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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18576122 No.18576122 [Reply] [Original]

Is this pan too crowded?

>> No.18576125

No, brocolli shrinks like spinage dummy


>> No.18576127

too crowded for my taste, but you do you buddy

>> No.18576135

put the lid on fatso and watch it shrink like a cold penis for maybe you can have a taste of a good dish

>> No.18576169
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>> No.18576202

Feed the dog some broccoli

>> No.18576218
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no seasoning, no flavor, yum yum give me some!

>> No.18576232



>> No.18576239

salt is the greatest seasoning of all. the king of seasonings. and only white people can eat it because non-whites have such weak little arteries that they can't handle the sodium.

>> No.18576243

if it were cabbage id say no

>> No.18576264

Have you ever eaten non-white food? It's like 50% salt.

>> No.18576272

MSG users are honorary whites. we accept their daughters as payment

>> No.18576285

He's allergic
I'm glad you asked here is the recipe:

Beef - 80/20, 3lb~ (family size)
Broccoli - 2 packs from Aldi
Salt - liberal
Pepper - gracious amounts

Turn on your pan on high and let it heat up
Slice the piece of beef in half to double the surface area that can make contact with the pan
Slap the beef on the pan
While beef is searing cut off the broccoli crowns with a paring knife. Cut right into the pan

Let it sit and stir it as needed until beef is good

And that's it! I eat it a lot so that I can get in protein and the broccoli is just for flavor and texture
The beef fat will be soaked up into the broccoli and there's no need for butter, and it can be so delicious

>> No.18576317
File: 32 KB, 640x360, 111129073745-patrice-o-neal-comedy-central-roast-story-top[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Patrice O'Neal talking about dealing with Chinese. How "If I could make 'Beef And Broccoli' myself, I would never do business with a Chinese again. I tried it. I put beef, in a pan, with broccoli. I don't know how they do it. But 'Beef And Broccoli' is not just beef and broccoli. So I still gotta deal with these motherfuckers".

>> No.18576353

>I don't know how they do it.
MSG is how they do it

>> No.18576356

that, and soy sauce, and corn-starch. but he acknowledges that in the bit itself.

>> No.18576596

It’s oyster sauce.

>> No.18576645

that was a joke?
what part of it was funny? when he called Chinese people motherfuckers?

>> No.18576651

God look at this stupid mutt looking up begging for food. Imagine living your life and every single time you make something in the kitchen you have a retarded mutt looking at you with that retarded fucking look begging for food.

I want to stomp your dogs face in

>> No.18576661

hot sauce isn't "seasonings"

>> No.18576662


>> No.18576672


>> No.18576680

the joke is that he hates Chinese people, which is something that all ghetto blacks can relate to.

>> No.18576684

You are not white

>> No.18576736

Anon, what is it like to be unloved?

>> No.18576743

this is why /ck/ white supremacists are my favorite subgenre of white supremacist, they will literally just say shit like "only white people eat (insert mundane, ubiquitous food) because their SUPERIOR WHITE GENES have adapted them to be able to handle the IMMENSE POWER of this food" with a straight face. it's beautiful

>> No.18577948

it's a joke dumbass

>> No.18577953

even the dog is disappointed in your shitty cooking

>> No.18577992

I like going in to take out Chinese joints and watching the interaction between the asians and blacks. Both sides are seething with hatred.

>> No.18578013

>salt is the greatest seasoning of all.
Hunger is.

>> No.18578048

you should cook the meat first and then steam the veggies in the left-over juice

>> No.18578068
File: 95 KB, 960x688, 1_2sUDme36ZNkN-CG40_qZzA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i miss that guy
the way he hated women was legendary

>> No.18578113

>putting raw meat in with brocolli to cook
I refuse to believe this board is actually a cooking board

>> No.18578171
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>Salt - liberal

>> No.18578185

god gave one set huge dicks and police brutality, the other got small dicks and mostly casual racism from white people

>> No.18578211

Male benefits of being in a relationship:
>respect from other men
>vastly increased attention from additional women
>more likely to win political contests
>the confidence of knowing you fulfilled your obligation to the unbroken line of your ancestors
>the joy of knowing your progeny will succeed you
>ability to lord it over mentally retarded disingenuous incel virgins on 4chan

It takes a special effort at being a non-person to get upset at women having doors held for them.

