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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.36 MB, 394x700, 1669384172964805.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18629555 No.18629555 [Reply] [Original]

Food gore thread

>> No.18629556
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>> No.18629560

I can fix her

>> No.18629563

more like human gore
fucking Cheetos flavored mac'n cheese is the god damned truth
I say that as man that makes a living off of delaware runoff river crabs

>> No.18629565
File: 344 KB, 457x609, p8brabulbpy81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18629568
File: 1.42 MB, 720x1280, chocolate cheeseburger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18629569
File: 461 KB, 1050x775, 1639259914297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18629572
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>> No.18629575
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>> No.18629579
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>> No.18629580

what i imagine mexican pizza is.

>> No.18629584
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>> No.18629587
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People will really make shit like webm related and then never question the CO2 output of India/China or a single private jet flight. Two or three generations of people in some shithole town in Iowa have as much of a footprint as a year or so of Taylor Swift jetting around the country.

>> No.18629588


>> No.18629606
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>> No.18629777

Would be good if there were less peppers and they were sliced instead of whole.

>> No.18629787

Not that bad. That's obviously his own kitchen in his own house. But he put on the apron to make you think it's a restaurant kitchen

>> No.18629788
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>> No.18629795

This is probably not bad at all. Sweet and salty go well together.

>> No.18629877
File: 3.08 MB, 1215x2160, horrorstew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo poppa
would you like some sloppa?

>> No.18629882

This guy's just having a bit of a laugh

>> No.18629929

This, no restaurant sink would be that unblemished.

>> No.18629933
File: 1.67 MB, 360x640, Crocodile (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18629937
File: 2.23 MB, 720x1280, CheeseSandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18629939
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>> No.18629944
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the look of broken tastebuds. stupid jungle bitch.

>> No.18629946
File: 344 KB, 305x803, 4245364534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has one of whatever the fuck this is in their home kitchen

>> No.18629949

The mac and cheese scenes are flopped so she doesn't get in trouble.

>> No.18629961

That's just a warming rack, like for bread.
I used to have one.

>> No.18629963

filename is wrong that is an alligator.

>> No.18630008

can we take a moment to realize how civil ck is. you have gore and porn flooding every other board and then here you got a bunch of drunks just chilling and posting food

>> No.18630035


>> No.18630040
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>> No.18630057

This is giving my white ass diarrhea just looking at it, I can only imagine what this chink is gonna go through.

>> No.18630068 [DELETED] 

what was it, both offsite archives missed it

>> No.18630077
File: 131 KB, 1440x583, 1669542644719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to to edit so I don't get b&

>> No.18630082

>seasons the fritos
I seriously hope you guys do this.

>> No.18630083
File: 2.67 MB, 2869x1138, YangtzeAlligator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep its an alligator. no wonder it is almost extinct.

>> No.18630084

If you can't handle a tiny amount of dairy, you're not white.

>> No.18630088

wow look at him go!

>> No.18630090
File: 100 KB, 960x540, babish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuts off finger tip.

>> No.18630091

sleep tight gator...

>> No.18630147

I would eat the sloppa, big poppa sloppa!

>> No.18630154
File: 217 KB, 500x340, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me cringe towards the deepest depths of my soul

>> No.18630157

As if fat cunts didn't waste enough food when they actually shoveled it into their worthless bodies, now they're playing around with it for their fatty retard tiktoks.

>> No.18630166


>> No.18630169

Did he just add salt to Fritos? They're already unpleasantly salty.

If you want free Fritos, get one of those bulk variety packs of single-serve chips and leave it anywhere. It will eventually contain more Fritos than it started with.

>> No.18630176

Hey, man's just following local customs, making Mexican foods that Mexcians enjoy.

>> No.18630177

Japanese curry is the worse curry, because it's based on Britain's imitation of actual curry.

>> No.18630181

>Copy British food(inhuman sloppa from another realm)
>instantly makes it better simply by the fact that it wasn't soiled by british touch
Based Japs

>> No.18630182

Oh fuck I lost. Fucking kek

>> No.18630187

Yeah ck is pretty comfy. Started coming here as I’ve been cooking more at home and it’s nice. Good cooking anon

>> No.18630213

I thought the same, but upon closer inspection it just looks like an outside door to me.

