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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 675x1200, 1661012306554367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18531117 No.18531117 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a drum chad or a flat virgin?

>> No.18531125

smashed those wings, bro.

>> No.18531139

Nugget Boss

>> No.18531142

i live in a flat not a drum so yeah im a virgin

>> No.18531230
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, chicken wing mina.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't do this with a drumstick

>> No.18531254

Flats are better and have less gristle. Closing this thread and not checking replies.

>> No.18531259

Meat on the bone is always better.

>> No.18531262

I'm not that fond of cartilage

>> No.18531286

>Nugget Boss
Popcorn Musk
Crispy Panko Tenderloins Bezos

>> No.18531287

Shit opinion. Go home, you've no use for a food and cooking board.

>> No.18531290

everyone needs a chopping board anon

>> No.18531332

cute mina

>> No.18531408

Get away from me, freak

>> No.18531429

>le either or, black or white, cats vs dogs, republican or democrat argument starter
Fuck your false dichotomies. I like all wings

>> No.18531457

I eat the flats by pulling out the smaller bone. It makes it an easier single bite and has more meat than the drum

I prefer drums because I can eat them one handed as I ate getting my fingers saucy

>> No.18531467

God I wish that was my cock. It would feel great to cram chicken in so easily.

>> No.18531837
File: 430 KB, 2048x1313, yayas-flame-broiled-chicken-392e43c9a3c20428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat virgin. i've been eating flats the same way for almost 30 years.
drums aren't bad, but i'll take flats 95% of the time. the other 5% is at Yayas where the meat falls off the bone, those drumettes are great.

>> No.18531842

Flat anal sex haver

>> No.18532812

Wingtip contrarian reporting in.

>> No.18532819

Flats are more fun to eat and a better shape for holding sauce. I'll take being a flat virgin any day.

>> No.18532824

>Not exercising your tongue skills
What a pussy.

Flats are better.

>> No.18532839

lil bro there’s still meat on those bones!!

>> No.18533290

Haha got ignored for 9hrs anyway

>> No.18533300

You took a bite out of each one, like a deer.

>> No.18533743

Doing this is such a meme. The taste changes from delicious to wtf was that with every bite

>> No.18533793

That's hot
I Love wings, the drum,,,so she would be perfect

>> No.18533816

What are you going on about you froot loop?

>> No.18533836

For me it’s on the bone meat.

>> No.18534275

Faggot, he's talking about the cartilage from the ends of the chicken wing. Seriously what is the point of eating them, no flavor, bits of growth hormone bones, god forbid if you get a piece thats undercook you'll get food poisoning fast. Just eat the skin and meats and move on.

>> No.18534314

Why are black people like this?

>> No.18534318

This, fuck these faggots.

>> No.18534348

I'd prefer drums but they always have this huge ass piece of rubber, the tendon that connects the knee to the femur I think, and I hate that shit.

>> No.18534369
File: 1.78 MB, 320x180, chicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18534524

I like whole wings because I'm not poor.

>> No.18534530

wtf when did cobes get a car?

>> No.18534563

Funny but whole wings are cheaper because one step less on the chopping block

>> No.18534604

I'll be happy with either, but always preferred flats. Better meat-skin ratio, easier to eat, better flavor and more tender meat,

>> No.18534620

wings > legs any day

>> No.18534630

Either, or. Perks of being a fat kid.

>> No.18534713

Amazingly, people will sometimes give him rides.
I don't think I'd want him in my car.

>> No.18534786

Bro no one said anything about wings or legs... oh no oh shit, you're one of those people who think a drumstick means leg lol, the drumstick is part of the wing stupid!!!

>> No.18534794
File: 163 KB, 1000x1000, pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the drumstick is part of the wing stupid!!!

>> No.18534796

Flats are better if you can properly remove one of the bones and make the entire flat a single delicious bite. If you're too stupid to do that or you eat wings shitty enough that the bones break when you try, then go with the inferior option.

