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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18635019 No.18635019 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old or confused, drinking anything cozy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18624763

>> No.18635029

If we're gonna do anime OPs can you at least find screenshots that don't look like dogfood?

>> No.18635059

Why is the Wilfa Uniform (plus optional) not in the pastebin as a recommended grinder?

>> No.18635062

No. Every time you mouth off from now on, I'll drop the image quality.

>> No.18635070

Blown the fuck out by the ode. Better adjustment, access to 64mm burrs, and you don't pay for a dogshit scale.

>> No.18635072

>the slave we let make the thread's getting uppity again
Lmao even

>> No.18635081
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>> No.18635093

Is this that CSM one? It looks like it was taken on a gameboy camera lol

>> No.18635104
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Yep. If you don't want the next one to look even worse, start compiling thread starters in an imgur. Animu, teevee, whatever. If you're watching and see some coof, take a screenie.

>> No.18635138
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Dogfood for the dog grinder

>> No.18635152

Now make one of the 1zpresso hydra. 1z-kin-femobook.

>> No.18635161

I made that a while back and I don't have the energy to do an edit now.

>> No.18635183
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>> No.18635210

Saved. Fucking ran out of distilled water so I guess today is a cheap brazilian semiwashed day. What's everyone else sipping on?

>> No.18635262

>decided to try out the "good black coffee is good" meme
>bought some light roast specialty beans
>french press
>it tasted like warm orange juice, except no fruit flavor or sweetness, just sour water
>google says I'm under extracting thr beans
>ok I'm going to overextract the shit out if it now, just to see
>grind beans to the size of flour
>steep them for 15min
>it still tastes like warm sour water

>> No.18635299
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Should have joined the AEROPRESS GANG.
Toss that French fucking garbage in the trash.

>> No.18635309

>tried a long black
>it was good, just as good if not better than pour over
So is pour over just for people too poor to afford a good espresso setup?

>> No.18635313
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Rate my setup

>> No.18635354

Its all preference. People spend just as much on endgame grinders for filter as they do espresso, but not having to buy an extra 400-10k+ machine certainly helps the budget. This is the new "long black" tech in action.

>> No.18635355
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Today I had my coffee with some brown sugar and a piece of pound cake mixed in

>> No.18635363
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Too busy hittin that Bripe.

>> No.18635383

Fuckin shameful dis guy

>> No.18635388

Based briper

>> No.18635419

theres something very fresh about my morning coffee today. ive been using the clever dripper for it for a few months now, but today i used the aeropress. with it inverted (metal filter) it sat at the 2.5, after i stirred i had to add more water. after pressing it out there was only a 3rd in the mug, and in weary about adding much more water usually, but in this case it worked out and is tasty.

>> No.18635461
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Briping seems like a waste of coffee desu.

>> No.18635483

Shit's great. It's kind of Turkish adjacent flavor wise. Probably my second favorite non-espresso method. Its really just directly heated full immersion with an unusual way to drink it, the extraction fundamentals of it are solid. Get the even extraction of immersion brewing, but pumping in heat helps avoid the extraction cap that usually comes with immersion brews

>> No.18635615

Dabbing on the blacks

>> No.18635625

Any goffee subscriptions you girls would recommend or are they all stinky stinky poopy? Disillusioned with 2 of the local roasters I've tried being dropshipping scam artists.

>> No.18635626
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>distilled water
>perfect temps
>grind size
>pour consistency
>newest gizmo
why do coffee lifestyle enjoyers sound insane? i watched a video of some numale sift through his grinds to filter out the too fine ones

>> No.18635677
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>Option O REMI
I wish I had heard about this earlier

>> No.18635685
File: 772 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Chainsaw Man - 07 (1080p) [70E116A5].mkv- [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just started getting into Turkish coffee
I've been missing out.

>> No.18635701

Didn't use my thermometer right so the water was too hot and my coffee came out bitter. I am dumb.

>> No.18635712

I should have bought a baratza encore my onion hands can't crank the hand grinder :(

>> No.18635748

Did you buy a cheapo or are you actually that weak? Got a Q2 pretty recently and the grinding is smooth and pretty quick. Sounds like those microplastics did a number on you.

>> No.18635775

I have a Q2 and its really hard breaking the coffee beans with the grinder and sometimes it gets stuck or it rotates in my hand and scrapes my delicate palm :(

>> No.18635784

post bussy

>> No.18635791

What's a good scale that isn't expensive? Been using an old food scale but it only measures down to 1 gram and the display is starting to glitch.

>> No.18635807

What you have is fine, it's starting to glitch because you haven't changed the battery lately, idiot.

