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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18581421 No.18581421 [Reply] [Original]

We used to be a real country.

>> No.18581428

white people are getting replaced and innocent as they may pretend, they know exactly why it's happening

>> No.18581441


>> No.18581446

No wonder boomers don't know how to cook. Holy Jesus.

>> No.18581455

it's worth noting that $1 in the 1960s was the equivilant of $10 today.

>> No.18581583

Missing the fried egg on avocado toast eh?

>> No.18581627

Youre thinking of the 50s, 60s dollar is like 4 to 6 modern dollars

>> No.18581630

Join russia china, nuke the west, rebuild

>> No.18581657

that's a lot of sloppa!

>> No.18581666

A Dollar in 1960 was $9.31

>> No.18581687

But the minimum wage was $1/hr, and more than likely the majority of people were both paid more and had less overheads to worry about compared to nowadays.

>> No.18581713

> Rebuild the west with communism
Yeah great idea.

>> No.18581726

>mediggers and wops invading made us a real country

>> No.18581731
File: 153 KB, 495x323, 1649026032837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Jimbo broke your pipewrench so you have to eat spaghetti with "tomato sauce" instead of spaghetti with butter for the next couple months

>> No.18581842

You know how when you buy something you sometimes get given a few pieces of metal? That's not an accident - you used to actually be able to buy things with those.

>> No.18581853

My dad used to drink Schlitz beer.

>> No.18581920

Yeah, it's too bad the Republicans spent the last 50 years running it into the ground. It's ironic too, because they're usually the ones saying they want to go back or "this is what they took from you", when in reality they're all nihilists and consistently push for things to get even worse.

>> No.18582151

What is french fried shrimp?

>> No.18582156

America has always been a third world dump, you're all circumcised monsters. You all just cope by blaming each other while the pedophile billionaires just laugh at all of you.

>> No.18582163

ill have the small child porn please

>> No.18582164

You're confusing alt-right with the conventional right.

>> No.18582169

There's no such thing as "conventional right" anymore. They've all lost their minds.

>> No.18582176

>you're all circumcised
It never fails to make me laugh when people think this is an insult. If would be like me saying, "you're poor, and stupid, and you bathe regularly, and your mom's a whore!"

>> No.18582188

A Frenchman fried it

>> No.18582307

In my lifetime China went from a backwater to a superpower with two disneylands. In my lifetime the United States went from two disneylands to a disneyland with a California Adventure and making Epcot into Marvel World.

>> No.18582319

Minimum wage here is like 16 or something so that's about the same. It would suck shit working 8 hours and having one of those hours of work go directly into a shitty lunch so you can keep working.

>> No.18582323

That's a restaurant menu though, a lunch sandwich would cost like 20 cents or so.

>> No.18582325

This is the truth and the saddest thing of all. Real, traditional conservatives have to place now. No party espouses traditional values.

>> No.18582329

Obviously, like today you can make a sandwich for under a buck for lunch. Just saying those prices aren't really any different from today.

>> No.18582333

If you ever thought China was a backwater that's just you being retarded. And I'm fucking Scottish

>> No.18582337

If it works and people are happy under the system then i'm down.

>> No.18582351
File: 242 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Stalin_1920-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it works
It won't.
>and people are happy
They won't be.

>> No.18582503

This is a fascinating menu. I'm going to assume Kansas City based on some of the things I see there (KC Strip, breaded Italian steak). Mid-century Italian-American food has always interested me and I'm curious to know how it tasted then vs now, how preparation differed, etc.

>> No.18582515

who cares?

>> No.18582521

White people gave us Panera Bread. They can all go.

>> No.18582525

As well as the computer, electricity, and internet you used to post that

>> No.18582529

america owns the chinese economy.
russia is broke.
we don't need to rebuild.
we just need to hang all politicians and bankers until the rot falls out of the noose.

>> No.18582537

Time has shown that pretty much all of that was a bad move

>> No.18582550

>it didn't work that time so it never can!
>always applied to communism never to capitalism which is at least as big as failure

Consume consume consume!!

>> No.18582552

so wrong it's ridiculous.

>> No.18582555

>false dichotomy thinking
why are you like this?
just fire up the grill.

>> No.18583386

Italians built America

>> No.18584608
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For me? I'll take a large DeLuxe grande, a bottle of port and a slap on the Hostesses ass, to go.

>> No.18584613

Their diversity hire Jaques really knew how to cook up shrimps

>> No.18584616

Nah. You can post all the trad memes you want, but modern republicans are nothing more than a corporate boot licker cult at this point.