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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18612477 No.18612477 [Reply] [Original]

What eating behaviors do you have when things aren't going well?

>> No.18612480

i drink heavily

>> No.18612482

i dont stress eat because it disgusts me to think about eating 2000 calories of junk at once

>> No.18612484

>when things aren't going well?
i usually stop eating weirdly enough

>> No.18612486

>he doesn't go into autopilot from anxiety
Must suck

>> No.18612487


>> No.18612494

can’t eat when I’m upset

>> No.18612517

Do you lose weight? What's the most you dropped? How long were you upset for?

>> No.18612560

This and then the worst part is not having an appetite for like 3 days after knowing you should probably eat something

>> No.18612583


I get home and while standing in my kitchen eat every snack I bought that doesn't need heating or defrosting

>> No.18612670

It's nice to know others do this too. It's made me stop buying snacks. I don't have crackers, cookies, fruit cups, none of that. Still, there is bread, and I will eat toast after toast until the loaf is gone. Usually done in the darkness while naked before a shower

>> No.18612672

This sounds pretty kino. How much do you puke?

>> No.18612685

this was me before I quit drinking
this is me after I quit drinking

>> No.18612695

Eating shredded cheese at 4 am

>> No.18612714

i eat an entire box of cookies to try to kill myself with a heart attack. god just fuckin heals me, though. for whatever reason, he wont let me die.

>> No.18612780

I guess is wasn't a box of oreo "cookies" then

>> No.18612812

Soup or beans, straight from the can
Entire sleeve of crackers
Spam & Mustard sandwiches

>> No.18612832

Freezer-cooled vodka.

>> No.18612841

maybe you should try a new god then

>> No.18612854

You're making me hella hungry bro

>> No.18612862

Eating compulsively, and not caring WHAT I eat.
And not being active enough.
Yet I'm not obese

>> No.18612874

Been there, brother.
Used to drink every waking hour for a few years...
After a while, I didn't even mix drinks.
And I would go days without eating anything, then eat some quick junk food takeout stuff.
It got to the point if I woke up - and couldn't purchase alcohol at that time of day, I risked DTS, seizures, death etc.
9 months sober now, and I don't really miss it...
Certainly not that anxiety of waking up in the middle of the night, and knowing that I could die as I could not procure alcohol...

>> No.18612877

congratulations anon
3 months here after 17 years of alcoholism

>> No.18612879

I was 25 years in.
Got extreme for around 3 years

>> No.18612937

i've only seen proof of one. and i was an athiest before that. hes got me good and scared!

>> No.18613022

Fucks sake, man. Respect. I was lucky enough to get the "put the bottle down and call it a night" gene, but half my family are addicts and my sister is an alcoholic herself. Once saw her have a full-on seizure, wake up, dust herself off and chug a bottle of Listerine. She's nearly hit 2 years sober and I couldn't be more proud. But I know from being there for her how fucking tough a battle that is, so good on you mate, I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

>> No.18613054

What kind of cookies did you eat?

>> No.18613055

Thanks, bro!
Never got to the point of drinking mouthwash, hand sanitizer, etc, but yeah...the last year of my run got pretty scary.
My resting BAL after two hours without drinking was 412.
Always thought 4.0 killed you, but not after years of pounding it. Scarier thing is, I'd headed out for more booze, took a left instead and went and got admitted to hospital.
SCARIEST though, is that I started again a month later. Then did outpatient and started doing meetings

>> No.18613077

How fuck. Your subconscious saved your life. What did the doctors do when you got there? Give you and IV drip and puke bucket?

Also kinda funny to know you drove there lol must've been used to it

My friends dad was an alcoholic. Him and his family found him laying on the sidewalk outside the liquor store. I think he's good now.

>> No.18613083
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>> No.18613092

I feel extremely comforted by eating while the shower is running and I'm about to hop it. I was finishing my sammy today.

