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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18535548 No.18535548 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General-Yet another animu pic edition

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Previous thread:>>18528126

>> No.18535556
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First for cowboy coffee!

>> No.18535563
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first for sadposting

>> No.18535570
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thank you mr coffee for being the progenitor of home coffee, and even though coffee weirdos like me have long moved on, you continue to provide a valuable service to people around the world at an unquestionably low price

>> No.18535580

we really do take these machines for granted. i liked the technology connections video on them.

>> No.18535582

But what does this have to do with puffy vulvas?

>> No.18535588

mr coffee brings puffy vulvas to the yard

>> No.18535589

I liked it whenever he talked about the technology and hated it whenever he shared his personal opinions
>I'm going to compare these two coffees. Now of course the first step is drowning both of them in a liter of fucking milk to really bring out that taste.

>> No.18535696

New kino

>> No.18535702

Loving this espro bros. Sale is still going on amazon (38%).

>> No.18535707
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>how to fix sour espresso

>> No.18535714

Yeah, just don't make espresso

>> No.18535719
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exactly. make something better than espresso.

>> No.18535744
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>> No.18535779


>> No.18535923

Explain the prevalence of Bean-to-cups over there, then

>> No.18535931

bean-to-cups seem tailor fit for japanese companies to make. though I can't think of any specific machines. are we all missing out on superior japanese coffee production?

>> No.18535943

Nips have a robot fetish

>> No.18535969

I'm thinking about buying some honey processed beans. Talk me out of it

Apparently /a/ hates it but I've been watching chainsaw man. It's quirky and isn't about middle school girls so I've been entertained by it.

>> No.18535991

/a/ hates it because it's popular with normalfags and the fanbase for it on /a/ is horrific. It's just kinda ok to me and not a very good adaptation of the source.

>> No.18535999

Nips work 23 hours a day and watching a box make coffee for them is their one joy in life.
/A/ is full of smelly femcels.

>> No.18536006
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Smelly femcels love CSM though

>> No.18536010

>walk into coffee shop
>it has an expresso machine

>> No.18536015

>walk into coffee shop
>it has coffee

>> No.18536022

bros why do the baristas always try to talk to me when all I want is a shot in the dark (2 shots to be exact). that's obviously a drink for a man fraying away from this world

>> No.18536029

it's their job

>> No.18536068

>/A/ is full of smelly femcels.
describe this smell, is it like a good sumatra?

>> No.18536082

Do yourself a favor and get a planetfatness membership for january. You'll wish it smelled like smoked torrefacto sumatra.

>> No.18536093

Philips 5400?

>> No.18536115

Philips is japanese? That doesn't sound right. Apparently zoji makes some but I didn't look too into it

>> No.18536118


>> No.18536133

>are we all missing out on superior japanese coffee production?
hoffman has been to japan a few times so he would have told us about it already

>> No.18536134

today in "orders that make people question whether or not you're ok"

>> No.18536157

A chemex makes shit coffee and people only use them because they look cool

>> No.18536162

do any of you have professional roasting experience? I'm in the running for a job at a local roastery and am wondering what it feels like to work in that environment. I roast at home, and I know it's a different beast, but the prospect of doing this for a living is exciting, plus they have full benefits. i'll either ruin my hobby or make a modest living doing something i love, i reckon

>> No.18536166

??? Okay bro I wasn't talking about any bean-to-cup machine unless the nips import all of theirs

>> No.18536174

How do you feel about moving big bags of coffee all the time? Taking the beans out and putting them in new bags? That's most of the work you'll be doing + sweeping

>> No.18536190

fuck it i'll do it. happy to have the experience

>> No.18536211

Phillips is a Dutch multinational conglomerate schizo.

>> No.18536227
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update on the problems I had with the silvia, with the water ignoring most of the puck. I watched multiple videos on the model and one of them said "it takes finer grinds than other machines," so out of frustration I set my grinder to settings more fitting for turkish coffee and it fucking worked, I got a great flow rate. i've wasted so much coffee on that oversight. kill me

>> No.18536243

they do be lookin cool doe

>> No.18536244

But also still set your opv lower.

>> No.18536263

thanks friend.

>> No.18536269

Yeah we were talkimg about JAPANESE bean-to-cup machines lmfao did you actually fail your iq test or something????

>> No.18536310

>talkimg about
>I didn't look too into it
>Philips is japanese?
God damn I hate esl retards.

>> No.18536381

how is the taste now?

>> No.18536398

It's smoother. There's a clear distinctness between the different parts of the shot, before it was all muddled together because of how rigorous the flow was. It's clearly more acidic than sour now, but the beans I got were more acidic in flavor characteristically anyway. Overall much better.

>> No.18536418
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i had 4 espressos today

>> No.18536426

Anon stop! You're reaching coffee saturation!

>> No.18536454

Is that a notneutral glass?

>> No.18536487
File: 201 KB, 995x1321, cortado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i also have the cortado size glass. thinking about getting some acme flat white or tulip cups for flat whites. cant decide between them

>> No.18536496

Haha bro don't take this stuff too serious. Imagine taking the time to correct mistypes on 4chan.org lmfao. Next time just read the whole convo instead of butting in talking about shit

>> No.18536511

I'm more interested in being aeropressed than drinking out of one.

