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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18590287 No.18590287 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people drink this shit?

>> No.18590292

because it’s delicious and caffeine

>> No.18590295

its good and it makes me feel good

>> No.18590335

Because they need the caffeine in order to not getting fired from their corpslavery

>> No.18590337

I don't know anon but I do know that it makes me shit.

>> No.18590339

Why do people browse this shit?

>> No.18590353

Grow up.

>> No.18590381
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Its yummy

>> No.18590450

>gives you the shakes
>hurts your tummy if you haven't eaten anything
>requires sugar to be palatable
>It doesn't even cram

>> No.18590458


>> No.18590461

here's something you can do
>take a condom
>fill with delicious coffee
>tie it
now fuck off

>> No.18590509

>he's a sub 0 crammer

>> No.18590530

Food, recipes, communicating with other /cks on how to properly cook certain foods, sharing etc.

>> No.18590553
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Because, like beer, wine, liquor and tobacco, it's a luxury consumer good that the everyone man can consume and have an opinion on.

Don't be mad at people who enjoy other things, it makes you small.

>> No.18590563

Because they're not faggot children who can't consume anything that isn't drowning in HFCS.

>> No.18590641

>requires sugar to be palatable
then its not coffee
coffee is a slightly sweet and acidic beverage, burnt carcinogenic cheap crap aint it

>> No.18590676

I don’t drink or get high. I’m also newly incel. All I have left is coffee…

>> No.18590678

Last time I checked, sugar was a stable, nontoxic molecule

>> No.18590704


>> No.18590743

those aren't luxury, they are just the legal drugs

>> No.18590780

My first kek, what a truly holy sensation. It warms my heart

>> No.18590813

You sound like a bitch

>> No.18590819

You'll figure it out after you go through puberty.

>> No.18590832

You sounds amazing!!!!!

>> No.18591176

did you even read my post

>> No.18591333

Its fucking awful. Basically a natural version of big pharma stimulant and chemicals

>> No.18591339

Coffee is very normie tier though so your reply doesnt make any sense at all

>> No.18591364

people lose their bitter tastebuds with age. try some when you're closer to 30. just don't make it a daily habit because that's miserable

>> No.18591766

T. Slaves of consoomerism and probably big pharma once rge health problems kick in

>> No.18591792
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>T. Slaves of consoomerism and probably big pharma once rge health problems kick in

>> No.18591806
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Because as 4chan

>> No.18591968

You do not capitalize the t., Finland hates you

>> No.18591984

because it makes me poopy

>> No.18592560

Tastes good
Feels good

>> No.18592597
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simple as

>> No.18592880
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I like the skeleton on the bag

>> No.18592919

They need caffeination in order to get through their corporate enslavement and are too scared of risk taking in order to copious amounts of sugar to their diet.

>> No.18593000

>that first sip of hot black coffee just as I settle into work
God Tier

>> No.18593253

it tastes good and has almost as much caffeine as yerba mate!

>> No.18593284

>gives you the shakes
How much coffee do you drink? liters and liters?

>> No.18593422

Do.. do think coffee is a modern invention?

>> No.18593431

because its good, especially with a dash of milk

>> No.18593444

for me, it's the iced long black.

>> No.18593461

taste bad
smells amazing

>> No.18593462

delusional fat yankees, as usual

>> No.18593487

It's aesthetic and energizing

>> No.18594950

It tastes great with milk.

>> No.18594967

My ancestors never drank it. Maybe decadent continentals used it before the first 1950s, I really wouldn’t know.

>> No.18595272

addiction can make people eat things that taste nasty when the brain lies to you just to get more of it.

it's the same for booze.

>> No.18595298

So I can shit. I’m really insensitive to caffeine, so I feel little to nothing after a cup. But man, I always have a really dank bm within the hour.

I miss smoking. Cig and a cup of coffee is a blue collar enema

>> No.18595304

Programming of the sheeple, its simple.

>> No.18595367
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>ever since I had covid my smell and taste is all fucked
>coffee tastes like cigarettes now
It makes me want to kill myself

>> No.18595381
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Only time I have sweet coffee is when I get lattes, but those are rare treat. Usually it's just an auto-brew or French press with cream. Try using heavy cream if you haven't, the taste is amazing. It's too fatty to drink all the time though.
Someone tossed out picrel near me. Just had to clean the wiring to get it working again. The steam wand doesn't work, got a new one on the way. The espresso it makes is better than the coffeeshop chains near me. My mornings almost always start with an americano + cream

>> No.18595402
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people may become accustomed to coffee as part of their routine and even become upset when their routine is changed, but doper scum like to pretend this is on the same level as becoming intoxicated by drug abuse to deflect from their own maladaptive behavior.

>> No.18596427

From what I hear your mom was pretty susceptible to "maladaptive behavior" last night.

>> No.18596476

This, I want to quit coffee but then I don't shit for 2 days

>> No.18597207
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Same. I'm going to make some caramel tomorrow to add to it. The only shitty thing is that I have to descale it all the time because my well water is ultra hard.

