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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18625551 No.18625551 [Reply] [Original]

Which foods help you beat depression?

>> No.18625561
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I have four of these every morning and I forget about my depression

>> No.18625565
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For a frogposter such as yourself it might be the attempt to catch a dragonfly, you'll fail but you might feel better trying.

>> No.18625618

a whole food plant based diet can reduce the systemic inflammation that exacerbates depressive conditions :-)

>> No.18625620

Kobe ribeye steaks and bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue

>> No.18625623


>> No.18625645


>> No.18625648 [DELETED] 

Depression isn't a real thing you're just a piece of shit.

>> No.18625863

Less food. One meal a day.

>> No.18625865

Exercise and a dog.

>> No.18625872

If you eat once per day, you’re not going to get fat, you will look forward to at least one thing every day, your appetite and enjoyment of food will be enhanced, inflammation will drop, you will have more energy, and you will save time. Give it a month to acclimatize

>> No.18625874

In my experience, none

>> No.18626161

Literally, dirt
People are depressed because their gut flora lacks bacteria that come from the soil

>> No.18626295

based tetanus enjoyer

>> No.18626318
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deenz (vit d, 'megazz-3), canned tuna/salmon

but imo : high quality cheeses, lots of veggies, cabbage family things (brocco, cauli, kale, mustard), olive oil, tea
avoid tranny fat

whats wrong with frog posting?

>> No.18626322

I dont know what beats depression but I use bing eating of fastfood to treat the symptoms. Works pretty well except for the whole being obese thing. But this is America so I fit in.

>> No.18627243

Ignore all the shills…

Fresh pineapple always makes me happy.

>> No.18627262

deenz kraut kefir

>> No.18627281

>Which foods help you beat depression?
I been drinkin a lot of caffeine-free tea lately. Cinnamon, peppermint, citrus, ginger, etc. No sugar or anything. Feels comfy, I guess.

>> No.18627286

a taste of purpose and self-actualization

>> No.18627287

Chlostridiales are related to obesity, cancer and autoimmune disorders/seases.

>> No.18627290

>Which foods help you beat depression?
I just fast and lose weight until im no longer depressed

>> No.18627294

Yogurt, whole wheat cereal, psilocybin mushrooms, coffee

>> No.18627302

I get anxiety if I get hungry
Then I overeat and feel bloated and depressed
Then I fast and get hungry and anxious

>> No.18627313

Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.18627319

Sunshine (yes, literal sun exposure is healthy and required for your health), exercise, mental stimulation, emotional stimulation and having a life goal. Even any one or two of the above factors will make you much less depressed. In the winter, you won't be able to get enough sunshine for your body to produce sufficient vitamin D and you should supplement.

The whole idea that depression is a "chemical imbalance" in your brain is somewhat true, but the evidence shows that SSRI's aren't the antidote. Conscious behavior, including your thought patterns, has as much influence on your brain chemistry as the other way around. And I'm not talking about cheesy "daily affirmations" bullshit. If you are having fun and enjoying yourself, your brain will produce dopamine and other chemicals that are good for your mental state and health. If you are stressed or feeling depressed, your brain will produce cortisol, reducing your immune system function, increasing your fat, weakening your muscles, increasing your blood pressure (making you sick, weak and fat; further depressing you).

What you want to do is to train your brain to produce more good chemicals and fewer bad chemicals by altering your mental state. The EASIEST way to do this, as many have said, is to get a dog. Think of the number of hours in the day. If your current habits depress you, and you try out some hobby that you like, let's say you learn to play guitar, you will likely only do that for an hour or so a day. Then you have the rest of the day to fall back into your depressing habits. When you have a dog, you literally can't get away from it. The dog exists to cheer you up, and will not stop trying until it falls asleep from exhaustion at the end of the day. Seriously, get a dog. Science proves it's the best way to end depression.

>> No.18627323

A couple of Red Bulls in the morning so I can concentrate on my studies and forget about depression

>> No.18627345

And if you can't just "get a dog," maybe you live in an apartment that doesn't allow it, don't get a cat. Instead, get a job at a dog daycare or something like that. Those places are always looking for help.

>> No.18627483
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Nice dagonfry

>> No.18627511

Then eat something satiating like air fried potatoes

>> No.18627516

make something your mom made before you chose to cut her out of your life because you felt like a burden

>> No.18627520

Beet greens.

>> No.18627553

Projection much?