>> No.18536531

>read the whole convo
>Philips is japanese?
God I hate esl retards.

>> No.18536574
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>> No.18536596
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Planning on picking up the Gaggia Classic Pro as my first espresso machine. Good pick or a meme?

>> No.18536604

When she looks good it's hard not to simp.

>> No.18536612

Good pick with a good modding community. Just know that you might need to faff around with it to get what you want.

>> No.18536615

Now pull an extractamundo.

>> No.18536632

looks just like my aeropress

>> No.18536637

i have the profile on my machine, but i've been pulling mostly Damian's LRv3, which is the profile I used for that shot. I'll try an extractamundo tomorrow. i didnt have amazing results with turbobloom with the beans i had at the time

>> No.18536691
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They're like 25 bucks still and work just fine with cheap cans of coffee. I use it with Cafe du Monde.

>> No.18536718
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coffee and lifting are the only things that bring me joy anymore.

send help

>> No.18536740

do not fear, my swole brother. keep on guzzling great coffee and hoisting great weights and you shall receive great reward. do not give up.

>> No.18536754

Yeah I've got that loaded into my profiler on the f58. Probably my default pulls when I (rarely) do cortados.

>> No.18536759

what reward man I can lift more than 98% of the population and look better than 99% but it doesn't really get me anywhere, it just feels good, coffee is pretty fucking great tho

>> No.18536780
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>> No.18536792

kek, I wish i was still neet sometimes

>> No.18536799
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yeah you know it's not something i'd personally use but the product is a cornerstone of home coffee for millions of people, and i wouldn't knock it. i'm just willing to indulge in some coffee autism and use other stuff.

>> No.18536829

Good tbqh.
Look into the gaggiuino mod[s], for $200 you can get better espresso than a 1500 machine

>> No.18537096

i use a v60 and moka pot because they're fun but it's not like drip coffee is intolerable. folgers is ass though.

>> No.18537123

Very interedasting.

>> No.18537269

opened a pack of about to expire beans to maybe snack on since i dont have a grinder

why dont they taste as good as the store bought snacking beans?

wtf do i do with all these beans?

>> No.18537474

shut up and eat your expired beans, faggot

>> No.18537520

anon from previous thread.
Thanks for the warning and posting picture and the brand name of that electric cattle, "CHEFMAN", that it looks like a pice of shit unsafe garbage.

>> No.18537533

So what.
Sounds like you are not aware that espresso has way less caffeine than regular coffee.

>> No.18537540
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you are not even first! ahaha!

>> No.18537559
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>> No.18537609
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>only one v60 filter left
is this the end bros?

>> No.18537642

>walk into coffee shop
>it doesnt have the hoff behind the counter

>> No.18537645

rule of cool always wins.

>> No.18537653
File: 146 KB, 1000x1250, _DSC4757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at coffee shop
>use bathroom
>wash hands
>look up at mirror
>the hoff is standing right behind me

>> No.18537656

look at that fucking face, he knows what he did

>> No.18537669
File: 285 KB, 1479x1500, 81wMhzWpU7L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my kettle decided to die on me in a very potential housefire hazard sort of way today. I only noticed because I heard it hissing when it was "off" before I left the room. It just heats up whenever its on the base now regardless of if its powered on and it smells like burning plastic or something if you're close enough and its been running long enough. I would've made cold brew green tea yesterday if I knew this was going to happen because now I'm afraid to keep using it and I haven't picked out a new one yet

Any <$50 goose-neck kettles with temperature control that /ctg/ would recommend? Preferably from somewhere that ships to west coast USA in 1-2 days like Amazon because I need my pour-over coffee and green tea fix for life to be worth living

Pic related: its the kettle that died on me and ruined my tomorrow morning (there's gotta be a less clumsy way of saying that, why can't I think of it)

>> No.18537676

That ugly rainbow fuck will die from Monkey pox and caffeine ovedoze.
I'm sure he is an inbred.

>> No.18537679
File: 156 KB, 304x334, 1664854684180383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boiling brewed tea in a kettle

>> No.18537681

Thanks for sharing, anon

>> No.18537690

Retard detected.
Stop trying to be funny, it's not your forte, dolt.

>> No.18537695

..and stop posting selfies, fatso.

>> No.18537705

>it just feels good
thats what life is all about.

>> No.18537706

you missed this post sis!!!
>bean-to-cups seem tailor fit for japanese companies to make
>are we all missing out on superior japanese coffee production?
glad to help though I know that dilation is probably pretty touch for you. keep it up and take it easy!

>> No.18537718

This man touched my son inappropriately in a truckstop bathroom in Boise on December 13, 2014 and the police have never caught up with him. I'm afraid that the statute of limitations will run up before he is brought to justice.

>> No.18537720

Hey look it's the same two esl retards.

>> No.18537791

im looking at you buddy

>> No.18537795

sorry bro but you are going to have to pay a premium for the goose neck lol

>> No.18537810

Lol, only monkey pox rainbow snowflake would use ESL as an insult weapon.