>> No.18578223

you can't expect incels to know these benefits, considering they're not likely to have had any positive interaction with women growing up, never mind successful romantic ones.

>> No.18578233

I wouldn't care if they were at least making an effort to better themselves and maybe asking for advice at how they could get their lives in order. It's the people who permanently stick their heads up their asses and say "I'm always going to be this way, boo hoo no one understands, I have it so hard, oh and by the way despite being clearly defective with absolutely no capacity for self-reflection I'm still going to have 100 idiotic opinions on why society needs to be changed because none of this is my fault" I can't stand.

>> No.18578245

>Male benefits of being in a relationship:
>>respect from other men
This is false. Married men pull me aside all the time and admit they are envious of not having a nagging wife
>>vastly increased attention from additional women
Attention that you cannot make use of without being a cheat
>>more likely to win political contests
Politicians are horrible people
>>the confidence of knowing you fulfilled your obligation to the unbroken line of your ancestors
Too abstract and I cant even imagine this being fulfilling
>>the joy of knowing your progeny will succeed you
I would never create another human to face the hardships that are surely coming with a shrinking population
>>ability to lord it over mentally retarded disingenuous incel virgins on 4chan
This has got to feel pretty hollow even for a deluded boomer

>> No.18578253

There is a whole world of information you have not been exposed to
Not your fault

>> No.18578282

I don't like it either. Chinese Canadian/American bros are our friends. For real, they're very hospitable and friendly

>> No.18578294

Says an.. unironic basement-dwelling incel virgin. Yeah, no opinion you will ever have is ever going to be valuable to someone who lives in the real world. Sorry.

>mental illness cope manifesto
Not interested.

>> No.18578300
File: 29 KB, 580x420, 4e1166ae673e10d5ffb95de0313f572b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty solid debate desuka. I am finding myself in a relationship with a woman right now, I am seeing my options of pussy to pound close up, this isn't ideal in terms of pleasure, but it's gotta be more fulfilling than looking for the next woman hook up with for some months before moving on again, leaving her emotionally torn and me alone with you anons again.

>> No.18578303

I agree completely
I always feel bad though because since most are short, they will have very few dates over a lifetime
Even asian chicks dont date asian men
This world was never like this before

>> No.18578305

The comedy from this stand-up "bit" is that, despite the name of the dish only having two ingredients, the comedian is unable to replicate it at home. The main "joke" part is the implication that he is such a bad cook that he thought cooking just the two ingredients together would make the Chinese dish he wanted. Obviously that didn't work out, so he is frustrated that he has to order it from a restaurant instead.

Maybe knock-knock jokes are more your speed.

>> No.18578309

You understand you are basically just saying "no you"

>> No.18578311
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>> No.18578328

>they will have very few dates over a lifetime
I don't think they mind. They're not extremely promiscuous

>Even asian chicks dont date asian men
Some exclusively do (the fob types usually shack up together), and some exclusively don't (the hot slut female types)

But yeah, I feel bad for chinabros

>> No.18578331
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Short fingers, big palms

>> No.18578332
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>> No.18578333

girliest hands I've even seen

>> No.18578340

The fresh off the boat ones will for sure date asian men.
But there are far more FOB males than females so they take up most of those.
Also if you were born here, you are far more american than you are asian . Asian american men only speak english and they dont want some FOB ping pong any more than the average white guys does

>> No.18578344

>Attention that you cannot make use of without being a cheat
imagine being so inept you can't talk your girl and and her friends into having an orgy

>> No.18578346

You must be 18 to post here kiddo

>> No.18578366
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Thanks, that's a great compliment. I get a lot of them for my hands. I've always liked them, even as a kid.

