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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18571740 No.18571740 [Reply] [Original]

Which foodstuff has the most obnoxious community? Is it
>BBQ fags?
>Cheese snobs?
>Fastfood Car slobs?
or others?

>> No.18571753

Obnoxious is bbq any food that has a cult with different factions is cringe
Guess it ain't a real foodie thing but all mukbangers should hang

>> No.18571767

Italians or the french

>> No.18571784

Fried chicken because of niggers

>> No.18571788

Japanese food.

>> No.18571814

I don't know how Jews can eat them. That is borderline cannibalism.

>> No.18571854
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>"i need muh protein" chicken breast and oat fags
>keto fags
>meal preppers
>energy drink fags, and anyone else who bitches and moans that they can't function without their caffeine
>"i can cook better than any restaurant" shitty home cook fags
>"i only drink macro lagers" fags
>"i'm the king of the grill but all your burgers and steaks will be well-done" fags
>mead fags
>diet soda fags
>bone broth fags
>gum fags
>fags who carry around giant jugs of water which they force themself to finish by the end of the day while acting superior to everyone around them as though drinking water is some major sacrifice they're making to better themselves
>yogurt fags

>> No.18571861
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deenz bros we made it, the only good community

>> No.18571865

Vegans and raw foodists by far.

>> No.18571870

Is there anyone you don't hate, nigger?

>> No.18571871
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tea drinkers, we are less annoying than everyone else.

>> No.18571873

>tea drinkers, we are less annoying than everyone else.
British people drink tea
British people were the original white people
Everyone in the USA and EU hates white people and wants to genocide them

>> No.18571875

riveting tale chap

>> No.18571882 [DELETED] 

>riveting tale chap
The Queen of Europe will send hordes of niggers and mudslimes to the UK, and there will be nothing you can do to stop it!

>> No.18571889
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what does this have to do with drinking this chinese beverage traditionally made from oriental leafs

>> No.18571890

I read that as "fast food car snobs" and realized I think "reviewbrah" is a smug little shit who needs to be bullied off the internet. I hate that guy.

>> No.18571893

>what does this have to do with drinking this chinese beverage traditionally made from oriental leafs
About as much as literally 90% of the threads in this board which also have absolutely nothing to do with food or cooking.
It's basically /b/ tier nigger bullshit.

>> No.18571986

Foodhacks channels, I loathe them and their communities

>> No.18572323

everybody's part of an obnoxious community of faggots anymore

>> No.18572331

Autist who think there's a difference between ramen.

>Must have Asian type on package - be discerning white trash

>> No.18572348

There is a difference between ramens. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.18572366

As in boxed Mac and cheese, spams and sloppy joes, huh?

>> No.18572381

Either I've had more to drink than I thought, or your ESL is showing too hard.

>> No.18572408

English as a second language?

>> No.18572511

amen from a kipper snack fren

>> No.18572551

I'm gonna go on record with steakfags.
>muh medium-rare or else it's jerky
Most pedantic group of assholes. I enjoy a good medium, maybe even medium-well if the steak is good quality. It's literally a slab of fucking beef seared in a cast iron. It baffles me that so many people have the audacity to highly criticize the cook of something so simple.

>> No.18572573
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Bait eaters are the worst

>> No.18572584

It's got be self loathing alcy fags

>> No.18572609


>> No.18572610

Hot sauce.

>> No.18572717

Nikocado's community of goyslop memelords are pretty based

>> No.18572737

Italian for sure

>> No.18572750

Italians definitely. French are close, but at least they have an expectation that any french food outside of france is going to be shit. Italians just bitch and moan and cry about it if you do anything slightly different because "nonna used to squirt all over the lasagna before she served it so that's the only way to cook lasagna and anything else is an abomination and I come from a big italian family so I'm a nosey loudmouth not because I'm a rude cunt but because it's the way we do things in Italy."

>> No.18572799

>You don't make a single serving work lunch every single day after you get home from your 9 hour shift and instead make s pot roast on Sunday that will last you 2-4 work days, so therefore you're obnoxious

Are you actually this retarded?

>> No.18573345

There are hordes of them in the UK already, british "people" are used to it.