>> No.18628059

>Liver. 2-3 times a week. Beef, chicken and pork
>Kidneys 1-2 a week. Lamb
>Brazil nuts and almonds
>100% peanut butter
>Eggs, milk, cheese
>Buckwheat, oranges, spinach

Magnesium, zinc, B6, B9(folate), Biotin and B12 are what you need.

Dip orange segments and strawberries in almond butter to spark joy.

>> No.18628067

roasted almonds rapped in ham

>> No.18628186
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I just need a hug :(

>> No.18628223
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it's ok buddy i gots you

>> No.18628250

Thank you. I like how the other rooster came for a hug too

>> No.18628270
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Fried Oysters
Peking Duck

>> No.18628333

Avocado smoothie with spinach ginger celery and apple. Clean protein like salmon or chicken. Limit processed foods

Supplement with 5000iu Vitamin D3, probiotic, zinc and separately magnesium gylcinate at night.

Sleep in cool dark room, buy blackout curtains and eye mask.

Pray to God about the things you are grateful for and things you want to work on

Be productive but spend lots of time with people ie don’t isolate even doing comfy stuff like games or sports

Don’t be mean when anons use redditspacing

>> No.18628777

pill sandwich

>> No.18628842
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Unironic answer? No food can help you beat depression, but chocolate can mitigate the symptoms a bit. It contains chemicals that you normally only get exposed to when you're happy and falling in love.

This isn't an excuse to eat thirty candy bars a day. Aside from obviously making you fat, you'd eventually build a tolerance and it would lose its slim benefit. If you're going to "medicate" with chocolate, it should be the highest percentage you can handle eating (for me that's 85-90), the highest quality you can find, and small portions (like individually wrapped bites). Only use it when you're especially low, to get the most out of it.

That's as far as any one food can carry you. In general, eat as clean and fresh as you can, get exercise, force yourself to spend time with any friends you have especially when the depression tells you not to, and get a therapist.

Good luck.

>> No.18628852


>> No.18628873

anything that isn't overly processed or stuffed with too much sugar. Make sure you exercise too.
healthy body = healthy mind

>> No.18628922

I feel best when I eat a lot of pasta without meat just mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and cheese. I remember the best I ever felt was when I would
alternate between homemade pastas and sushi.

>> No.18628970

I’m going to try drinking tonight and see if it helps. I’ve got nothing to lose.

>> No.18629028

Was feeling great and then went on a bender on Thanksgiving and I've been feeling like crap since then. High anxiety, on edge, body is vibrating.
I need to just give up alcohol entirely

>> No.18629442


not processed foods, gets you high for an hour and then youre depressed even more. clean food, think some meat with a side of starch and vegetables, you dont even have to enjoy yourself eating it your body will and it will create and environment in which your brain can heal
also chocolate (I like raw)

>> No.18630243

>Wake up
>Hot bath
>Have a beer
>Make a brunch with lots of different food while watching a thing you love

>> No.18630391

Have you tried bullets? Pour a box in to a pre heated skillet and put your face real close to the pan.

>> No.18630426

what method of cooking would you recommend?

>> No.18630428

Vitamin D supplements

>> No.18630464
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As with all life situations, meat.

Did you know it's pretty easy to get one to land on your hand? Just stick it out near one and don't move. It'll think you're a branch, and because you don't sway, you'll be the preferred landing point. They also can't walk, so you don't have to worry about it starting to crawl where you don't want. Unfortunately the larger they are, the more skittish.

>> No.18630602

Hot cooked foods reduce vata in aryuvedic medicine. Also chai tea.

>> No.18630803

Shell noodles with butter and parmesan cheese (the green container kind)

>> No.18630815

im weird about rather plain flavours, sometimes i boil up a bit of spinach and sprinkle salt and lemon juice over it. perks me up.

>> No.18630825

>As with all life situations, meat
it works for juden peterstein, i don't think most people could afford an all-beef diet though

>> No.18630866
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>it works for juden
Nice false flag vegfag

>> No.18631039
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Now that you mention deenz, i havent eaten those in years. Use to eat them with bread and mayo and boiled/fried eggs all the time. Imma go buy some tomorrow

>> No.18631084

idk but if u wanna stay depressed keep eating junk food and goyslopp

>> No.18631171


>> No.18631177

food prepared by women

>> No.18631249

Can depression really be beaten? IMO no. It's even a neurodegenerative illness. I wish I asked for meds and therapy when I was a teenager. Suicidal thoughts for weeks is not normal sadness.

