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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18593216 No.18593216 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with eating goy-slop?

>> No.18593218

Go away

>> No.18593238
File: 6 KB, 276x183, again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say goyslop again, say it AGAIN

>> No.18593270

Valid question. Watch the following video
And realize that unsaturated fat is barely heat stable at room temperature let alone capable of being roasted 3 times without altering its molecular structure.
Extra credit: Do some research on inflammation and heart disease.

>> No.18593283

The internet has convinced you to have a stress reaction to a nebulous and non-specific term. Stress reaction = cortisol release. Excess cortisol is harmful to the human body and can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, and reduce life expectancy.

It's really a simple psyop to see. If you're awake. Get some eyes to see with, my blind friend.

>> No.18593288

Let me also add that this stress reaction is triggered by something normally pleasurable and done every day. You eat and think about food everyday.

It's a perfect method to train a sort of pavlovian response to induce stress and kill you.

>> No.18593294
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Goyslop master list
>teflon forever chemicals
>sneed/vegetable motor oils with mercury and lead
>aluminum neurotoxins
>TVP vegan dogfood
>glyphosate and atrazine
>fluoride, chlorine dioxide, bromate

>> No.18593298

What are you talking about?
Just because you don't know the written definition of this widely-used word doesn't mean it's nebulous and non-specific.

>> No.18593306

They kinda need you to die before you start using those medicare benefits hence the prevalence of the high carb seed oil goyslop which is coincidently probably the worst diet to pair with that spiked protein shot they want you to take twice a year lol

>> No.18593312

/pol/ will come to /ck/ and shitpost at you

>> No.18593327

Food is the basis of all politics.

>> No.18593347

If anyone wishes to have an actual intellectual discussion on goyslop or has any questions, I can oblige.

>> No.18593361

Are you blind, dumb, or deaf? The term is used for everything and anything.

Also you do understand that food nutrition and what is and isn't considered healthy is constantly changing?

>> No.18593366


>> No.18593368

What is wikitionary? not clicking on that , is that were qanons get their spelling?

>> No.18593369

The majority of people aware of the word goyslop knows what it means, regardless of attempts to skew the definition of this neologism.

>> No.18593375

Sounds like a sinking ship

>> No.18593385

In essence the term is non specific and changes with consensus or cultural/memetic influence. For example before seed oil became sneed oil it wouldn't necessarily be goyslop, but it would be considered goyslop by many people now because a shift in consensus. Even still people love sneed oils for their heart healthy ALA omega 3s! and would never call it goyslop.

All foods are in question as to whether they are healthy or not. Even obvious shit.

"Why is a slice of bread, ground beef, and lettuce considered healthy, but when you make a burger it isnt?"

>> No.18593387
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Goyslop is food that has been poisoned. And it's an epidemic.

>> No.18593388

I enjoy this cause no matter how bad I feel I can always say well at least I'm not as screwed up as him

>> No.18593393

Buh buh but it isn't the wiktionary definition!

>> No.18593394

Wonder how freak deals with his gender?

>> No.18593398
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The definition of goyslop doesn't even need to be written in a mysql database for it is written in the noosphere.

When you put an unstable mechanically separated bleached source of fat in food, that food is poisoned. Goyslop is an unfortunate name and I did not come up with it, but its utility is as obvious of its definition.

>> No.18593404

Probably all the seed oil, sugar, and preservatives in the fast food burger tbqh

>> No.18593405


>> No.18593408

Didn't click btw

>> No.18593410

In foods, TBHQ is used as a preservative for unsaturated vegetable oils and many edible animal fats.

>> No.18593411

Maybe some warm milk and bed, you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.18593416
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>> No.18593418

I was being sarcastic.

My understanding of it is like this.

Goy or goyim can be translated literally to cattle, so replace goy with cattle.


Cattle are fed the cheapest shittest ultra mass produced corn and grain, but corn and grain makes grazing animals happy at the expense of their health.

If you've ever fed livestock grain you would know they treat it like crack. You can literally steal a cow's milk by putting a bucket of grain in its face.

>> No.18593420

He was on some many things

>> No.18593421
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this forced meme again
fuck back off to whatever hole you crawled out from
go shit up another board like /po/ or /k/ or some shit

>> No.18593436

Overeating definitely inflicts the same health problems that goyslop would entail. Grains are like super-compacted grass to cattle and can boost their maximum calories beyond what could be done in the wild.
But, rational humans wouldn't blame food in its natural state for how much they eat so the same logic doesn't exactly apply.

>> No.18593448

How many vaxxes are you up to buddy?

>> No.18593449
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you fags hunt? you ready?

>> No.18593452

It's not a meme but it's got a lot of headcanon definitions that do explain reality. Most of it is represented by takeout/fast food. Goyslop is an American/Canadian problem because it seems that the agricultural and food processing here are 100% profit oriented. I've been to Africa, South Asia and Latin America and food is just more foody. They have flavor and you feel good after eating it.
all the SE/E Asia (s)expats say their food is great too. So there's something about the climate and shitty imports from other countries and everything costing so much here in NA.

>> No.18593454

that's my headcanon def.

>> No.18593455

I hope he is on acid or shrooms and not this weird

>> No.18593459

>In essence the term is non specific and changes with consensus or cultural/memetic influence
What? I find it hilarious that cattle think they are owning the jews by talking about goyslop when they are really owning themselves.

>> No.18593475

Oh it's this kike lol

>> No.18593494
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Lmao you think youre one of the chosen people, but you have the IQ of the average ethiopian. LMFAO. Lol.

>> No.18593500


>> No.18593503


>> No.18593508
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this is good

>> No.18593512
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Not alot of food processing here

>> No.18593518
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Catch a fish take it home, no processing

>> No.18593525
File: 546 KB, 2000x1333, Chicken coop on wheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of these raise chickens collect fresh eggs, kill a hen once in a while
no processing

>> No.18593527

Chosen chow.