>> No.18537815

I know that literacy is pretty touch for you. keep it up and take it easy!

>> No.18537823

monkey pox rainbow snowflake, I'm willing to buy you a long rope and last cup of coffee

>> No.18537835

I'd rather rope myself than drink esl aeropiss.

>> No.18537843

>dude who can't read keeps screaming about ESLs
lol now that's some good ironi

>> No.18537848

>I'd rather rope myself
I hope you will really do that.
Trust me, nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.18537851

Combined toefl score of 6 between em.

>> No.18537868

He’s not even gay, he’s married to a woman. What a fagot.

>> No.18537879

I bet he sips coffee with his anus. Like all closet gays do. I read an article on it. It's so disgusting.

>> No.18537880
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>> No.18537888
File: 228 KB, 3000x2000, Whiskey_main_image_8bf68216-b510-4510-8459-5b8722801c72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the wacaco whiskey pump. The absolute best way to get smokey oak into your 'spro.

>> No.18537904

If you want sub 50 bucks and temp control you're gonna have to get a regular kettle

>> No.18538005
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>> No.18538012

that dude is 100% in better shape than you lmfao

>> No.18538023

He's had norovirus his entire adult life. Probably from shitting in that can behind him.
>only monkey pox rainbow snowflake would use streetshitting
>as an insult weapon

>> No.18538168


>> No.18538227

having my 9pm goffee right now.
natural process burundi moka ofcourse.

>> No.18538245

spoken like a true methhead

>> No.18538268
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9pm? I see you like to live dangerously...

>> No.18538283

wfh + i can work whenever i want as long as im done by the deadline + i have an easy job
midnight goffee is pretty common for me.

>> No.18538284

Can't really drink coffee anymore after being vaxxed, only stale decaf.

>> No.18538285

lucky bastard

>> No.18538326

mentally and physically ill and have too many addictions and a toxic and abusive relationship thats been on the rocks or a while now.
dont worry mate, life balances things out.

>> No.18538335

even when life sucks goffee always cheers you up...

>> No.18538343

natural process burundi is all i have now...
tonights was good but a little under extracted.
i got distracted for a sec and didnt turn the heat down like 2 seconds too late and it messed it up.
still tasty tho.
red wine
goji berries
dark chocolate
rum soaked raisins
the smell of a roast chicken

my coffee this morning was incredible. i just kept sipping it off my spoon to mix as much oxygen in as possible. just divine, same ish tasting notes as above but with more clarity and less acid.

>> No.18538356

Sounds naisu. When I buy a fresh bag I should try only sipping it from the spoon

>> No.18538432
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>has a relationship
>bitches because his partner kicks him in the balls every once in a while and shits on his desk when upset

>> No.18538445

leaves me for months on end without saying anything and then shows back up and makes me feel bad for her leaving even tho i didnt do anything at all.
has essentially zero time for me
if i didnt engage with her she would talk to me like once every 4 months
but is also extremely like possessive? or clingy and is obsessed with my body/sex and constantly (when we do talk) tells me how much she loves me and all that.
she is fucking insane but i guess 2 mentally ill schizos are made for each other.
i dont mind being alone but the sense that i could wake up and not see her for who knows how long at any point or she could come back at any point fucks with my head alot.
im not rich or smart or good looking so idk i guess shes just crazy.

>> No.18538467

I'll make fresh espressos at 5am if I need to

>> No.18538485

How's the sex?

>> No.18538542

she is a fucking freak
any fetish you can think of
says yes to literally anything
can fuck for hours
dirtiest dirty talk you can imagine.

>> No.18538544

Then you have nothing to complain about

>> No.18538547

yeh i know.
also wasnt really complaining just saying how it is.
been 5 years already.

>> No.18538759

>crazy girl
this question need not be asked

>> No.18538771

Is it pronounced kin grinder or king grinder?

>> No.18538795

How does he get out though

>> No.18538805
File: 121 KB, 960x993, Universal-Hot-Crazy-Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life is sitting on the line between date zone and danger zone

>> No.18538811

sometimes the miroco pops up on ebay for around $50. i use one and it's fine.

>> No.18538840 [DELETED] 

>also wasnt really complaining
Yes you did. You were whining like a little girl here.
>leaves me for months on end without saying anything
>im not rich or smart or good looking
So she goes and fucks niggers then comebacks and you're OK with that.
Fucking massive loser.

>> No.18538895

>Yes you did
you may have interpreted it that way but i didnt write it thinking i was complaining
some dick head said i cant say what is going on in my life simply because i have a gf and then i replied saying yes i do have a gf but its not all fun and games and listed some of the reasons why its not all sunshine and rainbows.
im not complaining or whining im just saying how it is.
sorry mate but you can think whatever you want but i in my opinion wasn't complaining
have some goffee, chill out.

>> No.18538897

Thoughts on a Chemex?

>> No.18538908

>So she goes and fucks niggers
no she just goes back to her mums house while she studies(uni med student)
but she cuts off contact with me, and her mums house is 5 days drive.
like if she goes fuck it i got shit to do.
kinda weird how you have fucking niggers on your brain right now tho. but whatever floats your boat mate.

