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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18613662 No.18613662 [Reply] [Original]

This is the “Famous Sauce” from Capitol Lunch in New Britain, Connecticut. A local delicacy that has been in business for almost 100 years.

>> No.18613669

Id eat it

>> No.18613673
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At only $2.50 a dog, there isn’t a better deal around.

>> No.18613678
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It's the circle of life

>> No.18613692

That is actually poop

>> No.18613703


>> No.18613747
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Capitol Lunch is a family owned location and has been for nearly a century. Pictured are the elder Gerald and younger Matthew Warchezski. The location is known to locals as “Crapitol Lunch” and are known to come in and ask for “the shit sauce”. 2 hotdogs and an order of fries is commonly called a “Big Shitter”. You won’t find this on any menu, but if you’re a true local you’ll know. The Famous Sauce is often served in small ramekins commonly called “dookie drops” by locals and used for dipping. The sauce is also sold for $10 for an 8 ounce container, something many New Britain locals take advantage of due to the popularity of the Famous Sauce. Locals know to order it as a “Big Dump” and the owners aren’t shy about giving a little extra to people who order this way, knowing they’re what’s called a “tool city townie” and thus one of their own.

>> No.18613773

Based shitters

>> No.18614036

mmmm the sauce truly is.....The Boss!

>> No.18614054

I call em dirty diaper donks and I like to sauce mine up.

>> No.18614128

>yfw that's literally what locals call them
Lol what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.18614233

That's a hilarious piece of local culture. I'd read a book about amusing local culture like this.

>> No.18614245

>only $2.50 a dog
imagine paying more than 50 cents for a hot dog.

>> No.18614300

They look like zoomers.

>> No.18614305
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I lived in Connecticut for 9 years and went to Capitol Lunch several times. Everything poop-related that you posted is a complete lie. No one there calls the food any of that stuff.

Visual appearance notwithstanding, Capitol Lunch is delicious and their meat sauce is excellent. I don't know what they put in it, allspice or cloves or whatever, but it's great and although there are other hot dog joints in CT that do meat sauces I never found one quite like Capitol Lunch.

Anyway, fuck both your lies and the people judging by a photo, it's great stuff and if you're ever in central CT I definitely recommend stopping in.

>> No.18614320

>eating polack food

>> No.18614327

can't unsee

>> No.18614345

Fucking delicious looking Coney Island style dogs. Too many fecalpheliac degenerates in this thread projecting their fetish onto delicious food.

>> No.18614367
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Looks good

>> No.18614461

You're damned right. CT is actually what introduced me to Polish food. There were places in New Britain I'd go to (the Roly Poly bakery had a great hot food section in the back) and one of my coworkers would often bring stuff from home to share. Best pierogi I ever had.

>> No.18614616

This guy is trolling, it's definitely true. Due to the restaurant's popularity, New Britain is known as "Poo Shittin'" to the locals. The city used to used the National Coprophiliacs Convention, and Capitol Lunch was consistently rated "almost as tasty as the real thing." Also, they give you a roll of toilet paper instead of napkins.

>> No.18614790

Nothing like some bloody butthole sauce.

>> No.18614801

I'm making my own "Famous Sauce" as I type this now.

>> No.18614818

does this redeem America?

>> No.18614844

>who wants seconds?

>> No.18615228

I'm impressed how they, anaged to ma,e min Ed meat look like literal dogshit.

>> No.18615264

fr fr.

>> No.18615397

>not a New Britain native
Opinion disregarded. You probably haven’t even encountered The town homosexual rapist at Elmers who has been preying on drunk CCSU students for 3 decades.

>> No.18615481

We call that a big pooper where I'm from.

>> No.18615511

Is Burritt Street still the best place to buy crack after dark? Or does everyone just go to CVS now after Connecticut legalized it?

>> No.18615522

The mini market on the corner of North and MLK where all the niggers used to sell crack has closed down.

>> No.18615528

Crack is legal in Connecticut?

