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18605703 No.18605703 [Reply] [Original]

The worst grinder money can buy edition

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous Thread:>>18594978

>> No.18605720
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thats my next grinder. it'll go well with my aeropress

>> No.18605732

redpill me on McCafe

>> No.18605788

this thread is just for me

>> No.18605900
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Sexy gyal

>> No.18605903

The McDonalds of coffee.
>inb4 food analogy

>> No.18605944

Allegedly good in Australia, hog piss everywhere else.

>> No.18605949

I wouldo lick-eh some moah cawfee

>> No.18605997

gwin tee

>> No.18606000

Bet an Aeropress would make a mean cup of tea

>> No.18606009

Trips of truth! Das rite!

>> No.18606059

yeh probably.

>> No.18606101


>> No.18606103

y-you wouldn't think naughty thoughts about coffee w-would you anon?

>> No.18606104

cow feet

>> No.18606110
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O-of course not...

>> No.18606123

how easy is it to take apart and repair a baratza encore

>> No.18606128

what is youtube
also baratza seems to have a whole series of videos about taking apart and repairing the encore

>> No.18606293

Baratza are pretty based about letting people dick around inside their grinders without affecting warranty.

>> No.18606296

Got completely mogged by the stuff they have at the roaster. Their Yirgacheffe was like drinking cherry juice, totally different from how it is at home when I make it.
Bought some Mandahiling Sumatra

>> No.18606333

I prefer darker roasts because they extract easier in my espresso machine. No worries about chaff clogging up the portafilter

>> No.18606334

You should look around for Bali Blue Moon

>> No.18606339

The 5 sites I Yahdexed say it's chocolatey, not for me. I want something acidic tasting I can enjoy with no sugar or milk.
Sumatra I bought is also less fruity tasting, but I'm tired of only drinking Yirgacheffe

>> No.18606341

panama geisha
nothing under $1 per bean

>> No.18606356

Would be cool to have somewhere I can go to to have people make nice stuff like that to try.
I don't really have anything like that. Local roaster's best from that area is Honduran. Actually kinda kicking myself over not asking to try it when I was there earlier today

>> No.18606366
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I'm looking for an super automatic coffee machine. Why are "high end" machines so expensive? Is it just brand name?
Are entry level expensive machines worth it?
I'm looking specifically at Miele CM5310 Silence and Jura ENA 4, which are the cheapest one from these brands. What's so good about them?
My parents have been using a Delonghi Magnifica for 6 years now and the only problem I got with it so far is cleaning. There's always a shit ton of coffee inside which is a pain in the ass to clean. But as far as I can tell, it happens with every machine, so why pay double or more for one that will do the same?
I just want one that will last at least 10 years and makes 1 type of coffee the same way every time.
>inb4 don't get super automatic
I've been using mostly moka all my life and it's good enough for me, except for one thing: it needs cleaning after every use. I only do the dishes once a day and don't feel like cleaning it if I want more coffee. Maybe I should get a second moka...
Anyway, what's a good super automatic machine and why?
Thanks for reading my blog. I'll make a new thread maybe.

>> No.18606383

don't get super automatic
> it needs cleaning after every use.
what the fuck are you talking about when you say "cleaning"
i use a moka 3 times a day and i only "clean" it one every 2 weeks.
after every use i dump the grounds and rinse it and wipe the top chamber with a paper towel to remove any oils.
do you consider this cleaning it? if you do then why do you consider this to be so hard that you even need to mention it.

>> No.18606446

I have a mate who has had a Miele for six years now and it has been perfectly reliable but at the same time he has never been able to make it produce a coffee that he's happy with. YMMV, small sample and all that.

>> No.18606468
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>do you consider this cleaning it?
Yes, kind of. If I have to wet my hands then for me it's cleaning. And I need to remove all the coffee left inside so it's not bitter next time.
Thanks. I'm not that picky about coffee. But I am extremely lazy and want to avoid cleaning as much as possible.

>> No.18606477
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Ba da ba ba baaaaaaaaa

>> No.18606484

why not just brew filter or get a drip machine. or even even capsules, just need to empty the pull out the tray at the end of the day, dump it and give it a quick clean.

>> No.18606491
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>brew filter or get a drip machine
They're not very common in Europe. Aren't they slow? I got used to make coffee in 2 minutes at most and can't go back now.
That would be my last option. I don't mind spending money on a machine I can repair if it breaks but I can't stand spending money on expensive capsules every day. It's kind of retarded and maybe it's even cheaper in the long run, but it just doesn't sound right to me.