>> No.18574140

kek, true

>> No.18574144

bacon fags from 2010
im so glad that shit ended

>> No.18574153

I'm surprised nobody has said hot sauce fags yet. "Look at me I'm so hardcore I don't care about flavor I just want to burn my mouth. Spices and herbs are for losers, just make it so hot I can't taste anything else. Muh scovilles"

>> No.18574773
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>i'm a big boy with a big boy job
>i don't have TIME to cook
>you probably still live with your mom and couldn't POSSIBLY understand
>yes, i know plenty of other people have full-time jobs and somehow manage without eating leftovers every day, but those people are STUPID
>i'm the smart one here
>i'm basically a genius
Yeah, meal preppers are obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.18575269

Because those people don't actually exist.

>> No.18575577

Mexicans are closing in fast. Chinese disapora too.

>> No.18575592

Most annoying food community is a neck n neck tie between ketos and vegans.

>> No.18575608

In England we have people who get very upset about which order the jam and cream are put on a scone
It's very tedious

>> No.18575620

beer hands down

>> No.18575622

I think he meant people who specifically call it "meal prepping", buy special containers for it etc.

>> No.18575628

Ketofags obviously.
Basically the same people as bbq and steak fags.

>> No.18575641

ketofags because they usually also buy into the self help masculinity bullshit, you're not an alpha male caveman because you hate bread

>> No.18575655

Vegans. Obviously.

>> No.18575660

Whats the correct order? Jam then cream right?

>> No.18575665


Alcohol snobs are the worst. Imagine being prideful over you choice of poison. Steak and coffee fags are close too.

>> No.18575672
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>Alcohol snobs are the worst.

>> No.18575677

i spent £30 on a bottle of whiskey once because it was a limited edition pogues one
tasted like something id find on the bottom shelf in aldi

>> No.18575718


>> No.18575730

Maybe you didn't serve it properly?

>> No.18575749

yes im sure that was it

>> No.18575759

I recently became a yogurtfag, its so addicting to make and like a science experiment you can eat!

>> No.18575767

I mean like you could have used a quartz glass and some bitters, add some ice. Chase with Dr pepper and lime.

>> No.18575771

i have a very expensive quartz glass my grandmother gave me and i did have it with ice
it was just cheap tasting

>> No.18575778

Did you chase it with Dr pepper?

>> No.18575783

no i wanted to taste the whisky not dr pepper and whiskey

>> No.18575790

that's probably why it tasted so bad

>> No.18575791

yes im sure that was it

>> No.18575798
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>> No.18575804

Le meme bacon epic meal time followers is most obnoxious

>> No.18575813

>t. never lol'd while eating bacon

>> No.18575814


>> No.18576023

Had two Italian roommates and was astounded at how arrogant they were when it came to food. At least it meant they'd always be the ones cooking communal meals.

>> No.18576026

I always thought meal prepping was more about being too lazy to cook every night (like me).

>> No.18576033

Jam then cream obviously, if you put the cream first you can't spread the jam.
I wish I had a scone right now.

>> No.18576472

are these still a thing? I haven't seen a le bacon or epic meal time thread in years

>> No.18577561

All meal preppers are lazy, they just wont admit it. Instead they talk about shit like min-maxing or ROI.

>> No.18577574

You seem to be obsessed with homosexuals. It must be hard to live life thinking about homosexuals 24/7. We're here for you anon.

>> No.18578527

Do you think £30 is expensive? That's like one step up from bottom shelf.

>> No.18578875

The answer is obviously vegans

>> No.18578895

There's still people going around that act like eating bacon makes them a man, yes
They tend to have a punisher sticker on their car with a thin blue line too

>> No.18578911

Hot sauce retards

>> No.18578916

no but i expected it to taste like famous grouse or something not cheap turps

>> No.18578949

i don't know what this is, but bbq is something i wouldn't cook, and not many foods turn out well when barbequeing. one of the few cheeses i like is mozzarella, because aside from mozzarella i basically need cheese cooked if i'm going to eat it. i think blocks of cheese are niche foods.

>> No.18579341

Probably the skele community that lamblast anyone that has the ability to even finish shit like a tallboy. You even elude to a large portion size and you instanly have 5 (you's) from them calling you some derivative of fat. They harbor so much hatred.