>> No.18635822

Cool coffee got here 3 hours earlier than usual. Two different 1lb bags from Guatemala, some honey, and a free small bag from kenya.
Having this in the morning. Smelled good

>> No.18635837

what beans did you buy

>> No.18635840

timemore black mirror, nano if you do espresso too

>> No.18635841

No, I changed the battery a couple of weeks ago when the display was being weird. New battery can't be dying already considering the previous one lasted like 6 years.

>> No.18635848

Weightman if you don't need bluetooth.

>> No.18635861

Don't buy this shit, those low capacity scales are so fucking useless for a kitchen. They sell those for niggers weighing out their crack.

>> No.18635871

>low capacity scales
When is the last time you needed to weigh out a kilo in the kitchen?

>> No.18635883

High capacity kitchen scales don't have the resolution needed for coffee.

>> No.18635895

want to rub that cute tummy after enjoying a nice goffee together

>> No.18635906

Capacity and resolution go hand in hand lol. Also I'd get a mechanical for actual kitchen use

>> No.18635966
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>> No.18636005

gamigang nice dubs pal

>> No.18636007

Try using hotter water champ

>> No.18636027
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cortado guy from the other thread i see you

>> No.18636056

The true drink of patricians.

>> No.18636070

hey at least he adds the pastebin now.

>> No.18636074

>dark roast
in the bin it goes.

>> No.18636078

>french press

>> No.18636082

I've been making the threads so that other idiot doesn't. I didn't write the pastebin either, just pieced together the chart because I felt bad I bullied him into writing an entirely new pb. I think pastebin anon is the french press k1 guy who bought a k5.

>> No.18636091
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>rok is finally on the list

>> No.18636098

oh shit and the weber!

>> No.18636115
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>> No.18636142

>k5 guy
Nah I didn't make the paste but I did get him to put the water filter/concentrate in. Also espro is still on sale if anyone wants to max out their french press format

>> No.18636186

your lilydrip?

>> No.18636236
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>> No.18636283

God damn kuroba can't downscale images.

>> No.18636295

your first problem was buying a light roast

>> No.18636298

whats that little dial for?

>> No.18636319

Brave and correct

>> No.18636341


>> No.18636346

its a butt plug

>> No.18636355

>enjoying my home roasts
>order pour over at local cafe
>BTFOs my roasts

Fuck... I love my hobby but it hurts that I can't seem to step into that next level territory. Maybe it's the beans I'm getting but idk

>> No.18636365

What the fuck did you just say to me, boy?

>> No.18636393

What are you buying

>> No.18636431

ewww ya. micro drip me

>> No.18636432

This might sound like a silly question, but can you use a coffee maker to brew some chicken or beef broth with some bouillon?

>> No.18636435

Yeah sure.

>> No.18636486

My uncle got kidney stones from drinking coffee too much. Like, an ungodly amount of coffee, or so he says. Because of that I only drink 2 cups a day maximum.

>> No.18636513

that little silver thing on the corner looks like a little dial for something.

>> No.18636519
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What are ya sellin'?

>> No.18636537

Thumb screw. 4 of them + an m6 to drop out both burr carriers to swap them to something else. If I'm just cleaning I only have to pop the m6 bolt and my bottom burr drops out.

>> No.18636592

What? Speak english

>> No.18636607


>> No.18637103

Wait, y'all are actually gay irl? I thought you were joking......

>> No.18637105

Is French press good or bad?

>> No.18637116

it can be good. but it has a much lower peak than something like pour over, but to reach the peak of french press takes almost no effort or learning at all. so thats the trade off.
if you are lazy and you just want "good enough" coffee then yes the french press is good, i would not use light roasts tho.

watch this video if you are still interested

>> No.18637121

not as gay as you

>> No.18637122
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Do you guys clean this part of the grinder after grinding, or do you just leave it?

>> No.18637127

>i would not use light roasts tho.
Why not?
And good enough doesn't sound very promising...

>> No.18637130

i just leave it.
do you spray your beans?
also if you change your beans alot then just using a brush or something after each use is good.

>> No.18637133

Tiny spritz of water on your beans before grinding will make that bit come out with the rest of your coffee. Neutralizes the static thats making it cling.

>> No.18637137

I'm not someone you want to mess around with, bud.

>> No.18637142

light roasts dont extract as well using french press.
also did you watch the video? if you think you should get incredible coffee with that little effort then idk you are in the wrong place.
its the best you are going to get with no effort.
if you want better coffee you need to work for it.

>> No.18637145

I don't have anything to spray them with so I dunk my finger in some water and swirl it around the beans instead. Not sure how effective it is though.

>> No.18637146

but not more than 2 sprays, makes the beans too wet and makes it clump.
i use a 33g dose for my moka so i have to spray then shake then spray again, but if the dose is like 25 or lower than just 1 is fine.

