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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18583259 No.18583259 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for low calorie/no calories food
So far I got
Diet soda
But I would like something I can actually chew

>> No.18583261

eat my pussy

>> No.18583273

Does op look like a MUNCH to you???

>> No.18583288

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.18583294


>> No.18583296
File: 263 KB, 1337x486, GO BACK YOU RETARDED ATTENTION WHORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal fucking Plebbit poasting
Eat shit, Fuck off and Never post here again, faggot.

>> No.18583300

soup is a good idea. i like tomato paste soups, or stews, or cheese based soups.

>> No.18583305


>> No.18583309

Chicken breast cooked properly

>> No.18583724

This plus carrots, kale, seaweed and chewing gum.

>> No.18583760

Order a burger and tell them no bun and no burger

>> No.18584499
File: 851 KB, 320x180, Aaaah the French.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this anorexic girl in college who put on so much makeup she looked like a party clown could often be found alone in the cafeteria late in the evening with a big bowl of sugar free jello and iceberg lettuce on her tray. pretty sad. we always wondered if she had any friends and if she did whether anybody was helping her.

>> No.18584523

Benadryl tablets
Frozen water (Ice)
Bark from a tree

>> No.18584555

If you need something between meals and not to snack try these

Chewing on cinnamon sticks
Celery sticks
Cacao Nibs (you only eat a tiny amount they're strong)
Anice seed

If youre trying to eat just no cal stuff to lose weight quick its not gonna work out for you. You'll just get a major headache. You need to eat better stuff and you wont get hungry and wont get a headache then you can just eat small meals once or twice a day.

Try baaked salmon and a veggie for a night
Then a small bit of pork tenderloin and a veggie for a night
Then chicken and a veggie for a night

I guarantee you if you just do that for like 3 nights instead of eating garbage you'll just be way less hungry and wont have to attempt an all or nothing bullshit longterm fast like I know youre trying to do.

>> No.18584602

#1 rice cakes <3 almost as satisfying as chips

& Hello?!? vegetables & leafy greens! celery, carrots, snap peas, cucumbers, mini cucumbers, lettuce, kale, cabbage, mustard greens, collard greens, bok choy, brussel sprouts; make you a lil salad with some lemon juice as dressing
most nuts are basically like chewable vitamins so to me it's worth the extra calories for almonds, pistachio, cashew, brasil nuts, etc.

>> No.18584614

Most nuts are 50% - 75% oil by weight. They are the very definition of calorie dense.

This is a bad take

>> No.18584659

Reddit runs this website now, newfag.

>> No.18584669

is that an intestine with parasites?

>> No.18584674

well to pull off a no calorie diet, you'd need to consider nutrient density as a factor. In starvation state, you'll always feel hungry because you're not getting enough nutrients which will make your body produce hunger hormone. Eat a small portion of nuts and youre getting fiber, carbs, and yes oil which is healthy fat, plus vitamins so it helps stop the physical symptoms of starvation. This is what supermodels do to not pass out.
See 2 almonds meme Yolanda & Gigi Hadid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzuYdkl1dxo

>> No.18584681

Cabbage is the best for this. It's filling and you can eat massive amounts with almost no calorie uptake. It's the thing speed eating contest asses eat tons of to expand their stomachs for the big day.

If you want a low calorie meal take either shredded cabbage or 50/50 Cabbage and spaghetti (if you're being indulgent) and a simple sauce of tomatoes with no fay added. Tastes close enough to regular spaghetti that you won't care too much, but you can eat it till your stomach feels like it will burst while ingesting almost no real calories.

>> No.18584684

>Cacao Nibs (you only eat a tiny amount they're strong)
Oh I started snacking on these lately. They do have a fair amount of calories per 100grams but as you said, you can't really eat much of them to begin with. Love chewing up a couple together with coffee

>> No.18584690

Sounds like you might get issues with unintentional overeating when going back to a regular diet later on if your stomach is used to large volumes of food with few cals

>> No.18584865

Yeah,it may cause that if used unchecked. I did it for a few months back when I was losing weight and worked well. But as,I say, 6 months at most, if that. This was almost 20 years ago now.

>> No.18584914

That's a garloid.

>> No.18586288

Shirataki noodles. They're definitely not good for you but a whole pack is like 20 calories. Riced Veggies are also pretty alright and you can smash the whole bag for minimal calories. A ton of cabbage fried up with carmalized onions and a few slices of bacon is a good af too.

As far as snack food goes popcorn, rice cakes and chickpeas roasted in the oven are pretty good options.

>> No.18587092


>> No.18587780

reminds me of when I used to watch people eat because I got off on them enjoying food I'd never allow myself.
it really is a slippy slope, you never see yourself as anything but fat and it took my family and complete strangers to start pointing out I looked like a fucking skeleton before I changed.
can't deny a part of me misses being skinny though.

>> No.18587805

rice cakes

>> No.18587813

cans of green beans. A whole can is 40 calories
nonfat greek yoghurt so you can make sauces and substitute mayo with it
gelatin if its low sugar
look up volume eating on reddit