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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 500x387, crustless-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18624826 No.18624826 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything useful i can do with the cursts from my sandwiches

>> No.18624836

eat them

>> No.18624843

Bread pudding

>> No.18624846

feed them to ducks or pigeons

>> No.18624856

my grandpa took me to feed the birds as a kid but i heard your not supposed to do it anymore

>> No.18624860

turn then into breadcrumbs for chicken

>> No.18624862

it's because the government hates you and your grandpa

>> No.18624912



>> No.18624939

>However, scientific studies have not proven any link between bread and angel wing, and some academics refute the connection.
Debunked by your own fucking link.

>> No.18624944

see?: >>18624912

>> No.18624952

Aww :(

>> No.18624956


>> No.18624970

Save them for peanut broth

>> No.18625104
File: 58 KB, 480x471, pictureofacat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, i was gonna say this.

>> No.18625118

The heck did you do to those sandwiches to get them into that shape? Ho wmuch did you waste!?

>> No.18625207

Throw them outside if you're not going to eat it, at least let the animals eat it. The worst thing you could do is throw it in the garbage.

>> No.18625221

eat it faggot, what are you 5?

>> No.18625223


>> No.18625237

It says [citation needed] right next to it you fucking tard

>> No.18625278

the crust is the best part after the first and last slice of a loaf.

>> No.18625300

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy those uncrustable sandwiches?
This forum is so cringe sometimes.

>> No.18625317

They can have corn! :DDDDD

>> No.18625334

That kinda makes me wonder about how messed up people were back before bread was fortified

>> No.18625338

Make crouton

>> No.18625546

yeah, eat them you coward

>> No.18625552

They'd get deformed wings and couldn't fly away

>> No.18625559

bake them in the oven with sugar and butter while u eat the pbj and then u can eat then after ur done !!

>> No.18625574

It's enriched, not fortified. There's a difference and it matters.

>> No.18625903

Grandma taught me to keep them and just butter them and wrap them in cheese and ham.
It's like a reverse sandwich where the bread is the lesser mass.

>> No.18627266

when i make smörgåstårta i but the crust in the oven with some olive oil and Italian seasoning.

>> No.18627278

>is there anything useful i can do with the cursts from my sandwiches

feed them to a animal like a prarie dog and make him ur friend :D

>> No.18627280

No it doesn't matter. It's got shit added to it that doesn't belong in there, only reason being: the original product is shit, garbage, empty, void, null.

Get a proper job.

>> No.18627284


>> No.18627341

so what, that's just cat food
calm your tits, faggot bird lover

>> No.18627379

PLURB <3 :3

>> No.18627395
File: 137 KB, 1024x717, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 replies, and not one of you fu/ck/ers has called him a faggot for posting "cursts"?!
>I am disappoint.