>> No.18630214

Civil? Moreso than the rest of 4chan maybe, but still cancerous as fuck. You can't post any OC without armchair google chefs calling you retarded. So many foodservice schlubs are traumatized by the industry and just want to come on here and blow off steam by being dickheads for no apparent reason.

>> No.18630234

I've used that powder pack in rice before. Not bad at all.

>> No.18630344

Disgusting. Checked.



>> No.18630351

you guys don't use aprons at home?
its 10 seconds to put it on/off and you can use it instead of the rag you need to stuff in your pants
my gf bought me one exactly because of this, so I don't go around wiping shit with a cum rag peeking from my pants

>> No.18630360

I've a hook for my kitchen towel
I'm also not a messy cook at all so it's enough

>> No.18630367

Diarrhea? From cheese? I understand you dumb fucks are brain dead addicts working at Applebees or Burger King but Jesus fucking Christ how can you be THIS dumb.

>> No.18630372

How’s the cerebral palsy treating you these days? Since I don’t have a broken retarded body, I don’t make messes or spill on myself like a toddler.

>> No.18630386

a door?

>> No.18630424

>1280 vertical pixels
why are people like this?
the standard is still "screen is only 1080 pixels tall".
stop making retard size.

>> No.18630437

>the rag you need to stuff in your pants

>> No.18630452
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>> No.18630455

I was going to explain it, but then I realized that you wouldn't get it, so instead I posted this.

>> No.18630468

Based Americhads mogging faggy nippon "sushi"

>> No.18630470

>HELP button on microwave
The hell?

>> No.18630474

Hmm I wonder what the creators early life section looks like?

>> No.18630487
File: 2.38 MB, 508x720, 1669557728058694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18630493

I like Indian girls, but I will never visit India.

>> No.18630497
File: 2.90 MB, 640x426, 1669529882084246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18630498

You're not supposed to wipe shit with the apron, you pig.

>> No.18630505

How does he get out?

>> No.18630515
File: 2.99 MB, 556x854, 1636820449669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note there's also "sensor cook" which would imply this is a pretty high end microwave oven since almost none of the regular ones have sensors anymore.
It's probably got a million pre-programmed meals in it and possibly even wifi.
That fattie is living the dream.

>> No.18630525

Disgusting fucking slob. I hope she chokes to death on her next meal the fat fucking pig. Disgraceful!

>> No.18630554

context? is that a restaurant or the kitchen of an office or something like that?

>> No.18630675

Ted Cruz has fallen on hard times.

>> No.18630795

The microwave is crying for help because of what this fatty has soiled it with

>> No.18630821

I'd eat it

>> No.18630842

>the aliens part at the end
i can't wait for this psyop

>> No.18630849
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>> No.18630870

Do New Yorkers really?

>> No.18630873

Yum, spookies.

>> No.18630884

Eww, what're you thinking. It has ketchup on it.

>> No.18630885

No it isn't. Its like Chinese curry but sweeter

>> No.18630896

Why doesn't that last guy tie a cloth to his stump and use that?

>> No.18630966

>CO2 output of India/China
most of your products come from those two countries so at the end of the day, you are still responsible for that carbon footprint.

>> No.18631064

we live in a society???

>> No.18631077
File: 27 KB, 499x481, de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted trips
>avoid every single social media plaform so as not to see this type of retarded shit
>come here and see some retarded shit
kys as well as all those contributing to retarded shittokers.

>> No.18631122
File: 2.30 MB, 320x568, 1669150627499962.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18631184

That's a critically endangered species

>> No.18631222


>> No.18631227

If people don't question the CO2 output of India and China it's because it's easier to enact change in your own country, and because they have a lot of pollution because of outsourced manufacturing

>> No.18631252

Shit like this is why I would never visit India, not even for free.

>> No.18631368
File: 135 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fast enough to get to the bathroom in time?

>> No.18631377

You know
I bet once you remove the organ meat and debris and filter it and remove all fat it would make for nice stock

>> No.18631379

it also came from a farm, so really, it doesn't matter

>> No.18631380


>> No.18631381

He could probably get better results using a sharp rock, what the fuck

>> No.18631387

Literal lipstick on a pig.