>> No.18538911

it looks cool but there are better tools for pour over.

>> No.18538918

nice to look at but hario's pourovers make a better cup

>> No.18539048

Thanks. I've been solely using Chemex for a few years now but guess it's time I try a more proper pour over

>> No.18539062


>> No.18539082

It's a design that's prone to clogging and when it doesn't clog the papers are still 4x thicker than they need to be. Strips alot of flavor out of your coffee, but some people like that 'cleanliness'. Pick up a v60 and cafec mediums and try them side by side.

>> No.18539132

I heard this isn't the best when you're making only a single cup. Is that true, and if yes what's a better technique?

>> No.18539146

>only a single cup
just buy bigger cups.

>> No.18539151

If I was only making single cups I'd go Aeropress tbqh

>> No.18539155

filled water in my aeropress today without putting it on a cup first haha

>> No.18539162

Prismochads do this on purpose

>> No.18539165

Buying an orea dripper.

>> No.18539166
File: 52 KB, 470x423, 1643126187045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week i dumped grounds into my otherwise fully prepared aeropress and they shot out everywhere
>forgot to put a filter paper in

>> No.18539170

clearly he wants pour over coffee not just "1 cup of coffee"
aeropress isnt just coffee it is alot closer to espresso than pour over is.

>> No.18539201

>I heard this isn't the best when you're making only a single cup
It sounds like he wants a single cup
>aeropress isnt just coffee it is alot closer to espresso than pour over is.
I disagree completely

>> No.18539221

>I disagree completely
so you think aeropress is at the exact same level to pour over as pour over?

>> No.18539224

>Exact same level
I don't know what this means but I don't see how a cup of Aeropress coffee is closer to espresso than coffee.

>> No.18539240

stupid faggot.
literally not what i said
>aeropress isnt just coffee it is alot closer to espresso than pour over is.
im saying aeropress is not pour over and that it is closer to espresso than a pour over is.
he clearly doesnt want espresso or espresso-like things, he wants pour over but doesnt want more than 1 cup why would you suggest a totally different kind of coffee brewing?

>> No.18539247

He actually fell for the aeropresso meme LOL

>> No.18539250

You sound mad
He wants one cup of coffee
Aeropress tastes better and makes one cup of coffee

>> No.18539251

look at him press.

>> No.18539254

>Aeropress tastes better

>> No.18539257
File: 16 KB, 258x274, Screenshot_20221101_133604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah? he should want a cup of 'ropress instead

>> No.18539259

you sound mad

>> No.18539320 [DELETED] 

ale mi przyszedł pomysł na nową nitkę

>> No.18539461
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Today I had my coffee with some cinnamon and vanilla with some brown sugar mixed in

>> No.18539491
File: 117 KB, 900x599, coffee-beans-roasting-balanced-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aeropress isnt just coffee it is alot closer to espresso than pour over is

>> No.18539492

oh no bros I've used 100g of beans today. the espro is too powerful for me

>> No.18539501


>> No.18539503
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>> No.18539520

Thats a good looking roast boy. You grill that up on a weber?

>> No.18539567


>> No.18539581
File: 17 KB, 514x322, coffvvee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I got a good black fridy deal on the machine.

>> No.18539727

>want to be a coffee snob
>prefer darker roasts

>> No.18539744

What do you usually pay for beans, per gram? My local roaster is about $1/g.

>> No.18539754

Are you buying exclusively geisha and ferret shit coffee?
I paid like 5 cents per gram

>> No.18539763

Im sorry I'm retarded. I meant oz not gram.
I pay $15 for a 16oz bag

>> No.18540051
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ignore the dipshits, true coffee chads enjoy coffee of all roast levels

>> No.18540296

NTA but I've known Single-estate Kona to go for that much

>> No.18540305
File: 244 KB, 564x418, 7ro29cr6edv91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wave or v60?

>> No.18540357

$20-24 for 1 kg

>> No.18540439

>make ill-advised late night decision to buy Acaia Lunar so I can do flow profiling on my espresso machine
>get package
>realize I ordered a fucking Pearl

>> No.18540447


Have you taken the self-made water pill yet?

>> No.18540464


>> No.18540466

i really need to test my water. people claim my coffee is good but i have always been told that our water is really hard.

>> No.18540570

>really hard
yea me too

>> No.18540579
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tfw he doesn't distill his own water

>> No.18540606

But aeropress mostly makes a cup of coffee the size and concentration as, say, a v60. Are you ok? Are you lost? You seem lost. Here, sit down. Enjoy a 'up 'o 'eropresso 'riend

>> No.18540616

v60 switch

>> No.18540686

Find a different roaster. That coffee is guaranteed to be shit. They have to be buying commodity grade to sell at that price.

>> No.18540690

You likely don't. You are probably just brewing wrong. Try doing a cupping of a good light and a dark roast next to each other. I've seen many people who consider themselves dark roast enjoyers to switch teams and find the dark roast on the table disgusting in a blind taste.