>> No.18578369

Do you date fobs? Are the chinese women you date good cooks?

>> No.18578398

I never dated a chinee
Dated a flip and she sucked at cooking
Then a few asian american prep school chicks and they were smart as fuck but worthless at anything practical

>> No.18578423

How long did you date them for?
I decided to commit to an incredibly sweet chinese girl. She doesn't have all the adult skills she, but she follows my lead and learns from the things I do and takes initiative after. She makes her apartment nicer, cooking without using scratched pots and pans now, goes to the gym with me, etc. I feel lucky

>> No.18578433

What kind of human makes this sort of thing? Do they literally observe side profiles of other men in public if they're with women? Lonely and sad.

>> No.18578457

I hope she loves you forever anon.
The situation you find yourself in now, I for sure envy .
I worry that she will change over time and ruin you in midlife
I will honestly say a prayer that things work out for you
You deserve to be happy

>> No.18578472

That was made by asian men. They are in a pretty bad situation and it makes them pretty fucking mad
Can you blame them?

>> No.18578516
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Whatever you say, saltlet

>> No.18578564

>I worry that she will change over time and ruin you in midlife
Why? You think that at age 40 she'll decide she wants to be with other men because I'm her only experience? She's telling her mom not to divorce her unemployed, adulterous husband right now. I feel bad for her mom.

What happened to your relationships? Didn't think sticking it out was better than abandoning ship?

>> No.18578598

please keep the incel shit off of this board

>> No.18578606
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I guess not... 5 is brutal

>> No.18578619

Nazi here. You're lucky we didn't break out the skull calipers and do a craniometry, and that we only guesstimated with our eyes.

>> No.18578670

You cannot handle salt, and yet your post is still salty. SAD!

>> No.18578716

Because I have seen so many women change in middle age
I dont have a single male friend or acquaintance in a happy marriage in my age range
I know a lot of people because of my job

>> No.18578729


those asian guy should just be yourself

>> No.18578773

Why are they unhappy? Kids are stressful, is it mainly that? I know many men get lazy as fuck after marriage

>> No.18578809

Mmmm I haven't had beef n broccoli in a long time. Not since I discovered how delicious general Tso's is. Maybe next splurge day I'll get both.

>> No.18578835

How often do those happen? Do they coincide with payday? When you've completed big projects at work?

>> No.18578882

>I know many men get lazy as fuck after marriage
In what respect?
Men are usually shown to work much longer hours after marriage
In fact , married men work longer hours than single men
Single men work longer hours than single women
Married women work the least amount of hours per week

>> No.18578902


I only have anecdotal evidence of men quitting their jobs and staying home once kids are born while the women go to work

>> No.18578909

What country do you live in?

>> No.18578934

Do you want the raw data? Here is a page from the bureau of labor statistics. I figured you might want this more than some Op ed distillation

>> No.18578937

There is also been research that the longer a woman has been married , the higher the odds she feels her husband is lazy . Funny thing is this perception does not marry up very well with the data.

>> No.18578939

They're account from Canada, America, and China. 1st hand, and from people I've gotten to know

>> No.18579009

Here is an easy laymans video explaining the data


>> No.18579019

It's just 2 hours a week on average, I thought it would be more

>> No.18579042

Oh what the fuck? I love marriage

>> No.18579049

Now read the comments!

>> No.18579100

Oh what the fuck? I love trannies and singlehood

>> No.18579125

I revisit that video every year or so.
Prager had no idea the backlash it would cause . They failed to acknowledge the downsides and divorce rape that happens and the fact that in college educated groups , 90% of divorces are initiated by women.

That one video might be responsible for the massive drop in marriages in the last 5 years

>> No.18579219

Pretty much that. Whenever a special occasion is or when I've got all my shit paid with a nice cushion afterwards yeah. I eat out on average 1.5 times per month.

>> No.18579240

based frugal diner

>> No.18579254

Based frugal diner labeler
Can I ask you more questions?
Do you make less than the average american?
Do you eat healthy?
Are you prone to smoking or alcoholism?
Do you pay for meals on your dates, split them, or ask your date to pay?