>> No.18534803

Faggettes is what you are, sorry I'm not gay like you its DRUMSTICK and op made a point about drumstick vs flat. So basically you're fucking stupid.

>> No.18534809

this, you can easily pull both bones out and basically throw the whole thing in your mouth

>> No.18534821
File: 339 KB, 1874x897, fucking idiot retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot, it's drumette. If you worry about your fried chicken name being gay then you probably are lmao. That's just the name.

>> No.18534835

Once AGAIN YOU ARE GAY, go get your gay wedding cake or what ever the fuck, you inbred faggot.
And in any regard the original poster said wings vs legs, where this is a conversation about drums vs flats


>> No.18534864
File: 102 KB, 568x772, 1630066783086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag and so are you for agreeing with him you girlywristed cock-wrangler, slither back to the sewer where you slurp your gutter oil and never return.

>> No.18534883

>and op made a point about drumstick vs flat
OP never mentioned drumsticks, and those aren't drumsticks in the image he posted.

>> No.18534884

>the first time i saw a white person eat chicken wings the left them like OP's picture
>i stopped talking to that guy after that
fell non-whites has this happened to you?

>> No.18534886

pagpag material

>> No.18534909

>>are you a drum chat
>> never mentioned
Bro ACTUALLY!!!! kill yourself you inbred retard DO IT! DIE DIE FUCKING DIE LOL

>> No.18534913

>this fucking mad he misread OP and thought he said stick as well
>sucha faggot he's always thinking about OP's sticks

>> No.18534934

This is pathetic man, you lose a argument and you resort to this, you really should fucking kill yourself do it man do yourself a favor PLEASE DIEEEE!!!

>> No.18534948

>drums or flats
>well, OBVIOUSLY he's talking about about drumsticks because that makes way more sense than comparing the two kinds of wings you get when you order wings
>i have no idea why he posted an image of wings when he said drums!

>> No.18534949

What argument? You thought OP said drumsticks, and he didn't. Take the L dude lmao

>> No.18534984

>this part good that part bad
Picky eaters somehow manage to get worse over time. It's almost impressive.

>> No.18535187

Cartilage is good for you
>bits of growth hormone bones
That's a purely American problem, nowhere else is the water turning the chickens gay

>> No.18535198

>/ck/ gets filtered by cartilage

>> No.18535250

The meat from the flat is more tender and flavourful. If you dont agree you're in denial. Simple as.

>> No.18535322

Flats are for white men. Drums are for niggers and women

>> No.18535343

>feeding women
fuck are you doing?

>> No.18535348

I am home, where do you think I cook?

>> No.18535358
File: 12 KB, 250x250, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt have a portable hotplate with him at all times
real men cook while walking

>> No.18535365

I dig holes and grill in them instead

>> No.18535368

ah the african bbq method
thats pretty cool

>> No.18535562

too much of a faggot to know how to eat a flat? Clearly the drum is for the virgin,needs it to be easy enough for a baby with inferior meat.

>> No.18535583
File: 81 KB, 1000x750, 1655145395375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a backpack microwave

>> No.18535620

Cute crow

>> No.18535658

microwaves give you cancer and make you gay
youre better off using the bunsen burner/dulux tin shoulder rig

>> No.18536266
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, fuck fatties love flatties updated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flats are better
Not sorry

>> No.18536303

Fuck your wings, I want T H I G H S

>> No.18536325
File: 1.67 MB, 1082x1306, dfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18536367

Oh god why do asian women always look so shit?? Probably a 7 for insects but about a 3 compared to everyone else.

>> No.18536498
File: 277 KB, 1564x1200, chicken-wings-tweet-today-main-191206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this little nub of cartilage on every drum right about here (pic related). I can't help myself, I always use my front teeth to nip it off with a satisfying crunch. Anybody else?