>> No.18606493


>> No.18606625

>I am extremely lazy and want to avoid cleaning as much as possible
boutta pulla shot on my flair
Ethiopian Gedeb Worka Sakaro
Very delicate, almost tea like
good stuff

>> No.18606697

i have a delonghi magnifica xs, it's alright but i got it for free so i can't complain.
>would have been like 900 dollars new in 2016ish
i wouldn't spend more than 500 on a super-automatic, once you cross that point you might as well drop 800ish for a GCP+$400 grinder

>> No.18606716

it was decent for its price but now maccas prices are through the roof so may as well just go to the local coffee shop, there's like a dozen per suburb

>> No.18606864

Sounds nice. I think I prefer aggressive flavors, even if they're aggressively bad tasting. More interesting I think

>> No.18606905

I'm starting to get into coffee..just bought a new coffee maker. Brewed some this morning and it tastes like soap / plastic?? How is ideal black coffee supposed to taste bros

>> No.18606926

Is swirling something you just have to do when making a v60 or is there some way to avoid it? I find it a rather uncomfy part of the whole experience because I'm always worried about spilling coffee.

>> No.18606932

Turns out cold brew doesn't really salvage shit pre-ground coffee.
Ah well.

>> No.18606942

>shit process doesn't salvage shit coffee
What a surprise.

>> No.18606993

like coffee...
what type of coffee maker are you using? get something that's not plastic to begin with

>> No.18606997

Just bought this.
What do I think of it?

>> No.18607013

You should try anaerobic fermentation. It’s flavor is like dialed up to 11, bit strong for me.
I’ve seen some videos advocating stirring with a spoon instead, though they don’t do exactly the same thing. I would just swirl and get used to it, if you fail you fail. At most you waste a tiny bit of coffee.

>> No.18607038

>At most you waste a tiny bit of coffee
No I spill hot coffee all over my hands. Happened to me the first two times and it's why I'm always tense when doing it.

>> No.18607098

I only swirl a little during bloom so there’s not even that much water inside. Initially I pick up the dripper to swirl, but you could also grip the circular base of the dripper and move it around the carafe opening to swirl it (granted I always under swirl this way, it’s more gentle and feels safer when I was starting out)

>> No.18607108

My grinder's power supply went out and I'm shipping it back to Taiwan to get repaired. So I'm back to hand grinding for at least a month until that gets back, starting tomorrow when my K-Max gets here.

>> No.18607111

What would YOU do then, GENIUS?

>> No.18607118

>No I spill hot coffee all over my hands
how hard are you swirling wtf
it's supposed to be a gentle swirl there's like no way you could spill coffee over your hands doing that

>> No.18607154

I brew into a cup, I initially swirled the dripper along with the cup because I'm dumb and since the cup was mostly full it spilled. I just swirl the dripper now but I'm still nervous about accidentally spilling some

>> No.18607155

Man, i tried to tinker with a super auto i had at previous job at a staff kitchen. That brown pisswasser tasted like shit. Turns out they never cleaned its insides with decalc at all. After i had my way with it, people said that the coffee got way better, exceptional, better than a coffee shop, but it was pretty meh and they were buying some pricy decent shit. Prepared it separately in a gezve and it was night and day. I don't have any other auto machine to compare it to tho.

>> No.18607183

>on expensive capsules every day
Buy a reusable metal one, refill yourself

>> No.18607219
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cheap drip coffee pot experiments

2 cups room temp water - 150 F
2 cups recirculated* water - 161 F
4 cups room temp water - 160 F
4 cups recirculated water - 170 F

*water run through the pot once without coffee or filter in the basket, then poured back through to make the coffee

>> No.18607239

I've done it before

>> No.18607240

Guessing more water = more heat retention. Best bet is still probably still just boiling the water in a pot and then putting it in the machine.

>> No.18607270
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this video came at a good time for me. i gotta drink preground for awhile. I set my preconceptions aside and picked up a few bags based off this video and local stock.
>Dunkin' - Original Blend
>Tim Hortons - Original Blend
>Community - American Blend
so far I've only had the Dunkin. I've only ever had shitty coffee from dunkin donuts so I was a little surprised to see him praise it at all. prepared in an aeropress with his recipe and boiling water.
this surely can't be the same stuff they sell in store, right? this coffee is downright pleasant. I've had their coffee maybe 3 times over the past 5 years and it's been piss. what the hell.

>> No.18607296
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It is.
There are two things happening here.

1. Water is being forced up the siphon faster due to the water taking less time to boil inside the tube that runs through heating element in the bottom of the pot. Less time in the tube = less time to cool down.
2. The plastic siphon tube runs through the reservoir in the back of the pot, which usually cools it down, but now since there is hot water in there there is much less cooling effect.

However, because the siphon is running faster that means it is pumping more coffee into the basket faster, which will influence the extraction in ways that would be hard to quantify. More water is piling up in the basket. Does this mean more will flow through the grounds faster? Does it mean the water temp will remain more stable?

I felt like the cups with the hotter water were overall better, but a bit more bitter.

>> No.18607303

Could you try doing something to constrict the flow of water to slow it down?

>> No.18607330
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where do the grounds go?

