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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18583826 No.18583826 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw these at the store and couldn't believe they ruined a 90's fave of mine. Why don't they just rename it or create a new product.. they can't cash in on 30 year old's nostalgia buys by ruining discontinued products.

Post any discontinued faves that came back in bastardized/shit forms, in name only.

>> No.18583858

Forgot to mention, doesn't taste the same. Mind you, could be me misremmebering a 20 year old product, the glass bottle, the place and time a young me experienced it, general nostalgia, etc.

I imagine people are gonna rage about the enchirito when it comes back and feel the same about that. Are relaunches of old products really that different or is it all in peoples heads?

>> No.18583871

holy shit I forgot those existed
those drinks were the nectar of the gods to 10-year-old me

>> No.18583872
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It doesn't taste the same because it's like 1/3 of the calories of the old bottle. There's a lot less HFCS

>my childhood when I feel nostalgic for discontinued types of goyslop

>> No.18583876

Try the new ones.. I might just be a nostalgia pussy tonight. I'm honestly wondering.

>> No.18583886

But.. I keep hearing about more HFCS is in our modern goyslop w.e. the old bottles said all naturaaaal. Modern do too. I imagine now they're just crammed with artificial sweeteners. Who knows.

>> No.18583888

hm, well snapple was a slightly better than average drink as far as i can recall, but certainly better than arizona iced tea. maybe these flavors are better.

>> No.18583892

Fredonia came in glass..? Woooow. I only remember Orbitz, Elements, and Sobe in glass. Fun fact.. if you have any ancient glass sobe bottles around, they sell on Ebay for quite a bit. Imagine somebody has a hidden piss bottle from the 90s in their hoarded house. Sell sell sell.

>> No.18583938
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Absolute trash now compared to my childhood, completely new lineup of bastardized watered down flavours. My favourite was Green Apple and I've never even been able to find a picture of one, but these are some of the flavours/branding from ~25 odd years ago

>> No.18584008

I avoided Fire when I was young because I expected it to be extremely spicy
I vaguely remember Fruitopia bottles, it was far more common in soda fountains. Sobe was everywhere in the 2000s, but I hated the stuff.

>> No.18584027
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A childhood favorite ruined by a new formula. Now it tastes like every other fruit snack.

>> No.18584133

I liked dragon fruit in all the 90s varieties. I had Frutopia in hs vending machines, typical sods bottle tho>

Seen these lately, never had em or the original. Are gushers the same..?

>> No.18584222

What made it special before?

>> No.18584252
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Turkey Twizzlers. Jamie Oliver raised such a stink about them being unhealthy that they stopped making them, then a few years they came back with an "improved" recipe, and they're completely vile, they taste like unseasoned sausage meat.

>> No.18584256

I'm not sure how to accurately describe it but I would almost say they were like dried pieces of sugar glaze, in that they had a vaguely gritty sweet texture iirc. I don't know if that just means they were really sugary before or what. Now they're just too chewy

>> No.18584257

I should have added I'm not just going schizo, there are a lot of people who have commented on this stupid change including people I know

>> No.18584346

You left out the interim aluminium bottles

>> No.18584395

I didn't know they existed.

>> No.18584680


I know what you're talking about and you're right. I don't know what they use or don't use, but this is the norm for a lot of candy/snacks.

>> No.18585167

they seem alright to me

>> No.18585467
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Every fucking thread I will post this.
Bring it back...please. Cereal hasn't been the same since it was discontinued. COME THE FUCK ON

>> No.18585489
File: 6 KB, 249x203, noah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your hair on grandad, they aren't popular because they aren't affordable or cool looking. they'll be gone again soon.
>they do taste alright though, good stuff

>> No.18585548
File: 1.22 MB, 326x244, 3747951D-7992-4A36-B7C3-923866A16937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one I talk to remembers this, but this was the all time best cereal ever.

>> No.18585570
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Why won't these criminals bring back my PB Crisps? They stole it from us.