>> No.18631449
File: 238 KB, 1080x1861, shitins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18631472

I will never stop eating meat or using plastic water bottles. My impact is minimal compared to private jets. Ban private jets and then maybe I'll care.

>> No.18631524

>opens the bag very carefully with a knife down the middle
>doesnt just open the bag like a non wanker
the fuck did he mean by this

>> No.18631526

>can’t see out rear view mirror or passenger side mirror for detritus

This maniac should have their license revoked.

>> No.18631534

I wonder what this guy does on Sundays

>> No.18631541

why wouldnt you just eat a veggie burger? like that looked like shit

>> No.18631573

How about our countries stop importing that toxic dogshit in the first place?

>> No.18631588

i thought he was trying to keep his hands clean, but then he starts kneading the fritos

>> No.18631660

For the updoots my geiser

>> No.18631840

Even though India and SE aren't going to stop using it ever, single use plastic is largely non-recyclable and should be avoided or limited for the same reasons you shit in a toilet instead of the sidewalk in front of your house. If anything the fact that bug people use so much of it should be proof enough that single use plastic is degenerate.

>> No.18631862

incredibly lucky with her timing.

>> No.18631902
File: 2.52 MB, 360x640, Cold Stone Capellini.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18631926

Israel is no.1 for per capita use, they literally don't use china or cutlery that isn't disposable because of hygiene or smth

>> No.18631944

>I will never stop using plastic water bottles
It would satisfy me a great deal to watch the fluids drain from a hole in your head

>> No.18631954

This makes me rage

>> No.18631974

what the fuck is this shit

death to usa

>> No.18631978

Looks like wish pizza to me

>> No.18631979
File: 2.20 MB, 640x360, Top Sear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's British.

>> No.18631992

You're so full of shit. There is not a single environmentalist who isn't concerned about all of those things.

>> No.18631999

So how come people like Greta Thunberg and the organizations they work for never protest China or India? Why is it always the westerrn world, and more specifically the middle class western world?

>> No.18632007


>> No.18632083

You gotta love the nuclear waste despite the fact that nuclear energy produces virtually no waste compared to fossil fuels

>> No.18632087

nice RE7 screenshot

>> No.18632104

>90% of the thread is TikTok bait posts fishing for attention
I hate you niggers

>> No.18632116

Most people are retarded and don't know this. Especially the ones gay enough to make an animated video

>> No.18632144

Why do women and trannies not cripsy their bacon

>> No.18632174

my biggest pet peeve with cooking shows is how they "season" every step of the same thing they're making. I get it, people under season their food but there's no way you need to add salt and pepper 4 times to the same plate.

>> No.18632179

If true, that's an even better reason to minimize consumption of plastics where you can.

>> No.18632416

If by "New Yorkers" you mean blow-in thots ordering retarded "Instagrammable" dishes, then yes.

>> No.18632425


>> No.18632475

oy vey

>> No.18632503

He's hoping to attract the minority audience.

>> No.18632527

The biggest ivory poachers are Africans selling to Asians.
Isn't China praised for building countless miles of highways and even train tracks?

>> No.18632541

By who? All the talking heads tut tut about China using those projects to extort loans.

>> No.18632542
File: 2.81 MB, 480x480, Food crime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18632544


>> No.18632563

Here in brasil they leave the butthole of the chicken, well thats because i buy them scalded from my neighbor. Anyways i get rid of the hole and the popes nose or whatever is called is the best part grilled.

>> No.18632576

Harden up, princess.

>> No.18632580
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20221127_172925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18632584

In households most people in israel are using regular silverware or cheap but still to show off, reason is either ashkenazis most of them have money and standards and spheradis have inherited from their parents from arabian countrys.

The reason i suspect for per capita is because of so many events from the religious and they always use a shitton of plastic and also the cheapest event foods and always a shitton leftover being thrown

>> No.18632624

Hey that's not nice ;_; it tastes great

>> No.18632776

What's wrong with this?

>> No.18632780

Something kinda cute about her :3

>> No.18632790


>> No.18632795

>Organic tomato reduction
You mean ketchup?

