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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1080x1350, 161a5dcad8caac5194ab5bfb739a8291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18633910 No.18633910 [Reply] [Original]

How do I order this?

>> No.18633911

Just show them the picture and point.

>> No.18633912

Write everything down on a slip or paper then hand it to the window cashier

>> No.18633916

>hello, i would like to procure four sloppa poppas, two cases of spud sticklers, and a side of deep fried chick-chunks

>> No.18633917

>4 double quarter pounders
>2 large french fires
>Large coke
Did I miss something?

>> No.18633925

That slop wouldn’t look nearly as good if the image wasn’t over-saturated

>> No.18633926

>go to a drive-through
>cashier says go to the first window
>there are three windows
>the last two are numbered 1 and 2
god i hate drive-throughs

>> No.18633929

How can you call such yummy food "that slop"

>> No.18633951

Use self-service kiosk. Wear sunglasses, dark hoodie and bass pro baseball cap. Pay in used 10 dollar bills. Don't take the change.

>> No.18633953

I've got rice cookie in my coffee now.
Thanks cunt.

>> No.18633955

>The only clue we have is that he was wearing a bass pro cap
>That could be any zoomer in America!

>> No.18633969

wtf is a rice cookie you slant

>> No.18633977

>Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese: $8.09
>Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese: $8.09
>Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese: $8.09
>Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese: $8.09
>Large Fries: $4.79
>Large Fries: $4.79
>10 Piece McNuggets: $5.89
>Large Soda: $1.00

This slop would be about 50 dollars with Biden bucks. Fastfood is ridiculous now

>> No.18633997


>> No.18634024

Hint, it's not over-saturated, there's this thing called sunlight, it makes things look really bright and is found outside of your basement between 7am and 7pm usually

>> No.18634042
File: 2.15 MB, 498x281, 1669584960642315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD is rapidly turning into Canadian dollars, which is horrifying

>> No.18634096

ask for a small amount of mcdonalds for an average sized person

>> No.18634105

> the entire world is enduring massive inflation
> is Biden's fault
You Americans massively overestimate the power and influence of the POTUS on the world economy.

>> No.18634108
File: 40 KB, 700x209, les-burgers-grand-royal-de-mc-donald-s_3791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quarter pounder
you will never eat a DELUXE

>> No.18634109
File: 30 KB, 739x415, E9K6MP5WUAsdwlK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ex mcdonalds wagie

>1 double quarter meal with large fries and your drink of choice
>large fries
>3 double quarter pounders
>20 pc chicken nuggets
>12 ketchup packets

i recommend using the mcdonalds app tho
you can just make it on there, pay, then roll up to the window and say "i'm order ****"
they might ask for a name
you can collect points from this too, u could probably get a free fries your next visit from the points u'd get from just this order
sometimes there is free shit in the deals too when u make an order on the app

>> No.18634130

Thanks anon!

>> No.18634134

They don't serve these where I live

>> No.18634143
File: 654 KB, 1132x578, 1599828814931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect thing to eat before I upload my immortal consciousness on a starship!

>> No.18634219
File: 112 KB, 1364x767, 473AA3A3-DAE7-429C-848D-7AE15CAE501A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to download a goyapp to save 3 dollars sometimes on fast food that’s already far more expensive than what it’s worth

>> No.18634438

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.18634483

>He was inspired to lose weight because of the mockery
>Gained most of it back

>> No.18634661 [DELETED] 

The world is enduring massive inflation because Biden Era policy on Covid and anti-oil stance (stopping the keystone pipeline day 1 of his presidency)
Not a super anti-biden guy like most people on 4chan but US policy is certainly in part to blame at least.

>> No.18634669

Let this be a lesson that ridicule is much worse of a motivation than positive reinforcement.
Surround yourself with friends who want the best for you instead of terminally online on social media where its all bloodsports.

>> No.18635038

"Friends that want the best for you", surely easy to come by especially for the morbidly obese.

>> No.18635057

That's pretty stupid because nobody in the USA gives two flying fucks about the so called president. It's not my "leader". what do you think some fucking president is my leader, like flying saucer take me to your leader shit?
Get the fuck outta dodge you faggot.

>> No.18635077

Dont forget that one who got embedded in a couch becuse her enablers just couldn't say no.

>> No.18635085

Thats not what that was

>> No.18635163

sadly most people who heavily diet like that eventually gain it back. mostly because of a lack of >>18634669
the people you surround yourself are crucial. ultimately you are your friends/family.

>> No.18635165

trump lost. you also lost the midterms. it's been over 2 years. you seriously need to move on pal

>> No.18635206

If Anon is what I think Anon is, Anon's no slant. My gran makes rice cookies, too. It's a Persian thing. Come in many shapes and a few colours, depending what you add to them. Called nan e berenji (literally "bread of rice").
They're... not great, IIBH.

>> No.18635246

This guy reviews movies and can only complain about white people and not being on a spaceship?

