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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18589740 No.18589740 [Reply] [Original]

I have a ton of bugs in my oatmeal. Is it edible still? I have nothing else and don’t wanna go out in the cold

>> No.18589741

yeah it's fine

>> No.18589745

Yeah, just more brotein (bug protein)

>> No.18589746

>iphone user
>is miserably poor
every time

>> No.18589750
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Based. They seem to be dying as a cook

>> No.18589757

They most likely pooped on the food, even if you cook the poop you will still get sick.

>> No.18589768
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It’s really cold out right now and my bodega won’t open until 8. Also this article says it’s fine

>> No.18589807

>Nasty beat-to-hell old table
>No car
>Bug infestestation
>Zero food in his house
>Refuses to wait 30 minutes to eat food without bugs in it
What a pathetic life

>> No.18589814


>> No.18589817


>> No.18589818

What the fuck kind of bugs are they, baby cockroaches?

>> No.18589844

yes, eat the bugs anon

>> No.18589847
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Google says probably weavils. Anyways it tasted good when I added enough sugar

>> No.18589848

Stop buying individual packages of processed garbage.

Buy shit at a real store, retard. Stop paying double for a worse selection.

>> No.18589854

I don’t have an infestation it’s probably because of the store. I’m gonna try and get a refund later

>> No.18589855

this is totally me when i choose not to est ze bugs and continue living like a human

>> No.18589876
File: 13 KB, 220x220, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are anons sleeping?
this is the good stuff

>> No.18589883

how old is this sloppa?

>> No.18589885

Uhhh don't tell me you're actually gonna eat this

>> No.18589887

I would sure hope so

>> No.18589890

He is just an average new yorker. Give him a break

>> No.18589895

Those ain't weevils you hungry retard

>> No.18589896

>this is the good stuff
It really isn't, /ck/ has been infested with extreme poorfags for a long time
Back in the day the saddest meal you would find on /ck/ would be a bowl of shitty instant noodles. Nowadays you see people advocating for dumpster diving, eating food with bugs in it, eating random food waste you find on the street, food with weird growth on it or half rotten

>> No.18589905

What were they then? They looked small and black like google said.
I did it tasted fine.

>> No.18589918
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>> No.18589919

This just shows how bad the food prices have gotten with the inflation. I myself have eaten bananas and oranges I found at bus stops, one time some blind nigga lost his shopping bag in the bus stop outside the blind school and I got free instant coffee and raisin bran

>> No.18589922

Post a pic of you eating it

>> No.18589933

It’s already done. Soaking the pot in the sink rn

>> No.18589958

Anon you are supposed to try and get most of the bugs out first
I mean it's probably not bad for you as such but it won't taste good

>> No.18589959

Try soaking your stupid head in the sink rn. Thanks.

>> No.18589966

They ain't weevils.

>> No.18589985

I said before it was fine. I didn’t really notice
WHAT WERE THEY? The other guy also didn’t even reply what they were.

>> No.18589989

>no food
>still have pests

>> No.18589996


>> No.18590000

I said it’s not my fault

>> No.18590133

Only bugs that go inside flour and similar shit are either weevil or some kind of moth

>> No.18590148
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>OP : Bugs in muh food what do?
>Snarky posters: Just eat it bro more protein
>Wait what?

OP Is a man amongst sheep


>> No.18590202

Now thats some good sloppa

>> No.18590209


>> No.18590352

It was good. People are just scared pussies

>> No.18590367

Cringe larp you didn't eat that shit

>> No.18590403

I eat oatmeal every day for breakfast at the same time before class. If you think I’d take time to cook it and then not eat it you do not know me.

>> No.18590413


>> No.18590433

just wash your oats. bugs float.

>> No.18590438
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Tfw my turds float

>> No.18590476

>you are a pussy if you don't eat bugs!

>> No.18590969

Should’ve thought of that earlier but I already traded the big oatmeal in for a fresh package at the bodega

>> No.18590988

Jesus dude, like the other guy said why didn’t you at least TRY to get as many out as you could before preparing it you disgusting slob kek

>> No.18591000

This anon doesn't need to be told
But honestly if you ever have this just rinse under whatever for awhile, the bugs float to the top. Sometimes rice gets bugs really bad doesn't affect flavor and they aren't a health hazard, just not ideal because takes extra washing to get rid of them al

>> No.18591021

>yeah so I bought this oatmeal here a while back and it was crawling with bugs, like completely infested
>the oatmeal, you wanna see it? Oh, I already ate it all

>> No.18591031
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>I myself have eaten bananas and oranges I found at bus stops
What the fuck, anon

>> No.18591052

extra protein, why complain?

>> No.18591053

I’m glad I don’t know you

>> No.18591072

Ye indigestible trash protein with a shit amino acid profile lmao

>> No.18591182

why did you let your life get to the point all you have at home is old fucked up oatmeal

>> No.18591916
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>They seem to be dying as a cook

>> No.18591921

Why the fucking fuck are you eating weevilly oatmeal, anon, are you larping as an 18th century sailor?

Anyway, stick it in the freezer for a couple days, ought to kill em off, when you use it for cooking first soak in water and pick them out for fucks sake

>> No.18592123

Too many to pick. It would just be a hassle to get more or whatever

>> No.18592186

>they're dying as a cook
We got a regular Goebbels here.

>> No.18592207
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>This whole fucking thread
Fucking what, OP you god damn night golem, who the fuck raised you

>> No.18592215

OP is a based god
I humbly kneel

>> No.18592233

Imagine being so lazy and worthless you eat bug infested shit lmao. Goybrainded retard

>> No.18592255
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 640px-Ahasverus_advena01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're grain beetles OP. They're indicative of poor factory/processing conditions as they eat mold. Your bowl was probably harmless if it didn't smell moldy or mildew-y, but I wouldn't buy from that brand again.