>> No.18579478

The /ck/ommunity that decries everything *slop, obviously.

>> No.18579791

Cast iron cultists

>> No.18579951

I'm Italian and I expect Italian food outside Italy to be shit
What puzzle me is the cluenss of cuisine in general of some countries, especially MCPeople

French peopem are order of magnitude more obnoxious than Italian, you just never left your island

>> No.18579985

You are totally wrong. Americans are actually proud of being troglodyte swine with no taste. They don't even know themselves how shitty taste they have and are loud about their self-deluded superiority. It's like a kindergartner tried to lecture a university professor on his field. Sure the University professor might have a big ego because he actually knows his field, but that is pretty natural for experts.

So yeah, obviously Americans are the obnoxious, not the French or Italian.

>> No.18580036

No idea how no one said this, but sous vide faggots.
I hate their sense of superiority for poaching meat in a plastic bag and sacrificing flavor and crust for perfect doneness.

>> No.18580055

>t. one of his gangstalkers
Unhealthy obsession with strawmen, embodied.

>> No.18580057
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Hands down Garloid stans

>> No.18580063

I'm having trouble deciding between "organic" and "gluten free".
I once saw powdered sugar being marketed as "organic gluten-free buttercream frosting mix".
I think with the difference between what they pay versus if they didn't worry about the marketing label, they would have enough money to buy their own farm.

>> No.18580080

If you answered anything but "vegans" you're retarded. Literally no other obnoxious food community is actively harmful to everyone else by pressuring and lobbying on a governmental level in an attempt to force everyone else to conform to their mentally ill humiliation death cult.

Ketotards aren't lobbying to tax bread by 9000%. Steak snobs aren't buying out politicians in an attempt to make cooking steak to the wrong level of doneness illegal. You get the idea.

>> No.18580233
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>actively harmful to everyone else by pressuring and lobbying on a governmental level
Insofar as there is such a thing as "vegan lobbyists", they haven't accomplished shit. They can be annoying, but not any more so than keto fags, for example. Most vegans understand that most people don't share their views and don't make a big issue of pushing their views on people who aren't interested. I actually like arguing with vegans because they all have the same half dozen arguments and at the end it always comes down to, "well, I just think eating animals is wrong", and I'm always like, "okay, I've never had that visceral experience of being repulsed by meat, so I guess that's that." The last time I met a vegan who was actually obnoxious and obstinate was probably in undergrad, where some 19 year old read a Jordan Peterson tier schlock popular "science" book arguing for veganism and took it as gospel (3 months earlier).

Keto fags, on the other hand, are usually former fatties who needed some strict meme diet to follow in order to get their life in shape and can't possibly understand that other people can be healthy without following the exact stupid thing that worked for them. This is true for most meme diets, and just /fit/ fags in general (they are all former/current fatties). This is why /fit/ fags always talk about "making it"; they think that anyone who isn't /fit/ must be a fat slob just like they were/are. It's pure projection and makes them far more obnoxious than any vegan.

>> No.18580256

>they haven't accomplished shit
Just making the attempt is over the line, and I've been seeing the vegan bullshit enter into political discourse and news more and more so it is having an effect. They aren't just annoying faggots, they are enemies and terrorists.

>> No.18580300

>been seeing the vegan bullshit enter into political discourse and news more and more so it is having an effect
You've probably been seeing lgbtq shit enter into political discourse and news more and more as well, because you probably consume the kind of news that focuses and that kind of stuff to get people riled up and think that the "enemy" is trying to change your way of life. You've been duped, and the only effect vegans are having on you comes from your own choices to look at fear mongering propaganda. There are two real ways that these people can affect your life, and those are through real world changes ("tax bread by 9000%") and in day to day interactions with these people being annoying or obnoxious. I've already addressed what I think about vegans irl, but would argue that keto fags have had a much bigger impact on our food. Vegan shit is still niche, and mostly shunned, while gluten free crap is everywhere, and restaurants are going through a much bigger effort to cater to them (mostly because they're all "gluten intolerant" Karens).

>> No.18580357

>I once saw powdered sugar being marketed as "organic gluten-free buttercream frosting mix".
You have misplaced your hate. You actually hate corporations jumping on bullshit marketing trends.

