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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 966 KB, 1170x1306, 3711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18514939 No.18514939 [Reply] [Original]

What was with this diet meme foods craze? Was this stuff actually healthier?

>> No.18514954

I enjoy carbs. They are good, the end. Period.

>> No.18514967

>that diet-core do be mid-core. Not bussin-core.
Why do zoomers turn things into buzzwordy phrases instead of using their words?

>> No.18514969

I'm pretty sure you've completely misunderstood what that tweet is saying.

>> No.18514974

i ignored the tweet and just remembered all those foods from the 2000s obsessed with low/no calories/non fat etc. was it objectively healthier?

>> No.18514976

>what was with this diet meme foods craze?
>oh, ignore the image i posted and just read my mind because i'm obviously not talking about that!

>> No.18514977

Fpbp as usual

>> No.18514980

yes. you should be able to read my mind at all times. all of you are just figments of my imagination anyway

>> No.18514986

>i'm a figment of the imagination of a bot that reposts twitter screencaps with nonsensical ai generated comments
I know Halloween is just a few days away, but this is too spooky.

>> No.18515001

I'd pirate a book like that if it was real. And also one on the weird snack foods from the 00s.

>> No.18515002

They're retards who are addicted to smartphones and clickbait.

>> No.18515008

It was more like the late 90's when this happened. Zoomers don't remember, but there used to be a time when Doritos were just Doritos, gum came in mint, cinnamon, fruit, or just bubblegum flavor, and there wasn't much yogurt that wasn't bright colored and sugary that had flavors other than plain, vanilla, or maybe strawberry. And then seemingly overnight it seemed like every brand came out with 20 new variations of everything. It was novel at first, but people quickly realized that having more choices isn't always a good thing. That tweet is kind of disingenuous though, because it makes it seem like everything was dessert flavored, when in reality they were trying every flavor possible they thought might catch on. It was also around this time that hot sauces first really blew up. There were a few years where even my shitty middle of nowhere local grocery store had an entire end shelf with 100 different brands of hot sauce (it was a brief bubble, and most of the sauces where pretty bad).

>> No.18515024
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Half the calories? I'll just eat twice as much and buy two boxes then.

>> No.18515031

haha thats really funny because i too think that gimping out on calories is a form of shrinkflation. to be fair there are cases where they would cheaply gain calories through fat content but it requires a keen eye to see when one is getting gypped.

>> No.18515089

those rice cakes were great though. caramel and white cheddar, it's like a huge piece of popcorn

>> No.18515095

Rice cakes are a pretty normalfag snack. I’m gonna go eat one right now

>> No.18515106

Chances are there were some advances in chemical engineering R&D at the time that those companies were trying to take advantage of.

>> No.18515123

ngl at the time I got a little fat cuz I'd walk into a supermarket every other day with 10bux to try all the flavors of meme foods. was something new every time. then that fad died and everything became samey and uninteresting and i became a skellington

>> No.18515137
File: 33 KB, 250x500, Coca_Cola_C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coca-Cola C2

>> No.18515396

>Rice cakes are crazy diet shit.
Idgi, I like rice cakes.

>> No.18515457

I agree. I can't remember, but there is a movie where a guy who smells chemical food flavoring and critiques is as not tropical enough. Blew my mind at the time. That's when I found out BK whoppers has a flame broiled flavoring.

>> No.18515514

They used to sell these caramel crackers that were fucking delicious, every rice cracker I tasted after it was dog food

>> No.18515544
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>entire websites with shockwave games designed solely for advertising weird new product flavors
Mini clip or some other site dedicated half their site to advertising creamy lifesavers
Neopets would do the same for when a product came out with a new variation

>> No.18515668
File: 124 KB, 1280x880, obesity-rates-2030[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating disorder
Health foods became popular because people ACCURATELY NOTICED they and their friends' weight gain and hoped to prevet it. Clearly it didnt work, but it had nothing to do with eating disorder. Other than the most widespread and deadly one, overeating.