>> No.18631291

Genuinely bold of you to post that considering the kind of shit you'll get splashed with around here.

>> No.18631300
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you can't eat yourself out of depression
- t. 450 lbs and still depresseed

>> No.18631337

Fruits, vegetables, meats, and beer.

>> No.18631623

Really? Because of the meds part? I don't see why I wouldn't use meds for my condition. I don't see my mind as a sacred temple not to be altered: it literally tells me to kms on the regular.

>> No.18631632

Because of assholes like >>18625645, >>18625648, >>18630391, and >>18631171.

>> No.18631651

Oh, them? They're harmless compared to my inner voice.

>> No.18631656

chocolate chips cookies fresh out the oven when theyre still gooey

>> No.18631861
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You can't cook yourself out of depression. I've tried.

>depressed as fuck.
>can't even pull myself out of bed; it's like I'm paralyzed by sadness, feet refuse to move because I just think to myself "what's the point"
>one day snap out of it, decide I need to change my life
>force myself into the shower and take a 30 minute shower where I go over every square inch of my body with a heavy duty loofah and a shit load of soap and shampoo and conditioner
>leave shower feeling like a new man, but that's not enough, I've neglected cleaning my house because of my depression, my place is a fucking mess, dust everywhere
>spend almost 20 hours non stop cleaning
>every square inch of my house gone over with a vacuum and a sponge
>collapse into my made bed with freshly washed bedsheets in my spotless museum clean apartment
>still not enough, time to change what I eat, can't be eating delivered goyslop fast food all day if I'm trying to change my emotional state
>unsubscribe from doordash pass, delete the app, drive to store and pick up beef stock, veggies, red wine and a chuck roast
>spend like 4 total hours making home made beef stew from scratch
>it comes out delicious, it's bringing a tear to my eye, it's been a long time since I've made something so good for myself
>scoop myself a big bowl, about to chow down
>take a few bites and the food turns to ash, and I no longer taste anything
>forced to shovel food into my body that I can no longer taste because my body recognized that I was getting enjoyment out of eating so my taste buds shut down as a form of punishment to teach me the important lesson of "you can never be happy, it doesn't matter if it's something as simple as a plate of good food, and even if you try I will sabotage and destroy everything you've worked for. Why? Fuck you that's why"
>only able to eat a few spoonfuls before I force myself back into bed

If you're depressed, you're depressed, not a whole lot you can do about that you guys

>> No.18631875

:( have you had therapy or meds?

>> No.18631883

wtf is this a retarded

>> No.18631891

Magic mushrooms can help
Spores are legal ;)

>> No.18631923

What dose?

>> No.18631963

the viking way

>> No.18631980

>Eat food
>Still depressed
I gave up on food at least ill be depressed and thin.

>> No.18632037
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Sorry your depressed OP. I go through it up and down, have my whole life. It gets better.
For me, its a nice colorful salad. Some kale, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, beets. Always makes me feel better and healthier

>> No.18632042

Best thing to eat after your gf breaks up with you because of your depression? She never really loved me, right?

>> No.18632099

Personally, dried 3.6 gram dose with classical music from the John Hopkins playlist but everyone responds differently. Slowly worked my way toward it.

>> No.18632114

Taco Bell, Twice Baked Potatos No Putting Potato 3 cheese butter sour cream mixgure back in skin just put in glass oven pan thing and cook

>> No.18632149


Avoid carbs in the morning, eat a high fat high protein breakfast

Don't eat sugar, if you have to eat it sparingly. Avoid refined sugars and crap that is in most candy bars. Fruit is the best way to kick the craving, but you should be careful to not overindulge, most fruit is loaded with sugars and they are way more than one serving. Fruit and sugars release dopamine, hence they become addictive and can fuck up your regulators.

Your diet should be high protein, low carb, high fat (not keto, you need more carbs than that).

Eat a lot of nuts/seeds

Dont eat carbs until lunch with a light carb dinner

Eat natural yogurt with pro-biotics, preferably high fat and low carb/sugar

At least 3x a week, eat a mostly green meal consisting of a salad or a healthy bowl with kale. Protein shakes to occasionally replace a meal help here


Exercise regularly. Moderate strength training 2-3x a week. Intense cardio 1x or more a week. Try to do light cardio (walking, biking) at least 3x a week for about 30 min to an hour

Stop smoking/vaping, it affects your ability to absorb dopamine and their receptors

Stop drinking alcohol completely. Alcohol kills the natural flora in your gut and can fuck up your body/brain, even in moderate amounts. You will notice a difference after about 2 weeks.

