsch and cabbage soup (served with sugar as condiment).

>> No.18648060

Cabbage soup exists in Germany too. Just google Kohlsuppe.

>> No.18648067

there isnt a single east european dish that wasnt stolen from germany

>> No.18648082
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>> No.18648147

Do you eat it with sugar specifically? If not then it is not the same thing.
Cepelinai, Borscht, kvass, etc. Germans don't have monopoly on potatoes or slabs of pork either.

>> No.18648226

>Do you eat it with sugar specifically? If not then it is not the same thing.
Obviously not as we are not retarded.

>> No.18648236
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>> No.18648237

It's not the same dish at all then, it specifically requires sugar to balance the flavour. Stop posting immediately you retarded autist.

>> No.18649901

>Most regional German varieties seem to just be variations in sausages, bread, and beer.

Let me guess, you NEED more?

>> No.18650980

Extremely based, if you move to another country you should assimilate.

>> No.18651085

lived 30 years of my miserable life in Germany. never once stepped food into Aldi Süd because I refuse to visit south. What am I missing?

>> No.18651089

>no sauces.
try some actual german food you ameribrained reptoid.
>hot dogs and burgers (arguably the MOST POPULAR FOODS ON PLANET EARTH) are just German Inspired and not really German


>> No.18651102

Better food, better beer, cleaner streets, nicer people. And aldi süd, but it's not much different to aldi nord really.

>> No.18651241

Nah, there are a lot of sauces. But most of them are vinegar based so they might not come off as a condiment. That or sour cream.

The name already says it. Most traditional German foods were traditional because they were poor people food and easy to make. Now granted, that's basically all traditional cuisine.
In this case it was specifically the post-war generations that were both living in prosperity as well as alienated from their culture that left it behind, aka once again boomers fucked it up.

>> No.18651284

>Better food, better beer, cleaner streets, nicer people
Is this opposite day Germany you live in?

>> No.18651286

You know it's true saupreis.

>> No.18651293

Even the east is better than the south. At least they add hops to their beer or spices to their food.

>> No.18651298

based and Grühnkohl-pilled

>> No.18651303

>At least they add hops to their beer or spices to their food.
You have never been here and it shows.

>> No.18651316

He never said it was the same dish you actual retard.

>> No.18651335

>bug m-muh stolen dishes
Learnt to read, moran.

>> No.18651342

the bavarian inferiority complex strikes again

>> No.18651378

He never said that it was stolen. Just that cabbage soups (which are different from the one you mean) exist in Germany.

>> No.18651388
File: 682 KB, 1536x2048, E0tLgibWUAM-OpK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but do you have cat in wok?

>> No.18651453
File: 43 KB, 640x504, BakingCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashallah, I bake cats

>> No.18651458

German bros why did u do that...

>> No.18651591

Don't like most regional specialities. I make mine sweet-sour like how I know from home (like Rippenbraten, Hühnerfrikassee, Sauerfleisch or Königsberger Klopse).

>> No.18651628

Merkel commands, and we bake

>> No.18651940
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>> No.18652125

Cope harder

>> No.18652194

What the fuck is Rheinischer Sauerbraten doing in northern Westphalia?

>> No.18652258

It's a bit of a shame how relatively rare most of these food have gotten over the years.
Much of the stuff from the pic is actually quite good, but our relation to food is horribly utilitarian and we never developed any genuinely fine dining or decent food culture.
Wolfgang Pohrt, an infamous marxist intellectual edgelord, brought back in 1981 the quote below for a good reason:
>"May elsewhere the traditional lifestyles of entire nations have fallen victim to American cultural imperalism, in Germany American cultural imperialism didn't bring barbarianism but civilization. In this country every new branch of the McDonalds hamburger chain is a new island of hospitality and enrichment of the dining culture."

>> No.18652398


>> No.18652404

Ask anyone in the world to describe German culture and they will immediately begin describing Bavarian culture. Cope and seethe irrelevant Prussian piss stain.

>> No.18652426

>Bavarian culture
Oh you're actually proud of the stereotype of the fat lederhosen man carrying around beer mugs and pretzels wherever he goes? You do you my man

>> No.18652457

I'm going to Germany next year.
I'll be there for over a year.
Any good and simple recipes? I'll be living alone and I want to know what people usually eat there.

>> No.18652517

>fat lederhosen man carrying around beer mugs and pretzels wherever he goes
sounds like a proper lad, I'd love to hang out with him

>> No.18652531

>fat lederhosen man carrying around beer mugs and pretzels
Basiert und rotgepillt

>> No.18652534

pasta with apfelmus

>> No.18652538

>what people usually eat there.

Pizza, Spaghetti (Bolognese), Döner, Schnitzel mit Pommes

>> No.18652547

I don't speak kraut, faggot

>> No.18652574

Kraut is a German word. You don't even have your own word for Kindergarten LMAO

>> No.18652749
File: 3.75 MB, 4032x3024, 9AE5616A-D475-41FF-B94A-60A897DE9D9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my setup

>> No.18653042

Depends heavily on the area you are going to be living in.
Bavaria? Berlin? NRW? Saxony? Hamburg?

>> No.18653601

>india, china, mexico
what else do they have besides stir fry slop in a flatbread and occasionally a soup

>> No.18653619

properly made franzbrotchen are god tier on par with the best french pastry

>> No.18653622

thumbnail looked like chile and sea bass

>> No.18653752


>> No.18653758

I love his grumpy little face

>> No.18655474


>> No.18655502

I'll be living in Nuremberg

>> No.18655550

English is a mutt language, taking elements from every other European language over the course of 3000 years until it morphed into its current form.

>> No.18655636

Do you like Kässpatzle and Maultaschen? Those are pretty good (if done right). Why wouldn't anyone like fresh egg noodles with fried onions, tasty aged cheese and chives?

>> No.18655640

Are you American? Maybe we could meet up and cook together.

>> No.18655721

Frankonia is one of the best regions in Germany when it comes to food and beer.

>> No.18655775
File: 773 KB, 1280x853, Elisen gem-schnitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you must exclusively live off LEBKUCHEN

>> No.18656974