>> No.18607333

>tasted like shit until cleaned with decalc
yeah hard water makes scum out of oils and most people don't even realize it

>> No.18607339

The beans are probably the same, but remember that most chain store employees don't want to be there and don't give a shit about their equipment or their quality of work. So they boil hard water, use dirty machines, over extract poorly ground beans, and cover it up with sugar and milk.

>> No.18607361

that's gotta be it. shit, I could see myself drinking this well after I can go back to grinding my own beans

>> No.18607362

I've been using an electric moka pot for like 5 years until it died. Is there any benefit to having a stovetop one?

Also, where does it rank vs. Pourover or aeropress?

>> No.18607363

More control on stovetop, check out hoffmeme's technique, it's pretty neat.

>> No.18607406
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You mean the coffee beans? On the top usually.

>> No.18607411
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>pull a double in 50 seconds by accident
>shot looks and tastes better than anything I've made so far

>> No.18607412
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Oh nvm, my English sucks.
There's a tray and a deposit on the bottom.

>> No.18607413

nevermind I got to the bottom

>> No.18607415


>> No.18607416

your english is fine, I could have been clearer. yes, I meant the used coffee beans.
that tray sounds like it would be really filthy collecting grounds for any real amount of time

>> No.18607421
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>> No.18607427
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I've been using electric for 10 years until it broke. Switched to stove top since Bialetti was shilled hard on here and it was meh. Got back to electric now.
It's faster, doesn't require adapters in case you go with aluminum and I already got used to it. Also, my induction stove doesn't detect the smallest mokas no matter what I try.

>> No.18607439
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>I only do the dishes once a day

>> No.18607445
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Yes, it can get really messy, at least on this machine which is the only one I tried so far >>18606491. Pic rel is an exaggeration, but it can get that bad if you never clean it thoroughly.
Also, if you leave the grounds on there for more than a week they get moldy really fast.

>> No.18607449

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.18607451

But they never ask :(

>> No.18607490

Another perfect cup courtesy of the Hario Switch

You guys were right

>> No.18607507

whats the recipe

>> No.18607518

They're not supposed to have to ask.

>> No.18607527

How does a hario switch compare to a clever dripper?

>> No.18607551
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I want a Cheers coffee mug.
Are they good?

>> No.18607568

Just been doing something simple. 16g/220g, 45g bloom closed, open at 30s. One fast center pour closed at 1m30. Open at 3:00, total time 3:30. Balanced, sweet and clear.
Besides being glass vs plastic, it takes v60 filters as opposed to the Kalita ones so you can use better filters (Sibarist, Cafec Abaca, Hario untabbed etc). I think you can buy other size v60s and fit them in if you want to make more coffee too

>> No.18607574

a local shop has these. they are cozy.

>> No.18607581

How do I get my girlfriend to stop spending shitloads of money at starbucks? She is addicted to expresso

>> No.18607593

just get a Loveramics Hutch


>> No.18607599
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>> No.18607607

by spending shitloads of money on a home espresso setup.

>> No.18607613

I don't need more random cups and mugs but god damn I've been wanting a couple of these for a while.

>> No.18607622

If it is a real diner mug it will cheat you on the amount of coffee you would expect it to hold. It can be a huge heavy mug but only hold 6 ounces of coffee.
Still nice to hold in the hand. Get one straight out of the hot dishwasher and fill it up for the true diner feel.

>> No.18607632

Is french press coffee good?

>> No.18607637

Done well, yeah there's a time and place for it. With a blade grinder and boiling water the way most people do it, probably not.

>> No.18607656

Robust design and overall simplicity? They are easy to clean and work on a campfire if needed. That said I kinda want an electric one too.

>> No.18607690

How do I achieve perfect coffee? I've got an Encore, I have a gooseneck with temperature control, I have a V60, I have fresh beans, but the coffee I make generally just tastes like coffee. I can pick out some tasting notes but I've never had the feeling of drinking "cherry juice" or something like that anon mentioned earlier ITT.

>> No.18607716

What if u made coffee, but at night 8D

>> No.18607718

$120 for a copycat of something I can get on ebay for $12 shipped.

>> No.18607728

How concentrated can i make my french press coffee? I'm a bit sensitive to caffeine so I only use 7-10 grams of grounds to 3 dl water, I want to drink a really milky coffee and so I want to make the coffee as low volume as possible. What's the lowest ratio of water:beans possible with french press before you start to fail to extract as much as a normal size brew?

>> No.18607758

drinking a large sip of the disgusting bitter sludge at the bottom of the french press cup will put hair on your chest and a spring in your step

>> No.18607769

Hong kong dollars

>> No.18607793
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What's a good 2 cup pour over recipe?

>> No.18607797

Different beans, most specialty coffee doesn't have super strong tasting notes and taste like different variations of the same thing.
Get some decaf beans and make a half-caf or quarter-caf blend. For your purposes though it sounds like an aeropress or a moka pot would serve you much better than a french press.

>> No.18607835

Hoffmann's method

>> No.18607837

Anything other than Hoffman's method.

