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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18639023 No.18639023 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys cope with knowing Teflon is everywhere in life, likely already in you because of non-cooking reasons, and largely does nothing to you unlike what all the FUD claims when trying to get you to buy expensive meme pans?

>> No.18639080

The catch is these companies lie about the safety of products, and pay for false studies to make their products seem entirely harmless. Though otherwise, if you fully believe that it's not harmful to your body, you still must acknowledge its harmful for the environment and well shit, you live in said environment and eventually all the corporate eco dumping adds up.
> How do you guys cope
Though there is not much you can do to fight corps as an individual, in capitalism we vote with our dollars - so buying non Teflon options is a good place to start.

>> No.18639085

For me, it's hard-anodized non stick pans.

>> No.18639111
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not using teflon pan
didn't take the vax
deal with it

>> No.18639118
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did Teflon make Adam's wife have that tooth gap? or is that just genetic?

>> No.18639121

mouth breathers both of them

>> No.18639130

You missed the point. Teflon is used practically everywhere. Cookware is just the only obvious application since they come out and tell you.

>> No.18639135

she looks like that from gnawing on his cob

>> No.18639173

I mean it seems like you made the assumption im stupid and uninformed about plastic contaminants in other products too. I'm one of those people with limited plastic in the house, cotton only clothes, don't use cosmetic products, and don't buy much of anything due to corporate distrust. And YOU seem to be missing the point, that reason it's so widely discussed related to cookware is because you can visibly see the coating flaking off and so obviously its being ingested, which then ingesting would be more exposure to the toxin than other examples like driving a car with teflon components.

>> No.18639592

Don't care, I put it in my coffee grinder

>> No.18639710

It doesn't matter. It's in essentially all water supplies, in the rain, in almost all animals and plants you might eat for food. You are 100% heavily contaminated with plastics and such even if you live like an Amish farmer.

>> No.18639716

I like teflon

>> No.18639735

That’s an interesting thought. I’d like to see the Amish tested for modern “forever chemical” pollutants, microplastics, as well as signs and symptoms of endocrine disruption like sperm count and taint measurements. That would be interesting. Ditto for remote indigenous groups like the feisty motherfuckers on that one island off the coast of India.

>> No.18639767
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Teflon is relatively safe. It's completely inert in most daily cooking usage.
Took multiple material classes in my engineering degree and had to do a final presentation on it which scored me an excellent grade.
I just won't get behind the scummy company at all, the fucking suck niggerballs. The major issue is the sheer disregard for anything other than their profits and the way they just poisoned and killed thousands of people without caring, and got away with it. Same shit with purdue. Murimutts will never cease to amaze it.
Just for that I'd recommend anything else.

>> No.18639869

If they are finding micro-plastics at the bottom of the sea I doubt there is a human being on the planet that does not have those substances in them. Wasn't that actually an issue the CDC ran into when trying to find blood samples without teflon? Pretty sure I read that somewhere.

>> No.18639881

Teflon is inert, all the chemicals used in its manufacture aren't and seep into groundwater supplies.

>> No.18639940

makes my shit slide right out.

>> No.18639982

>You missed the point
no, he got the point right. don't listen to "uh ACHTUALLY" redditors.

>> No.18639988

I bet she makes a good spaPeggy and meatballs.

>> No.18640538

sad to think about but if that's the case then it still doesn't hurt to reduce your exposure since most of these questionable chemicals could be considered safe in smaller amounts but overexposure is when it becomes toxic. Saying "it doesn't matter" is wrong. Another good example is (USA) we have all our crops covered in glyphosate herbicide and its also considered safe in smaller amounts but does that mean I shouldn't bother washing the fruit and veg since they're all fucked? No shit, i'm still going to wash my produce to get any lingering surface chemicals off to reduce my exposure. or just buy organic

>> No.18640542

me again, relating this back to the pans, so then why would I choose a teflon pan when i could pick stainless steel or cast iron? why purposefully choose the teflon coated pan when you know you're already heavily exposed to teflon against your will?

>> No.18640862

They tested Amazonian tribes in the 60's and found the same.

>After taking samples of the Yanomani’s blood, Neel discovered that the tribe’s levels of heavy metals and other environmental toxins were similar to Westerners’.

>> No.18640867

of course it fucking matters. it matters even more. if you're inevitably exposed to shit then it makes absolute sense to limit said exposure to the maximum extent of your capabilities
it's like saying "bananas are radioactive and you eat bananas all the time so might as well lick some uraniun rods, iT doEsNt mAtTeR"

>> No.18640894

You should still wash organic produce. Most organic farms use pesticides - they just can’t be ‘created by humans’ so they find similarly toxic chemicals that are found in nature - which doesn’t make them safe in any way.

>> No.18641246
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dont you think this post is a bit mean?

>> No.18641252

holy fucking based

>> No.18641265
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>my kids are going to grow up not knowing what a polar bear is because a fraction of the population got to have Teflon for a few decades

Feels bad man! Feels real bad.

>> No.18641268

bitch just tie that shit closed with some floss goddamn

>> No.18642041

You wonder if the brazilian gov't scrambles to get some actors to pose as natives for the tourism dollars.