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File: 109 KB, 710x710, breville-barista-express-espresso-machine-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18625255 No.18625255 [Reply] [Original]

Espresso Machine Thread
>Do you recommend buying one?
>Did you buy a cheap one, then wish you just bought an expensive quality one?
>Any tips for beginners?
>How much was your current setup?
>Any recommendations for Cyber Monday?

>> No.18625267

i somehow broke the 2 tsp sized thing I load with the beans and twist in under the thing. I've tried cleaning all parts of it, took it apart, soaked it in vinegar for awhile one day, soaked it in a basic solution overnight, still can't get anything to come out of it, no idea why. The 1 TSP one works fine.

>> No.18625274

The only "cheap" machines worth getting are manual (i.e. lever) machines, the cheapest you can reasonably get a pumped machine that's worth a damn is like $300-400 dollars depending on availability and your willingness to buy used and possibly do some fixing up.

Your grinder is more important than your machine, if you don't already have a very good grinder that's well suited for espresso don't even consider a machine yet, invest in a grinder first.

Good machines don't go on sale for black Friday/cyber Monday, if you're buying new the price is the price, if you're willing to go used it's just about what deals you can find.

>> No.18625279

>don't even consider a machine yet, invest in a
Yeah...... .. ...... advice discarded.

>> No.18625281

Oh and also, what is your motivation for getting an espresso machine?

>Just want good coffee
Don't bother, find a good cafe local to you, you're investing hundreds of not thousands of dollars into equipment that you don't know how to use and will need to make tons of bad coffee before you figure out what you're doing.

>Want a new hobby
Proceed. Go watch some Hoffmeme videos and get a solid understanding of what you're in for.

>> No.18625285

>...... .. ......

>> No.18625290

I love expresso. I put it in a trenta cup and chug dat shiznit. I don't even know what half the words I'm typing even mean.

>> No.18625337

>find a good cafe local to you
Sounds pricey

>$2 coffee filters
>free ceramic pour over and coffee grinder from mom's kitchen circa 2009 (god bless her)
>$18 beans from a local roastery
>boiled water on the stove
>cheapest and best option
>comfort of your own kitchen
>no hard cafe chairs
>no stinky hobos
>no 1000+ ppm of co2

>> No.18626900

This shit is too expensive. I just use my moka pot.

>> No.18626941

Can someone reccomend me a great espresso machine in the 3-4k range?

>> No.18626947

>dude just buy a 5000 dollar vintage italian machine signedby mario from an antique dealer you can only find by sucking off California hipsters
>you'll also need to pay a minimum of 1000 for a bean grinder

>> No.18626960

Breville dual boiler

>> No.18626964
File: 177 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3179_1200x.progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking something more along the lines of this beast.

>> No.18626977

600 dollar breville nespresso works great. Everyone that’s sees and used it buys one within a year.

Fuck all that tamping and fine bean dust getting everywhere. The nespresso pods are good and I can get a huge variety. Drinking the same bean gets old. The frother is wonderful too

>> No.18626989

I sleep on pods.

>> No.18627322

So you want something worse but shiny? The BDB is about the best you can do short of a Decent.

>> No.18627335

How is it worse? I was considering a decent machine. I'd like flow control, a double boiler, and a rotary pump at a minimum. It also must be shiny and I really don't like the look of the breville.

>> No.18627727
File: 53 KB, 920x920, philips-3200-series-fully-automatic-espresso-machine-with-lattego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect Doc Brown to be whizzing around a corner big eyed and screaming
>Great Scott
if I touched this
For me, its the Philips 3200
Step one
Power button
Step two
Press espresso

>> No.18627734
File: 71 KB, 572x613, E61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18627737

The E61 groupset made by VBM is simply the best espresso making equipment in the world

>> No.18627788

I enjoy the hassle and fiddlefaffing with a machine that has all the cool whizz bang doodads. Need me something shiny, built like a tank, and precision control over my express-o.

>> No.18627827

I like my robot and niche

I might get a decent eventually but idk

>> No.18627936

>Did you buy a cheap one, then wish you just bought an expensive quality one?