>> No.18637153

that method works too, its just that a spray is more precise and has a better coverage.

>> No.18637164

how much should i be tipping on a $4 black coffee?

>> No.18637165

>Actually wetting your beans
Hello over extraction

>> No.18637167

Demand $2 back

>> No.18637171


>> No.18637173
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Depends on your humidity but yeah. Two sprays on 18g gets me this. I don't do more than 3 sprays no matter the dose. When I grind bags a spray every few doses keeps shit from building up. Very minimal staticy fines on the funnel and everything releases with a light tap.

>> No.18637175


>> No.18637176

Lul, based OP.

>> No.18637178

Do you not realize how vague "two sprays" is you fucking moron. Spray sizes vary you dumbfuck.

>> No.18637179

damn that looks fluffy as fuck.
beans and grinder?

>> No.18637181

>Spray sizes vary you dumbfuck.
i assume he is using a pretty small sprayer like the one hoffmann uses.
no one is user a fucking windex bottle to spray beans.

>> No.18637184

Even then I have a bottle that has a wider spray and one that has a smaller, more concentrated spray.

>> No.18637187

guess you are the odd one out then.

>> No.18637191

It's not that much more effort... And I'm gonna boil some mineral water on the stove for this, that's more than I do for espresso

>> No.18637216

I'm not using a repurposed febreze bottle moron. Probably something coffee bar sized.
Wug2 with ditting lab sweets and some home roast bali kintamani nat. I think these hard ass cast steel burrs are finally starting to break in a little bit after 5ish months. Fluffiest its ever been and way less visual clumping. They just slide out of that dosing cup. This is the video that probably tipped me over the edge on them and you can really see what he means by "stupidly uniform grinds".

>> No.18637317

Yes. I brush it off with a small brush into the rest of the coffee. It takes 5 seconds. I do not have better things to do.

>> No.18637325

What's the point of skimming off the foam?

>> No.18637336

i dont fuckin know i dont make french press.
also dont question the hoff.

>> No.18637341

I'm not and it's not the first time I do this method.
It's not as good as espresso. Not as fun. It came out strong and bitter.

>> No.18637350

>It's not as good as espresso. Not as fun. It came out strong and bitter.
actually kill yourself
fucking stupid scum fuck
no one said it was better or tastier or more fun
stupid worthless fuck

>> No.18637358

I will keep living, only to spite you, freak.

>> No.18637371


>> No.18637380

That one was free, the next one will cost you

>> No.18637432
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I'm the idiot who couldn't figure out the french press, I finally did it.
>75g per liter
>grind for barely 5 seconds with big chunks remaining
>bloom 1 minute
>add water, gently stir, leave 6-8 minutes
Finally discovered those tasty notes people kept talking about, man this is great. On a side note, what a meme the Hoffman method is.

>> No.18637442

send him an email and say he should try your method.
also yeh i think he should review his old methods, like he recently did with his v60 method.
also what coffee?

>> No.18637454

I used to give it a quick brush on my old grinder, but my k-max came with an air blower so I just give it a few squeeze and it blows most of the gunk out.

>> No.18637588


>> No.18637590

Every few days

>> No.18637597

Why would you not brush off the bottom every use ? Fucking dirty gremlin

>> No.18637603
File: 69 KB, 470x470, 1638547496840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any trick to doing doppios once you've got your espresso setup down pat? I've been doing 2 single shots but I'm realizing that is dumb

>> No.18637652

Didn't make Coffee today. V60 is killing my will to make coffee.

>> No.18637658

Fuck you that's why

>> No.18637659

get back on that grindset queen
fuck you too bitch don't come at me with that nasty ass grind scum

>> No.18637664

OP, do you have a source for the anime with the coffee making? I know there are a couple of manga about a coffee shop but not the animated series.

>> No.18637669

>>grind beans to the size of flour
>for press
Powder and espresso goes into gezve. With spices and citrus peel. And a cube of muscovado

>> No.18637703

why all these meme devices when you can just let the grounds settle and pour out the top coffee?

>> No.18637704

I don't get pourover. The amount of effort is way greater than for french press or espresso and it isn't like it tastes better.
t. fell for the overpriced gooseneck electric kettle meme

>> No.18637707

I knew it. Espresso is the best way to make coffee. All the other ones taste mid. Turkish is maybe okay though

>> No.18637775

My little bitch grinder only holds 15g of beans to making a french press is a herculean task. Every day is a struggle.

>> No.18637882

I have no idea what you're talking about, pourovers are easy as fuck.

>> No.18637911

Too sour. Too bitter.
Not enough flavor.
Too fine, too coarse. Poured too fast. Poured too slow. Didn't pour in the right pattern.

