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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.23 MB, 3868x2574, pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18625948 No.18625948 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18625953

I'm gay BTW if that matters

>> No.18625961

I'm using a 3-quart saucepan and don't want unevenly cooked spaghetti

>> No.18625976

They don't. They break it into segments. You'll never break any piece into two parts, it will always shatter in the middle and break into one or two extra fragments beyond the larger pieces being held. Even if that wasn't the case it would be fiddly to consistently break the pieces into 50% segments.

>> No.18625980

the real question is why wouldn't you break pasta in half
easier to cook, easier to eat, tastes the same. what's not to like?

>> No.18625995

>easier to cook
by the tiniest margin you could possibly imagine. it takes less than 10 seconds to push the pasta down into the pan.
>easier to eat
objectively false. you can't wrap it around your fork nearly as easily. maybe if you're scooping it into your mouth with a spoon like a toddler
>tastes the same
of course it tastes the same, it's the texture that's different. eat spaghetti the proper way, with a thick wrap of al dente spaghetti around your fork and notice the texture as you bite through it. it's far more pleasant than chopped up mush

>> No.18625997

You don't need to wrap pasta around your fork. Just lift it. And IT IS BETTER TO COOK IT EVENLY. That means all of it starts in the boiling water at the same time. Moron.

>> No.18625999

>you can't wrap it around your fork nearly as easily
you absolutely can.
>chopped up mush
how dramatic. no need to start making up shit just because you realized I was right
a 30cm spaghetti strand has the same texture as a 15cm spaghetti strand.
stop grasping

>> No.18626012

Why is pasta multiple strands instead of one really long one?

>> No.18626017

Why the fuck do boomers overcooked and burn everything. Fuck them I hate them, they're all going into a hime the moment they fall.

>> No.18626022

>And IT IS BETTER TO COOK IT EVENLY. That means all of it starts in the boiling water at the same time.
Yeah the spaghetti you're cooking for 10 minutes is gonna be totally unevenly cooked if it takes 10 whole seconds to become completely submerged

>> No.18626025

meant for >>18625997

>> No.18626034

Cry about it little zoom zoom

>> No.18626052

Because it's easy, and it pisses you off

>> No.18626071

Mericans are stupid. Simple as.

>> No.18626114
File: 133 KB, 800x1143, 1658473940409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese invent noodles
>chinese are superstitious about every little thing
>chinese think breaking noodles is bad luck and will cause ghosts and the boogeyman to bring shame on their ancestors
>italians learn about noodles from asia
>adopt similar methods of cooking and eating noodles
>keep the belief breaking noodles is bad
>thousands of years later italians still think it is bad to break pasta, but don't know why
The handful of excuses they MIGHT give you are always the smallest most insignificant things. But they usually just get irrationally upset and make no argument. Mainly because they have no clue why it's a bad thing.
I guarantee if there was some superstition about how not to cook or prepare tomatoes italians would have adopted that as well. But no one in the americas cared about that so itialians just made paste with them. Not as if similar things can't be seen all over the world. Most people of any nation or background do things for reasons they can't explain. Is what it is.

>> No.18626127

>I guarantee if there was some superstition about how not to cook or prepare tomatoes
people used to think they were poisonous and would kill you

>> No.18626135

because its shit that takes way too much effort to eat otherwise and you can also cook it in a smaller pot... but in reality its just garbage no matter how you look at it.. its basically the worst noodle form there is, i switched to other noodles for my spaghetti that can be eaten simply with a spoon and never looked back.

>> No.18626154

Because its a pain in the ass to put it in the pot unbroken. All replies below this are spam

>> No.18626155

Same people that sacrificed members of their tribe so the sun would come up the next day? Not sure on the timeline but I don't think they lasted long enough for tomatoes to reach italy and still be around.

>> No.18626157

Is the American in the room with us right now?

>> No.18626167
File: 43 KB, 736x902, 40635649d0945b0eeabf4f0f8d866a4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I cook pasta in a glass bowl full of water that I just shove in the microwave. If I don't break the spaghetti in half the dry half droops over the bowl and only one half of the pasta's length gets cooked.

>> No.18626597

I only do it when I have Italians or pasta purists are visiting my house. They need to know their place.

>> No.18626608

If you consider this a pain in the ass, how do you manage to cook anything?

>> No.18626663

That way you get more pasta

>> No.18626723

because it make it easier to eat. i don’t live in a fantasy world of the lady and the tramp and I don’t have some bitch to suck on noodles with all sexy like. It’s just sad old fucking me eating dinner by my fucking self just noodles and fucking sauce and hopefully some meatballs. so that’s why i break the noodles, it’s easier to eat because i have a small mouth and taking small bites is easier

>> No.18628114

1. BC you can put all of it in pot at once so its easier to cook
2. Theres no reason not to break it

>> No.18628167

Swan dive into a vat of cumb

>> No.18628174

They weren’t wholly wrong about tomatoes making people sick, the issue was the acid would leach toxic metals out of pewter tableware. Superstition arises when there’s no clear cause for something that’s happening.

>> No.18628194

i caught my girlfriend doing this and had to explain to her that the noodles will fit in the pot 7 seconds later if you rotate them slightly

>> No.18628204

>Theres no reason not to break it
How are you going to practice your noodle sucking skills if you break it?

>> No.18628299
File: 2.76 MB, 386x660, 1634275029448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18628949

Long noodles taste better and anyone who says otherwise can eat the juciest part of my ass.

>> No.18629002

gaping assholes under 25 are nazis about breaking pasta because they're kids and want to seem "authentic". It's just better all around when you become a goddamn grown up.

>> No.18629020

no. it just means you're getting fat on carbs because your fucking food pulls tight and takes away all your sauce from the noodle. You're a fattie and enjoy it.

>> No.18629920

Absolutely uncultured swine, probably on a break from cleaning shitty hay from under the pigs. At least they took precautions and put a glass pane on the wood table.

>> No.18629927
File: 156 KB, 1096x579, 1651249150145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's simply more convenient, seethe on shitalians

>> No.18630480

Al dente means undercooked. I’m tired of this sad meme by losers trying to make “authentic” Italian food as if anybody gives a shit. You know they used liek sheep stomach lining or some shit and it took like an hour to cook right? Those backward fucked up hillbillies were all poor and worthless. But you glorify their peasant food and larp as if it’s some magic amazing tasting product.
So sad to see you brainwashed.

>> No.18630495

At least he isn’t making slurping noises and getting sauce all over himself like a gay toddler. You people are so bored you sperg out about people you’ll never meet doing things you don’t like. Don’t you have friends or a family or hobbies?

>> No.18630681

>unevenly cooked spaghetti

>> No.18630688

American ingenuity.
It's not aesthetic, but it works.
Keep seethng dumb Yurangutan

>> No.18631763

I break spaghetti so I don't have to spend a week rolling it on my fork.
>just cut it with your fork lol
that's why I break it before cooking
yes I'm American
no I don't care
I put more effort into my spaghetti sauce than the store-bought noodles anyway, so I will keep breaking them and there's nothing you purist losers can do to stop me.