Despite what you might think, I'm not a fat fuck. I'm around 73kg at 6ft. It's like what

>> No.18613093

They put up those fucking bed sides, and tried to keep me from getting up to piss, as I was a seizure risk.
They started mainlining Ativan after 11 hours, which was too long to wait, as I went into DT's after being put in a room. Didn't seize, but started hallucinating. Nothing scary, mind you, but I was terrified, as I didn't know that hallucinations were part of the package plan of delirium tremens.
They then mainlined a ton of Ativan into me, and I don't remember the rest of the day.

>> No.18613106

How long were you there for? Did the staff look at you with contempt?

>> No.18613125

This isn't story time you wet-brained alkie retards, go chug a bottle of bleach ya dumb fucks

>> No.18613164

No, they were actually really decent. The nurse that realized I was hallucinating and got me back to triage was beyond awesome.
I was terrified as I thought my brain was shutting down. I stayed around five days.

Oops, should probably talk about tea, pretentious ways to brew shit coffee, food with Asian text tasting different than any other ramen, or calling everything posted some racist name or another - my bad.
But nah, my incel friend didn't even develop Wernicke-Korsakoff

>> No.18613167

I mostly just order korean fried chicken and drink heavily.

Which is also what I do when things are going exceptionally well. I'm really only healthy when things are stable. Too happy and I indulge to celebrate. Too sad and I indulge to bury the sads.

But thankfully the vast majority of my time is spent within those two border margins, where I eat fairly reasonably and dont drink at all

>> No.18613190

Little baby is hungry and wants his formula

>> No.18613196

who are you? thread police?

>> No.18613199
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I am more likely to buy something I shouldn't from the grocery store like a dessert or just having a 2nd soft drink in a day. I might buy them without it being a 'fuck it all' mood but I'm more likely to stop myself or ask if I really need it. Whereas when things are bad it's "fuck it all" and just get it without hesitation. Right now pic related is my real nemesis. I'll only buy the small two-slices boxes because god knows what I'd do if I had the entire pie.

>> No.18613229

I'd call you a freaky sugar freak faggot for eating that but I drink eggnog so... i won't!

>> No.18613249

I like that pie. Good taste

>> No.18613269

you have it harder than the alkies anon
you can quit drinking forever, but you can never quit eating
at least you are aware and have systems in place
nice work

>> No.18613275

Same I haven't eaten anything in 3 days, makes getting drunk easier though

>> No.18613316

My problem isn't food, it's soda. Like, I'm legitimately addicted to it. It makes me upset if I don't get at least one soda a day. I'm always thinking about soda and when I'll buy one.

>> No.18613322

This makes me feel better, I have a drinking problem but at least not like this and I have been trying to wrangle it under control so I can still enjoy but not go crazy. At least as much as I crave the idea of alcohol I don't get any physical effects if I don't get it. Have covid and had to cut back, the worst symptom is boredom. Got drunk early this afternoon but just put me to sleep so it all felt like a waste.

>> No.18613331

I used to be a fattie, now I'm an alkie. I'd rather be the later.

>> No.18613340

ah yes here it is, another snivelling barely disguised alkie thread. Can you bawwing faggots please fuck off and kill yourselves already?

>> No.18613349

I wish I could drink but I have a IBD. I have gone through the past 3 years sober and it sucks. Weed is fucking terrible for my skin and brain so it's limited to 2/year. At least coffee makes me feel somewhat euphoric some days

>> No.18613358

Soda is a superfood as long as it's made with real sugar. Don't feel bad

>> No.18613382

So many questions
1. what is IBD
2.why is weed bad for your skin, never heard that
3.limiteded to 2/year

>> No.18613400

Inflammatory bowel disease
Idk, I get cystic acne from it. Acne is a side effect from weed, and mine is terrible and painful

>> No.18613413

The edgy, uber-traveled and ultra experienced 22 year old has spoken. He just forgot to say desu or whatever 4chanebonics he'll use in real life.