>> No.18638158
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hey frens my hand surgery went well and i'm looking forward to a few weeks with mr coffee keeping me company
dunkin's coffee is surprisingly good on the cheap
all the love to my coffee bros, may your beds be flat and your cups sweet

>> No.18638166

I use pourover because I started drinking coffee like a week ago and it was the only coffee making equipment my dad had around the house.

Is there a better way that doesn't cost an obscene amount of money?

>> No.18638191

>needing hands to do a pourover
>not injecting water up your urethra and peeing a nice even stream over the grounds

>> No.18638193

Define better

>> No.18638194

i aeropress with a hand grinder but your post made me laugh anyway. might be the anasthesia

>> No.18638205

Do you like milk based drinks? A mokapot and a manual milk frother make stuff that's better than what you get in a lot of non specialty stores.

>> No.18638209
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>don't use paper filters they alter the flavor
>you should use the pulse pour technique, not a consistent flow
>if you don't have a goose neck kettle you're a fucking subhuman
>why haven't you bought a filter for your tap, the minerals in tap water ruin the taste
Trying to make a good cup of coffee is so tiresome. I'm not rich.

>> No.18638215

I'm wondering how common it is to brew with your own pee. You'd want to balance the hydration so it doesn't stink too much when you boil it but still have some flavor in there.

>> No.18638222

>so it doesn't stink too much
>not going sumatra + asparagus for lunch

>> No.18638307

it's good. had the little bag of kenyan too. probably an occasional thing though since I am very much a bulk 5lb bag and freeze type of guy

>> No.18638413

No making a good cup is easy. It sounds like you're chasing the perfect cup which is an admirable goal.

>> No.18638425

Idk about the perfect cup, but I do want to experience great coffee one day. Right now I'm just trying to consistently get that juicy flavor I got a few days ago. My brew's coming out bitter now, I think my thermometer might be showing me the wrong temperature or something. Possibly it's too hot so it's over extracting.

>> No.18638475

>I don't get pourover. The amount of effort is way greater than for french press or espresso and it isn't like it tastes better.
it only takes me a bit longer to make a pourover than an espresso. also espresso from the same beans can taste a whole lot different than pourover because youre extracting different compounds via the pressure/flow rate at in a much more concentrated drink

>> No.18638483

>Idk about the perfect cup, but I do want to experience great coffee one day. Right now I'm just trying to consistently get that juicy flavor I got a few days ago. My brew's coming out bitter now, I think my thermometer might be showing me the wrong temperature or something. Possibly it's too hot so it's over extracting.
are you using medium/dark roast beans?

>> No.18638501

>takes me a bit longer to make a pourover than an espresso
do you factor in the time it takes for the espresso machine to warm up? my machine takes about 40 minutes to warm up before i can use it while it only takes a few minutes to boil water for a pourover.

>> No.18638512


>can't make good coffee
>blames the equipment
get gud

>> No.18638516

>do you factor in the time it takes for the espresso machine to warm up?
i have a Decent, so it warms up in the time it takes me to grind and prep

>> No.18638521

sounds like you're using an inferior thermoblock system. i'm so sorry for your loss.

>> No.18638546

>40 minutes
WTF? I've used everything from the cheapest home espresso machines to commercial robogrinder automated latte/cappuccino makers and none of them take that long to heat up. In fact, no kitchen appliance I have ever used needed 40 minutes to heat up.

>> No.18638549
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was gifted a bag of this
what will I think of it?

>> No.18638553

it's not the boiler but the whole group head needs to warm up. it's the famous E61.

>> No.18638556

baristas turn on the commercial machines an hour before opening time

>> No.18638558

>sounds like you're using an inferior thermoblock system. i'm so sorry for your loss.

>> No.18638564

which grinder should I get for espresso ? I have a rocky but having trouble with lighter roasts.

>> No.18638565

When I was on opening shift the thing took 5 minutes to heat up.

>> No.18638572

niche zero

>> No.18638574

starbucks doesn't count

also: https://www.voltagerestaurantsupply.com/blogs/news/how-long-does-it-take-for-an-espresso-machine-to-heat-up

>> No.18638582



>> No.18638584

>which grinder should I get for espresso ? I have a rocky but having trouble with lighter roasts.
light roasts are going to give you "trouble" dialing in no matter what grinder you have. i have a monolith max with light/medium burrs, which makes it a lot easier, but not foolproof. if i didnt have this i'd probably do df64 or p64 with HU or MP burrs

also depends on your espresso machine - light roasts can benefit from advanced features such as flow profiling, preinfusion & blooming.

>> No.18638585

I bought a $20 switchbot and now my flair autoheatsoaks for an hour or two before I get up. Kettle is boiling before I get back from my morning shit.