>> No.18515686

historically and factually false

>> No.18515706

>the "healthy" states in America are the ones that are only 40% obese
Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.18515767

>Why do zoomers turn things into buzzwordy phrases instead of using their words?

because their abscentee parents dont teach them' their words'.

>was it objectively healthier?
No. Non-fat just meant 'more sugar' and 'no calories' just meant alchohol sugars that you technically didnt metabolize but in exchange if fucked up your stomach once you consumed an abritrary amount. It was the legendary era of non-food food, the era of beaver-anus-gland blueberry flavor.

>Half the calories? I'll just eat twice as much and buy two boxes then.

a lot of these diet foods achieved their 'half the calories' by just making the serving size smaller. it wasnt just a fad but a scam.

>> No.18515786

Based and surprisingly normal pilled

>> No.18515790

Nothing. There is however a great deal wrong with our cities, in that it's impossible to walk anywhere. There's a lot of things wrong with our economy too, in that most Americans spend all of their working hours either sitting or standing in one place without moving and then drive home where all of their major entertainment options involve sitting down.
I quit my job as a fast food cuck and got a new one as a school janitor, and I've lost almost thirty pounds in the last three months just because I don't stand around in one place all day.

>> No.18515800
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my dearly beloved how I miss you so

>> No.18515801
File: 245 KB, 2048x1152, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is low calorie healthier?
For the majority of the developed world population today, yes. If you're overweight then there is no better thing you can do for your health aside from reducing calories. Just eat fewer calories and your health risks for basically everything dramatically reduce.
That said, if you mean low fat diet craze (which was actually the 90s and has nothing to do with your picture), then no. Almost everyone agrees that was stupid in retrospect and based on nothing.

>> No.18515802

>Was this stuff actually healthier?
They realized they could use aspartame and use synthetic oils to market it as a diet food. That's all.
Now that's just how everything is and "REAL SUGAR" is the thing worth marketing.

>> No.18515819

Those Extra Dessert Delights slap tho, no cap.

>> No.18515827

>it's impossible to walk anywhere
Fair, this is definitely a contributing factor.
>most Americans spend all of their working hours either sitting or standing in one place without moving
>then drive home where all of their major entertainment options involve sitting down
Both true of the rest of the developed world yet they manage to stay much healthier than Americans. There is definitely a component of endemic childish sloth to this problem.

>> No.18515838

Not Colorado. Glad I live in a state that’s not full of lardos.

>> No.18515855

I bet you're the smartest kid in your 9th grade class.

>> No.18515869

This is one where the packaging and marketing got me i thought it was so kino for some reason.

>> No.18515882

No, I'm a 30 year old baby boomer.

>> No.18515889
File: 429 KB, 2400x3195, 20221028_005750-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you look at overall obesity rates in these charts it's counting black people. You guys forget that blacks are mostly all obese because they all have single mothers and basically raised themselves eating corner store food and kfc and McDonald's. Compare the obesity rates for white people in America and Europe and it's basically identical.

>> No.18515890

They're not their words, they're OUR words, and I for one didn't give them permission this time.

>> No.18516034

those extra dessert delights were actually just good fucking gum though
i reeeeee internally every time i see them mentioned because they'll never come back
the only "choice" in chewing gum flavors now is whether you want one of the 15 different mint variants or one of the 5 fruit variants which all taste the same

>> No.18516039
File: 252 KB, 316x434, 1663311845778318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 year old baby boomer.
>30 year old
>baby boomer

>> No.18516056


>> No.18516097
File: 175 KB, 454x340, 2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World - 1987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With each passing day will come the moment where the majority of people alive had never experienced pre-9/11 society, and we already live in a time where most people haven't recently (in the past decade) stopped to remember what life was like before 9/11.
People under 90 IQ don't have chronological differentiation, as in they know events in the past but can't comprehend how it was different.
ie: they remember a warped version of 90's where people have iPhones

>> No.18516706

pretty fucking cringecore

>> No.18516711

Nothing is worse than the 90's fat free craze. I hate the mind rape it caused and my poor mom fell for it. I hate fat free so fucking much bros

>> No.18516718

michelle obama was the final nail in the coffin destroying classic school lunches
what kids eat these days is prison food

>> No.18516724

I graduated in '03 and can assure you that school lunches were always prison food.