>> No.18597243

then stop drinking it.

>> No.18597256

coffee is not what makes you shit.

I tested this by drinking coffee for several weeks in a row and while I did not shit anymore than normal. then I switched to caffeine pills and nothing changed, then I quit all coffee/caffeine for a month and shit with the same regularity.

>> No.18597263

It's an addiction. Caffeine is an addictive psychoactive dopaminergic stimulant. It's not on the same scale as heroin or amphetamine addiction, but it's still a physical addiction. Die coping about it.

>> No.18597518

>addictive psychoactive dopaminergic stimulant
If that were true in any but the most pedantic technical sense, people would tend toward taking more and more of it, yet that doesn't happen and the vast majority of coffee drinkers only drink it in the morning.
>muh big bad addictive stimulant
Stores carry "No Doz", which are caffeine pills, but they sell very slowly because hardly anyone ever buys them. If it had any significant "dopaminergic stimulant" activity, they'd be flying off the shelves.

>> No.18597523

The vast majority of ADHD patients take Adderall once a day without trending upward in dosage either, your argument is meaningless. You can choose to fiend or routinely dose an addictive drug all you like, it doesn't change that it's addictive. Quit right now. Go cold turkey. Report back in a month with your withdrawal symptoms. I'll be here.

>> No.18597561

so true coffee has such a bad reputation and it's because people don't even know what it's supposed to be
the people who are proud of liking bad poor coffee annoy me the most: the types who research and find coffee called like "biohazard" clearly showing they know it's bad but then pretending to like it

>> No.18597588
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For me it’s coffee and a bear claw

>> No.18597613

>The vast majority of ADHD patients take Adderall once a day without trending upward in dosage either
lmfao now I know you're full of shit.

>> No.18597624
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>you're wrong because... I said so, okay!!!
Addict coping.

>> No.18597627

Puts hair on your pp

>> No.18598054

>So I can shit.
literally me lmao. even as i'm preparing my coffee i start to fart up a storm. been shitting after my coffee for so many years that now the smell of coffee in the morning triggers a fart.

>> No.18598127

Those tyoes need attention hence huge insurance company bills.

>> No.18598216

its a drug addiction
but also molded by decades of wagie culture
if they don't have it they feel off and sluggish
in honesty i find the actual coffee lovers to be annoying
especially if they keep talking about coffee and make it part of their identity
i drink coffee too but only the cheap stuff
i also think coffee is inferior to tea

>> No.18598520
File: 124 KB, 302x274, 246C7DF9-AE50-4BE8-A3D8-1015F4CCA5B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee taste good
Coffee with milk taste good
Schools where i live sell cups of decent quality coffee for dirt cheap (5kr = 0.47 USD)

Coffee with sugar taste like shit

>> No.18598522

>I drink coffee too but only the cheap stuff
>Coffee is inferior to tea

Correct opinions, anyone who pays more than a dollar for coffee is a retard.

>> No.18598615
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Used to hate it, but started drinking it to see what effects caffeine has on me.
They're good effects. And I got used to the taste but I'll usually have something sweet with it.

I'm a retard autist with loads of sensory problems and the only times I've ever felt remotely normal was after drinking coffee.

>> No.18598873

>Coffee in the morning
>Water after noon
>Wine/Brandy in the evening
Simple as

>> No.18598918

>drink bean to cup machine with cheapest beans possible
>still taste ok, but gradually start to hate it and it’s taste but stomached it for months
>turns out machine is filthy and molded inside
>overcompensate for the prolonged suffering and buy quality everything and also try new and fresh beans
Turns out coffee can be so many things and quite delicious that you don’t need to add anything to it. Stuff people drink everyday is basically charred garbage with ground insects and mice poop

>> No.18598981

>address coffee addiction
>adderall out of fuckin nowhere
no aurguements and die coping about it

>> No.18598984

>a screencap of a single section of an unidentifiable "study"

>> No.18599001

You may have ADHD anon or possibly OCD. People with those conditions have constant distractions and ruminations but caffeine can give you a clear focus. Same reason they pep ADHD kids up on stims, because they stimulate your active thinking which causes those background thoughts to fade away. Kinda counter-intuitive to people who don't know what the words mean, it's the same way that alcohol as a "depressant" actually hypes people up by depressing the neural processes that keep you subdued.

>> No.18599027

You have the palate of a diabetic 4 year old

>> No.18599098


para mi es cafe y una pipa de tabaco

>> No.18599104

I’m addicted to aeropresso

>> No.18599533

Is that your hook on the right?
Do you also have a peg leg?

>> No.18599579
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>> No.18599629
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because mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coffee..!!!

>> No.18599639

I quit cold turkey from having several energy drinks and a coffee per day. Some headaches and sleep problems, but after a few days I was fine. I went three months without thinking about having any caffeine either. I willingly decided to start drinking coffee again recently because I missed the flavor, and don't touch energy drinks.

>> No.18599642


>> No.18599701


how old are you