>> No.18580379

>no induction fags
You dissapoint me. Out of my house right now homosexual creature.

>> No.18580389

not a foodstuff, but the keto community is pretty cringe. they can't go a full five minutes out in society without telling other people that they do keto.

>> No.18580392

>you actually hate corporations jumping on bullshit marketing trends
Yes. I meant to bring this up here >>18580300 with the amount of "gluten free" shit we see everywhere. Of course this is just the market jumping on trendy [thing] rather than lobbyists from the Atkins foundation, but the real world effects are the same. It's still a little ironic though, as the entire reason there isn't a "vegan lobby" is because there's no giant corporations who would benefit from that.

>> No.18580395
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can guarantee a whiny fag like you isn't getting enough brotein. the bird of gains and squatz and oatz will do your little twinkfag body some good. so will my dick.

>> No.18580400
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I pick whatever group you belong to, its the worst.

Vegans are dumb but the anti-vegan stuff on /ck/ is FAR more annoying and widespread. I hear more about veganism from you dumb fucks than from the dumb fuck vegans. All you do is create strawmen and then get mad at them. If your group learned to shut the fuck up then actual discussions about veganism would significantly drop, benefitting everyone.

>but but but vegan lobbyists!
The meat industry is FAR more powerful and has their hands FAR deeper into washington than the faggy vegans will ever achieve. To say otherwise is schitzo level. Once again, shut the fuck up so we don't have to hear about veganism.

>> No.18580470

>no induction fags
Is this even a thing? Induction vs gas is kind of like German knives vs Japanese knives. One side says they prefer one thing and the other side says they prefer the other thing, and then 100 other people chime in and say the only thing they've used is the best. I haven't spent a lot of time using induction so I usually stay out of those discussions, but I've never found them to be obnoxious.

>> No.18580510

>he has no variety in his diet
day before yesterday I made a lamb roast in the oven with some potatoes and carrots. yesterday i put a big slab of tenderloin pork in the crockpot and made pulled pork. today i had chashu buns, shumai dumplings and 'kake rice. tomorrow i will have unagidon. The next day i shall eat jjapaguri. Then I will have curry.
fresh food is the best. fuck meal preppers.

>> No.18580533
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spotted the vegan fag.

>> No.18580540

>Is this even a thing?
More a /ck/ thing than other sites because cuckhold little bitch fagusea and his fagboys postspam here defending a factually wrong video because muh climate change bullshit.

>> No.18580558

I'm never really sure when a dumb opinion that seemingly came out of nowhere starts showing up here if it came from one of those e-celebs, because I never click on links in obvious advertising threads. I get the feeling that people talking about smash burgers has to come from one of those guys because nobody talks about them in real life.

>> No.18580602

>ctrl-f chili
>no results
They get an honorable mention just for most people arguing about chili being redditors who have never eaten it.

>> No.18580629

and im not talking about like spices i mean fags who douse everything in fucking tabasco and wing sauce.
Their taste buds are so dull that they can't properly experience flavor. I too, like food with capsaicin in it. But I also appreciate food with more subtle flavors.

>> No.18580635

Steak desu
Cooking steak isn't hard at all but some soys treat it like it's the pinnacle of cooking/grilling

>> No.18580654

>just for most people arguing about chili being redditors who have never eaten it
They're not redditors, they're yuros and strayans pretending to be Americans and trying to bait people by talking about beans, even though nobody actually cares about beans in chili. It's always really obvious that they're not American because they always call it "chili con carne". They're obnoxious because they're trolls, not because they're talking about chili.

>> No.18580675

Chili. Just trust me bro.

>> No.18580712

Really only comes down to whether you want to start an argument about beans or no beans.

>> No.18580753
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Air fryer faggots

I know you can't afford an oven, living in your third world country consooomer shithole, living under a fursuit you've fashioned into a tent with a small garbage fire to boil your frayed, plastic horse dildo warm for use.

At least the tips (charity) from your neo-slave job can afford you your meatless, teflon infused nuggies and hormane replacements

>> No.18580761

All food snobbery is faggotry
>reee you can't eat steak like that
>reee you like X drink? REAL MEN only drink Y!
pathetic tryhard coping faggotry

>> No.18580788

Just italians desu.