For years I used a cheap DeLonghi which costs me about £60. The espresso was probably about the same quality as Starbucks. Perfectly acceptable for the average man but poor for someone who is 'in to' coffee. I didnt really care about coffee a great deal, I just wanted a couple of shots to start the day and it worked with pre-ground coffee which made it super easy. Obviously it was all plastic and very noisy but not a problem. Didnt feel like I needed anything better.

When I got more in to coffee, I tried to do it on the cheap and get a lever machine. Not long in to owning it, I regretted it. Manual machines paired with manual grinders just take too much effort for my liking. After purchasing that, I wished that I had spent the extra to get a decent machine.

>> No.18628099

I have this exact espresso machine. It makes good espresso (or at least I think) and it has a burr grinder with a billion (like 15) grind settings. The steam wand works well and the hot water is also handy for hot cocoa or Americanos. I'm sure there are better machines, but I'm not spending 2k+ to find out. I got it from Amazon Warehouse with one of their 20% off sales for like 450 basically new. I think they are 800 brand new.

>> No.18628144

If you just want good coffee and don't want to spend the time and money on making espresso you can use a different method, you don't need to go to a cafe.

>> No.18628188
File: 228 KB, 851x1000, steampunk-cat-jeff-haynie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can appreciate someone who enjoys the steampunk aspect of it

>> No.18628288

I love expresso

>> No.18628322

Is Smeg any good? I think they look fancy.

>> No.18628329

They look smeggy.

>> No.18628342

They're just rebranded delonghis

>> No.18628350

Yes fucking obviously, but if you want specifically espresso and don't want to spend tons of money and effort figuring out how to make it at home then a cafe is the way to go.

>> No.18628391

Expresso is fantastic in the morning. Especially if you're hung over and need a lil energy. Only the truly based drink expresso.

>> No.18628642

Are delonghis are good? I think they look smeggy.

>> No.18629705

Is smegma good? It's looks de longy

>> No.18629733

I don't like espresso. It makes bad coffee more palatable, but makes good coffee taste worse. The entire premise of concentrated pressurized coffee extraction is based on the assumption that all you have is stale, shitty coffee. It was always a technological coping solution for a trade/supply problem. It morphed, over time into a masturbatory gearfag fetish or a base for the coffee version of gay mixed drinks and girl drinks. Nobody who drinks those likes coffee. Don't get an espresso machine. Get better coffee.

>> No.18629736


Espresso is weak in caffeine. The better it tastes, the less the boost. Drip coffee will chemically stimulate you more.

>> No.18629815

But will REALLY stimulate you is downing a 1kg bag of industrial caffeine extract.

>> No.18629867

Doesn't have the same hit to it. Coffee isn't just pure caffeine water. It's got trace compounds, oils, other xanthines etc. that all impact absorption. I have caffeine powder and I end up just drinking coffee anyway because I prefer the buzz off of coffee.

>> No.18629891

>t. drinks peets.

>> No.18629930

Kek you've never had a good espresso

>> No.18629942

I'm not going to reveal my power level. It's just my opinion. Carry on.

>> No.18629945

Sounds like you drink piss coffee and don't want any anons to know.

>> No.18629953

I drink better coffee than most people on the planet. I apologize for shitting on espresso. I'm glad that you like what you like.

>> No.18629956

Sounds like you've got a timemore c2.

>> No.18630335

You must have never had expresso before, dumbass. Cant you read?

>> No.18630804
File: 96 KB, 1080x1062, Screenshot_20221118_144553_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as a barista for a couple of years. All the coffee chains I've been to have shit espresso. I drink americanos over espressos, so a moka pot did me well for a while. Found picrel at the end of a driveway and figured I'd try fixing it up. $25 for a new part and it's fully functional again.
The $800 price tag for a new one seems outrageous, but I haven't tried cheaper machines. I personally would feel like I wasted money if I spent anything over $200 on it. The espresso is better than the chains, is very consistent and simple to make. I suppose if I factored in the economics of it id be more favorable to the machine. I haven't tried making a latte yet, but the wand seems very bad for foam.

>> No.18631051

Pull the cover out and you get a proper but short steam wand