>> No.18592259

Freeze your oatmeal and it should be safe

>> No.18592271

what is different about insect protein that makes it indigestible?
and if it is indigestible, why is the amino acid profile a problem?
and most non meat foods are missing a few amino acids so what's the big deal about the amino acid profile if this protein wasn't indigestible?

>> No.18592278

If the bugs can eat the mold why is it bad for us?

>> No.18592289

Because there’s mould on your grain, and you shouldn’t eat mouldy grain.

>> No.18592293

Its literally posted here >>18589847

>> No.18592303

Based, the only thing jews need to do to make polcels eat bugs is just make beef slightly more expensive. They will eat bugs to save a couple dollars, it will be friggin based frugal patrician to eat bugs soon

>> No.18592347

chuds are like
>muh ancestors
>muh tradition
when their ancestors traditionally ate bugs

>> No.18592378

my ancestors ate bark bread 100 years ago even, but they never touched bugs

>> No.18592401

why can the bugs eat it then

>> No.18592408

the difference is my ancestors ate bugs, but your ancestors were bugs

>> No.18592417

It means there's mold in the factory processing the grain. Doesn't necessarily mean OP's particular sample is also contaminated even though it has bugs (beetles can get sucked through chutes and packaged without having an active food source for their presence), but it means there's unclean conditions at the factory itself.

>> No.18592418

>anon is so poor he can't afford the bulk chicken thighs and has to resort to insects in his oatmeal for his protein intake

>> No.18592425

They drank ant liquor (myrbrännvin).

>> No.18592438 [DELETED] 

The reason the factory is unclean is cause all they fucking hire is shitskins, fuckin indians and pakis.

>> No.18592523

>100 years ago
that was practically yesterday anon
100 years is nothing

>> No.18592534

OP here. I've spent the last hour violently puking and shitting water. Never been in this much pain in my life. I think I'm going to attempt to drive myself to the ER

>> No.18592536


>> No.18592548

I saw the IP counter go up, you can't fool me faggot.

>> No.18592553

The bugs themselves are harmless to eat. Unironically if you picked the bugs out and fried them you'd be better off than eating tainted grain.

>> No.18593049

They have different digestive systems enabling them to process shit that would literally kill you

>> No.18593052
File: 30 KB, 630x630, 21986_454580288041184_1127262181636112263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't even try to strain ze bugs out.

>> No.18593072

this nigga gets it

>> No.18593074

The heat of ze oatmeal cooks ze bugs

>> No.18593906
File: 398 KB, 522x406, 1659863754494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google search
>all the results say it's fine bruh just eat it bruh damn u a picky mf

>> No.18593917

Do coasties really live like this? I don't understand brown person.

>> No.18593919

enjoy your bug poop, OP.

>> No.18593929


>> No.18593937

>Klaus Schwab liked this post

>> No.18593938

No empty bowl, OP didn't actually eat this shit

>> No.18593991

Times are tough

>> No.18594033

I uhhh... wow impressed and disgusted you did that

>> No.18594092

>flies eat literal shit why can't i

>> No.18594113

>some countries eat bugs therefore it's ok to eat whatever random bugs you find in your food!
so is it ok to eat whatever random weeds I find in my cabbage then?

>> No.18594134

the bugs are for the protein, bro!

>> No.18594331

No I am fine. Got a trade in today and they gave me another container. It also had bugs but then I saw the expiry was for last month. I went back and they apologized and I got one with an expiry next year. I checked before leaving and it was clean.y bowl this morning was delicious.

>> No.18594389
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>> No.18594395

Also, what kind of degenerate uses prepackaged oatmeal? It's fucking oats, sugar, and milk for fucks sake.

>> No.18594459
File: 488 KB, 640x429, gsrJb5mXLTCtvHt9OqfOrbQaPfOQH40Khr8gBFkayEo_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related its ops face when he finally eats it

>> No.18594471


you talk like a fag and literally eat bugs

i cant wait until shit hits the fan and i can neck people like you with zero repercussions.

>> No.18594472

Uh... And what's wrong with this, exactly? They're contained in a natural protective shell, as long as they're not opened it's fine. Are you a schizo that thinks somebody stuck a needle in the orange or some shit?

>> No.18594481

That man is drinking pilk!

>> No.18594482

found a granny smith apple today on the street that fell out of someones car

said yum breakfast and ate it. gotta build natural immunity sometime.

>> No.18594505

why do you keeo shopping there and buying the same oatmeal when you keep getting bug infected and expired ones

>> No.18594564
File: 1.58 MB, 1607x1722, 1661117374526414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not eat ze bugs plz

>> No.18594611

Why are itoddlers like this?

>> No.18595245

Chill out bruh. Hatefulness will hurt you
It’s only happened twice and I like the store

>> No.18595326
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>kids say "may i eat one?"

>> No.18596914

I hope OP realizes that he can just go to a food bank if he is really that desperate for food to eat shit with bugs in them.

>> No.18597412

I mean the joggers in africa make patties out of flys. Its unerving but the basic chinaman eats worse.

>> No.18597461

Did you buy this shit at a bodega or has it been in your cupboard for years?

>> No.18597468

Get birds!

>> No.18597835
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 7dffc843-12dd-4f78-a2cb-919aed56455f_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember stocking or moving some canned breadcrumbs at a grocery store i worked at as a teen
saw some bugs on the shelf, then noticed every can had little holes drilled in and around the bottoms where bugs were gettin in and out

>> No.18598071
File: 212 KB, 688x332, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess when comparing the choice between eating the bugs and going hungry, you could say that OP chose the lesser of two weevils.

>> No.18598538

I bought it last week it expired on the shelf of the bodega