>> No.18579323

I am not the based frugal diner but am dying to answer your questions !

>Do you make less than the average american?
I just checked and the average american only earns 32k. if thats true I earn many times more than that
>Do you eat healthy?
Depends on what you call healthy. I never eat sugary stuff and avoid overeating
>Are you prone to smoking or alcoholism?
No but I do have wine with meals or drinks for social/work occasions
>Do you pay for meals on your dates, split them, or ask your date to pay?
I would never make a woman pay for a meal if I asked her out . That said avoid women since I became redpilled.
Much less sex but I have literally quadrupled my income and am building wealth.

If it were not for work demands I would never eat out at all

>> No.18579401

Thank you, answer providing enjoyer. Please note that while I don't create a discussion based off your answers, I do read and internalize them. You may or may not notice this by the follow up questions I provide.

What is your go to restaurant type? What do you order?
Are you getting "up there"? If so, are the women you're fondling single for a reason in your age bracket?
Do women raise an eyebrow when they learn of your single status?
If you had to, what would you cook for 3 children at 6pm tonight?
Which fast food burger restaurant has the best buns?

>> No.18579525
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>What is your go to restaurant type? What do you order?
Indian. Saagwala or goat curry
>Are you getting "up there"? If so, are the women you're fondling single for a reason in your age bracket?
I am older, when I dated regularly , it was women much younger mostly. Single women my age are bitter and have already broken at least one male.
On a first date, ask about their exes, you will learn all you need to know.
>Do women raise an eyebrow when they learn of your single status?
Where I live , many many professional men my age are divorced already. Its not a rare thing at all
>If you had to, what would you cook for 3 children at 6pm tonight?
Years ago I had a mexican buddy who was a chef at a really expensive restaurant
He taught me to make a dish he called Linguine Chino
Thinly sliced steak marinated in soy sauce and Dijon mustard sauteed with peapods other veg and stir fried into linguine
I slice the veg long and thin so picky kids can pick out the stuff they dont like with their fingers.
>Which fast food burger restaurant has the best buns?
I dont eat much fast food but a junior team member brought me burger with pretzel bun a few years ago that was fucking fantastic even though it was not very pretzely

>> No.18579572
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I'm assuming this women have a very difficult time holding back their thoughts and emotions regarding exes?
Where do you go about meeting mexican chefs?
Do you care about being remembered?
If you don't have children, what will your legacy be?

>> No.18579576

If you're the type of person to crowd just buy a Wok.

>> No.18579592

>meat has already browned
At that point, it's only too crowded if you can't work it without spilling which is not something we can judge for you.

>> No.18579614

>women have a very difficult time holding back their thoughts and emotions regarding exes?
I have sat at dinner with women who actually bragged about destroying an ex emotionally
Bragged and laughed
. The first time I saw this reacted badly
The next time I saw it, I egged them on with smiles and laughter
its amazing how horrible women are

>> No.18579717

>The first time I saw this reacted badly

>> No.18580007

The day got going full steam and its a very long story
Will have to tell it another time

>> No.18580024
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You don’t know the joy of dairy do you darky?

>> No.18580270


>Do you make less than the average american?
Much much less. I'd estimate 23-25k a year
>Do you eat healthy? I try to, I have a weakness for liquid calories but in general I try to eat as healthy as I can.
>Are you prone to smoking or alcoholism?
Not really, I drink on occasion, like once every few months, i smoked for like 10 years but it was less than a half pack a day. I've quit it for going on 4 years now.
>Do you pay for meals on your dates, split them, or ask your date to pay? I don't date anymore, when I was naive enough to, yeah I'd pay for the meals.

>> No.18580287

>I don't date anymore
High five!
Just goes to show, rich or poor, women are a pain in the fucking ass and only out to suck you dry one way or another

>> No.18580708

He did it with a funny black voice which was very amusing at the time

>> No.18580717

That made me sad. He's just a boomer having fun and that fucking bitch he's stuck with ruined it with one look.