>> No.18580805

You're conflating what OP is calling a "community" with individuals calling you out specifically for being an obstinate, picky eater. People who have shit taste and then whine that, "everyone else is just pretending to like this icky thing because they think it makes them seem manly" is far more cringe than the people telling you that you have shit taste.

>> No.18580807

>I have literally nothing important to say but my ego is wounded

>> No.18580813


>> No.18580818

>cringr cringe reee shit taste cringe
Do you really think you make intelligent posts?

>> No.18580819

>seething this hard
You're literally proving his point retard.

>> No.18580824

Same person, I imagine? Lol
Sad, bitter resentful nobody who thinks he has "better taste" than all the imaginary enemies surrounding him

>> No.18580839

>posts 3 hours apart and making completely different arguments

>> No.18580899
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>everyone else is just pretending to like it
It doesn't quite fit the question OP was asking, but this is the real answer to the people who are the most obnoxious when it comes to food. Picky eaters are the worst, and not just people who don't like certain things, but people who insist that nobody could possibly like that thing. You might have some image in your head of a PETA fag storming into a steak house with a bull horn screaming meat is murder after throwing red paint on people wearing fur, or some Texan with a 6 shooter threatening to shoot anyone who puts beans in their chili, but these are extreme cases if not caricatures nobody ever really has to deal with. Picky eaters, on the other hand, are everywhere. Especially on /ck/. When someone says that medium-rare is the best way to order a steak, or a double IPA is typically more balanced than a lager, or that Islay is better than Speyside, they are expressing their opinion and (typically) trying to open up a discussion. When a picky eater says that medium-rare steak/beer/blue cheese/seafood/olives/onions/black coffee/tomatoes/pickles/mayonnaise/mushrooms/etc. are disgusting and nobody could possibly be honest when they say they like them they are demonstrating their own mental illness, typically acquired at a very young age, left unaddressed, and "rationalized" at a later stage of life in a way that comes out as anger and frustration. In the former case people have preferences and are expressing them. In the later case the person is completely blocking out the idea of trying anything new and then lashing out at the world for forcing them to pretend to love everything under the sun when they are convinced they know better. There's no better example of a literal manchild that I can think of.

>> No.18580952

Never insult Dr. Peterson like this again you venomous anonymous troll demon.

>> No.18580974

I had jury duty a couple weeks ago and while we were waiting there was this really obese older guy with a shabby beard and clothes that didn't fit sitting across from me with a cane and one of those construction masks and he started reading a Jordan Peterson book and even marking things with a pencil. It looked like he got through 20 pages over the course of 5 hours. You see a lot of sad shit hanging around the courthouse, but this might have been the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life - and I wouldn't have thought twice about it had he not pulled out the "Dr. Peterson" book as though he thought that was actually going to help him turn his life around or something. All that shit is so fucking cringe.

>> No.18581133

>all mukbangers should hang
Anybody who posts any YT videos that aren't actual cooking that they want to cook and/or have questions about and isn't clickbait garbage should hang. Shit like Ragusea, Mark Weins, or BA is cancer, just like everything posted in the webm threads (mukbang, food hacks, intentionally shitty home cooks, tictok crap, whatever those overhead shot videos of "party food" that looks terrible and nobody is ever going to make are called).

>> No.18581163


>> No.18581215 [DELETED] 

lunch is gay

>t. omadfag

kek h8 mealprep nigs

>> No.18581264

you're far more obnoxious
>seething this hard over air fryers

>> No.18581293

It's pretty hilarious that the most obnoxious posts in this thread are all made by people who got triggered by being called out and had no more response than "cope and seethe", which is exactly what a troll does when you call them a troll.

>> No.18581518

Advocates of fixing crippling lifelong depression with diet. Cpr for a gunshot to the head tier

>> No.18581887

Gave me a chuckle.

>> No.18582105

I kek’d

>> No.18582117

Maybe it’s because we live in an age where you can’t even pass gas without someone forcing some globohomo agenda on you or your children - faggot!

>> No.18582689

Americans who think that every meal must have a steak or its not "real food".
Sounds like a chilhood-in-poverty trauma to me.

"I had to eat beans and veggies everyday when I was young because we were poor so now I will NEVER eat nothing but meat!"