>> No.18638587

I have never worked at starschmucks.
We use this:

>> No.18638589

based. life on easy mode

>> No.18638595


>> No.18638602

If a $17,000 espresso robot is a joke here then /ctg/ is officially worse than wine snobs.

>> No.18638608

learn how to make coffee yourself and use the right tools to make coffee yourself. i'll never aprove of a robot to make coffee for you because making good coffee is an artform.

>> No.18638610


>> No.18638615

I can program it however I want. Espresso isn't rocket science anyway.

>> No.18638616

Nah, just some high level particle physics and some basic solvent extractions.

>> No.18638618

>Espresso isn't rocket science
not rocket science but there's a science to extracting the perfect shot

>> No.18638621


are you trying to tell me that you thermoblock system has a boiler?

>> No.18638624

can you adjust the pre-infusion water temperature?

>> No.18638639

>i have a monolith max
that's a very nice little grinder so why are you wasting it on a shitty thermoblock system?
come to my mouse and i'll make you a real espresso out of a real espresso machine.

>> No.18638647


>> No.18638649

>come to my mouse
lardfingers detected

>> No.18638650
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what about this robot

>> No.18638654

i fail to see a power cord

>> No.18638655

>that's a very nice little grinder so why are you wasting it on a shitty thermoblock system?
because as long as the water is heated properly and consistently, it doesnt matter. hot water is hot water, and the decent delivers precise temperature water consistently via various heating elements - not just a thermoblock as explained in the link i provided

>> No.18638656

that's not a robot, it's a tool.

>> No.18638658

human powered robot
but it's literally a robot. look at that cute lil guy

>> No.18638660
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but bro....

>> No.18638662

ok, mate. you're system is valid so you can come and sit at the big kid's table.

>> No.18638684
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Chinese knockoff of an italian classic.

>> No.18639131

become a moka chad

>> No.18639148

not enough coffee per coffee obviously

>> No.18639160

just made a cortado with my moka.
blows anything you can get at any non specialty cafe out of the water.
it can take a while to really understand the moka and manual milk frothing is harder than it looks(like yeh its easy to do it but hard to master)

>> No.18639168

>I'm just trying to consistently get that juicy flavor I got a few days ago
>hes chasing the dragon
oh boy. i chased the dragon for 4 months until i caught it and was able to do it consistently

>> No.18639181

>don't use paper filters they alter the flavor
no just use better paper filters
>you should use the pulse pour technique, not a consistent flow
true and based
>if you don't have a goose neck kettle you're a fucking subhuman
also true
>why haven't you bought a filter for your tap, the minerals in tap water ruin the taste
again based and true, but you dont need a filter on the tap, you can just have a filter jug or something. works the same but takes up space on the counter. i got mine for $80 works great.

>> No.18639186

>pre ground
>boasting about being the strongest coffee and the most coffee per coffee
>cringe "tough" branding
>doesnt even say what kind of coffee
bin it, actually not even worth trying.
unless you want to make dark roast schizo have a fit.

>> No.18639199
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>Auto Superautomatic Espresso Machine

>> No.18639206

based and manual pilled

>> No.18639214

automatic espresso machines are universally dogshit. it doesnt matter how much it costs, they are all dogshit, normies dont know the difference but even an espresso novice can make better espresso than any automatic machine.

>> No.18639219

Can coffee cause upset tummy?

Ever since Sunday I've been having massive diarreah. Didn't drink coffee yesterday and didn't have an upset tummy or need to go to the toilet more than usual. But had a coffee this morning and now I've got the runs again and tummy feels all weird

>> No.18639223
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>> No.18639227

no more coffee for you.

>> No.18639327

i've never tried robusta (this is a blend but likely mostly robusta) and i'm prepared to have a gross learning experience
>bin it
a gift is a gift and if I tell them it's gross they'll likely be glad i was a guinea pig for them more than anything

>> No.18639343

Just got sent a new version of the tricolate, and it's much better. The older shower screen didn't do a great job of distributing the water, but the new one is incredible. Looks like they changed the part that holds the filter as well. Not sure if it affects the brew, but it is much easier to clean.

>> No.18639357

>are you using medium/dark roast beans?
Idk what that means, I'm using organic colombian beans from sprouts. I set the grind to "drip" at the grinding machine they had int he coffee aisle.

Thank you anon, I will continue to pursue it.

>> No.18639468

If it's the most coffee coffee ever it won't have arabica since that shit is WEAKSAUCE "coffee" for NERDS. Real men drink bitter dark roast Robusta beans roasted until they burn for that real ashtray taste!

>> No.18639472

Light medium and dark roasts are the different levels of how "cooked" the beans are. The lighter the roast the fruitier it will be generally.