>> No.18607854

the secret third method that Hoffman created with everyone else on the planet

>> No.18607867
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How does one take care of a moka pot?
The Amazon review pictures suggest it's hard to care for or the reviewers are all idiots somehow.
I am interested in getting one.

>> No.18607874


>> No.18607881

Wash it frequently to prevent buildup but don't scrub the piss out of it.

>> No.18607909

i don't want decaf, I want super caf just a very small amount

>> No.18607923
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The shape is a bit awkward to clean. You could get a stainless steel bialetti one, which I've heard is nicer to clean.

>> No.18607947

10g of grounds might as well be decaf lmfao

>> No.18607950

My sister has one of those and it's brown. No idea how since she's using induction but whatever. If it works, it works.
Just clean it after using it and change the rubber when needed. I change mine every year or so. I'd say it's also useful to descale the bottom container but I only did that once or twice in the last 10 years.

>> No.18607970

it noticably picks me up

>> No.18608018
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>> No.18608025
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I investigated and to my eye I think Cheers used coffee mugs made by Ultima China. That seems about right considering the time frame and Cheers being a rather classy establishment with an old-fashioned aesthetic. Ultima is an old name brand. Really heavy duty stuff with thick walls.

There are similar mugs by Rego and ABC, but they have slightly smaller handles.

>> No.18608027

cold brew into heated milk is better.

>> No.18608034

>when you press the aeropress too hard

>> No.18608039
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>> No.18608045

moka pot/perkeletor blew up?

>> No.18608049

Why do people buy these pieces of shit?

>> No.18608066

I would be wary drinking out of old glazed chinese ceramics

>> No.18608067

The McCafe was founded in Melbourne, Australia, because nobody was buying the original peculated coffee that they used to sell here. Melbournians demand the best quality coffee so we reinvented the way McDonald's brewed and served coffee.

That's another reason why Melbourne is the coffee capital of the world.

>> No.18608070

cold brew is fuckin great I love that shit

>> No.18608074

Ultima is a reputable name brand used in thousands upon thousands of restaurants across North America. I'm sure you've eaten off of their stuff many times.
However, you should try to avoid anything made before the 50s because they used lead in the glaze on some of the very old mugs made in the 1910s and 1920s.
30s and 40s they phased it out but go 50s just to be sure.

>> No.18608084
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i just give it a good rinse between uses

>I change mine [rubber ring] every year or so
i've been using the same stainless steel moka pot for well over a decade and i've only needed to replace the rubber ring once and that was only because i stupidly stretched it to see if it could stretch. pro tip: don't try to stretch your rubber ring because it will stretch.

>> No.18608087

Can you link to anything about them?

>> No.18608104

Please clean that shit before posting it again. Have some fucking respect.

>> No.18608112
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>> No.18608120
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I don't see any fansites, but they have been a supplier of dinnerware for restaurants for decades. If you flip over the heavy oval plates in a sit-down non-buffet restaurant it's likely you'll find either the Buffalo or Ultima logo.

>> No.18608123
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i took the lid off because it was annoying me and ur mum likes it when i get dirty

>> No.18608133

Yeah I can't find literally anything about them so I guess I'll take your word for it lol

>> No.18608143
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They are a copycat company that didn't innovate. They copied Victor mostly imo.
There might have been an original Victor brown stoneware diner mug shaped like that but most of them I've seen look like this (usually white).

>> No.18608159
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I changed my mind.
I think they are Rego brand because of the way the handles attach.
It's very important to get this right.

>> No.18608177

Wipe a wet paper towel over that for a minute and post it. I want to see the filth.

>> No.18608184

>i just give it a good rinse between uses
yeah so clearly that's not enough...

>> No.18608209

I have some vintage pottery textbooks from the 1950's where all the glaze recipes in the appendix are lead fluxed. That shit is hilarious. This is when electric hobbyist kilns were fairly new. It wasn't until the 1950's to 1960's when studio potters finally got around to building high-fire gas kilns en masse which utilized potash and soda spars as fluxes. I have no idea how shit the formulations of industrial ceramic glazes were from that time. Probably not too bad though or the boomers would all be mentally retarded. Oh, wait.

>> No.18608212

Late 50's, I mean.

>> No.18608221

>Sex... needs to be done as soon as I ask
What type of coffee do I need to drink to get an anime girl like this

>> No.18608225


>> No.18608250

Isn't that a sex position

>> No.18608319

Kama Pootra.

>> No.18608372

Have you ever seen a nigger drinking coffee? Sounds like such a bizarre scenario.

>> No.18608386

Crack keeps them awake far more than coffee ever could.

>> No.18608472

Keep us posted, I want to buy the fruits of your labor.

>> No.18608605

but how do you cool down the base?
how do you heat control?

>> No.18608672

Any tips for using a camping percolator?

>> No.18608686

At least decalcify it once in a while jfc

>> No.18608698

Nobody likes it when Finns snipe at spawn.