>> No.18635248

inb4 that spongebob shit

>> No.18635254

This would take me hours to eat. How do Americans eat this in 20 minutes?

>> No.18635264

why do poor people love flavorless, boiled and warmed up mcdonalds patties so much?

>> No.18635283

I wouldn't call them flavo[u]rless or boiled. The bun is absolutely flavourless, tho, I'll give you that, but not the patty.
And I'm not even a McDo fan. Couldn't even tell you accurately last time I had it. 2019, I think? Whenever it was, a I had a coupon for a $2 triple cheeseburger, so I got one and literally nothing else, though someone I was with got a McChicken (the best fastfood sandwich) meal, IIRC.
Do you like any fast food chain or products?

>> No.18635297

not really. the meat and the buns are so pathetic compared to homemade or proper restaurant burgers it's impossible to enjoy franchise burgers once you've tried the real thing

>> No.18635318

You could also have no option to save money at all

>> No.18635481

God, that looks so appetizing.

>> No.18635495

"I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda."

>> No.18636886

i could eat all of that in 1 sitting. i ate a double quarter pounder, large fry, and medium drink in less than five minutes last night and was still hungry. or maybe sad.. that feeling in my stomach might just be sadness. anyways, i'm fat.

>> No.18636895

i like fastfood burgers better than restaurant or home, and i'm a good cook. i'm not saying it's better, obviously that's not true. but i like the flavor more. it's probably the sugar and other chemicals they put in there. i grew up dirt poor though, so fast food was a special occasion.

>> No.18636913

Based AND trans.

>> No.18636918
File: 33 KB, 356x360, 1570558393816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're... not great, IIBH.
Well yeah, it's nothing great but it ain't bad either.
I'm Serbian btw.

>> No.18637309

The ultimate bulking meal

>> No.18637384

maybe I would have agreed with you a few decades ago (if I was born there) when quality burgers weren't available anywhere and mcdonalds probably even used better ingredients like real tomatoes that actually tasted like tomatoes for example

>> No.18639036

I miss fast food being cheap bros..

>> No.18639053

Diets don’t work nigger.
The more you starve the more muscles you lose so you have to eat way less too even after you finish your diet.

>> No.18639067


>> No.18639146

good attempt, heres a (you)

>> No.18639158

Called it. >>18635248

>the meat and the buns are so pathetic compared to homemade or proper restaurant burgers it's impossible to enjoy franchise burgers once you've tried the real thing
I'm the guy from >>18635283
I was gonna start some whataboutism here but y'know what? I can't find any fault with that except for my choice of "bun" (thick sliced country-white bread, fuck buns) and that there are things other than burgers at fast food chains. I'll fuck up some Popeyes chicken.
But yeah: my homemade burger patties are indeed leaps and bounds above any I've gotten at fast food places, whether I cook them outside over wood or inside, simply fried in a pan. Proper sit-down restaurant burgers are not something I ever get, really. $15+ for practically the same shit I make at home for a tenth that price.

In adulthood, I realised I may have grown up "rich" according to a lot of people and I also seldom had fast food growing up, but that's mostly a cultural thing. I spent half my childhood in the US and the other half in Yurp, where my mother's from, and my dad is only Halfmerican (gran's from West Asia/Middle East/Caucasus/whatever you wanna call that shit). Both my mother and my paternal grandmother were extremely suspicious of fast food. If I wanted a burger and my gran was around, she'd made me fucking chapli instead (basically a durkastani burger with onions and spices in it; sometimes also chilli).
If mom was around, she'd tell me I'm eating whatever the fuck she's cooking or fuck right off.

Nifty. Didn't know you guys ate them, too. Didn't know they were even known outside of Central/Western Asia/Middle East/Caucasus etc.
We went on holiday to Belgrade once but I don't really remember much of it, though I recall little kid me was surprised how similar the language is to Slovenian. My mother was able to speak to everyone by "Serbifying" her dialect of Slovenian.

>> No.18639238

>If only you knew what these burgers are made of

>> No.18639241

If only you knew what these burgers were made of.

>> No.18639249

If only you knew what these burgers are made of.

>> No.18640457


>> No.18640517

The app calls an obscene number of track requests even when the app is not in use.
I agree the app does have good deals

>> No.18640701

Hopefully they'll be a McDonald's franchise onboard his spaceship.

>> No.18640770

Them Mcnuggets are the devils work. Absolute dog filth

>> No.18640790

I mean everyone has already seen that picture and laughed at him but even the average male could probably finish that in 90 minutes, if given a cash prize.

a competitive eater could do this in 15 minutes.

>> No.18641606
File: 1.92 MB, 360x274, 1614135280040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tell them
"i want the early grave combo"

>> No.18641654

do the dance

>> No.18641675

the burgers look way bigger than they usually are but it looks normal to me otherwise

>> No.18641694

How does he "earned" that?

>> No.18641723

Diet Coke please

>> No.18641727

They will be required to pass inspection.