>> No.18540809

yeah but I have it easy with the local water being soft so I can just use my normal filter then add in the epsom/baking soda

>> No.18540811

It has come to my attention that there are no good stovetop gooseneck kettles. Everything has dubious "stainless" steel that rusts, welds that leak, fake copper plastic foil, handles that fall off, etc. Is there a kettle out there that's actually nice?

>> No.18540842

If you require the precision of a gooseneck you might as well bite the bullet and get one with temp control as well.

>> No.18540844

>301 18/8 stainless steel

>> No.18540854
File: 137 KB, 480x480, 1645071957273.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of staggs, has anyone gone from the regular stagg to the pro? A lot of the features just seem retarded but scheduling and hold duration seem neat. Plus it's not out in white yet.

>> No.18540857

I don't want electric. I'm looking around and even conventional copper kettles are pretty shit quality now. They really don't make kettle like they used to. I see lots of very nice antique tinned copper kettles, but back then the long gooseneck spout was not done. Shit, man. It's almost like you have to make your own now. I could probably do it in time. I raised copper bowls way back. That shit takes fucking forever. I'm gonna have to look around for real craftsmen who can make what I want.

>> No.18540864

What's wrong with the stagg again? And why don't you want electric lol

>> No.18540865

I don't like the handle of the stagg kettles. Plus, there's this swirling ball of hype around that brand that's gonna obfuscate any issues.

>> No.18540873

Handle is gross. I want a tool that will basically last forever and I can use on any kind of heat source.

>> No.18540880
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The handle fits the hand really well, makes pouring really easy on the wrist. I have a hard time believing you wouldn't be happy with picrel but I'm getting the feeling you just love to complain.

>> No.18540897

So you've never held the kettle but because people like them you're going to sperg out and look for something else? You know its a single screw holding it onto the body right? Just get someone to turn you a handle to your exacting specifications.

>> No.18541033

Just orders some ethiopan natural from Volcanica Coffee, anyone here ever had it. It has a sugarcane taste note which Im excited for. Ive only had washed for a few months and am hyped for the more intense flavors of the natural.

>> No.18541098
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name a better brewer than an aeropress

protip you cant

>> No.18541111

shut up stupid cat. you can't make coffee. you're a cat.

>> No.18541123

I used to have a cat who would knock over my coffee cup and just sit there pondering the aroma the spilled coffee. Cats are assholes.

>> No.18541252
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, 1639322753830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been grinding my coffee with the Hario hand grinder for months, got pick related 2 weeks ago, and I still can't dial it to get the same flavors I'm used to. Brews turn either Sour on coarser grinds, too clear and under-extracted on the finer grind, or bitter and astringent on very fine.
WTF am I doing wrong? Or am I just to used to the uneven grind that I used to get with the Hario?
PS. I brew V60.

>> No.18541277

quads of lies

>> No.18541283

>PS. I brew V60.

>> No.18541287

Lol he fell for the svart meme.

>> No.18541305
File: 7 KB, 246x205, 1562900383651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried that starfucks Pumpkin Spice latte that all the kids are raving about on myspace and gaiaonline. IT'S FUCKING SHIT
Can barely taste the pungent green taste of pumpkin on the first sip, all it does is embitten the drink to make it seem like a overextracted cappucino
or worst case scenario, the cowfe was overextracted and only the first sip was ok and it only had the barest hint of spice fucking starfucks

either way 0/120 stars wouldn't recommend
I also bought a cheap chink mokka pot from the cheap chink store in the cheap chink part of downtown, will have an opinion tomorrow after I've tried it but from just checking the parts it seems like a tighter/inexacter fit than the original bialetti(I can feel the top and bottom parts of the pot grinding against each other and that just never happened with the original)

>> No.18541364

What's wrong with it?

>> No.18541401

40mm pentagonal shit-tier burr, like you'd find on a timemore c2 or other $50 hand grinder.

>> No.18541404
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Forgot the pic

>> No.18541415

i tried one of those coffee vending machines that make coffee for you while you wait, where you can see some beans on top of the machine and it comes out of a nozzle into a styro cup.

this is espresso, right? it was nice. did it have cream and sugar already?

>> No.18541473

>this is espresso, right?

>> No.18541519

then what is it

>> No.18541561

>you while you wait
Probably just an immersion brewer. Automatic french press. Bunn sells a shitload of immersion bean to cups.

>> No.18541568

really? well when i said while i wait, i didnt have to wait that long. maybe a few seconds till some coffee came out of the nozzle.

>> No.18541589

Could have been a superautomatic espresso machine then. How much coffee? 2oz?

>> No.18541590

i just cant imagine it being espresso.
like actual espresso with fresh ground beans and all that
at best it would be pods or something.
like unless you actually see the beans ground up i dont believe it.

>> No.18541596

I just don't like acidity in coffee that much, and it seems to me that basically all light roasts have it.

>> No.18541836
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You should take it easy with that... I like espresso but there is a limit, man.

>> No.18542019

Superauto espresso machines are the fucking default in a lot of offices in Europe and Australia

>> No.18542033

bean to cup machines don't make real espresso

>> No.18542036

You can make that point but it's still what they're marketed as and the bulk of people are never gonna believe you

>> No.18542149

i dont care what they are marketed as i are what they are.
a ton of shit is marketed to normie dumbfucks that is wrong or misleading.