>> No.18608702

I just bought v60 + timemore c3 grinder and made a bunch of coffee tonight (ah... caffeine). I was actually surprised because the autists online are all like, "measure everything", "use gooseneck kettle", and "bad v60 is the worst", but I just winged it and it turned out pretty decent, and I did 3 in a row. Fingers crossed it keeps turning out alright so that I can treat my dear friends with some nice coffee.

>> No.18608897

With a kingrinder k6, how many clicks are you guys using for a v60?

>> No.18608916


>> No.18608923

ok now what

>> No.18608968

wait to cool down
dump grounds into bin
wash all the bits with water until you are satisfied
one every 2 weeks to 1 month depending on how much you use it and depending on the coffee you use do a deep clean like this

for instructions on how to properly use a moka watch these videos

also until i see a genuine scientific study on a large variety of soaps on every available moka pot that once and for all states whether soap actually damages a moka i will continue to use soap on mine.
also italians dont know anything about coffee aside from espresso.
i dont take anything italians say seriously.

>> No.18608979

this is actually a crime
you should be stoned to death.

>> No.18609334 [DELETED] 
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Our thoughts?

>> No.18609362

>tfw fewer natural process beans compared to two years ago because of all this fancy fermentation method trend
>tfw harder and harder to find natural strawberry bombs

>> No.18609472

I stopped making coffee with my aeropress so I turned it into a bong instead.
Rip some fat ones while brewing coffee.

>> No.18609517

Aeropress sisters... how do we keep losing?

>> No.18609565

losing what this shit is lit nothing like pushing that plunger down and forcing a fucking cloud into you bro

>> No.18609655


>> No.18609669

I grew up with those in the 90s, assumed they were from the 80s, and still have the matching bowl to this day that survived all the moves.

>> No.18609747

Meme ferments are starting to piss me off too. I have to just buy washed everything now because every natural is now some retarded shit like "cranberry lemon lime macerated anaerobic natural process"

>> No.18609762

i have not encountered any fermented coffee at all.
is this really that common.

>> No.18609821
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Freezing day. Got caught with my pants down last winter. Never again.

>> No.18609830

Yes. I got raped by a bag of Costa Rican dragonfruit fermented anaerobic natural

>> No.18609844

ok but what were you wearing?

>> No.18609850

i feel like i have seen this surrounding area before
do you have a wug 2 or a flair.
also what beans

>> No.18609862

Got a natural Kenyan from Volcanica coffee. The first thing I noticed about was that it wasnt nearly as fresh as what volcanica usually offers. The bag was roasted on the 7th and got to me yesterday. Normally they roast it when you order it immediately ship it. Not a huge deal since I would need to rest it but I like to drink as fresh as possible to see how the flavors change and develop over time. The coffee took a while to dial in but once I nailed it the flavors were really nice. The notes were cranberry, chocolate and spices. The spices was definitely just an aromatic thing and Im a little disappointed by that. The chocolate is closer to dark and really intense when the cup is hot and the cranberry really comes out when it cools. It's very acidic but not in a bad way. Some people in here said that Kenyans could be vegetabley/tomatoey but I don't get any of that at all. All in all its quite good but disappointing from the natural process aspect it's not that complex with really only two flavors coming through but it could just be a little old. I would recommend it if you're near Suwanee, Georgia and can get it soon after roasting.

>> No.18609867

>but how do you cool down the base?
You wait for it to cool down like anything else in this world.
>how do you heat control?
What heat control mate? You press the button, wait 1 minute and get your coffee. Unless you go up or down thousands of meters, you cannot change the laws of physics that establish the boiling temperature of water.

>> No.18609876

i haven't encountered much. I've seen one roaster carry 1 meme ferment at most any given time, rest are washed or naturals or cheap blends. The mascarated fermentation columbian i had was pretty good though, but I don't care for the price bump.

>> No.18609883

Yeah thats me. ~1500g from playing around with the popper*. Hopefully thats enough to last me though the winter while I gut it for modding.
and a washed small farm organic guat

>> No.18609921


>> No.18609942

you have never consumed real moka in your whole life.
see the error in your ways or kill yourself now.

>> No.18609955

Help me /ctg/
My french press coffee is too acidic
Does this mean I should use cooler water and/or a shorter brew time?

>> No.18609959

I have one of these. They're pretty easy to use, but keep 2 things in mind.
1) It will have some burnt coffee taste. This is hard to avoid, but it helps if you pull it right as it chucks up the last bits of coffee.
2) Because it's so hot when it finishes, if you add milk or cream to it, then you'll get a film of cooked milk proteins on top. You can skim them off with a spoon, but it's still gross.

I bought it cause it's like a regular moka pot but without the alzheimer's.

>> No.18609960


>> No.18609962

What have you done to the poor thing?

>> No.18609984
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x750, apu coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet here I am, enjoying my moka coffee every morning. Maybe if you enjoyed your coffee too, you wouldn't be so bitter.

