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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18576647 No.18576647 [Reply] [Original]

>get invited to soup swap
>really excited, I make the best soup that my grandma taught me
>bring it to soup swap
>immediately get berated and made fun of for bringing stew
>I tell them soup and stew are the same thing
>they continue to make fun of me
>I decide to leave
>sit on the shoe bench to put my shoes back on
>set my pot next to me
>bench seat is padded, pot tips over onto me while putting on my shoes
>all 6 of the guests are watching me leave after fucking up my pants and the bench and floor
>they continue to mock me
I hate visiting my family.

Are soup and stew the same thing?

>> No.18576655

Man, you must have really been stewing over your whole ordeal to post it on the anonymous hungarian fish boxing forum.

>> No.18576677

Your family sounds annoying

>> No.18576713

Stew is thicker with larger floaters. Soup is thinner with smaller floaters. But I think there's overlap. For example, chowders are considered soups but usually have thick broth.

>> No.18576716

that makes things infinitely more complicated and confusing.

>> No.18576719

pretty sure they were just memeing

sucks that your fun family has you

>> No.18576723

Life is complicated, anon. The soup is preparing you for the rest of your life.

>> No.18576737

do you consider gravy and broth to be the same thing?
is milk chocolate the same thing as chocolate milk?

>> No.18576761

Next time they have a themed potluck add a dangerous amount of laxatives to your food and then stealthily clog all the toilets.

>> No.18576773

you would get arrested

>> No.18576780

Who cares? You'd be out on signature bond the very same day

>> No.18576785

Collect powerful blackmail on every family member beforehand. If you're caught and they want to have you arrested threaten their entire world with your blackmail.

>> No.18576849

But the whole class of bisques and cream of 'x' soups are thick. I think stews might actually be necessarily watery.

>> No.18576855

You stew a stew. It's why it's called a stew, stewpid.

>> No.18576858

stewing is a cooking method, like boiling or poaching.
foods that have been stewed are stews.

>> No.18576865

There was a thread about some homo wishing soup swapping was a TV show a couple days back. I think everyone agreed only confirmed gays participated in such events.
By bringing stew you narrowly avoided being gay.

>> No.18576875
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Once on a research trip in the dessert I got into a heated discussion with the head researcher about the difference between baking and roasting. I said roasting was at a higher temperature and usually meat and baking was at a lower temperature and usually either cake/pastry/muffins/etc or vegetables. He would not relent and to avoid ruining the rest of the trip I backed down. Was I right or was he?

>> No.18576883

Forgot to mention his position: he said there was no difference and that baking and roasting were the same thing

>> No.18576887

You are both wrong.

>> No.18576891

sourdough is baked, not roasted, at 500 degrees, fag

>> No.18576895

Roasting top heat
Baking bottom heat

>> No.18576910

this, invite them to an island and then go full Epstein with underage whatnot

if that doesn't work, kidnap and torture them, inducing PTSD alters. if you torture them in the right way, you can induce alters in them - making them do anything you want - using nearly any trigger.

>> No.18576936

Superbly based. Imagine the dirt you could get on grandma after a week on an Epstein-esque island.

>> No.18576964
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>> No.18576981

>Roasting top heat
that's broiling

>> No.18576991

Uh, no? That's why they have different names at all. Hell, would you be happy if someone gave you a bowl of cereal to swap with your soup (if you had any, that is)? No, you'd think they're a retard and make fun of them, just like your family rightfully did to you.

>> No.18576998

Are milk and cream the same thing? What about pasta sauce and ketchup? Genuine questions.

>> No.18577027

If you can eat it with a fork, it's stew. If you have to use a spoon, it's soup. If you can eat it with a fork by taking two hours to catch miniscule amounts of food and a few drops of broth, it's still soup and you're an argumentative little shit.

>> No.18577044
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what about noodle soups?

>> No.18577058

When the noodles are gone, can you finish what's left with the fork? Nah, you have to chug the broth from the bowl. Soup.

>> No.18577069

I also chug stews from the bowl.

>> No.18577075

You're an argumentative little shit. I will be taking no further soup questions.

>> No.18577092

don't get saucy with me because your definitions are shit

>> No.18577104

Just use a fork to eat my sauce.

>> No.18577422

This wasn't about soup this was about you. Raise your energy levels in order to influence your environment yourself.

>> No.18577498

So my over easy eggs that i had trouble eating the runny yolks are soup?

>> No.18577505

>Roasting top heat
how tf are "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" then you dolt

>> No.18577572

Yeah they are different anon, you have a gap in your knowledge base that resulted in an embarrassing moment. Happens to everyone. You should definitely slaughter your entire family though

>> No.18577652

Antiquated termalogy for a nearly extinct tree nut.

>> No.18577751

The definition of a soup is that you can get all of the ingredients in one spoonful. That's it, that's all it is.

>> No.18577888

Now tell us something that actually happened

>> No.18579473

Are cereals with milk a soup?

>> No.18579624

what a retarded definition, ive never used a fork for stew once in my life