>> No.18542153

NTA but the coffee machines at uni do make some espresso machine like sounds when they pour, and claim to make espresso obviously. The stuff that comes out tastes like fucking sewage though, I always just go upstairs to the mess hall and order an espresso at the bar we have there.

>> No.18542224
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Getting a lot of fines. Any thoughts? How can I prevent this?

>> No.18542236
File: 86 KB, 500x500, 4gcs20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACKSHUALLY I'll have you know that the NORMIES could never enjoy, recognize, or even comprehend TRVE ESPRESSO

>> No.18542252

what grinder
what method of brewing
but obviously just grind a bit coarser.
but if you have a shit grinder you might be on the right setting but the grinder just sucks so it makes alot of fines and you cant really control that.
i guess you could sieve the grounds but you would need to know how small the fines you dont want are and how big the grounds you want are and then find a sieve that filters these 2 sizes.

>> No.18542255
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>> No.18542382

Should i get a vintage coffee grinder?

>> No.18542409

only if you dont use it
or if you know exactly how it grinds and it grinds exactly for how you brew.
like buying a vintage car, you can drive it but you will probably have to take it apart and really fix it.

>> No.18542424

yeah use it for cowboy coffee

>> No.18542546

For me it's the cold smoked torrefacto(Spaniards will know what I'm talking about)

>> No.18542554

What's the water to coffee ratio in espresso? What is the typical grind size used, is there a physical measurement maybe grains per volume?

Someone posted the ratio of water to coffee in the french press vs the moka. I think it would be cool to have the options to make and understand multiple methods at home. I have the latter mentioned two. I could look into a simple drip device.

>> No.18542560

Don't act like a vintage looking grinder with a modern blade set and fine adjustment wouldn't write checks.

>> No.18542595

1:1 to about 1:5. Coffee particle size is discussed in microns.

>> No.18542616

ty anon

>> No.18542643

These two videos might clear up some espresso recipe questions you're thinking about.

>> No.18542703

I'm just using my hands to grind, will try to go coarser. A sieve is a great idea too.

>> No.18542726


>> No.18542744

Its called an ek43. They've been out about 40 years now.

>> No.18542783


>> No.18542811
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Don't act like a vintage looking grinder with a modern blade set and fine adjustment wouldn't write checks.

>> No.18542815

>real espresso
Is this some No True Scotsman fallacy?

>> No.18542827

i just think the ek circle jerk is cringe.
also if you replace the burrs what the only thing is just the shell.
like yeh any grinder with good burrs and good motor is going "write checks."
the rest is just aesthetic preference.

>> No.18542829

no. there is real espresso and fake espresso.

>> No.18542856

don't make fun of my espresso implants

>> No.18542872

you will never make real espresso.

>> No.18542875

Yeah I mean I don't want one, but I also think the p100 looks like shit and wasn't going to shell out for a nautilus. You see the new lagom lab sweet knockoffs?

>> No.18542887
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>> No.18543019

Finally got my kingrinder after amazon took like 2 weeks to ship it (no idea why burger amazon is so slow to ship) and then dpd dicked me around for 3 days.
Build feels great, although a bit at the bottom was chipped (luckily doesn't make it wobble and you don't touch that place while grinding either). The external adjustment is off like it is with a lot of them it seems, the zero is not at zero. But luckily it's off by exactly 5, which is another marked point. So it's not that hard to keep track of.
I upgraded to it from a normcore (which I've sold by now so I can't post a side by side) so I'll do some comparisons there I guess. I wish the top lid was a part of the handle since I'm not planning to use it with a drill. You can attach it with a rubber band they give you, but it'd be nicer if it was all one piece of metal like it is on the normcore (even though the normcore feels cheaper built otherwise). They both have a rubber band, with normcore's having a sort of thumb rest thing, but it never felt quite right and I prefer holding the kingrinder. The good thing about normcore's thumb rest however was that it could hold the handle when you stored the grinder, something I miss now. Normcore also had a hard bag and shit, which is probably not important to most people but I travel to visit my mom fairly often and it was a nice way to take it with me. Oh yeah and as far as the actual grinding goes, it was rougher on the kingrinder, either because it's chewing through more at once or because it's new, but man it's way fucking faster. I didn't time it but it felt like half the time.
Won't comment on the quality of coffee it makes because I haven't got it dialed in yet, I've made a cup with it but it's a bit bitter, that's my fault though. The grind did look more consistent, but I'm not confident in judging by appearance.

>> No.18543045

i live in a tiny apartment and my roommates have a fuck of huge water boiler that will only go up to 180*F.
do i need to go back to the kettle? cuase i feel like my coffee has been consistantly weak as fuck

>> No.18543097

You're the anon who bought the 38mm v2 a couple weeks back right? Did you go k4 or k6?

>> No.18543120

Ye. I got the k6, I don't have an espresso machine and don't plan on having one anytime in the near future so it didn't make much sense to buy the k4.