Fun fact: he can do / say whatever he wants, as his words aren't ever important enough for those is earshot to listen to

>> No.18613425
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>> No.18613435
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Get everything you need done finished early in the day, then you can wallow. By 11AM today I had lifted, ran, did my grocery shopping, and cooked. Spent the time since then drunk and high since I'm off work til tomorrow.

>> No.18613440

>I didn't even mix drinks
Wow how horrific I can't even IMAGINE

>> No.18613444

i dont eat when things are going well i just drink warm broth and if i am lucky i have noodles with it

>> No.18613450

I don't even wanna know what you eat when things go bad now

>> No.18613459

damn you got me i meant to say i don't eat when things aren't going well

>> No.18613467

Chugging from bottom shelf liquor half gallons gets rugged

>> No.18613475

my go to depression food is sour candy and spicy chips.. I just want to feel something, anything..

>> No.18613516

Been there mate, however I would ALWAYS top up if I had less than enough alcohol to last me at least the next day. My problem was the sickness, I get the not eating for days, but I sometimes got to points I couldn't even keep the drink down, and that's when I really started to panic. I checked myself into A&E a couple of times because of it, I was shaking like shit and vomiting every 10 minutes or so. They IV you with diazepam as well as saline solution an a bunch of vitamins and shit. I've been through withdrawal a tonne of times at home, but it's amazing how much more pleasant it is when you have an IV of vitamins and salt going into your arm. That shit really sorts you out especially when you're starving, didn't need any diazepam past the first night one time. Still could barely walk the next day but I felt relatively well as I was lying in bed.

>> No.18613521

Sorry to hear that anon, take care I wish you all the best

>> No.18613530
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>I checked myself into A&E
>This week on biography...

>> No.18613537

omg what a gigantic fucking BAWW post, kill yourself you sad pathetic snivelling piece of shit

>> No.18613538

If I’m just depressed I can still eat, it’s more when I’m very upset about something I can’t eat much. Sometimes I try but end up spitting it out. It’s bad. This month I’m down to 82 pounds but I’m feeling better now so I’m not worried about it. I had anorexia for around a year in high school so it’s probably related to that. I’m a woman in case the low weight sounds strange.

>> No.18613541

My eating habits don’t change. I gorge on garbage regardless of my lot in life at the moment

>> No.18613548

I love reading about the miserable lives of alchies. Keep it up lads and have a fifth for me!

>> No.18613564

82lbs is nothing. You're fine. Get help when you reach 70

>> No.18613571

I’ve never weighed that low. Like I said, I’m not worried. I like to eat.

>> No.18613613

The actual fuck is wrong with YOU that you interpret that as BAWW rather than just someone contributing relevant anecdotes in a pretty neutral tone.
Like dude, no one else is getting the reaction you're getting from >>18613516 . I can't even tell when you would've started getting triggered. I can only guess you don't want to hear shit from alchies period and misinterpret anything from their perspective as whiny.

>> No.18613647

>Sometimes I try but end up spitting it out
do you ever eat and then vomit it up?

>> No.18613767

I guess you really are a woman if you claim to weigh 82 pounds now and never weighed 70 pounds in the past. I will consider the possibility of a 69 pound stick getting enormous implants and skipping over 70 pounds though.

>> No.18613774

God, I just want it to stop.

>> No.18613784

I ate 7 fibre one bars today and I feel like a retard. I'm supposed to be on a diet. I have food I like in the fridge that I was supposed to eat (orange & yogurt). But I ate sweets instead.

>> No.18613785

that's good anon
you can't stop it if you don't want to
now you need to try to make it stop
how are you trying?

>> No.18613881

that and then im hungry and go on a spending spree on junk food

>> No.18613887

whatever's in the cupboard

>> No.18614451

McD or kebab once a day, well, night; lots of soda and tea that goes cold.

>> No.18614458

>I'm not obese yet

>> No.18614502
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>I'm around 73kg at 6ft.
Metric AND English?
I guess you wanted to confuse everybody?
For Americans: you're 6' and 163 lbs.
I'm pretty sure your using more meth than food.
Probably still healthier than excess food.