>> No.18516726

you tried most of 100 hot sauces? over how long

>> No.18516733

it was the market's natural response to growing obesity levels. the average american wasn't fat until around the 90s

>> No.18516749

>>18515008 see:
Shatzker, Mark. The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor. 2016.

explains how and why

>> No.18516869

didn't they even host shitty brand games at times? Hilarious

>> No.18517001

>What was with this diet meme foods craze?
fat girl snacks.
the food industry knows that fat girls won't stop snacking on horrible shit so they market it as a healthy alternative without changing a single thing about it.
fat people are stupid.

>> No.18517047
File: 419 KB, 960x1161, europe obesity.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compare the obesity rates for white people in America and Europe and it's basically identical.
The EU has a 16% obesity rate. Literally no state in the US matches that

>> No.18517052

the 13% really tip the scale

>> No.18517147

>UK and Hungary among the fattest
Imagine my shock

>> No.18517221
File: 359 KB, 2500x2500, Overweight_population_map_July_2021_V2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18517222

>claims that no state in the US matches that
>does not provide any proof for his claim
>posts a statistic from 2014
>no link to the actual article from statista
Go back to /pol/ you below room temperature IQ having faggot

The EU right now has a overall obesity rate of close to 35%, the fattest member state is turkey with a combined obesity rate (both sexes) of close to 33-35%
The most obese state in America is missisippi with 40% of the states population counting as obese

The entire world is getting fatter and fatter with every passing year, coping and sneeding about what country and what state is fatter is fucking retarded

Heres some REAL statistics but who am I kidding, neither of you are going to read any of that because its not in picture format and you have to use the tiniest amount of your fucking brain to engage with the content.

Progression of obesity rates in the EU over the years, split by Overweight and Obesity charts: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/353747/9789289057738-eng.pdf

Visual overview of the Overweight rate by member state and overall: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Overweight_and_obesity_-_BMI_statistics

American statistics: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/obesity-rate-by-state

inb4 either of you retards conflates overweight statistics with obesity statistics

>> No.18517227

>t.obese carbtard with diabetes and memory issues

>> No.18517235

>western eu is full of lanklet pussies
you do realize people who lift are overweight and the balkans are full of them
I've never seen more buff people than in large eastern european cities - Budapest, Zagreb, Sofia. All of them had those buff 20-35yo guys in large numbers for some reason

>> No.18517239

ok, next you will tell me Ukraine is in EU

>> No.18517240
File: 508 KB, 628x480, 1626105212940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bmi is bullshit because me and everyone i know are professional weightlifters dyel lmao

>> No.18517241

man that video is pure kino

>> No.18517245

i went to school before and during the obama admin and i didn't notice a difference. it was shit before and shit after

>> No.18517300

>why do people have and use slang terminology
>we totally never did that ourselves haha no way
I for one will never let people who used terms like brotein and duder act like they were paragons of formal queen's english to try and feel superior to a bunch of late teens and early 20s. It just reeks of insecurity, BRO.

I don't know why this seems to confuse people. Companies that make food, gum, drinks, snacks, etc. are of course going to try out new flavors. More options are better. You can ignore shitty flavors like deletos sweet chili, and just get what you like.
The tweet is disingenuous because it's trying to paint the existence of flavors as an eating disorder. I don't know what his angle is, but it has the same stench as the type of person who will go on about eating just steak and potatoes, living innawoods and spending every waking moment doing manual labor just so he can feel superior as a "real man". The kind of dope that comes to 4chan to preach about some autistic self-help book nonsense he heard a youtuber say.

>> No.18517309

That's cool and all, but nobody here remembers life before 1930. You're trying to make some sort of point, but it's about as meaningful as saying "with each passing day, more and more people exist that haven't experienced the 14th century ;_;".
BMI is bullshit because it doesn't differentiate between muscle, fat, and water weight. Pro wrestlers, body builders, various muscly duders that are fit as can be could be considered "obese" because their weight, boosted by muscle, crosses an arbitrary line.