>> No.18632805


>> No.18632827


If u don't like it go to reddit. Pussy

>> No.18632839

>Gordon Ramsay
based america obsessed retard

>> No.18632846

That looks okay. I’m not going to make it myself but I’d eat it if offered to me.

>> No.18632853

What entices a human being to do this?

>> No.18632869

kek thanks for the laugh carlos

>> No.18632930

>Getting mad about home cook faggots on /ck/ trying to talk shit
99% of the time they're so wrong it's funny and anyone who knows their shit can just have a laugh at an autist ranting about you not following the techniques he learned yesterday from a Youtube video.

>> No.18632953

>So many foodservice schlubs are traumatized by the industry and just want to come on here and blow off steam by being dickheads for no apparent reason.
stop subtweeting me bitch

>> No.18632996

I have a fat/stuffing fetish, and I find this beast repulsive

>> No.18633012

This will never be not hilarious to me.

>> No.18633021

Hate this coke snorting faggot

>> No.18633025

Kek. Delicious.

>> No.18633039

Imagine that being dumped on your face when you're sleeping.

>> No.18633049

>Gordon Ramsey copypasta "the cheese is melted"

>> No.18633053

Yes, that was the joke

>> No.18633104

The fuck is wrong with lamb shanks?

>> No.18633114

What does Sonic curry taste like?

>> No.18633137

>plastic water bottles.
Enjoy your estrogen lmao

>> No.18633258

Hold on, I'm a busy American. I would love to eat this innovative food, but is there a way to make it more portable? Is it possible to, say, mount it on a stick?

>> No.18633271

absolutely preposterous idea, get out of here you madman.

>> No.18633277
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>> No.18633283
File: 1.18 MB, 498x498, Walt junior.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope she was hosting a bunch of her basic bitch friends to eat this and not just wasting a metric tonne of food for a toktok video.
Can you imagine coming home to this after a day of work. I would literally do a 360 and just leave again. This unnecessarily winds me up every.single.time.

>> No.18633289

i really wish these guys were in the world cup

>> No.18633290
File: 3.00 MB, 540x960, 1664593167831470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18633292

Women will do almost anything for attention.

>> No.18633298

That looks good THOUGH

>> No.18633301

Haha thanks man. I was trying to figure out what it was. I thought it was Franks baked inside of cornbread or some shit.

>> No.18633302

what's gorey about this
it's just fried tofu balls with carrots ham, broccoli and egg

>> No.18633305
File: 2.91 MB, 640x640, 1629644445823.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18633317

its just a family sized beef cheeseburger loaf. i would put it on a bed of shredded lettuce and it would be pretty good

>> No.18633324

Idk that looks pretty good to me. Just a big patty melt.

>> No.18633343

>"avocado is a healthier substitute for cheese"
>adds goat cheese
>adds milk
>adds mozzarella

>> No.18633371

That would be the point, this whole genre is just for rage views and comments/interactions.

>> No.18633404

This made me kek, but I would get down on that pretty hard. It's just a Hamburger Sandwich. Would be good with some gherkins and mayo too.

>> No.18633435

>changes position to be perfectly in frame
it's obviously a fake video anon

>> No.18633456

I don't doubt that but you've not considered that Asian food and Asian everything is packed in several layers of plastic. One example is individual servings of candy being in a smaller bag inside the candy bag.

>> No.18633597

izumi back at it again

>> No.18633630
File: 2.46 MB, 300x300, chicken outdoors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't take kindly to bootlickers on this board.

>> No.18633633

Alright, real tawk
How do you actually cut onions? I feel like a retard no matter what I do with them

>> No.18633646

what was he expecting, exactly?

>> No.18633647

Literally look up a video on Youtube about how to cut onions, man.
There's a lot of educational shit on there that people just don't think to search for.

The important part is the "bearclaw" way of holding the onion to keep your fingertips safe.

>> No.18633655

To dice them do a series of lateral cuts followed by a series of cross sectional cuts. To ring them do a series of cross sectional cuts. To cube them it doesn't really matter. Any clumsy instinct gets adequate results.

>> No.18633709

I cut off the top n bottom then slice it in half vertically then deal with the 2 remaining truncated hemispheres however I see fit

>> No.18633776

what's ya problem bud

>> No.18633804

Most plastic bottles and aluminum cans are recycled in my country

>> No.18633814

No, it's just a retard and you're a faggot

>> No.18633827

Todo para terminar siendo una version amariconada de un sandwich, malditos americanos me hacen kekear tan fuerte.

