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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 770x533, rinseChicken-MC-ios3-050520-770x533-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18533618 No.18533618 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude it doesn't wash bacteria!
It's not about bacteria, just rinsing away the antibacterial spray and trace shit from the plant.
>Dude you're just spraying the bacteria everywhere!!
You can just use a vessel if you're scared.
>Dude but the antibacterial spray is totally harmless though!!!!
So keep eating it then, we won't.

>> No.18533624

I'm tired of this topic. Find something more interesting to post about.

>> No.18533642

OP is, as usual, a faggot.

>> No.18533902

I used to write off chicken washers as shitposters, but chef Wang Gang washes his meat often (mostly for sliced beef and pork). He wrings the water out and mentioned that it helps marinade absorption. Kenji, in one of his videos, mentioned that there's a noticeable difference in tenderness between washed and wrung meat vs not in Asian recipes

>> No.18533909

Fuck off weeb
Washing your meat ruins the flavour.
Chicken is bland anyway

>> No.18534016

Not our fault you haven't had anything but factory farmed garbage chicken

>> No.18534837

the bacteria die with heat, so just cook it bro,simple as

>> No.18534847

Chemical residue is debatable, but washing meat has always been about removing physical dirt, like congealed blood etc

>> No.18534865

>So keep eating it then, we won't.

>> No.18534871

This. I only wash it with water it doesn't ruin the flavour unless you don't know how to wash meet(only when it requires).

>> No.18534998

>ok so washing chicken is legit but actually it's not because some people do it for the wrong reason

>> No.18535064

do you have a reading comprehension disability? I said that washing chickens to get rid of chemical residue is debatable, because its not likely for grocers or suppliers to spray antibacterial agents on things that are transported cold in the first place. You don't have to worry about physical dirt if you get your chicken from good grocers with wagies who wash and clean the meat properly, but when you buy your shit from a market, you're always going to find some congealed blood, bone shards or whatever else stuck to it. Do you honestly want shit like that in your meals faggot?

>> No.18535098

>and trace shit from the plant.

>> No.18535111

>Dude you're just spraying the bacteria everywhere!!
bacteria is everywhere in the sink anyways unless you just cleaned it with bleach. put a drop of hydrogen peroxide in the sink sometime to see it foam up from the biofilm

>> No.18535447

When I make curry I always wash my chicken. Then I coat it in lime juice and seasonings to sit overnight. If I don't the chicken doesn't sear and just releases that stupid salt water they pump it with. It makes it taste wrong.

>> No.18535519

also gets rid of the disgusting layer of slime on the outside of the breast.

>> No.18535573

Go protest 5g, abortions and jailing a school shooter or whatever you dumb americans do.

>> No.18535587

You should always wash any poultry 2bh f-a-m. It's like not washing your veggies or scrubbing a potoato, it has crap from the processing plant and/or randoms touching it without gloves. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.18535617

>antibacterial spray and trace shit from the plant
The what now?

>> No.18535669

Do you eash every other meat?
Do you wash candy?
Do you wash drink bottles and cans?
Do you wash coffee beans?
Cause all that sjit gets touched by others as well and unlike chicken you dont cook em before eating.

I mean washing chicken is another dumb uneducated burger poverty move.

>> No.18535784

Poultry =/= any other meat. A slab of meat is more sterile inside than any chicken or turkey with a chopped off head. Ever notice the juices inside the vacuum sealed chicken pouch? You think that's all from the chicken?

>> No.18535787

All of that is false. Are you retarded or just American? Same difference I guess.

>> No.18535791

Samefag samefagging in a thread that's been dead for half an hour.

>> No.18535792

You are incredebly stupid

>> No.18535793

Indeed, you are. Now have another (you)

>> No.18535794

Not only are you retarded, you're a fucking schizo.

>> No.18535798

>You are incredebly stupid
And, uh, who's the stupid one here?

>> No.18535815

The one not washing fucking chicken, aka a thing that is scientifically proven to be a fucking stupid thing to do and only people advocating are ones living in welfare housing or gang hoods cause it "feels cleaner"

>> No.18535831

I wash cans because people use the pallets of cans to stand on in the back room. Just sayin

>> No.18535832
File: 2.50 MB, 640x480, yan chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a whole bird I usually rinse out the cavity.
Since I don't have cerebral palsy I can do that with covering my entire kitchen in chicken juices just fine.
I've found a bonus heart or liver in there more than once.

If meat I have purchased is slimy I don't eat it, washed or not.

>> No.18535849

I was drinks cans and rice.

Few years ago I was having brunch with some of the girls from work because one of them was going traveling for a long time and we wanted to send her off.
One of them tells her "be sure to clean the drinks cans when you're abroad because there can be rat piss on them" and, having such amazing social skills as I do, say "you know we have rats in this country too, right?"
Brought the mood down a bit as they all sat there silently counting the number of sodas and brewskies they'd had over the years, lol.

>> No.18535905

washing meats in the chinese tradtion is a pretty intentional thing that also involves a lot of massaging. rinsing chicken (probably) doesn't actually provide any of the textural benefits you're looking for.

>> No.18536067

The rat piss adds to the flavor. In some cases we even bottle it and label it "mountain dew".

>> No.18536077

>rinsing away the antibacterial spray and trace shit from the plant.
Shilltard forgot to change this when copy/pasting from the washing vegetables schizo thread

>> No.18536109

>antibacterial spray

you literally just made that up, do you mean fucking ammonia?

>> No.18536119

>ammonia is not antibacterial
uh ohhh retard anon needs to go back to middle school

>> No.18536123

when did i fucking imply that retard? whose side are you on you fucking autist

>> No.18536130

running chicken through cold water momentarily isn't going to remove any chemicals, especially when they've probably soaked deep into the meat by the time you got it

>> No.18536139

Lol your friends have clearly never worked retail or seen the back room of a grocery and what people do or what animals can get inside. I take my own water with me everywhere now lol.

>> No.18536148

that goes for pet food and treats too
always full of maggots

>> No.18536153

Omg, zoomers are scared of everything!
Your gonna die! If you do this or don't do that!
Eat this or don't eat that!
No one get's out of here alive...

>> No.18536161

shut the fuck up your generation thought reading harry potter damned you to hellfire

>> No.18536163

Zoomers are autistic; you're not much better, considering you can't handle the distinction between "your" vs. "you're," and you made the confusing decision that the word "gets" requires an apostrophe. The only conclusion I can draw from your post is that you're a retard.

>> No.18536168

my mind tends towards the denizens of /ck/ being probably high and drunk rather than retarded, or both.

>> No.18536249

That was boomers, harry potter books were written for young millennials and 20s Gen Xers. Zoomers have... uhhh... twerking