>> No.18615550

Why not, you're talking about a hard-blue state which overturned the people's justice for the Cheshire Home Invasion murderers:


>two men break into a house
>rape the women and girls (youngest 11yo)
>strangle one
>burn the house down, killing the others
>they were arrested, convicted, sentenced to death
>the state SPECIFICALLY delayed abolishing the death penalty so that these monsters could be put down
>instead, the "State Supreme Court" overturned the rule of law and sent the murders to cushy prisons out of state
>one of them is now getting tranny drugs on the taxpayer's dime

So yeah, pretty much everything is legal in CT.

>> No.18615568

>everything is legal in CT.
Sorry, "everything is legal except constitutional rights which they've been trying to outlaw for decades."

>> No.18615577

>article refers to him as “she” throughout

Some tranny took it upon themselves to go back and edit that article to make sure the murderer was gendered appropriately.

>> No.18615585

>Some tranny took it upon themselves

>> No.18615588


Sick faggots

>> No.18615592

What society gets for letting women and non-land owners vote.

>> No.18615613
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>> No.18615650

On a less political note, but still weird/disturbing, here's another fascinating bit of local CT lore:


>Connecticut couple owns chimpanzee
>chimp appears in TV shows, commercials
>relationship with chimp starts getting... interesting
>"Sandra slept and bathed with Travis"
>refers to herself as chimp's "Mom"
>chimp escapes several times, causes havoc
>police do nothing
>Sandra still fucked in the head
>Sandra starts drugging chimp with Xanax, which can have bizarre side effects
>plus it's a fucking wild animal
>one day, the chimp goes ape-shit (heh) and brutally mauls and maims a friend
>"she lost her hands, nose, eyes, lips, and mid-face bone structure and received significant brain tissue injuries"

"News reports of the incident spread as far as China" because of the horrific nature of the attack, and also the doctors' amazing attempts at reconstructive surgery.

Key quote about the 911 call: "Travis' screams can be heard in the background at the start of the tape as Sandra pleaded for the police, who initially believed the call to be a hoax until she started screaming, "He's eating her!"

Fookin hell lads.

>> No.18615723

>The hospital provided counseling to its staff members who initially treated her because of the extraordinary nature of Nash's wounds.
Chimp fucked her up so bad he gave the surgical team nightmares.

>> No.18615727

But it's not just all tranny serial killers and mad chimps in CT. Let's bring this back to /ck/ with an exhaustive list of the state's culinary marvels.

New Haven pizza:
>thin chewy crust cooked in coal-fired oven
It's actually pretty choice desu. Skip the clam meme topping.

Steamed cheeseburgers:
>cooked in steam cabinet for moist, juicy texture
Not a showstopper but not bad. The OG restaurant in Meriden is just a few minutes off the highway if you're passing through.

Hot oil pizza.
>Cheese pizza with a little chili oil
I think someplace in CT claims to have invented this, and it's served throughout the state. It's kinda shit in my opinion, the oil isn't nearly hot enough to add significant heat/flavor.

Lobster rolls
Found throughout New England, not special to CT, but you'll notice them during summer, you can even buy them at McDonald's. Tasty but always expensive, often overpriced for tourists, so you might as well pick a touristy spot on the coast (New London area) with a nice sea view.

Grumbly warmers:
>(info available only on darkweb blogs)
Grumblies are probably the only local cuisine that hasn't been exploited and commoditized. Honestly, unless you're friends with a family that got here before 1700, you'll probably never get to try them, much less get the recipe. But if you know, you know. Supposedly Skull & Bones at Yale has its own special twist, the Grumbly bumbly, but I don't move in those circles, cannot confirm. The regular Grumbly warmer is enough for me... so crisp, so squealy, so pensive, with a truly somber aftertaste.

Also CT is called the "Nut-Meg State" but that's just a Family Guy reference, ignore the boomer shitposters in legislature.

>> No.18615774
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Forgot, honorable mentions...

Louis Lunch:
>claims to be original hamburger restaurant
>globs of beef, cooked on weird antique grills, served on wonderbread with sparse toppings
>they have stupid rules for tourists like those shitty cheesesteak stalls in Philly, "no ketchup allowed on premises"
Never been, seems cringe.