>> No.18639476

kek you are probably right. looking forward to being grossed out

>> No.18639486

I suspect if you were magically able to blind taste side by side at 20 and 40 min that you would find less difference than you expect.

>> No.18639493

>Idk what that means, I'm using organic colombian beans from sprouts. I set the grind to "drip" at the grinding machine they had int he coffee aisle
what this guy said: >>18639472
grocery store coffee is usually going to be medium or darker roast. you will need to use water much lower than boiling - like 195f for medium, 185 for dark is a good starting place. light roast you can use just off boiling

>> No.18639504

How the fuck do you mess up using a thermometer?

>> No.18639508

Just go to a cafe at opening and have them conduct a blind taste test for you. Might have to talk to the owner and convince him to let you in early/delay a machine turn on so you can take a shot of 20 min and 40 min blind at the same time.

>> No.18639517

I'm looking for the coolest way to seperate grounds from coffee.

>> No.18639573

why the rok grinder of course.
but actually the Weber HG-2
or the cheaper craig lyn HG-1 PRIME 2022

>> No.18639677

Are you retarded?

>> No.18639685
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I bought a second-hand fellow ode with SSP burrs for 300$
Was that a good purchase for brewing mostly V60?

>> No.18639715

Are you a bigot?

>> No.18639720


>> No.18639805

the way i took this is you want the coolest way to grind coffee.
unless you mean to sieve then you can fuck off.

>> No.18639900

Post your favorite roaster

Bonus: post roaster websites you like

>> No.18639944


>> No.18639978



>> No.18640113

come on man sell me ur beans

>> No.18640240

Yes, welcome to /tea/

>> No.18640259

Could it be due to a bad batch of coffee. This has never been a thing for me and always thought it was a meme when people said coffee makes them have regular bowel action.

I drink it black too

>> No.18640268

sorry champ but its over for you
time to take you out back

>> No.18640273

You can always try, but I wouldn't set my hopes too high. Tea is very good if done correctly though, so don't sweat over it

>> No.18640412

>separate grounds
Ground coffee
>from coffee
Liquid coffee. Are you retarded too?

>> No.18640441

>Wake up
>Make goffee
>Read /ctg/ and drink coffee until I catch up, excellent posts btw
>Go back to bed

>> No.18640467

Pokémon Scarlet/Violet made me cry several times during my playthrough.

>> No.18640470

>coarse grounds
>makes pe poop after every cup
>medium grounds
>stops my diarrhea
what is this phenomenon

>> No.18640503
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Different levels of extraction tend to affect the bowels to different extremes. Whenever I make goffee I usually wear my goffee plug. I use pic related.

>> No.18640537

I stopped after two gyms. Waiting for some mods to come out. Arceus was looking real fucking crispy after some ai texture upscales.

>> No.18640575

I feel like it's because they all were baristas and having nothing else to do but make coffee and be autistic about getting the best. I think my coffee is alright and I'm doing pourover without any particular method, no gooseneck kettle, no scale. Good enough for me and imo better than what I've gotten at nearby coffee places.

>> No.18640591


>> No.18640597

everything is coffee you idiot
coffee cherry
coffee beans
coffee grounds
brewed coffee drink
if you just ground coffee beans what would you say?
>oh yeh i just ground some coffee
would you think they just ground liquid? NO you would know they meant ground coffee.
why the fuck would you need to seperate ground coffee from brewed coffee.
like what a stupid question. it was so stupid it didnt even occur to me that thats what you were saying for me i thought it meant how to sieve or how to grind beans and you were just an esl.

>separate ground coffee from brewed coffee
1: just fucking say what you want
2: why do you even have to ask? dont know what mesh is? dont know what filters are? dont know what a sieve is?
also you said coolest
like what the fuck are you talking about??? the coolest way?

>> No.18640608

Look at him tard.

>> No.18640617

look at him cope
i hope you kill yourself in real life right now

>> No.18640634
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>everything is coffee you idiot
Only one thing is grounds tardo.

>> No.18640635

Bros. This is a coffee thread. We're supposed to be comfy in here, discussing our favorite beverage. Calm down.

>> No.18640657

Tell her to apologize then.

>> No.18640666

●□□🙵 ⧫ ●⧫

>> No.18640667
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>separate grounds from coffee
>turn coffee into grounds
It just had to be rokgrinderkun. Just be glad you don't estropress too pal.

>> No.18640671

hey man as soon as i get my hg1 prime (probably by the time the hg2 prime is out) i will fill this thread with shill posts about it and you will have to deal with my questions about espresso and pour over.
i will also probably be the only guy in here with a 9barista.