>> No.18610025

It was slutty but it wasn't my fucking fault okay

>> No.18610042

>1) It will have some burnt coffee taste.
if you dont know how to use it
>2) Because it's so hot when it finishes, if you add milk or cream to it,
why the fuck would you add cold milk to hot coffee, are you mentally retarded?

>> No.18610051

i enjoy my moka because i know how to use it.
you dont.
millions literal brain dead scum fucks drink and enjoy objectively shit coffee every day.
you are one of them

>> No.18610075

Hmm, tried it with his suggested 15g of beans and 250mL water and it's a bit weak. Not getting the orgasm the yt comments section is having.
I'll need to try it again but stronger and with the beans I usually get

>> No.18610081

coffee is for faggots anyway

>> No.18610086

>you are bad at x
>but i like x
>no you bad at x
>x is bad anyway so who cares

>> No.18610087

dont you just let it sit longer if you want stronger french press?
idk i have never used one.

>> No.18610089

over extraction bro

>> No.18610095

The youtube video lets it sit for 9+ minutes
That's pretty extracted

>> No.18610096

he said it was weak which means not enough coffee per coffee and we all know if you want more coffee per coffee you want more extraction.
basic goffee maths bro.

>> No.18610101
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>objectively shit coffee
There's nothing objective about it Anon. Taste is the most subjective thing in the world. I like my coffee and enjoy it, even if you don't.

>> No.18610106

>if you dont know how to use it
You're a fucking dipshit who's obviously never used these things. I've grabbed them as they finish and the coffee still tastes burnt. And I heat it on the burner on medium only to avoid giving the thing a lot of heat stress.

>why the fuck would you add cold milk to hot coffee, are you mentally retarded?
No, but you are, shithead. I do it to cool the fucking coffee down.

>> No.18610113
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I need caffiene to give me energy sometimes but I don't like how coffee tastes so I only ever drink Frappuccinos.

>> No.18610114

>I do it to cool the fucking coffee down.
you know what else does this? time, just fucking wait 5 minutes for it to cool down you impatient rat.
here watch these videos i linked in this other post, clearly you have no fucking clue how to use a moka.

>> No.18610117
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>> No.18610118

take caffeine pills instead.

>> No.18610122

you fell for so many memes goddammit
you have to go back

>> No.18610124

>there is no wrong way to cook x i cook it (wrong) however i like and i like the taste.

>> No.18610125

Tea doesn't have caffeine in it.

>> No.18610132

it doesnt have much but some tea does have caffeine in it.
also i could be wrong but some teas have other energy or stimulating chemicals.

>> No.18610135

>i just btfo and i dont know how to respond without sounding mad so im just going to say the meme
enjoy your burnt coffee bro.

>> No.18610160

>Tea leaves contain 3.5% caffeine, while coffee beans have 1.1–2.2%. However, the coffee brewing process uses hotter water, which extracts more of the caffeine from the beans. Typically, you also use more coffee beans than you’d use tea leaves for a drink (12).

>> No.18610165

What's the difference between a frappe and a mocha?

>> No.18610174

"A frappé coffee, Greek frappé, Nescafé frappé, or just frappé is a Greek iced coffee drink made from instant coffee, water, sugar, and milk."

"Like café latte, caffè mocha is based on espresso and hot milk but with added chocolate flavouring and sweetener, typically in the form of cocoa powder and sugar. Many varieties use chocolate syrup instead, and some may contain dark or milk chocolate.

Caffè mocha, in its most basic formulation, can also be referred to as hot chocolate with (e.g., a shot of) espresso added. Like cappuccino, caffè mochas typically contain the distinctive milk froth on top; as is common with hot chocolate, they are sometimes served with whipped cream instead. They are usually topped with a dusting of either cinnamon, sugar or cocoa powder, and marshmallows may also be added on top for flavour and decoration."

>> No.18610276

why doesn't he start with just a bit of water for the first 30 seconds? Is it some noob trap?

>> No.18610313

the fact that you even have to ask...

>> No.18610314

I’m guessing it’s because French press Is immersion brewing, time is gonna do the work. It has all the time to soak through the coffee and have stuff extract into the water, any gas release wouldn’t really matter if you just stir it a little.
Try a higher ratio (use more grounds for same amount of water) to increase strength

>> No.18610336

What type of coffee cup do you guys like to use?

What's better for on the go? Metal or plastic?

>> No.18610346

for lattes I use glass since it doesn't heat up in the microwave when I heat my milk up
for everything else, ceramic or porcelain or whatever it's called
>What's better for on the go? Metal or plastic?
plastic sounds bad and I'm not even a microplastic cuck
it will get uglier than this Anon's moka >>18608123 after two days

>> No.18610350
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Any ozfags here. Which site in the Pastebin do you use and which beans do you recommend?

>> No.18610352

i use a handmade artisan ceramic cup.
but sometimes it kinda smells even though i am extremely thorough at cleaning.
so then i just use a $1 glass cup i got 25 years ago from a second hand store.