>> No.18536540

Right here brother. Anyone who isn't a 5CHAD can fuck right off

>> No.18536681


>> No.18536685

thigh G O D

>> No.18537027

This, flats hold more sauce

>> No.18537044
File: 101 KB, 960x544, f8c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proud, life long Demoflat reporting in.

>> No.18537134

Boneless. I get them as wet as I want with a fork and 0 fucks given cause my hands aren't getting dirty.

>> No.18537138

This chick 100% just swallowed that chicken knuckle whole, unless it was specifically trimmed from the wing before being cooked. Fuck that I'm not eating those fucking chicken knuckles.

>> No.18537159
File: 1.13 MB, 2244x2992, il_fullxfull.3099980944_bxfo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna eat these chicken knuckles whether you want to not.

>> No.18537264

Flats are nicer to eat but drums get better crisp-wise

>> No.18537538

I'm gonna cuma inside her if you know what I mean.

>> No.18537566
File: 91 KB, 860x929, 1499717624255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine if you give zero fucks about your chicken nuggets but we're talking about wings, anon. You don't have to care but it's weird that you're bringing this unrelated thing into the topic.

>> No.18537644

Deasn't matter. They're both literally the fucking same

>> No.18539120

Imagine that was your cock haha

>> No.18539336

damn thems some dick suckin lips

>> No.18539349

Drums are provably for niggers and chinks. Only the true sophisticated actually human man chooses flats.

>> No.18539357

Left wing, right wing, you need BOTH wings to fly

>> No.18539547

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

>> No.18540343
File: 3.04 MB, 640x532, 1648501393273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>14 year old
>desperately trying to find more pleasurable ways to fap
>be eating chinese food
>got chicken wings
>eat around the bone and realize that the center part is somewhat vagina shaped
>grab a few chicken wings and put in ziploc bag
>"anon, you barely ate! dont you want to finish that chicken"?
>"im saving it for lunch tomorrow"
>wait for family to leave to go to the casino the next night
>pull out chicken from fridge
>microwave it
>excitedly pull down pants
>eat a hole into the middle of the chicken
>start fucking the chicken wing
>feels actually sort of good
>dick covered in grease from shitty chinese chicken
>feel a level of shame ive never felt before
please tell me im not the only one thats fucked a chicken wing

>> No.18540506

>smacks lips for 5 minutes for no reason whatsoever

>> No.18540512

Just fucking git gud faggots

>> No.18540516

Was that chicken or dog? Does asians eat chicken?

>> No.18540730

Why the fuck do people who enjoy flats more than drums exist, that doesn't make any sense the meat is more and better on the drum and you have to eat flats in a weird and different beta way than drums

flat cucks explain yourselves

>> No.18540748

Flats are fun to pull apart, drums have a bit more meat and are usually more tender. Smothered in buffalo sauce preferable, either way.

>> No.18540821

The only thing I pull apart are handcuffs

>> No.18540826

based coomer

>> No.18540835

this is seriously what someone spends their time doing

>> No.18540839

I'm a tendie faggot. Just sitting here, laughing at you fools paying for bones and cartilage.

>> No.18540860

You can't break those cuffs.

>> No.18540909

I’m gonna do it

>> No.18541291

>a flat virgin
I'm curvier than most women

>> No.18541304

did you eat it afterwards?

>> No.18541332

In China the chickens eat literal sewage and plastic, who knows what else. Imagine eating chicken from fucking China.

>> No.18541340

I start with a drum and then go for the flats

>> No.18541360

Liked drums as a kid.
Once I realized how to debone flats, though, the game changed.

>> No.18541366

The meat between the bones in a flat is tender as hell and there's a better sauce-to-meat ratio.
All you have to do is crack the cartridge and twist one bone out, then it's a one way street to tender juicy flavortown.

>> No.18541433
File: 894 KB, 680x800, Evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tendie kind of guy and I prefer dry rubs for all my wings, fuck sauces.

I only want sauce if its a dip for my wings.

>> No.18541720

cheeky indos

>> No.18542760

Did your family have any luck at the casino?