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18554002 No.18554002 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat the short pork?

>> No.18554018

i mean if i am in peru.. maybe i try it once as a novelty but it would never do it again outside of that one specifict instance.... i really like the cute potatoes and their wheeking sounds

>> No.18554033
File: 120 KB, 850x440, guinea-pig-farm-pisac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the idea of guinea pig perma culture. They eat stuff that grows in my property. I haven't eaten any yet but I'm studying the issue.

>> No.18554044

rabbits seem like a better alternative all around

>> No.18554051

My gf dumped me for being an alcoholic, so I spent every weekend of 2019 at my co-workers perma culture farm. Learned so much cool shit, it was awesome. Very cool way to think and live. I started the day at 7 a.m with beers and mowed the fuck out of that field. He liked having me around, even though I was an annoying drunk. His wife fucking hates me but she is a weird bitch that has no friends - go figure.

>> No.18554059
File: 3.16 MB, 3952x1872, IMG_20221105_134104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkout my guinea pig barn.

>> No.18554073

is there really enough meat on them to make it feasible and worthwhile? seems like it would be all boney and a pain to eat.

>> No.18554079

You come across as a fag
> maybe in one place
> in one circumstance
> i'd take a cock in my ass
We know who you are

>> No.18554086

I think they would be better than rats but worse than chicken.

Good for hiding, make less noise, probably better in a doomsday scenario but worse in modern culture

>> No.18554092
File: 524 KB, 1228x1872, IMG_20221016_115434~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quail are small and boney but I still eat them.

>> No.18554095

so really kinda like rabbits

>> No.18554096

I think chickens are messy and I can't grow what they eat.

>> No.18554101

true also cute chonker

>> No.18554143

nobody ever comes to visit me on my farm. It gets boring always doing chores on your own. My wife and I are even thinking about moving back to the city since we get so bored. We drink too much too.

>> No.18554200

Why don't you raise goats and then use their milk to make cheese and soaps or rent them out as animal lawn mowers?

>> No.18554348

we have 4 lambs, 18 ducks, 10 chickens and 2 cows. My neighbour has goats that he lends us for land clearing. Its a very effective purpose.

>> No.18554352

No I dont eat cute animals. Cows., pigs, and chickens are ugly and deserve to be eaten, not cute hamsters

>> No.18554566

He cute.

>> No.18555155

I've had a few guinea pigs as pets, so I don't think I could bring myself to eat one.

>> No.18555184

Yes, I've already had a few times. My co worker from South America raises / eats them.

>> No.18556653

Sure, why not. They're basically meat, right?

I eat rabbit already and they're a lot cuter.

>> No.18556744

so what they taste like?

>> No.18556748

I hunt, eat, & butcher rabbit. it is tender & delicious.
So yes I would try Guinea piggu.
>inb4 It probably tastes exactly the same...

quail are good to eat & taste unique compared to duck/chicken but effort wise its too much work to grow for little payout in return.

>> No.18557480

That just looks like guinea pig prison. It's sad even if they'll just be eaten. And yes I also feel bad for the pigs and the cows too. I'm trying to consume less meats from factory farms.
I tried one in Peru. It was good.

>> No.18557547

Kinda reminds me of rabbit, given all the times I had it, it was covered in sauce.

>> No.18558976

Never heard of eating Guinea pig. my daughter had one as a pet and it smelled and made weird lil chirping noises, never thought about eating it though....

>> No.18559061

Permaculture is very cool. Many remote areas (I'm from 3rd world country, India) in my country were on the brink of desertification because of soil depletion due to artificial fertilizers are now lush jungles all because the locals got together and started practicing permaculture.

>> No.18559208


>> No.18559228

>make less noise

>> No.18560461

A white community college drop out who voted for Biden wrote this post

>> No.18560472

earless rabbit

>> No.18560474

You come across as a fag

>> No.18560654

Guinea pigs were intended to be eaten, they bred even faster than rabbits, but they turned out too cute

>> No.18560676

Nah, I like them as pets too much, and there's really not enough meat on them to be anything more than a roadside snack in 3rd world countries.
In a doomsday scenario it'd be different but as long as I have the choice I'd rather stick to birds and bigger mammals.

>> No.18560742

Love these cute little buggers as pets. Would still eat if bred for meat

>> No.18560744
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Not this time, chud.

>> No.18560788
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>> No.18560802

>i really like the cute potatoes and their wheeking sounds
>t. had a bunch of guinea pigs in my youth

>> No.18560973

Permaculture is very cool if you live in the tropics where stuff grows without effort anyway. Try having permaculture in Norway or Finland that isn't hilariously disappointing.

>> No.18562429
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1641573848856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy two guinea pigs, a girl and a "girl"
>soon, you have 50 and they all have scabies

>> No.18562435

Did their babies have scabies?

>> No.18562756

>cute that cute this
I would eat guinea pigs for sure they look tasty

>> No.18562763

i thought they were land poultry

>> No.18562774

pretty cool and lots of space

>> No.18562777

They were born that big?

>> No.18562985

I have eaten rabbit so I don't see why I wouldn't try it, but as others have said it would be far from my first choice.

Rabbit didn't feel worth it considering how little meat there is. If I was desperate of course I would eat it, but otherwise I'll stick to the big animals.

>> No.18562989

imagine living an entire life not knowing fear

>> No.18562999

Just treat them nicely before you gotta do what you gotta do. :/

>> No.18563297

That's where you meatfags lose me, "gotta do". No

>> No.18563321
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take the white king pigeon pill and eat them when they reach a month old

>> No.18563351

Isnt that where hugelkultur comes from?

>> No.18563501
File: 1.85 MB, 3952x1872, IMG_20221107_123057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were born this big.

>> No.18563556

Beautiful animals, no wonder the ancients thought it was a messenger of God

>> No.18563563
File: 139 KB, 2160x1080, bill-burr-rectangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool off your fucking bird boner there tesla, this is blue board

>> No.18563741

i don't know what i am looking at.

>> No.18563767
File: 2.67 MB, 3952x1872, IMG_20221110_095918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes with personality.

>> No.18563795

The cat knows what's up.

>> No.18563798

Cuys (guinea pigs for you gaijin) are overrated, they look succulent but make no mistake they're 90% fur, Llama on the other hand tastes like premium beef.

>> No.18563809

Never a guinea pig but I imagine they taste like other rodents of similar proportions?
Hare stew is amazing.

>> No.18563965

Yeah I'd try it out.

>> No.18563989