>> No.18614525

>tea that goes cold.
It's always sad when tea goes cold. The moment is over and time to get back to work

>> No.18614533

>my go to depression food is sour candy and spicy chips
Mine is Mac & Cheese.
It's like nobody here has even heard about "comfort food".
How about mashed potatoes?

>> No.18614580

Please share your experience of witnessing proof of divinity, anon

>> No.18614603
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Dont know why, but my 'my life is at a low point right now' meal is Lays potato chips dipped into blue-box kraft mac n cheese.

Usually just scooping it right out of the pot.

>> No.18614633

i just shove cheez-its down my throad

>> No.18614742


>> No.18614798

For me it's just not caring about eating. I'm completely emaciated. I'll be hungry and just not eat because I don't care about it, I don't want to put in the effort to cooking and eating.

I have been stuck at home for the last week due to being covid positive, the week leading up to thanksgiving, and I still haven't been sitting here making a bunch of stuff or anything like that. It's just me and my parents for the holiday, there's all these things I could have made, but no, just nothing because I don't see the point in all the effort.

I'm severely mentally ill.

>> No.18615142

calm down bro sounds like you need a drink

>> No.18615148

>lose 70 pounds in 10 months
>things going great
>dad dies, we were close
>can't stop feeling hungry
>it's been a month and I gained 7 pounds
any tips bros?

>> No.18615162

Imagine your dad's disappointment and disgust with you turning fat again

>> No.18615199

The taste You love

>> No.18615584

I do it because alcohol breaks concentration, and I'm tired of my brain going nonstop. I just want a quiet mind.

>> No.18615603

That's a nice part that I appreciate too, until I spiral out of control and wake up three days later after downing nearly three liters of vodka

>> No.18615609

Spirits are the opposite of civilisation. The browner they are, the better they are. Vodka is atrocious.

>> No.18615610

do it for him

>> No.18615616

Botatoes are INSANELY filling. If you have a pressure cooker like my instant pot you can cook those fuckers in no time and have them with every meal. Make sure you cut them up, otherwise the inside won't cook.

>> No.18616225
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I stop caring and cook/eat everything view pie pan. Pasta, soup, chicken fingers. Doesn't matter. I just throw/pour it into the pie pan, heat if at 375 for however long till it's hot, then eat it.

>> No.18616290

when I was drinking a lot every day and working 10 plus hour shifts I'd just throw frozen chicken burgers (they were like the cheapest meat pound per pound) and potato wedges into one of these and it was my only real meal of the day besides lunch

>> No.18616349

I'm not trying. I have no motivation and find no pleasure from anything in life and use booze to fast forward through the cold and loneliness. I didn't drink for months when I was in a relationship, didn't even have urges, because it was more important to me to be mentally present and emotionally available. But I have no reason now. Maybe next week I'll take the plunge and go to AA like I keep getting told to.

>> No.18617625
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alternating between starving myself and binging until i physically can't eat anymore.

>> No.18617653
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>why yes it is time to eat over 2lbs of sour patch kids in one sitting

the citric acid burn combined with sugar is just too delicious i don't even like any other candy

>> No.18617689

I get that its been hard to eat for me for a while but ive improved, you can too you have to start small and be consistent

>> No.18618452

Don't eat, don't drink, just sit.

>> No.18618496

>he doesnt toast and eat an entire loaf of bread while sitting in an ice cold bath
whats it like to be a retard

>> No.18618506

i destroy myself with whatever food item i find and then exclusively consume that 1 item until im so sick i reject even the thought of it and then i try and come back to normal eating which only lasts about a week before i death spiral again.
my last one was ginger beer and spearmint chewing gum at the same time
3 liters of beer and 8 packets of gum every day for 2 weeks
it pretty much destroyed my stomach
and if i got hungry i would just eat a tub of icecream
i would do 1 tiny fart every 5 mins and jesus christ it smelt so bad i actually almost threw up after smelling it every time but i just kept chewing gum and drinking beer.

im over that now
now my new thing is drinking 3 litres of those super idk "healthy" smoothies or whatever
just packed with fruit and veggies
its actually better because it makes me feel so full i can't eat anything.
and yes i do look exactly what you think i look like.