>> No.18640691

Soon... it'll be sumatra goffee time..

>> No.18640693

post pics

>> No.18640699

Currently sipping on Orange Creamsicle GFuel.

>> No.18640700

Not today...

>> No.18640704

>manual milk frothing is harder than it looks(like yeh its easy to do it but hard to master)
It's easy to master too. Just gotta remember, you don't don't froth at the same pace. You do like 5 big pumps all the way in and out then you do 20 really small fast ones. Wa La, that's as best frothed milk as you're gonna get assuming you also warmed the milk first.

>> No.18640714
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The reason this is so funny to me is because I used to shitpost about buying a helor stance, had a key preordered, and almost bought a first batch hg1 prime before going with the wug instead.

>> No.18640721
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Livi too.

>> No.18640735


>> No.18640740

Oh. Are you one of those limpwristed faggots who need a vibrator to froth their milk for them

>> No.18640741

both of these are super ugly imo.
also i do hear the wug is great.
unfortunately i will never buy an electric grinder.

>> No.18640745
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>my scoop corresponds exactly with the amount of water I need, never have to think about it again
>buy my local grocery store's cheap pre-ground "classic" roast
>brew in my old dollar-store Mr. Coffee
>tastes fucking great every morning

>> No.18640747

my froth will beat yours any day of the week.
pumping makes shit froth.
(to be honest i dont even make froth, i keep going until i make a meringue type substance and then put that on top)

>> No.18640751

glad you're enjoying yourself anon, just try and avoid fresh coffee as much as you can because once you try it and realize you've been drinking stale shit all this time you won't be able to go back to it

>> No.18640756

Oh don't worry, I am.

>> No.18640759

>super ugly imo
Thats half the point of spending money on a grinder to shitpost with pal. The only reason I know about wug is their hg1 motorizer. I was on the list for an hg1 while they were out of stock for a year, got fucked because they released the hg2 and didn't email the hg1 list, hg2 was out of stock, so I went with the key preorder since it was the same price on indiegogo.

>> No.18640766

damn 30rpm looks kinda crazy.
also pretty impressive it can go that low and not stall right? isnt that a problem with a bunch of electric grinders, they go too low and just stall.

>> No.18640792

Yep. Lower rpm + espresso fine takes a shitload of available torque to maintain it. I'm no electrical engineer but I guess even the eg1 with a 250w motor will stall or drop rpm from time to time. The rpm readout on mine is a little magnet on the drive shaft so shows the actual speed(not sure if the motor kit works the same), not just a set number on the display and theres virtually no drift hot or cold start. Reads 407 constant at the lowest 400 rpm. I could fuck around and flip it to conical mode and run lab sweets at 90-200rpm but that seems dumb/would wear out my motor slightly quicker.

>> No.18640812

Male baristas are incredibly erotic.

>> No.18640826

only the fat ones.

>> No.18640833

I'm a gay retard

>> No.18640836
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I think coffee is what's making everyone obese. It all makes sense now.

>> No.18640841

Rubbing my big belly while I brew some aeropress goffee yessir.

>> No.18640850


>> No.18640868

based im going to make some more.

>> No.18641049

I really want to fuck the barista at uni even though she's like 15-20 years older than me

>> No.18641067

Don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.18641068

let's say i'm at the supermarket and i see some lavazza beans on the 30th of november 2022 and on the package it says they're good until november 25th 2023, is it safe to assume they've been roasted on the 25th of november 2022 aka last week?

>> No.18641123

she doesnt make good coffee so why bother.

>> No.18641126


>> No.18641134

that's a no, right?

>> No.18641154

lavazza is grocery store level coffee.
lavazza is normie drip coffee
lavazza is trash
no it was not roasted last week, even if it was it would still be trash.
i can buy bad beans and roast them and make coffee with it and i will have made bad coffee.
it will be better than the same beans roasted months ago but they are still bad beans.

>> No.18641161

Ok nerd bitch

>> No.18641166

What's a good way to troubleshoot why your brew is coming out bitter/sour? I'm not sure what it should ideally taste like so idk how to begin testing it.

>> No.18641180

always include details
this isnt fucking espresso time general
no one know mind read what you are talking about.

>> No.18641196

I can't even talk to classmates, there's no way in hell I'll ever ask a woman I barely know out
Her coffee is alright

>> No.18641201

it depends

>> No.18641202

Literally just ask her out dude it's not hard.

>> No.18641203

Sorry anon. I'm kind of retarded.
I'm using a paper coffee filter to drip brew my coffee, just pouring the water over grounds. I use 2 tablespoons per 6oz of water. I'm trying to aim for 190F on my water, my grounds are organic colombian, medium coarseness. Is that enough information?

