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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18555939 No.18555939 [Reply] [Original]

For the rest of your life, you can only eat the same one carbohydrate, one source of protein, and one cooking fat. Use of all vegetables is fair game. What do you choose?

>> No.18555940
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>> No.18555942
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>> No.18555982


>> No.18555984

>you can only eat the same one carbohydrate
If I pick bread can I only pick one type of bread? Still bread because I get breadcrumbs too.
>one source of protein
As much as I love fish I couldn't just eat one type of fish. Pork I suppose. Can I still eat cheese?
>and one cooking fat

>> No.18555998

For starters, rice and chicken. I don't normally cheat at these questions, but I was thinking outside the box and am wondering if I can answer "legume fats"? i.e. sesame, soy, peanut

Because, if so, I pick fats made from legumes.

My diet will be mostly stir fries.

>> No.18556009

Potatoes, pork and olive oil

>> No.18556045

This seems like the correct answer, only OP clearly stated that all vegetables are fair game, potatoes are a vegetable, therefore you already get to keep them.

This leaves what? Rice, pasta and bread? I feel like out of these 3 then bread is clearly the one most people would eat more often. Pasta is very close, due to its versatility, but rice, although I love rice, nobody really craves rice. So yeah, bread, since it includes pizza, flatbreads, sweet breads, etc.

Steak is obviously the right protein choice, it’s between steak and chicken, but steak tastes better, it’s richer, has more depth of flavour, it’s probably less versatile, but you’d definitely miss it more than chicken.

For the fat choice, then butter is again the obvious choice, it’s the most flavourful and one of the most important ingredients when it comes to cooking. Other oils and fats are not as important.

>> No.18556059

It would have to be made with the one type of flour (eg. wheat/ rye) with no other added grains. Different types of bread within that are all good

>> No.18556066

Pork is a pretty good shout. I was leaning towards potatoes, eggs and butter but the idea of being able to use the fattier cuts of pork as another way of greasing up the potatoes seems pretty appealing

>> No.18556070
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Wheat Flour/Chicken/Butter

>> No.18556075

white rice
smoked chicken
peanut oil

>> No.18556076

Wheat flour?
What are you some kind of homosexual?

>> No.18556082

I go for the vigo yellow rice and a rotisserie chicken myself

>> No.18556143

For me, it's the McChicken. The perfect source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vegetables.

>> No.18556150

The mccjiccen need cheese and had no of the megeables

>> No.18556153

Wheatcorn. Can be made into flour, pasta, bread, noodles, burghul, tea, cake, biscuits and more.
Live hens.
Besides protein, chicken can be rendered for an additional cooking fat, suck my dick, and will lay eggs for an additional protein, suck my other dick.
Olive oils.
Refined olive oil is just as good for deep-frying as other oils while virgin olive oil just tastes good.

>> No.18556156

wheat flour
olive oil

>> No.18556157

Not deep frying in butter

>> No.18556173

Potatoes, eggs and lard. Potatoes because versatile. Eggs because versatile. Lard because it handles high temps.

>> No.18556424

Face it: I won the thread.

>> No.18556558


Patrician choice.

>> No.18556600

Potatoes are not a vegetable.

>> No.18556742

Most foods contain protein with carbohydrates and/or fat. There aren't many possible options.

>> No.18557093

Sweet potato, beef, olive oil

>> No.18557113

Came here to post this

>> No.18557156

-fructose (less glycemic load)
-a leucine-rich repeat protein (one of 9 essential amino acids aka the human body can't produce them but needs them to survive)
-alpha-linolenic acid (one of 2 essential fat sources, same remark as for amino acids)

dumb thread desu.

>> No.18557905

You wanna fact check that? It's a tuber and root veggie.

>> No.18557919

>Olive oil
The carb and protein were easy for me, fat was hard because I love butter and pork fat but olive oil is more versatile desu.

>> No.18557936

White potatoes

Grass-fed organic beef

>Cooking fat
Grass-fed organic tallow

>> No.18557938

>look at how smart I am mommy!
Tryhard pseud detected

>> No.18557944

Oats / bran and duck

>> No.18558059

Vegetable is a culinary term you twat. No one considers potatoes a veggie

>> No.18558127

>vegetables don't have protein

>> No.18558132


Gonna live to be 800. C'ya, healthlets.

>> No.18558164
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Rice, beef steak, butter

>> No.18558217

Easy; potatoes, chicken and olive oil

>> No.18558219

What about sweet potatoes?

>> No.18558224

Ghee (clarified butter).

I like rice a lot too but wheat can be made into loaves, flatbreads, and pastas (which i prefer to rice noodles).

I'd miss beef and lamb quite a lot, but chicken's milder flavor makes it more versatile.

Ghee is probably the best choice because it has a high smoke point and fairly neutral flavor.

If you chose butter you're retarded. Yeah butter tastes great but it cant stand up to heat at all.

>> No.18558225

Peanut Butter

>> No.18558274

Bread, pork, tallow

>> No.18558866

Duck Fat

>> No.18558900


>> No.18558913

Potatoes, eggs, butter. I'm going to miss cheese.

>> No.18558942

Fixed it:
Duck Fat

>> No.18558954

wonderbread, bologna, and canola

>> No.18560138

sesame oil

>> No.18560150

ramen? dumplings? wontons? mac? chicken and noodles? chicken and stars? spagbol? how could you give these up?

>> No.18560377

Are potatoes a starch or a vegetable to you?

If I choose venison as my protein does that rule out nuts?

What if I render the fat from my venison? Am I still allowed to use it if I choose butter as my "fat"?

>> No.18560598

Wheat flour
Love me some cakes.

>> No.18560604

belgian waffles
bacon fat