>> No.18633928

he has to eat all the sink traps

>> No.18633931

how would cooking a chicken in a barrel like this be done correctly?

>> No.18634027

I like how he squeezes the paste to make the balls

>> No.18634030

Put charcoal on top. The whole thing will get hot.

>> No.18634036

>Cut in half
>Peel off skin
>Cut off the 2 butt ends

>> No.18634038

don't put your fingers below the blade, simple

>> No.18634048

I'd accept this argument if the US and its allies didn't play world police everyday, trying to convince the whole world to nuke some middle eastern country or to "liberate" some failed state 200000km away

>> No.18634146

why are you so against chinese men wanting bigger pp?

>> No.18634377

The video in question does not contain a tiny amount of dairy. In fact it's the exact opposite

>> No.18634384

I will take all of that any day over off topic political posts/threads and culture war bullshit

>> No.18634387

>He buys plastic water bottles when he could buy a reusable metal one
Keep wasting your money kek

>> No.18634392

Not usually into tofu but these look pretty good

>> No.18634394

As God as my witness I'll make my dreams come true or my name isn't John C. Orndog.

>> No.18634398

That honestly looks alright, could feed like five or six people with a good salad on the side

>> No.18634404

The argument is true, despite your objections. What you said is true as well, but it remains a fact that the USA is well ahead of China and India in terms of reducing emissions.

>> No.18634416

Holy fuck, we are based

>> No.18634419

>you guys don't use aprons at home?
Nah. I don't think aprons are bad or gay or whatever, and that it's probably a good thing to use. But I still don't use one. There have been maybe 2 times in the 20 years of me cooking regularly that I got shit on my clothes from cooking. The 20 seconds of effort you mentioned that is needed every time I cook just isn't worth it.

>> No.18634426

>finds neat ready-to-eat domesticated chicken, lamb, sheep,
Nothing close to what we know as chickens lamp or sheep existed before we came along.
>the evil polluter is white
Nope, the vast majority of pollution and GHG emissions have been originating from overpopulated non-white countries like China and India this whole time.

>> No.18634433

Their cope is that white countries consume more energy *per capita* so they are worse
Even though all white countries combined produce the same emissions and pollution as China by itself.

>> No.18634440


I could see this working. It looks horrible but realistically the back of the throat is where the sour hits from the Gatorade which is the same spot the cheese savory hits. It's sour, savory and sweet. Again, looks like a train wreck but I'd try it.

>> No.18634463

Every time there is some international summit, the need for China and India to participate is always one of the top talking points. How can interest exert any influence? If they did a protest in China they would be arrested and indefinitely held in custody without trial. Protesting China outside of China is futile. All they can do is influence businesses that source from China.

>> No.18634467
File: 84 KB, 729x768, 1667893396723572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18634476

My takeaway from this too

>> No.18634498

No wonder he crashes his car so much

>> No.18634503

Tastes like the runs

>> No.18634511

>that slick seal club into ripping the skin off in one move
god i wish i was this cool

>> No.18634521
File: 23 KB, 456x672, whar pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the shame of my hometown: Altoona pizza.

>> No.18634597

the sad thing is this girl has probably had more sex than me (which is zero)
life's not fair

>> No.18634598
File: 929 KB, 200x133, 1633307625840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit, can't believe that got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.18634620
File: 462 KB, 640x800, toaster steak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18634668

>displaying the absolute mastery of the earth and the elements the white man has
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.18634674

It’s like this on all the niche boards. The boards that get fucked with are the ones with huge userbases
Average age of /mu/ is like 30

>> No.18634686

cut root

>> No.18634697

Provided that she doesn't have any STDs, yes.

>> No.18634728

Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out there's no hindi word for hygiene.

>> No.18634750

Would this recipe go well fried thin like a pancake?

