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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18626902 No.18626902 [Reply] [Original]

I woke up with the chills this morning and a sore throat with mild cough. I don't have a fever.

The house was very cold when I awoke (thermostat upstairs said 62 °F; however, I slept downstairs and was only wearing light thermal pants and an underarmor tee. I had two thin flannel blankets.

I really can't afford to get sick, but I was just around people at work last week that were getting over some bug and I just spent ~9 hrs with many family members on thxgiving.

I was able to go back to sleep at 0600 and awoke at 0830...now I have a cup of coffee with some irish cream, but I'm still feeling crappy.

What's the prognosis? Feed the flu or starve the COVID?

>> No.18626907


>body is burning resources to fight a foreign bacteria/virus
>durrrr better starve myself

Will never understand this mongoloid logic, go make some hot soup and drink plenty of water.

>> No.18626924

>body putting full energy on fighting a disease / illness
>hold up let me eat food so now my body has to divert energy to digesting now too

>> No.18626928

not that guy, but that's why you eat things like soup that are already liquid and require less resources to break down.

>> No.18626950

Agreed, but diverting energy nonetheless. Just explaining why people fast.

>> No.18626968

It's starve a cold, feed a flu. Usually because influenza usually comes with a lot of stomach problems so you want to take it easy with just broth and stuff. A cold usually doesn't so you want to eat when you can.

And just take a fucking covid test, your work should be required to cover if you test positive.

>> No.18627003
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>hipsters still exist in 2022

>> No.18627008

do you even know what the word "prognosis" means?

>> No.18627016

If you unironically look like the guy in your image, please do society a favor and just end it all before your pass your genes on to some poor kid.

>> No.18627019
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D'awwww, wittle babby is sicky wicky :((((((((((

>> No.18627020


The loss of appetite that happens when you get sick is a natural way for your body to conserve energy and fight off an illness, similar to the way a fever elevates your body temperature to make it just slightly more difficult for pathogens to survive inside of you. Your body evolved basically living outdoors in a near-starvation environment.

These are not necessarily the best strategies to fight a cold or flu when resources are in excess, though. Do you ever take Tylenol or other fever-reducing drugs when you're sick? You probably don't actively encourage fevers to "boil off" viruses, do you? When you have easy access to easily digestible foods, and an unlimited supply of warm bedding, it turns out there are better ways to convalesce than relying on these last resort features of your immune system.

>> No.18627037

>When you have easy access to easily digestible foods,
And just to build off this, it's not just that digesting food in your stomach diverts resources away from processes like your immune system. Throughout much of human evolution, humans ate raw meat, which requires *a lot* of chewing. The Calories burned just from chewing a raw steak would have been a huge detriment to your hopes of survival, basically like if you have a cold and you decide to go do heavy lifting. That is *nothing like* slurping down soup or yogurt.

>> No.18627083


Starve a cold--i don't really have much of a fever, but i'm feeling hot.

I have many cans of chicken noodle soup rick and hearty progresso style

>> No.18627094

Chicken broth, 1/4 red onion, minced ginger, some garlic cloves chopped up...bring to a boil then serve with a squeeze of lemon and some honey. Sip on that throughout the day. Drink lots of water too.

>> No.18627121

my ancestors did not eat raw meat

>> No.18627244

> The loss of appetite that happens when you get sick is a natural way for your body to conserve energy and fight off an illness.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.18627263

Wrong, soyboy. You are alive today because your ancestors ate raw meat.

You don't live in survival circumstances where a meal involves hunting down a deer and chewing the meat raw, which could literally bring you to the brink of your health, even if you had a minor cold. Therefore, I don't agree with you that starving yourself makes any sense when you could have soup.

>> No.18627539

Next 24-48 hours is gonna be rough.
Get some rest.
Stay hydrated. Maybe keep a gallon of water next to your bed.
Focus on your breathing. Try not to cough.
You might want to take Monday off, because you’re probably gonna be toilet bound.
If I were your boss, I wouldn’t want you infecting the staff.

>> No.18627564

sleeping in the cold doesn't give you 'a cold'
in fact, bacteria grow better during warmer conditions