>> No.18580728

About what I'd expect on /ck/. Still would though.

>> No.18580739

But enough about blacks

>> No.18580976

Are you a neet? What type of job do you have making that?
What did you eat for supper today?

>> No.18581194

I work at a gas station that's not even 1/3 a mile away. Its got a drive-thru beer cave, I close. I live within my means in a county owned shithole and go without a vehicle. My income is ok because I make decent under the table tips and OT. Life sucks but I'm stubborn and refuse to compromise certain lifestyle choices to get a better job.

>> No.18581199

And shaoxing

>> No.18581963 [DELETED] 

I can tell you're an Amerigoy

>> No.18582130


>> No.18582132

You don't have to be in a relationship to impregnate women. In parts of USA you don't even need consent and the woman is legally obliged to bring your child to term.

>> No.18582152

Thats risky for the man
If you are not able to make one stick and get her pregnant , you are going to jail for rape

>> No.18582155

LOL. No witnesses. Good luck proving beyond all reasonable doubt.

>> No.18582241

dna anon dna

>> No.18582275

this but unironically. add any amount of cardamom, tumeric, nutmeg, allspice, anise, fennel, paprika, dill, etc. you want. it's going to be bland and flavorless without salt.
Salt is similar to MSG. It multiplies flavor. But the difference is that salt has a flavor. MSG is flavorless salt. It only intensifies flavor so you can add a little salt for flavor then multiply the rest with MSG.

>> No.18582347

Work the minced meat next time, it will taste better.

>> No.18582568


>> No.18582623 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 831x764, NickadoPeachacado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFS guys, why would you poast your girlfriends on an anonymous Peruvian guinea pig roasting forum?
It's unseemly and quite frankly, I am disappoint...

>> No.18582634

What do you fail to understand? Work the meat so it isnt one big blob one side roasted other pink. Its minced meat. Work it.

>> No.18582643

I worked your moms meat last night!

>> No.18582844

>In parts of USA you don't even need consent
what? no

>> No.18582863

i feel like people are misinterpreting my post. I'm saying that the joke is hilarious, keep making them
take this post for example, i have no idea where this meme came from but it's so funny. i have no clue if black people really are more likely to be lactose intolerant than white people but the concept makes me chuckle

>> No.18582937

Based and truthpilled

>> No.18584016

Not overcrowded if you're steaming.

Eating a lot of undercooked/raw broccoli may cause constipation, though.

>> No.18584304

I've been there

>> No.18584528

all or nothing strategy

>> No.18585859

You dont need witnesses now that we have believe all women doctrine

>> No.18586570


>> No.18586604

did you mean wala?

>> No.18586622

Which would be a child's ear-spelling of "Voila" from the french word that means "There it is"

>> No.18586842

everything you love was invented in america

>> No.18586854

sorry you're a wog lad can't win em all hahah

>> No.18586972
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But what are we to do about moisture lost to wind? This can be even worse than losing water to heat say in a desert

>> No.18587391

what does that even mean?

>> No.18587590
File: 137 KB, 649x535, Screenshot_20221117_003403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg that hand loloolol

>> No.18587949

you never seen a black mans hand before?

>> No.18588296

>I'm stubborn and refuse to compromise certain lifestyle choices to get a better job.
anon just get a web dev job and make triple that from home while you have an AI like ghostwriter write all your code for you.

>> No.18590098

Does she treat you nice?
Help with the bills?

>> No.18590571

no ;_;

>> No.18590612

He cute

>> No.18590749


>> No.18590774

what do you mean it’s not ideal in terms of pleasure?

>> No.18590795

you fucked up hard. you cant cook broccoli before you blanch it or it just wont come out right

>> No.18590852

Women have to be nice or they ruin your life
Dont accept a nagging spouse anon

>> No.18591033

Nice try feds, you're not getting my fingerprints

>> No.18591097

Holy shit dude, I just noticed that guy does not have fingerprints
How did they do that?

>> No.18591615

already on file