>> No.18610353

i saw you in the /tv/ thread you dog cunt.

>> No.18610432

In a cup I add some instant coffee, little sugar and fill it in with milk, I microwave it for 2 mins or so then I stir it.
wa la

>> No.18610434

don't arouse my anger

>> No.18610439

thats more complex than anything any tea drinker will ever do.

>> No.18610505

I buy from Five Senses, they're not in the pastebin but they're pretty quick and reliable on shipping, they have a good core of bean varieties but also a good amount of turnover which works for me cos I have a short attention span. Which do I recommend is an open question - how are you going to brew it and what do you like in a coffee?

>> No.18610517

generally glass, sometimes ceramic.

>> No.18610526

Well I just drink it black no sugar and only really drink lavazza/aurora from Woolies

I don't know what I should be looking for? People in these threads and the Pastebin make it sound like not buying regular supermarket stuff is absolutely life changing so I kind of want to try it out. What would you recommend for a "beginner" or somehting more neutral?

And do I really need to spend $150aud on a grinder? I saw the recommended ones here and they seem to be that price locally lol

>> No.18610529

I can't tell if these aeropress posts are sarcastic. Does it actually work well or is it a meme because it looks like a low quality plastic substitute for a french press?

>> No.18610535

Oh and I use an aeropress btw but I also have a moka pot that I used to mainly use

Ive been using one for the past year which I replaced from the moka pot. It basically is like a French press but you press it directly into your cup. I really like it and find it convenient because how easy it is to clean.

Just open up the straining cap and pop the coffee out directly into the bin. Then rinse the unit out. No scraping things out or having to wait for it to cool down before doing so. It's just really convenient imo

>> No.18610555
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My lid broke one day while I was washing it. I fixed it but after several months it broke again and it has been like that ever since... Shit happens.

>> No.18610565

Hoffee time

>> No.18610590
File: 279 KB, 547x432, 1642157732485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just five-pour


>> No.18610591

What's the best coffee making method if you need to make coffee for multiple people like guests?

>> No.18610595

French press

>> No.18610599

Kinda similar to 4:6 but with finer grind… even down to the swirl at the end to even the bed

>> No.18610606

the hoff likes it so it has to be good

>> No.18610611

his initial swirl yuck
multi-pour chads we made him concede
he also likes moka pot lmao

>> No.18610612

Also pulsing instead of waiting for each pour to draw down.

>> No.18610614

>he also likes moka pot lmao
yeh he likes the best coffee making method

>> No.18610621

he just pretends to like accessible normslop shit to increase his reach

>> No.18610625

which is why most of his videos are on espresso and pour over. just doing what normie dumb fucks like.

>> No.18610628

>he doesn't understand what accessible means
the chinese metal is ruining you lol

>> No.18610631

>he under swirled and then over swirled
hoffee bros...

>> No.18610639

>made espresso panna cotta yesterday (3 shots of espresso, 5 tablespoons sugar, 1.5 cups half and half, gelatin) and had one for breakfast in place of a shot of espresso
breakfast of champions

>> No.18610689

Why does every natural I get taste infinitely better than every washed I’ve had?

>> No.18610691

What's the best french press to get?

Like what is bialetti (for moka pots) of french presses?

And which is the size to get if t
You are making 2 or 3 coffees

>> No.18610717

espro. it really is the best you can get. almost no grit I really love mine

>> No.18610748

i ran out of goffee

>> No.18610752


>> No.18610774

Last time I tried to make Pannacota the buttermilk separated and it came out a yucky grey slime with white spots :/

>> No.18610781

What's a good coffee creamer that's lactose free doesn't clog your arteries, and doesn't compromise on taste? I know I'm trying to find a unicorn here... and before you say just drink black, I might as well drink tea at that point.

>> No.18610819

Anyone want an EG-1 for 2k? Going to sell mine and buy a P-100.

>> No.18610827

I don't know where you live you dumb stupid nigger no what selection you have available. why don't you just go to the store and buy every single cuck creamer and find out for yourself?

>> No.18610883

Always keep some trash as a backup or some good shit frozen.

>> No.18610886

What's wrong with his swirls?
t. clueless

>> No.18610888

Honestly you can do what most of us have done at some point and buy a cheap grinder for thirty or fifty bucks but there's a fairly decent chance that you'll end up spending the money on a better one anyway, so I would really suggest spending once. There genuinely is a huge amount of difference from the really cheap to the kinda cheap to the affordable to the expensive in grinders, it's probably the most influential bit of gear you'll buy in coffee.

In terms of "beginner" stuff, anything that talks about chocolate, and toffee, and caramel in the flavour notes is going to be easy and approachable, won't be super far removed from drinking supermarket coffee in terms of the kind of notes you expect. I personally prefer light roasted stuff for filter with floral and fruity descriptors but it might be worth your while to try something like their Santo Antonio as a first port of call.