>> No.18641205

Yes it is

>> No.18641206

i got so mad i combined 2 rants at the end.
every fucking day with these people
>my brew today was a bit fast any tips
like jesus fucking christ. and then it takes 6 comments to get all the info out, and then they get mad at you just for trying to help.
fucking coffee tech support.

>> No.18641207

Okay then spend months learning how to make the perfect pourover coffee and impress her with your fine-tuned knowledge of coffee. Strike up a conversation about the beans she uses and discuss the subtleties of different roast levels. Bring her some Yirgacheffe (bitches love Yirgacheffe) and offer to pour her a clean cup with your V60.
Go from there.

>> No.18641210

yeah use hotter water and finer grind hth

>> No.18641211

and also i dont know how to help you with that question but i hope someone else can with the details given. :)

>> No.18641216


>> No.18641233

Anon I want to fuck a woman not Lance Hedrick

>> No.18641234

This is unironically how I met my husband

>> No.18641235

post cock

>> No.18641267

Drawdown took like 4 minutes. Coffee too coarse?

>> No.18641292

I like them but I wish they used a 58mm basket instead of a custom one.
If they were cheaper, I'd buy one since they look interesting and manual espresso seems fun with all the control you have

>> No.18641302

So my drawdown took a lot of time, but the bed was even and the last bits of water drained evenly/through the center. I'm drinking the coffee now and while I could probably do better, it is actually quite good. Not bitter, not overly sour, the coffee has a natural level of acidity but the flavors are pretty pleasant everything said and done. My first decent cup of coffee on my fourth attempt.

>> No.18641371

go to a good coffee shop in your area and try their stuff to get a baseline of what good coffee should taste like
This is not coomer general, it's coofee general
based diarrheaphragm

>> No.18641415

>This is not coomer general, it's coofee general
They go hand in hand because drinking coffee gives me a rock hard erection

>> No.18641471
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Multipour chads we are vindicated


>> No.18641714

If grind is ok, then maybe default Hario tabbed paper drains kind of slow. Over swirling, pouring too high (excessive bed agitation) can also stall the drawdown. Feels good when you brew a decent pourover man

>> No.18641802

>So my drawdown took a lot of time, but the bed was even and the last bits of water drained evenly/through the center. I'm drinking the coffee now and while I could probably do better, it is actually quite good. Not bitter, not overly sour, the coffee has a natural level of acidity but the flavors are pretty pleasant everything said and done. My first decent cup of coffee on my fourth attempt.
the time is just a general reference point and will vary pretty greatly by grinder - experiment and go with what tastes best for your grinder and the particular beans you have

>> No.18641810

Never used a french press before, how good is the seal around the edge of the plunge? I don't want the fine stuff to leak through.

>> No.18641823

Life must be tough for the 2 digit IQ lads out there

>> No.18641831

What are some honey processed coffee worth trying?
I'm most interested in black honey

>> No.18641933

His sink heating method is the same one I use.
I demand royalties

>> No.18642053

Should've filed a patent retard

>> No.18642373

its always the fuckin french pressers

>> No.18642379

im getting some brazilian honey process later today(or hoff forbid tomorrow)
ill let you know

>> No.18642384

What method of making coffee is more foolproof than a French Press? I think even an Aeropress is slightly more complicated or at least intimidating because it can apparently break cheap shitty mugs if you press too hard. Maybe a Moka pot is as easy to use as a French Press? A coffee machine (pods) is generally expensive so not something a retard would have access to/buy over a cheap French Press.
Espresso machines and pourover both require technical skill to some degree so for the most part only people with 3 digit IQ actually bother with them.

>> No.18642394

Moka pots require the good sense to check the pressure release valve every once in a while.

>> No.18642423
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>> No.18642494

>Maybe a Moka pot is as easy
to use yes to make good coffee with no
its not that french press is bad
its that every time someone comes in here asking about it they are the dumbest mother fuckers ever. thats my problem.

>> No.18642549

Hario switch. Ez mode immersion brewing with a button for monkeys to fiddle with.

>> No.18642550

I sent that bitch a Yirgacheffe

>> No.18642772

>some chad walks up, tosses a handful of coal black grocery store coffee beans into his mouth, chews them up, takes a glug of water, swishes it around, swallows, smacks your girl on the asshole and walks off with her
why even live?

>> No.18642832

coffee not even left the fuckin roasters
not getting that honey today.
probably not even tomorrow.

>> No.18642835

>she likes dark roast
she aint worth it

>> No.18642858

do moka pots make espresso or coffee?

>> No.18642874

they make strong coffee.
not espresso.

>> No.18642880

they make expresso

>> No.18642889

based lilydripper

>> No.18642893

thats a nestle trademark

>> No.18642945
