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File: 82 KB, 398x620, sticky-hand-full-dough-while-600w-287350157[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18602725 No.18602725 [Reply] [Original]

I am filtered by baking bread. I hate how your hands get covered in sticky dough after 5 seconds even if you douse them in water. I hate how long it takes and i hate how much flour you waste if the attempt goes poorly. How do I learn to enjoy this activity?

>> No.18602732

I, too, was filtered. I decided I didn't like bread as cope. Life is much easier when you just pretend that you didn't fail and, instead, you just don't like the thing.

But you shouldn't give up entirely. Learn to make biscuits and tortillas. Baking soda/powder is much easier than yeast-leavened products.

>> No.18602746

>Waste flour
Nigger it's $0.50/lb

>> No.18602755

I wouldn't mind giving baking a go but I have a small kitchen and it's the cleanup that's annoying, my hands are easy to clean. I just dont want to clean my kitchen for an hour or two, heck it might be worse with a large kitchen.
A bottle of hot sauce exploded in a kitchen of mine once, I was finding little spots of dried sauce for months afterwards. I dont wish that on anyone.

>> No.18602759
File: 61 KB, 775x779, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One-use gloves are the absolute game changer.

>> No.18602762

That wont help if the bottle explodes

>> No.18602763

what bottle

>> No.18602767

You have very feminine hands, are you an escort?

>> No.18602771
File: 10 KB, 74x233, shark-brand-sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark brand sriracha, it was weird becuase I bought a few of them only one exploded, apparently the seal broke on it.

>> No.18602778

>even if you douse them in water
water is the worst thing you can put on your hands to knead bread dough. use oil.

if your dough is really sticky, let it sit for a few minutes. adding a little bit of flour can also help.

>> No.18602779

the world doesn't center around you
nobody was referencing your stupid story

>> No.18602780

Use your muscles and work some more flour into the dough before you start touching it.

>> No.18602785 [DELETED] 

The topic of this tread is bread dough, I don't care about you dropping bottles.

>> No.18602791

>mix with handle of wooden spoon
>allow to rest for half an hour
>meanwhile, clean spoon
>turn out onto floured table
got to let the autolyse do its thing, it will develop like 80% of it's gluten by just resting for a bit, makes it much easier to work

>> No.18602804

Only use recipes that use weights

>> No.18602817

The point is that I didn't drop the bottle, i just opened one after it had been sitting in a cupboard for a couple weeks like other ones. It just fucking exploded. I didn't drop it or do jack shit to it.

>> No.18602825

use a mixer faggot

>> No.18602830

with patience

>> No.18602831
File: 294 KB, 640x426, Moms_Big_Spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U r still a fag and cant avoid the truth

>> No.18602897

Use a silicon spatula for the initial mixing, it gets rid of the worst even at 65% hydration.
Hold back half a deciliter or a deciliter of flour, so you can use as much as you want to get it non sticky while kneading
Buy a gigantic bowl so you can knead up to 2000-3000g of bread in the bowl, making the process significantly easier to clean up.

Silicon spatula superior
But i see your technique is easier.

>> No.18602901

Who bakes bread in bottles? Are you in the right thread?

>> No.18602976

You don’t plunge your fingers into its insides you fold it into itself from the outercorners. Also have flour on your hands

>> No.18604275

>even at 65% hydration
who the fuck makes bread at less than 85% hydration?

>> No.18604287

Anyone who hasn't fallen for the high hydration meme(aka crumb trannies)

>> No.18604292

he's probably asian

>> No.18604313

You realize there's more than one type of bread right?

>> No.18604407

and all of them are better at high hydration

>> No.18604453
File: 83 KB, 828x942, 1659954399771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Wonder(tm) Bread enjoyer

>> No.18604622

not bagels.

>> No.18604639

>How do I learn to enjoy this activity?
rye bread, 0 kneeding

>> No.18604646

Just use a stand mixer. Pour ingredients in and watch it do the work for you.
It mixes it better and faster than your hands, with a better result. All you need to do is scrape the sides of your bowl so everything mixes.

>> No.18604657

or just learn to love the autolyse, and avoid gadget cancer. also you're allowed to wet your hands before touching the dough.

>> No.18604688

>also you're allowed to wet your hands before touching the dough
And you now realize you responded to me without reading what OP wrote.
Also do you really find a stand mixer to be on the level of an air fryer or a toaster, something that just takes up space and gets used twice a year at max?

>> No.18604851

>oh no my arm is too tired from masturbating to spend 1 minute mixing this stuff, guess i'd better go buy a $700 gadget instead

>> No.18606452

just use more flower nigga damn

>> No.18606457

bottle in his ass

>> No.18606458

omg, you're so unique, there's a medal in your mailbox

>> No.18606479

you used too much water or oil if it's too runny
also you can recycle "wasted" flour off your hands bro

>> No.18606641

Yeah because everyone has a $5000 stand mixer sitting around

>> No.18606661

We're adults you loser. Get a job.

>> No.18606669

Slap and fold technique.

>> No.18606735

>I am filtered by baking bread.
Is the word " triggered " under a word filter?

>> No.18607215

Bakeries exist, a loaf of fresh bread costs 0.5-1$ where I am from

>> No.18608446

Lower your dough hydration

Oil your hands

Use a dough scraper till some gluten development

>> No.18608598

I feel you op. I don't like working with flour. It's gross. Corn starch is even worse. I'm also retarded.

>> No.18608665

Make no kneed bread.