>> No.18618510

>it's been a month and I gained 7 pounds
fuck off poser you will never be fat

>> No.18618532

I simply don't eat except for one meal a day, like a McDonald's big mac. Also, a lot of diet pepsi and lite beer.

>> No.18618534

>Eating behaviors when things aren't going well
Try to stay hydrated. If I've been under-eating because of it, try to force myself to eat small portions of complex carbs, proteins, and fats.
It's really only my physical health that I have to worry about here though. Which I typically try to heal with sleep and hot showers if unable to sleep.
Mental problems? I either try to work through them logically, plan how to work through them in smaller steps, or procrastinate the ever living fuck out of them.

>> No.18618548

Seltzer kept me feeling full when I was dieting.

>> No.18618588

I shoplift something i would never eat normally and eat it. For some reason this cheers me up immensely

>> No.18618598

someone on here said to try feeling hungry for a bit since 3 meals a day doesn't really lend you that feeling often. Well, I did the unthinkable and stopped eating for a couple hours. It's like my brain has been rewired - for the first time in 6 years, I'm consistently eating at a deficit. Lost 20lbs so far.

>> No.18619624

I used to drink vodka as soon as I woke up, and continue the entire day. Its been like that for at least 5 years.

I dropped off all my hard alcohol at a friends place about a week ago, and it was a good move for me. I feel so much different.

I was actually going to pickup a small handle yesterday when I was about to go shopping. I figured it would be okay since it's holiday season... but everyone at my Meximart was sloshed/trashed. Seeing them stumble in a daze made me not want to drink and be like them.

GL anon.

>> No.18619652

Same. Can't eat while stressed.

My 80 year old grandma is barely five feet and weighs more than that. How tiny are you?

>> No.18619716

energy drinks

>> No.18620788

any close calls with being caught?

>> No.18620799

>sitting in an ice cold bath
Who does this? I eat naked in my kitchen, good sir

>> No.18620803

>I’m down to 82 pounds

>> No.18620806
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You've still got stuff He wants you to do

>> No.18620960

Smaller than her

>> No.18621069

i've been caught. they usually just call you out on it and tell you to return it. never had the cops called on me but they have to tell you that you're barred from the shop.

should tell you that i'm not american and would never shoplift in america for fear of getting shot to death

>> No.18621075

I stop eating when I'm stressed

>> No.18621407

>Walk to fridge/pantry/freezer
>Look inside
>Absorb nothing or get overwhelmed or bored

>Close door

>Repeat two to five times

>Return to bedroom unfed

>> No.18621461

I want to watch this

>> No.18621526

Yeah, they pump you with thiamine and niacin and other stuff. Tears up the stomach...
Did mine.

I'd gone a long time without eating before one detox, and when I ate, my stomach hurt worse than I could ever remember.

>> No.18621532

eating one 3 course meal a day. instead of two 3 course meals.

>> No.18621533

I'd imagine he had a rough day...nobody viewed his TikTok, or his 12 year old brother bloodied his nose again - you know, typical Zoomer (see: feebleminded) peoblems

>> No.18621910

Letting everything in my fridge rot while I go out and get fast food

>> No.18621987

I also fart in my fridge before my wife makes supper

>> No.18622533

Lmao why I'm literally just a poor fuck who needs Adderall

>> No.18622537

I binge eat, and when I was at my worst I would drive through multiple fast food drive thrus to get all the food I wanted for one meal.

>> No.18624331

I watch day in the life videos from PaoloFromTokyo, this would be more interesting

>> No.18624333

Any photo's of your 'thru - buffet?