>> No.18517315
File: 1.06 MB, 3000x3000, 5045e95d-9fd3-42a3-8dd2-ddcb1d55dd31_3.3ae9eb91eed841dede84f4127fc05bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember they changed the chips to this baked stuff

>> No.18517324
File: 223 KB, 1240x462, Screen Shot 2022-10-28 at 8.29.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck im reading about these shits now. they were poisoning us

>> No.18517347

That started here, newfag

>> No.18517371

Unfortunately, language is a fashion statement.
Words help you talk and clothes keep you warm, but people will still use both to accessorize.

>> No.18517379

The "diet craze" was a response to everyone getting fucking fat, and it didn't work because everyone got fucking fatter.

>> No.18517389

They taste like cardboard. Why did you fags eat that shit?
Also are you the same kind of person that ate raw blocks of instant ramen? I remember that being a thing.

>> No.18517421

>brotein and duder
Notice how all of your examples are just noun salutations. Things that organically work as slang due to being short, simple and only used toward friends.
Now read zoomer slang there are 2 types I have noticed.

The first is convoluted adjectives and verbs, often a mashing of language your HR department might use with 00s millennial e-speak. This one is not a type of slang zoomers came up with, but adopted form some 35 year old eternal soy whose tweet went viral.

Then there's one-syllable caveman utterances adopted from modern african americans. These differ from similar adaptations in the past because these utterances have more complex meanings than what the word itself might suggest. The past had things like "homie", yet another salutation that simply means friend. Zoomers have "mid", "bussin", "on god".

None of the above can be said IRL, they are tailored to use on bite-sized ADHD social media like twitter and tiktok. This is why it's different. Even millennial e-speak was different because this communication was usually through longer-form posts on forums, and they didn't use the internet to talk to people until early adolescence. Zoomer brains simply work different because they've been glued to a smartphone or ipad since the age of 6.

Just because slang has always existed doesn't mean it's always the same. Zoomers never having had a chance to develop communication skills is unprecedented in history.

>> No.18517490

Just say cream you dumb Americans.

>> No.18517563

>um ackshually
How about epic win vs epic fail? How about the memespeak along the lines of "I can has cheesburger?" Funky fresh? w00t? All the slang from and for millenials was bitched about by gen x, boomers, etc. You're just carrying on mindless bitching about future generations because they aren't as old as you, and this somehow compels you to make up stories about how they act. Most of what neo4chan thinks of as "Zoomer" slang isn't even actually said by anyone.

>> No.18517575

>food makers are poisoning people
Shocker, that's what's been happening since at least the 70s. Why the fuck do you think obesity has taken off like it has? These ideas that people are just eating enough to turn into blimps relative to their ancestors without any blame on the food itself being intentionally designed to keep people fat and lazy is naivety. Western governments, either out of greed or fear of uprising, has allowed the majority of food in a grocery store to be fucking awful for the actual populace that watersheds when combined with deteriorating, automotive-centric population centers, a complete lack of real activity in schools, and overprotective parents restricting movement into a population that is less healthy than its parents for several generations.

>> No.18517711

i really enjoy the caramel and apple cinnamon rice cakes but I also remember really liking those gum flavors I just dont know where to find them now

>> No.18517840

>How about epic win vs epic fail? How about the memespeak along the lines of "I can has cheesburger?" Funky fresh? w00t?
wtf is funky fresh? Everything else was covered in my post.
Sorry but your brain isn't fully developed yet so I wouldn't expect you to understand

>> No.18517970

It started on 4chan. Like everything else on the internet.

>> No.18517990

Not too interested in the statistics, but the first paper you linked was very interesting, thanks anon.

>> No.18518034

the government is fine with it. pay your social security and die at 63 so they never have to pay you back, stupid goy.

imagine if instead of social security, you put it into your own stocks, bonds, ect. then even if you died at 63, it would be generational wealth passed onto your family rather than 45 years of simp donations to onlyfeds.