>> No.18543145

back to dark roasts with the osmotic flow method for you, bitchboy

>> No.18543177

Both those burrsets will be able to dial in espresso and filter just fine, it'll just come down to preference so no need to pick up the k4 or something if you want to fuck with espresso. Let me know when you got some thoughts on the taste/experience between ncore and k6 and I'll figure out a way to tack it onto the notes.

>> No.18543180

I'm relatively new to putting any thought into coffee so don't expect any expert opinions, but I'll share my thoughts.

>> No.18543217

No worries. I'm trying to keep it all objective so all I can really add is
>The one anon who bought a normcore replaced it within weeks when he spotted a better deal

>> No.18543350
File: 306 KB, 1542x2048, cortado2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulled a few extractamundos in 1:2 ratio. tastes very nice with these ethiopian beans i'm using. here's a cortado made with one of the shots

>> No.18543385

Good shit! I've been pouting and making filter for the past two weeks. My nakedportafilters order got sent back to Budapest because Gabor told fedex he was shipping me batteries:/ Should be back to espresso here in a few days. Package just hit Indy.

>> No.18543395

papua new guinea x guatemala blend.
time to start schizo posting. :)
this mornings soundtrack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz3JVZbmoCg

>> No.18543443

El salvador black honey x kief bowls for me on a rainy afternoon.

>> No.18543477

I hate that even basic ones like this have shot up in price. It's insane. I want to replace this handmedown old black and decker machine from a former roommate because it works fine, but it's from someone else's family so I have no clue how properly it was taken care of in the past, and even a simple machine that does the 6 cups max I'll ever brew is like $30+ anymore, and that's after you scroll past all the FUCKING keurigs and knockoff keurigs.
I should run some proper cleaner through it. Vinegar and alcohol rinses don't seem to do much.

>> No.18543482

based taste
burial has lost me on his recent stuff.
cant go wrong with the classics.

>> No.18543562
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, watch_v=bzFyyQgVR6k_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aeropresso bros...
i'm in love...

>> No.18543574
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>> No.18543598
File: 1.20 MB, 1311x784, obraz_2022-11-04_221906534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gonna go to a local roster tomorrow for the first time. Anything here that would catch your attention?

>> No.18543604

Buy a kilo of sumatra and never look back

>> No.18543608

>The grinder with a marked aeropress setting is complete garbage
I am heckin shocked

>> No.18543611

This is such a retarded way to display different origins. Just random stock photos? lol

>> No.18543618
File: 70 KB, 1400x638, obraz_2022-11-04_222850836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have more info when you actually click on them. And maybe these are his photos?

for example, but it won't tell you guys much…

>> No.18543630

WTF I love Aeropresso now

>> No.18543636

Can you link the website?

>> No.18543641

Yeah, gonna say you're brewing wrong. It's nearly universal preference for a ripe fruit-like flavor, as humans are largely frugivores. Well brewed light roast will have acid very much along those lines. Poorly brewed light roast coffee will have an acidity more like an unripe fruit. If you extract more, it will become sweet and juicy.

>> No.18543644


I most likely will buy a third (or maybe more than one hehe) bag of coffee in my life tomorrow, I don't know if I am ready for the life altering experience of sumatra

>> No.18543645

The acidity didn't feel unpleasant if that's what you're talking about. It wasn't the kind that makes you cringe.

>> No.18543668
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, burialnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man of exquisite taste shouldn't be listening to youtube quality. Since the thread is about to pop here's the highest quality vinyl rips out pal.

>> No.18543684

So it was like a ripe fruit but you didn't like it? I don't get people like you.

>> No.18543689

Maybe the coffee I'm using is just really acidic. Like more than usual for light roasts. Cause it definitely wasn't like fruit. Not really sure what I'd liken it to, default answer is lemonade but lemonade is harsher.

>> No.18543691

Yeah, that sounds like underextraction. Use boiling water and a finer grind I guess.

>> No.18543698

Used boiling and a fine enough grind. I know what underextraction tastes like, this isn't it.

>> No.18543712

Any recommendations for a double walled latte glass?

>> No.18543743

Huh, fair enough. Was it sweet at all?

>> No.18543752

A bit I think. I dunno, it's fairly new, I'll get back to you once I've had a few more cups.

>> No.18543794

I like my kruve glasses.

>> No.18543840

>He hasn't ordered Monsooned Malabar or Kaapi Royale Robusta

>> No.18543875

They look neat, thank you

>> No.18543886

no no dont worry i dont listen to burial on youtube i got his whole discography in 1411kbps wav.
but obviously i cant just link that so i just linked the youtube version.
thanks for the link anyway, i will cross reference to see which version is better, you never know.

>> No.18543893

oh shit that link is double the size of the shit i have.
sick as fuck.
well there goes my day, re-listening to burial on headphones then my sound system, then my ear buds.

>> No.18543924

>kruve glasses
Kruve glasses for everything but espreso are too big imo

>> No.18543935

Why did the v60 gain so much popularity in the past decade when chemex looks so cool? A decade ago I visited this board because I had just gotten a French press and it seemed like everyone had a chemex. I got a moka pot so I came back to this board and it seems now everyone uses a v60. What changed?