>> No.18610931

Who died and made you Cunt of the Week?

>> No.18610978

1zpresso JX pro worth it for 140 eurodollars or should I be looking for something else? I have an old hario skerton but that I'd like to retire and I assume that this would be a considerable upgrade over that.

>> No.18610981

I mostly use a moka pot to brew my coffee btw.

>> No.18611007

It's great. You won't believe the difference with your hario

>> No.18611100

You could go to like 0.1g and 100000L of water and extract those 10 beans very well. Immersion brews don't really care about ratio like a pour over or espresso does.

>> No.18611115
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>just came back from uni after cycling through mud and rain
>want to have a nice cup of coffee to make my evening a bit more pleasant
>it's too late for coffee

>> No.18611133

Why does he use plastic...

>> No.18611141

He says it in the video. Easier to preheat.

>> No.18611158

No such thing.

>> No.18611163

I need to go to sleep in like 3 and a half hours.

>> No.18611170 [DELETED] 

Why do foreigners call it "uni"? It's like something a literal faggot would call it

>> No.18611172

that's probably the problem, panna cotta is half&half/cream, sugar, and gelatin + flavorings

>> No.18611178

who knows. then they'll turn around and say education in america sucks despite 90% of the top 50 colleges being american and them going to some technical college for their town of 15k

>> No.18611179

Because it's a university?

>> No.18611195


>0m00s: Pour 50g of water to bloom
>0m10s - 0m15s: Gently Swirl
>0m00s - 0m45s: Bloom
>0m45s - 1m00s: Pour up to 100g total (40% total weight)
>1m00s - 1m10s: Pause
>1m10s - 1m20s: Pour up to 150g total (60% total weight)
>1m20s - 1m30s: Pause
>1m30s - 1m40s: Pour up to 200g total (80% total weight)
>1m40s - 1m50s: Pause
>1m50s - 2m00s: Pour up to 250g total (100% total weight)
>2m00s - 2m05s: Gently swirl
>Drawdown should finish around 3:00, but expect some variance here. Taste is the most important thing!
ultimate meme technique.

i'm sticking to my small bloom pour then one big pour. simple as.

>> No.18611206 [DELETED] 

Ok so head off to UNI wearing your panties and grab some fishy and chips before class fag

>> No.18611209

Why do americans obsess over foreigners so much?

>> No.18611210 [DELETED] 

This man fucks

>> No.18611213 [DELETED] 

I'm not American you retard lmao

>> No.18611242

Yeah it was a buttermilk type drink and too much lemon juice last time. Absolutely botched it
Still ate it but it was icky

>> No.18611278

I figured as much but I think I'm going with a regular JX since I'm not planning on ever getting an actual espresso machine.

>> No.18611299

yoooo it's like this video was made for me i bought the plastic v60 to make single cup brews a few days ago
thanks hoff

>> No.18611325

Both are fine, the difference is jsut 20€ anyway

>> No.18611371

40€ in this case

>> No.18611434

I got the smooth operator preground from whole foods and made some cold brew that was solid. Next day made a chemex pourover with it, took two sips, and dumped it. Really depends on the kind of bad for what you can do to make it taste better.

>> No.18611443

Got a Classic Pro coming in on Friday. What are some upgrades/tools to consider?

>> No.18611591

Basket, tamper, dosing collar, wdt tool, microfiber towels for wiping baskets, gagguino.
Pullman for baskets, normcore for tamp and collar, etsy wdt tools.

>> No.18611767

Gaggiuino is your GOAT upgrade, it provides everything from pressure control, pressure control profiles, temp control, etc.
The only problem is that it takes a bit to install

>> No.18611798

I grind my beans right before I use them and then plop them into the French press with boiling water, wait a few minutes, give it a stir, and then fill the remainder of the press with water. Am I fucking with my coffee by using boiling water rather than waiting for it to cool for a few minutes?

>> No.18611809
File: 1.37 MB, 919x1127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your average coffee enjoyer, is there any point to getting anything more than pic related? Been grinding my beans and using the dripper for a while now, and it works and tastes just fine, but people have recommended machines and various other coffee makers.
I just like a normal cup of black coffee

>> No.18611822

Chemex is one of the worst pourover cones you can get lol. Massively thick filters strip a bunch of flavor out of your cup + the filters stick to the walls and choke giving you a fucked up flow rate.

>> No.18611827


>> No.18611829
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thats not what i use, just what google images had to offer. I use some generic brand unbleached coffee filters, something like these.

>> No.18611848

Yes there is absolutely a point to changing your fucked up setup. Just a couple threads ago we had a guy who was sticking grocery store filters in one of these and praying for the best. He got a v60 and seemed real happy and said he was going to order some cafec papers to try vs the shitty hario browns.

>> No.18611852

I see, i'll check it out, thanks.

>> No.18611877

Theres a million different drippers(with different flows) you might like, flat or cone, the v60 is just cheap and available.