>> No.18585736
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This is the flavor you were looking for.

>> No.18585741
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Per capita sugar consumption in the US peaked in the late 1990s, and has slowly declined since then. The average American today eats about as much sugar as the average American did in the mid 1980s. The same is true for most other food groups - meat, dairy, fruit, veg, consumption is all basically the same the 1980s as well. Grains have seen a moderate increase, and added fats/oils have seen a significant increase in consumption. The increase in calories from those two groups lines up almost perfectly with the rise in obesity.

>> No.18585837


>> No.18586177

new ones suck massive cock. not even remotely close to original and filled with the fake sweetener shit like everything else is now, terrible for you.

>> No.18587418
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It's called demoralization you stupid faggots

They took our childhood memories, of an actually kind of good drink with a cool, original, bottle, and "alegria-fied" it into globohomo bullshit

>> No.18587965

hahaha you're fucking serious aren't you?
you actually believe that bullshit, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.18587991

Even Ben and Jerry's stopped using premium ice cream and reduced the milk fat and stopped using big chunks of toppings.

>> No.18588063

The entire point of "alegria" is to create brain fog and obedience, which is why all corporations use it.

It's intentionally designed to invoke non-specific, non critical feelings and pacify you. That is LITERALLY what it was designed to do by art engineers you fucking retard

>> No.18588078
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Lies and slander

>> No.18588675

Totinos pizza used to be round..

>> No.18588695

I can't remember ever having these but I know exactly what they taste like

>> No.18588780
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these and sharks

>> No.18588840
File: 37 KB, 357x500, 51Yp58qFWpL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink has less corn syrup
do americans

>> No.18588988

Yes, we also mourn the loss of uniquely garish architecture adorning our finest slop establishments
In other words, dem Jews took mah golden arches!

>> No.18588994

>demoralized by products being altered
You are pathetic. This only affirms my belief that nostalgia is a vice.

>> No.18589012
File: 73 KB, 945x630, coca-cola-santa-9594232eab6d4c4e8a391e4b006bcae4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just a few weeks ago learned that they retired Santa from the coke can and I unironically considered buying an old can on ebay

>> No.18589026

Odwalla but it might totally be dead now

>> No.18589039

You nostalgic for stuff from when you were under 10? You even remember stuff that early?

>> No.18590372
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I'd probably murder a man in cold blood for a box of this.

>> No.18591814

How would they not be affordable? Is glass REALLY more expensive? Beer n booze all use glass still. Same for kombucha or health drinks with, which are likely consumed by eco minded people who have a disdain for plastic. I find all the old drinks in glass bottles more fun.. or even plastic speoducts with interesting shapes. Oh well.

>> No.18591819

I see I see, I just don't get brands or products being resurrected in shit formulations. Be they less sugar or more corn syrup, or w.e. Sucks. Doubt anything is more or less healthy when it's a trash product to begin with.

>> No.18591908

The juice..? Holy fuck.. discontinued in 2020. Wow. I never knew. Guess you have to settle with Bolthouse Farms or w.e I've seen take its place.

>> No.18592485

yes, glass is a pain in to ship, a pain in the ass to work with as well
i stopped caring after having to work with it when I was doing a brainlet job at the packing facility of a large brewery, its also fucking noisy and you have to run equipment way slower, and your end products are more limited in shipping as they require to be fully boxed instead of just in trays and palletized.
in the US at least, there are extra OSHA /FDAregulations for glass for safety reasons (cuts, contamination of shards, etc)

>> No.18592767


>> No.18592779

Whenever people whip out "le /pol/ buzzword" to describe literally anything that can be consumed (food, drink, movies, tv, sports, videogames), I wonder if it's just trolling or they're genuinely miserable cunts

>> No.18592801

It's Twitter emigre flavor of the month noise. Don't feed it.

>> No.18593692
File: 24 KB, 525x350, 4184f8942fa543ea19ef9c92019b4aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen those since 2007.

>> No.18594435

I see. Thanks for the solid explanation.