>> No.18634779

Salty milk and coins

>> No.18634855


>> No.18634880
File: 2.43 MB, 1052x592, American Cooking (USA).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18634884
File: 17 KB, 250x284, 1613615150181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thank fuck im not the only one

>> No.18634885

>CO2 output of India/China
India emits about half of that of America with 4 times the population m8
the average American has a footprint 8x the average Indian and 2x the average Chinese
>private jet
enormously wasteful obviously but a miniscule portion of overall emissions
one Taylor Swift emits about 1000 people worth of bumfuck Iowa's emissions but there is a lot more than 1000 nobodies to every Taylor Swift out there

>> No.18634891

why do you troll with that filename

>> No.18634895

India only accomplishes that by not treating their sewage.

>> No.18634897

I'll agree about meat but you're retarded if you think a plastic bottle is better than a nice insulated metal one. Do you not like cold water all day long?

>> No.18634921

I wipe my hands on my pants. And wear my pants for weeks at a time.

>> No.18634931

Made me horny ngl

>> No.18634939

At least with Hammond you can either excuse this as a bit or as the results of repeated brain damage.

>> No.18634940

Fix your mom and sisters and cousins first

>> No.18634941
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aprons are for women
ideally as the only clothing

>> No.18634947

we miss you elliot rogers.

>> No.18634984

cut the root and top off
root flat face on the board, cut vertically in half
peel skin off
onion flat face on the board

at this point it depends which way you want to slice it, i prefer to make slices with my knife parallel to the root/top face, if you're going to slice "around" the curve make sure you cut toward the center as you go around

>> No.18634997

Here in mexico we eat chicken pussies/assholes or whatever they're called, they're great if you thoroughly clean them and cook them in a soup with corn.

>> No.18634998

based fucking on the kitchen counter enjoyer

>> No.18635016

the heat of the noodles cooks the sauce

>> No.18635036

i cook naked.

>> No.18635076

this is satire.

>> No.18635143

Why is she in such a rush :DDD

>> No.18635155

it is american culture

>> No.18635168

what makes this worse is that most of them wipe with their hands

>> No.18635171

god I hate italians

>> No.18635184
File: 1.64 MB, 400x300, 1558330805554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was a "basics" video
>tens of thousands of monkeys learned how to do this as wrong as possible from this balding insufferable faggot

>> No.18635202

why has al bundy done that

>> No.18635232

>9001% of your daily sodium intake already
>still seasons it
jfc what a clown lol

>> No.18635268

you need 30 grams of salt a day according to ceasar as he was trying to get supplies for his men.

>> No.18635339

nah theres another angle of the video from another camera. shes just finding the best way to open wide to fit it well. the timing is suspicious tho.

anyway, anyone got the lvleak link?

>> No.18635375

he's smiling. he loves it!

>> No.18635434

This is like saying we shouldn't try to arrest criminals because they're likely to stab or shoot you.

>> No.18635455

I dislike the eco-loonies and anti-consumerist crowds, but that webm was funny.

>> No.18635504

>cooking for a family of three
I'd eat happily with them if they invite me.

>> No.18635532

I wear mine for 4 weeks. To be fair, the first thing I do when I get home is take them off.

>> No.18635858

Memphis group era is peak sonic aesthetic

>> No.18635899

>yeast infection

>> No.18635908

I actually lol'ed

>> No.18636009

I hate American's

>> No.18636039

I can't even open the WEBM seeing jarred tomato sauce. That's gore in itself. It's so fucking easy to make sauce from a can of San Marzano I don't understand why anyone would bother with jarred bullshit.

>> No.18636054

It's with God as my witness, or as God is my witness, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.18636057

Obviously use a dull knife and apply force instead of a slicing motion like cheff babish does in the video

>> No.18636121

thats not walt jr fuck you

>> No.18636170


>> No.18636195

Looks cursed

>> No.18636247

Like a nest of rats

>> No.18636250


>> No.18636255

Why does no one here understand satire
This is amazing

>> No.18636278


>> No.18636286

This man is a true American hero in the making.

>> No.18636292

Its called a healthy microbiome. you uncultured swine.

>> No.18636297

>avocado is healthier alternative to cheese
Based on what? Countries in Europe that eat the most cheese (Italy and France) all have some of the lowest obesity rates in Europe and are some of the longest living countries in the world. I swear I want to slap these retards.

>> No.18636300

The bigger problem is that avocado is not an alternative to cheese at all because they aren't even remotely the fucking same.