>> No.18543950

>What changed?
People prefer better coffee now. Chemex filters are trash and they're hard to clean. The chemex's sole virtue is how good it looks.

>> No.18543977

Cover them in dark chocolate.

>> No.18543978

Functions better and is cheaper and has SUPERIOR JAPANESE DRIP COFFEE MAKER FOLDED OVER 10000 GORRILION TIMES appeal

>> No.18543979

New coffee, 1st roast. Natural process heirloom variety Ethiopia from Yirgachefe. Wasn't paying attention so I went a bit past a city. Anyway:
Dry smell: Wow. Powerful blueberry
Wet: still blueberry, but more syrupy
Hot flavor: Yep, blueberry right up front, middle merges very smoothly into...banana (yeah, banana), followed by milk chocolate, an orangey aftertaste piques the tongue; a remnant of the chocolate combined with soft citrus acidity. Not quite pleasant finish, but not terrible. Delightful coffee overall. Might not get a cold taste of this first cup. Need to try this one a tad lighter next roast.

Been a couple years since I've had a blueberry natural. Love those. Never had banana in a coffee before, so that's pretty neat.

>> No.18543996

Cooling cup: blueberry subsides a bit, fleeting flavor, or am I growing tongue blind? Banana middle rounding off, replaced with another more acidic berry. Is that blackberry? Raspberry? I can't tell. Aftertaste is a more prominently acidic orange/red berry tingle on top with chocolate bittering underneath.

>> No.18543999

>rinses filter
>needs both hands to press
i can see why she was a finalist and not the champion

>> No.18544003

Thanks for being my sounding board guys. Helps me figure out the flavors.

>> No.18544006
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>> No.18544026
File: 46 KB, 691x617, burialnon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those are bigboy rips. 24bit flac from someone who knows what the fuck they're doing. Tossed in the ghost hardware ep(same guy, slightly different hardware than below see screenie) since the copy of untrue doesn't have those two bonus tracks. I had some spare tokens on red and have been bumping up the quality of my library since hard drive space is dirt cheap now so win win for us. Enjoy fren. Dropped a cracked copy of roon in there too if you don't feel like paying those cucks $600.
>VPI Scoutmaster II
>VPI 10" 3D tonearm
>Benz Micro Glider SL
>Musical Surroundings Nova II
>Signal Cable Silver Resolution interconnects
>RME HDSP 9632, AI4S-192 AIO
>Phoenix Engineering Falcon PSU, Tachometer
>Gingko Cloud 11 (TT); Gingko Cloud Minis (motor)

>Cockos REAPER 4.611 [24/96 Capture; ASIO]
>Izotope RX 2 Advanced (64-bit) v2.10.656 [Process]
>Sound Forge Pro 11.0, Build 272 [Mix, Split]
>foobar2000 v1.1.11; flac v1.2.1b [Compress]

>> No.18544036

With great restraint I let the cup go cold. Yeah, I was growing blind to the blueberry. Still there, as with the banana, but definitely picking up on a mix of mystery red berries, too. Though the chocolate has muted. Very nice coffee. Very clean for a natural, too. Nice that it's so forgiving at a city+. Second favorite coffee of 2022. Thanks, Ethiopia.

>> No.18544061

nothing wrong with a good cup gone cold.
allows for a different experience

>> No.18544066

It's hard to not greedily guzzle down the first test cup of a new coffee.

>> No.18544069

>he doesnt spoon sip his test goffee

>> No.18544077

It's really something though. Blueberries and bananas. Never had a coffee like this. New twist on the blueberry/chocolate naturals. Love it.

>> No.18544083

jesus, im going to need to do some research on what 99% of this means.
i have been slowly learning more about audio equipment over the years and my friend(in prison, triad stuff) is huge into audiophile shit and when he talk to me it quickly turns into white noise.
its going to be a busy weekend.

>> No.18544093

How did you afford your v60?

>> No.18544095

a blowjob was enough

>> No.18544096

Bought $10000 worth of bitcoin in 2010

>> No.18544098

i prayed to the hoff and woke up with one under my pillow.

>> No.18544103
File: 511 KB, 418x596, 1653890621420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God decided I should have one, and so He delivered.

>> No.18544111

i would personally get the kenya or rwanda because i prefer light roast coffee

>> No.18544135

>humans are largely frugivores
I like light roast, but what kind of crack are you smoking?

>> No.18544141

What's the cheapest "good" espresso machine? Is it one of those like big handle ones you have to push yourself?

>> No.18544149

If I'm not retarded that's a $2400 turntable with an upgraded $2000 tonearm and $1200 cartridge. It's why I don't fuck with vinyl other than collecting. So much worse than the espressohole.

>> No.18544150

my friend, have you heard of the aeropresso?

>> No.18544163


>> No.18544172

Should I opt for a hand grinder instead? What would do (You) use?

>> No.18544197

also look into the flair 58

>> No.18544208


>> No.18544235


>> No.18544394

Low pressure and preinfusion? Checks out

>> No.18544878

God, I love being on the dole.