Read more

Find a hobby you like, video games count. Get a job where you can socialize. Only check your phone 3x a day (Napolean wouldn't check mail for 2 weeks, figured out that most problems work themselves out).

Reward yourself occasionally by going out, doing something fun. Go to a sports game. Go to a movie. Go to a show. Go on a date or hang with your buddies.

>> No.18632152


>> No.18632157
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my meme depression went away when i started taking d-vitamin

>> No.18632159


Other tips:

Coffee is fine, but sleep is important. No caffeine after 11 AM. Go for 6+ hours of sleep a day. Get a routine going where you wake up at a certain time every day. A regular job helps with this aspect. A job helps you build purpose.

>> No.18632225

>the tickets are coming in fast
>my standing orders are to get 'em out as fast as I can, and if I can't, call my boss
>who happens to be in town
>"We're gettin' slamma-jammed 'ere, pls halp"
>oh well man, y'know, I got muh keeds n sheet
Then like why'd dude say that? If I cain't count on you, you shoulda just said so.

>> No.18632254

AND then he finally shows up.
And takes Cut. Cool, finally an officer shows up and does some officer shit.
(the crewman who was supposed to be on the fryer is... very... autistic, so he tends to shut down when shit hits the fan)
So I'm droppin' em' and droppin' em'.
I dropped every god damn thing cut called for...
Yea, turns out that nigger is retarded and I'd just double-made everything.
Literally every order, I'd made it's wings and such again.

>> No.18632313
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>> No.18632330

Based advice

>> No.18632335
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{if this was the war I'd frag this useless faggot, but he's apparently the son of some prominent family or some such, so there'd be question asked.w

>> No.18632338

This is pretty good but you forgot one vital ingredient to your health smoothie - STOP MASTURBATING.

No I didn't stay ever masturbate, but like once z week is as much as you should be doing it. If you don't have a GF to naturally deposit your load into, you shouldn't reward your lack of sexual success by indulging in masturbation. Furthermore, masturbating robs you of energy, gives you too much instant gratification and rots your brain on porn.

>> No.18632354
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Like man a peanut-butter and Vienna Sausage and rice and anchovies sandwich is actually bomb as fuck.
Maybe with a side salad of Desert Shrimp....

>> No.18632373

"Desert Shrimp" is scorpions.
They're actually the pinnacle of Umami.
There's two main methods of hunting them.
Firstly, just shine a visual spectrum beam out across the ground at night and you'll see all kinds of little sparkling jewel looking things, yea, those are the eyes that happened to be facing you at that moment.
Or you could use a UV flashlight, scorpions glow under a UV light.
You prepare them much the same as you would shrimp.

>> No.18632418
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>> No.18632434
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>> No.18632487
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Got with gf while she was depressed, got her out of it. Got depressed, she promptly cheated on me and broke up with me. 15 years later still hurts/makes me mad even though I only remember she existed once or twice a year.

>> No.18632552

Hey that's me except I got left two months and two days ago.

>> No.18632572

yeah, it still hurts but I don’t feel mad just sad

>> No.18632591
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praying for you bros, it's gonna be ok

>> No.18632646

No shit wow thought I was the only person who drinks flat urine with gallstones for breakfast. Doesn't help with my mood though.

>> No.18632660

The blood and the flesh of Jesus Christ.

>> No.18632666
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>> No.18632714

Not religious myself but religion might help OP. Gotta be careful what church you join, though, especially in the US.

>> No.18632729
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Try to move on, don't dwell on it. No random generic advice will truly help until you yourself decide/realize it's over and done with. That being said common sense is mostly right: eat right, exercice, see people, set life goals and strive to meet them. Therapy can help, even if only to have someone that's paid to listen to you. With time, your mind WILL move on even if it might not feel feasible for now. Eventually you'll meet somebody else who hopefully won't put you through the same pains.

Don't do drugs or fall into alcohol, it'll become an unhealthy coping habit that will take ages to kick. Don't isolate yourself or think your pain or depression is somehow special and undefeatable. Don't obsess over the whys or hows or what ifs, did she really love me etc or even try to understand what happened. Eventually it'll make sense once it doesn't hurt anymore, and if it doesn't you won't care much anymore anyhow. Your mind is stronger than you think.

>> No.18632917
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Thank you. I'll try to put your advice into action.