Willington red-potato pizza
>pizza with sliced potatoes, sour cream, bacon, broccoli
>pic related
It gets nice reviews, wanna try it, looks quite murderable (oh shit too soon)

Yeah and this guy >>18614461 was not kidding, CT has so many Poles. There are just a few notable Polish restaurants, but the million Polish grocery stores are a nice resource.

Also CT has a shitton of breweries and many of them are actually decent. The "New England IPA" style dominates but there are diamonds in the rough.

And that's probably it, aside from our TGI Fridays (it's wonderful).

>> No.18616612

NY System in Rhode Island is far better. I've had both.

>> No.18616683

Based Tommy's poster

>> No.18616721


>> No.18616730

imagine the smell in that restaurant with every eating big shitters and sharting in their pants

>> No.18617412
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There’s even a woman local to there that sells traditional sponge cakes with the same ingredients!

>> No.18617427

>I've had both
no wonder you're gay

>> No.18618170

are steamed cheeseburgers similar to steamed hams?

>> No.18618433

Anon are you ok ?

>> No.18618442

low dangling fruits

>> No.18618443

Yes, but you can only see the Aurora Borealis in Northern CT.


>> No.18618456

Stop lying

>> No.18618460


>> No.18618461
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>> No.18618466
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>> No.18618468
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>> No.18618471

that looks bretty gud actually

>> No.18618973
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I'm glad CT exists so my state isn't the laughingstock of New England.

>> No.18619379

Are you Anthony Wall from Wethersfield?

>> No.18619434

Connecticut died for me when they framed Aaron Hernandez. And then we lost Daddy Jack’s Cooginwidablues. CT is no longer part of my New England

>> No.18619435


fu for making me utube grumblies. fuckin furries

>> No.18619669

>Connecticut died for me when they framed Aaron Hernandez.
That happened in Massachusetts.

>> No.18619678

Nope, sorry, New Haven pizza is actually tasty, what you posted are Dominos breadsticks for children. Thanks for the 'Gansett though.

>> No.18619733

>“Famous Sauce”
I don't particularly like the "goyslop" meme, but that's the only thing that fits this.

Costco, $1.50 and you get a soda with it.

>> No.18619752

You're the state that caused Kelo v. New London.

From what I've read, after bulldozing the lovely little water-view house that Ms. Kelo used to own, the city left it as an abandoned lot and used it to dump waste brush on. Well done.

>> No.18619784

>You're the state that caused Kelo v. New London.
There are a lot of shitty things about CT that was ultimately the US Supreme Court's fault, the federal libtards had the final say.

>> No.18619789

>There are a lot of shitty things about CT that
*BUT that was ultimately

>> No.18619803

>Costco, $1.50 and you get a soda with it.
Nope, not since they killed the US menu. You can't even get onions anymore. (Foreign Costcos still have full menus though, including condiments.) If you're looking for a real deal, go to Sam's Club:


>> No.18620340

This is why we must bring back public humiliation and executions.

>> No.18621351

straight up looks like someone wiped their ass with those hotdogs

>> No.18621375

I’m fucking dying laughing at this thanks anon.

>> No.18621384

I appreciate the Connecticontent on this webzone very much so. Tomorrow I will try to get myself some of those Grumblies

>> No.18621394

>Grumbly warmers
W-what? I've never heard of this. Are you memeing on me? Please be nice, I'm a retard.

>> No.18621400

More like Crapitol Lunch lmao

>> No.18621496

serious question:
what causes this?

>> No.18621534

looks good

>> No.18622123

Going to a mart.

>> No.18622235

Hey Omar

>> No.18622239

Hey Zach

>> No.18622265

ibs or crohns,i've never had that problem, my underwear is always clean except for ball stench.

>> No.18622305
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>> No.18622470

I grew up in New Britain. This is all false lol.

It's a good sauce. I have the recipe if anyone wants it

>> No.18624444

Please give me the recipie anon I want to make my own sloppy doo