>> No.18641746

Because when he was young, everyone thought technological development accelerating was just unquestionably given.

>> No.18641877

Don't forget to grunt too

>> No.18641887

Just get your $100 bill ready

>> No.18642104

It's ok. Biden loves you, and Biden loves America.

>> No.18642124

he also clearly doesn't understand that uploading your consciousness still results in you being stuck here

>> No.18642295

Biden loves kids jumpin' on his lap.

>> No.18642312

I can buy like 5 kebabpizzas for that amount of money here in Sweden

>> No.18642332

I want a sloppy burg.

>> No.18642595

Just go up to the cashier and say " Hi im a fat retard who doesn't care about anything health related." They'll know exactly what to give you.

>> No.18642601

i don't think the food would be that difficult, esp if you were hungry prior. But the 4 cokes might be a bit difficult to guzzle down

>> No.18642811

even with the drink to help I think I would probably vomit 3/4s of the way through, there's just so much there

>> No.18644112

Ok eurocuck

>> No.18644845

you'd think so.
but then you see things like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7cCjtOLpqE and realize that it's not a fantastic amount of food with that time limit.

>> No.18645312

I tried making diy McDonald's by myself but it's just not as good as McDonald's. What gives?

>> No.18645352

15 minutes? a competitive eater could wolf that down in like 1 minute, 2 tops.

>> No.18645693

you went too fancy, use more salt, msg, cheap soft buns, kraft singles. if it's a big mac the sauce recipe is online. the fries get some shoestring mccain ones and fry in peanut oil or lard if you wanna go oldschool.

>> No.18645732

Use the app or doordash it so you don't have to waste calories walking or waste gas driving.

>> No.18645745

What an evil narcissistic kike

>> No.18645984

>you lost the midterms
Nancy Pelosi lost her gavel, again. How you construed your loss as a win for your faction baffles me.

>> No.18646000

You couldn't even have a wave election during the worst period of inflation in half a century and you had a celebrity "doctor" lose to a stroke victim that couldn't string two sentences together

>> No.18646773

>no one has posted it yet
That's a fairly sized amount of McDonald's for the average person, I'd say?

>> No.18646809

I remember it being a meme that some senator or something ordered 28 dollars of taco bell and everyone was making fun of him saying he ordered way too much food. it turned out he ordered a burrito, 2 tacos, nachos, and a large soda. I went to taco bell the day after and the crunchwrap alone was 9 dollars! what the fuck happened bros?

>> No.18646857

That's like a day and a half worth of calories and like three or four days worth of sodium. As far as I'm concerned the increased prices are a fat tax and I'm all for it. I'd vote to triple the price for someone ordering that much if I could

>> No.18647204

I don't want grass and unprocessed tomato sauce in my burger.

>> No.18647406


>> No.18647467

He is a bug. He only knows what he wants, not why he wants it.

>> No.18647470

Royale with cheese? Why don't they just call it a quarter pounder? Because of the metric system?

>> No.18647473

>three or four days worth of sodium
Quit worrying about salt. It's better to eat a little too much than not enough since your kidneys just filter it out anyway. Low salt intake is more likely to lead to early death than high salt intake.

>> No.18647479

Regular reminder that Supersize Me faked the scene where the doctor told him to stop because he's hurting himself and that footage is actually from right at the start when he's going for his initial checkup and the doctor is concerned about Spurlocks raging alcoholism.

>> No.18647516

He also made hot dogs come in packs of 8 and buns in packs of 6! Sad!

>> No.18647674

Who other than the white working class will ever make that a reality?

>> No.18648049

Imagine defending increased food prices.

>> No.18648071
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Could you Eat this in 90mins for $3,500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even a lot of food.

>> No.18648114

Scientists and engineers are not working class and probably have the same views for slightly different reasons.
Cheap terrible food is why society is fat, depressed, and without meaning. Eat a salad and read a book.

>> No.18648783

Enjoy your hypertension, retard. Yes, it is okay to eat a little more than you should. No, that does not mean you should not worry about eating four times as much.

>> No.18650360

>edits the video
This is retarded

>> No.18650368

From your Rascal

>> No.18650371

Low quality bait.

>> No.18650463

>15 minutes
I'm not a competitive eater and I could probably down it in 5 minutes if they'd pay me more to finish quicker.

>> No.18650577
File: 389 KB, 1080x1350, 1669636524030842-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the same image with a slight adjustment to saturation. I wouldn't say it makes that big of a difference.

>> No.18650665

you probably couldn't, not with all that soda. unless you've practiced this.

>> No.18650781

>but it was le rigged!!!!

>> No.18650812

The drinks are what will do you in. Given the time limit you'd be best off starting with the fries and drinks then pacing yourself with everything else.

>> No.18650825

Looks the same. You should stop using insanely bright display settings, it's probably fucking you up mentally

>> No.18650852

>if I greentext a statement it proves it wrong

>> No.18650983
