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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18545171 No.18545171 [Reply] [Original]

Does peanut butter belong in a burger?

>> No.18545194


>> No.18545200

fellow japanfag
they are shilling this schlop anime SO hard here
I'm really done with it

>> No.18545208

I don't understand. Usa is only a few centuries old, how could its citizens' taste become that fucking shitty? Where did it come from?
And if that wasn't enough, they decided it was soo great they should share their miserable food with other countries such as japan
I really don't get it

>> No.18545214

peanut butter is pretty good. try it if you haven't, it's just ground up peanuts.

>> No.18545217
File: 146 KB, 1200x684, Peanut Butter Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Peanut butter, bacon, and banana is one of my favorite combos. It doesn't work well with a dry beef patty though.

>> No.18545267

>they are shilling this schlop anime SO hard here
>I'm really done with it

A.k.a. "it's popular now it sucks"
Although the anime is pretty mediocre compared to the manga.

>> No.18545269

Local burger van did one they called The Big E
>maple bacon
>peanut butter
>deep fried banana
Got heart palpitations from it, but damn was it good.

>> No.18545273

No, it sucked before it became popular too.

>> No.18545274

I think it was for a limited time only, but one of my area's burger places had a peanut butter, bacon, and jalapeno burger that was pretty good.

>> No.18545275

we get it, you're upset that your country rides america's coat tails and your countrymen accept american hegemony without crying about it on the internet as much as you do
you could always just kill yourself and save us from reading another faggot post

>> No.18545407
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win the powerball or live in a reality where food that you order or purchase looks exactly like how it's advertised - and no, peanut butter shouldn't officially exist.

>> No.18545904
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It sure belongs in a peanut butter burger. The real question is how much peanut is really in that "peanut" butter

>> No.18545922

If it was a nice spicy asian style burger with lots of chile, garlic, and ginger in the patty, and just. athin swipe of peanut butter, maybe thinned with a little vinegar or lime juice, it could be pretty nice. Just don't overdo it and maybe also add some crunchy veggies.

>> No.18545926

Peanutbutter and bacon is actually a good flavor combination depending on the PB you use.
But Japan struggles horribly with the concept of salty/sweet and struggles to comprehend peanut butter at all so no doubt they fucked it up somehow.

>> No.18545943

>it's popular now it sucks
This unironically, once its mainstream its ruined.

Gatekeeping should be enforced.

>> No.18545982

satay chicken is amazing
so sure why not

>> No.18546011

Anya is cute
BK sucks so hard I can't even imagine foreign ones being good so I'd pass

>> No.18546779

Peanut Butter is dry as fuck and There is nothing sweet to compliment the burger since it's Savory. Why would come with this what an insult

>> No.18546783

no but anya is best girl.

>> No.18546842
File: 93 KB, 876x639, sonton-peanut-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that actually peanut butter in the poster? It looks more like peanut cream. Most peanut butter brands are really sugary anyways, especially so for Japan.

>> No.18546854

Elvis burgers (pb, bacon, pickle, fried banana, mayo are what I put on mine.) are divine

>> No.18546859

>they are shilling this schlop anime SO hard here
I'm half convinced it's secretly sponsored by the government to try and raise birth rates.
Don't YOU want a telekinetic daughterfu, anon?

>> No.18546860

Eaten plenty of them. Peanut butter jalapeno. It's really good.

>> No.18546865

>raise birth rates
>with a show about adoption and a sexless marriage

>> No.18546878

Characters that have sex aren't "relatable" in anime. They still want you to be able to insert yourself as loid or yor.
But this is getting off topic so I'll just leave my half assed conspiracy alone.

>> No.18547069

I barely even notice it compared to Chainsawman and they have been doing it for a while with fireman (I don't think there's a person who hasn't seen THAT panel) and CSM spacemen (WOW SO KINO THIS IS MY FIRST MANGA AND YOU SHOULD KNOW). Genuinely reminds me of that faggot on /lit/ that shilled his e-books in the worst way possible.I am fucking sick of this shit

>> No.18547675

>I barely even notice it compared to Chainsawman

I used to watch The Final Rumble (a /v/ W20K thing where the characters were all from video games and anime) and Power was one of the wrestlers. I had zero clue Power was apparently from Chainsaw man until like, a week ago after like years. I don't even watch anime and I still see CSM being shilled everywhere. It's weird.

>> No.18547763
File: 92 KB, 736x898, post nut clarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anime is pro-breeding propaganda.
low birth rates, not enough wageslave cattle to serve the top 1%, so they do this. it's depressing.

>> No.18548147

it's okay

>> No.18548152

sounds like you're the problem and that you're being a bitch
consider cleaning up your act or fucking off forever

>> No.18549772

that looks more like jellied poop than peanut cream desu

>> No.18551065

Ackshually... peanut butter on a burger is shockingly good. A local chain serves them, or used to - I haven't been in years. Next time you cook burgers, dedicate just one for peanut butter.
Difficult to explain - the pb gets all melty and the tastes are very complimentary.

>> No.18551509

I'm glad to see Burger Kings in the multiverse are doing well-ish. It's a shame Burger King here in burgerland fucking sucks hard. The ones near me don't even sell promotional items. I guess to speed the menus up? And I mean they don't suck hard just because they don't sell waifu burgers. I mean they suck hard like a few steps above prison food quality. Which makes me sad because in the 90's it slapped.

>> No.18552147

Yes but pb has average flavour

>> No.18552199
File: 238 KB, 818x963, 1667802006211589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be a bannable offense to post borderline pornography like this, how can you post such a hot and sexy girl on NNN on a clean board?

>> No.18552285

No, but my nut belongs in Anya.

>> No.18552344

Peanut butter just goes well with both savoury and sweet food

>> No.18552504

The anime girl mascot makes it okay.

>> No.18552507

I want that apron so fucking bad for my daughter

>> No.18552972

This but jalapeño jam. Extra thick cut bacon. Frizzled onions. I think it was cashew butter? No the cashew butter was with the Thanksgiving themed cranberry jam burger.

Kuma's corner has some fun seasonal burgers.

>> No.18554790

she's only 19 years old you sick fuck

>> No.18555978

My pee pee nuts belong in your mother's bond burger

>> No.18555986
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It goes far beyond a matter of taste at this point

>> No.18556006

I had peanut butter in burger once. Hated it. Although it was at a restaurant connected to an art gallery and all the food was some attempt at being all artsy and gourmet instead of actually being good, so maybe it was a shit burger already

>> No.18556028
File: 958 KB, 720x1280, Anya moments.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waku waku

>> No.18556060

Apparently it's a regional thing, from Missouri


>> No.18556162

Tried this and it's really good.

>> No.18556846

if japan wants more sex they can just abolish the aoc and things will solve themselves

>> No.18556918

Not on a burger
but on a fried chicken sandwich? Absolutely yes

>> No.18556979

Can rice cook the egg in a burga?

>> No.18556983

They are all guys aren't they?

>> No.18557727

I've had a burger that was topped with bacon, peanut butter, and habanero jam. It was actually delicious.

>> No.18557979
File: 99 KB, 550x758, kboorgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of things to hate about living in the pacific NW but this isn't one of them

>> No.18559270

what else could they be?