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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18597439 No.18597439 [Reply] [Original]

>price of shit keeps going up
>some items have blatantly gone up 30% since last week
>cant afford cheese anymore
>cant afford eggs anymore
>cant afford milk anymore
>cant afford meat anymore
>frozen dinners start at $9 each now
>frozen pizzas start at $7 each now
>cant afford to just drink my problems away either cuz this shit has happened to alcohol too
man i dont want to go back to a college student diet. canned beans and pasta without sauce every night

>> No.18597441 [DELETED] 


>> No.18597463

Yeah im going to kill myself, cant put gas in my car let alone buy groceries anymore and will probably end up homeless soon.

>> No.18597473

>and will probably end up homeless soon
yeah this is happening everywhere
landlords are either jacking up everyone's rent 50% or kicking tenants out to turn their places into AirBNBs.

>> No.18597482

Just hold out for that market crash anons... any day now haha

>> No.18597485

Its just over for losers like me, i can live in my car for a few days tops before i blow my brains out i really hope if there is a heaven i get to go.

>> No.18597502

Find a food bank retard. They don't even talk tonyou they just put the shit in your car + tip

>> No.18597505

As someone who ate from a food bank constantly as a kid, enjoy some of the most vile canned goods you can imagine.

>> No.18597507
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>> No.18597512

two more weeks lad

>> No.18597513

if it's any consolation, the rich are getting richer. Maybe stop being so selfish and think of them.

Seriously though. Get in shape. Unionize your workforce. Buy a gun.

Those 3 things will make it harder to enslave you.

>> No.18597679

just start shoplifting

>> No.18597692

>just start shoplifting
this is what I've been doing
>ring organic vegtables up as non organic
>ring three donuts up as two
>ring ten buckets up as nine
I love the self checkout

>> No.18597698

i like to hold onto the vegetables/produce so that they make the scale thing they weigh less

>> No.18597707

And if you don't like it then you're a racist transphobe

>> No.18597709

>Unionize your workforce
Really easy way to get fired.

>> No.18597720

Just came back from the grocery store. Fucking heads of lettuce are $6 each. $2.49 for one lemon. Milk was almost $6/L.

Also holy shit this. 2500/month gets you a shitty bachelor suite with no kitchen. Since housing is supposed to be MAX 1/3 of your income, that means that a shitty bachelor suite is affordable only if you make 90k/yr or more. The down payment on a house is 40 grand even if it's your first house. And by the time you've saved that much, if it's even possible to survive and do so, that down payment will be more like 50k, house prices went up 40% here this year alone, on average.

>> No.18597727

AKA get fired literally instantly.

>> No.18597736

I do something similar, I move the vegetables slightly off the scale. Sometimes I eat and drink in store as well.
I always pay cash

>> No.18597746

Leave the cities.

>> No.18597749

>she spent all covid lockdown jerking off and deteriorating instead of working on a diverse, marketable, employable skillset
try stop being poor in mind and you'll no longer be poor in body

>> No.18597755

Owning a house is really fucking easy. Even I managed to buy a house. All you need is to be born into a good family and buy your house 20 years ago. Easy peasey

>> No.18597763

get poor and eat flour and multi vitamins. is this your first depression?

>> No.18597766

That's exactly the problem. Corporations are making record profits and inflating prices to hell and back. They are also reinforced with government bailouts anytime they need it. They need to be torn down.
Good. A Corp slavedriver hellhole isn't worth working for in the first place. They will burn in hell forever.
>muh libtard catchphrases!
You are not a w*man and never will be one

>> No.18597769

I live in a town of 12,000.

>> No.18597796

Do you live in Alaska?

>> No.18597817

Nope, BC. Town used to be cheap, but lots of rich people buy houses as vacation homes (so they sit empty, which drives up rent) and a bunch more people buy houses either to airbnb to tourists or just as investments. I was born not too far away, the house i was a kid in went from being worth 50k 24 years ago to almost 900k now. I'll have to leave, I have a decent job but I can't afford to live anywhere remotely near here anymore, which is too bad.

>> No.18597828

>Inflation raises input costs
>Inflation raises revenues
>Le hecking record profits

>> No.18597864

Yeah I live in BC too and my parents recently left the country because of how expensive things in the province & all of Canada were getting. I might move a province or two to the East but I reckon it's only a matter of time until they meet the same fate.

>> No.18597867

Burn down all the vacation homes every year until the owners get the hint.

>> No.18597874

Double all the prices and you'll be in Canada.

>> No.18597923

>10lb ground beef for $26
>10lb chicken leg quarters for $9
You just need to stop buying goyslop.

>> No.18597957

>frozen dinners
>frozen pizzas
Have you tried to buy the ingredients instead of the expensive slop they call ready meals?
Start a new thread asking for poor food recipes that will make you smile as you make them.