>> No.18636301

it's an american dish

>> No.18636305

Oh yes, definitely. Also
>has to imported halfway across the world
>meanwhile most cheeses here are locally produced (i'm close to Alps)
I still remember that time in early 10's when millennials had this weird obsession with avocados. Probably an echo to that with this retarded channel.

>> No.18636352
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>> No.18636375

>It's fun :))

>> No.18636447

>what makes this worse is that most of them wipe with their hands
their LEFT hand though

>> No.18636453

Germans are basically Americans if you think about it, they're utterly cucked and possibly the most miserable people on this Earth.

>> No.18636495

What does Belgium have to do with anything?

>> No.18636516

Holy shit based humanchad dabbing on the animalcuckcels

>> No.18636691
File: 175 KB, 1200x601, delish-190904-frito-pie-0159-landscape-pf-1568846545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You serve the final dish inside the bag

It's a frito pie, very popular food

>> No.18637102
File: 58 KB, 563x688, 6Yt8PaVWlq-odF1ZHN8ikidU-Mh4c7DCy3oUxyGYq6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire thread full of tiktok rage bait videos that are made to make you angry and share it around

Good job, you fell for it like the brainless NPC you are

>> No.18637233
File: 835 KB, 1156x1957, onion cutting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is how I was taught

Some people also take the knife at the onion sideways for a third layer of cuts but most consider the risk of slipping and cutting yourself not worth it, especially because it being arguably unnecessary due to rings

>> No.18637262

>please don't deepfry it please don't deepfry it
>oh my GOD

>> No.18637401

It's a pun retard

>> No.18637429
File: 23 KB, 650x379, aoiueieoauieoue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18637468

>no fun allowed

>> No.18637481


>> No.18637566
File: 2.76 MB, 3024x3859, 497FACBE-51AE-41F6-B2DB-3975740D7F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18637593

I'm having a problem with step 1: unable to conjure second onion out of thin air. Help.

>> No.18637613
File: 252 KB, 316x434, 1663311845778318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only exposure to toktok is 4chan. I thought they were just following some meme trend.

>> No.18637619

I see your confusion.
While it may appear as though step one is creating a second onion, that is merely because the image depicts each half of the newly bifurcated onion from the intact side
Easy mistake friend

>> No.18637632

Same, by pushing her down some stairs

>> No.18637644

This looks good, average Brasilian/Venezuelan restaurant soup

>> No.18637662

Shut your lying whore mouth, Big Onion shill
I've learned summoning PROPER onions from my gramps, like God intended
never touched a single one of your vile jew-magicks-addled """products""" in my life and I never w

>> No.18637697
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 287962741_10159185567437807_1811014618500575916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18637731

it was a bit in a grandtour episode mocking the scottish

>> No.18637742

>spotify cooking up a playlist for you

>> No.18637891

>everyone making fun of how he opened the bag and salting
>nobody pointing out he should have crushed the chips in the bag like a normal fucking person

>> No.18637916

Tastiest food in all of Poland

>> No.18637925

Polish food is really great. It's leagues above Scandinavia and Germanics in general, and only below Southern Euros and France. Haven't tried much of Balkan food, but I assume it is similar level. Mid-tier for Europe.

>> No.18637939
File: 12 KB, 210x295, 9C60A18E-19C6-40FC-B870-4244D9CFF7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething shartmericans lol. You’re not white.

>> No.18637957

>Sheep shearing is bad.
If only he knew. Keke

>> No.18637993

> I never w
His life was _cut_ short by Big Onion.

>> No.18638190

Doesn't matter retard, people understood

>> No.18638198

she can infect my yeast any time she wants

>> No.18638833

>Alright fine the french used feet for their wine too
That guy kneading with his armpit though. I can't. SIRS I DO NOT REDEEM

>> No.18638843

Go clog your arteries with McShit, burgeroid

>> No.18638851

>he's still a lvl 1 onionmancer

>> No.18638858

Look like candlejack got another o

>> No.18638941

Of course she has to eat like 200 cal while she's still OMY GOD THE CHOCOLATE FUCKINGSTOP

>> No.18639115

extra flavor

>> No.18639494

Lol this nigga still believes in candleja