>> No.18518042

The Apple Pie Dessert Delights is the shit

>> No.18518054

eating 4 home made waffles with syrup as we speak, absolutely delicious

>> No.18518098

Read OP, then read this completely irrelevant reply, and try to remain unconvinced that carbs cause brain damage.

>> No.18518138
File: 588 KB, 768x894, EuOAlQHWQAIIHt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baked potatoes give me cancer
At this point I don't really give a shit. Everything causes cancer and there's nothing we can do about it so, either live in a bubble consuming room temperature slurry of rice and baby food or stop worrying about it.

>> No.18518149

>People under 90 IQ don't have chronological differentiation, as in they know events in the past but can't comprehend how it was different.
>ie: they remember a warped version of 90's where people have iPhones
you actually put into words something i noticed for quite a while. my mom fully believed that she was using facebook in the 90's. how does this happen, how widespread is it, what are the implications? i want to know more about this phenomenon.

>> No.18518260

The only diet foods back then that actually worked was Atkins, which is essentially keto but not as extreme. Everything else fell for the "food pyramid" and "eating fat makes you fat" memes, which is basically the opposite of what you should follow.

>> No.18518437

I definitely noticed it was easier to stay thin when I lived someplace walkable. Walking doesn't burn a lot of calories but I suppose it does just enough, that or it modifies appetite some way. I'm still doing well but I do need to watch what I eat.

>> No.18518608

>Pro wrestlers, body builders, various muscly duders that are fit as can be could be considered "obese" because their weight, boosted by muscle, crosses an arbitrary line
Arguably, “muscly duders” are just as much disordered eaters as any person that overeats or starves themself

>> No.18518718

yeah people who monitor their nutritional intake rigorously are the same as obese people who just eat candy constantly

>> No.18518723

Ketofags absolutely trembling at the realization their propaganda techniques and posting styles have become this predictable

>> No.18518727

Americans are desperate to cope around CICO so they invent a million different fads in order to justify it. Twenty years from now everyone's going to be shitting on ketofags.

>> No.18518729
File: 252 KB, 1536x1536, 41FE1D1F-39D9-48B0-B4DE-A885FA00617E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18518734

-core doesn't come from 4chan you gross incels

>> No.18518754


>> No.18518758

Cope. Slavs are fat ugly dwarves

>> No.18519071

Imagine the keto brainfog that's so bad you can't connect how two things are related.

>> No.18519075
File: 228 KB, 450x450, 1630029938409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could argue that, but it would be fucking retarded to do so

>> No.18519077

>Twenty years from now everyone's going to be shitting on ketofags
Anon, it's already happening.

>> No.18519079

Serving sizes are regulated.

>> No.18519082

Shut up, you fucking braindead redditfrogshitter

>> No.18519083

Whoa there buddy, you seem upset! Maybe take a 10 minute breather from the internet.

>> No.18519197

Anorexics or orthorexics obsessing over nutrition/calorie values and obeasts overeating are both extremes of bad eating habits.

>> No.18519211
File: 334 KB, 555x567, 1666987934343849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.18519248

I remember when I was a sophomore in highschool I decided to lose weight and for a portion of that time I wouldn't eat anything during the school day and would have 2 or 3 pieces of those dessert delights gum instead, then at home I'd make a 3 egg omelette with bell pepper, counted that as 1000 calories and called it a day. I went from 250lbs to 175lbs that school year and I'd say I didn't stop being a weirdo with food until years later. That was 10 years ago and in the meantime the heaviest I got back to was around 210lbs, I'm 175lbs now and as muscular as I've ever been.

>> No.18519268

Literally everyone responsible is a millenial, when will you people stop deflecting.

>> No.18519327

I wouldn't be surprised if obesity rates actually decrease in the next decade. People are waking up to seed oils/sugar and are practicing intermittent fasting, which is not only easy to do but more appealing with inflated food prices.

>> No.18519340

Both my boomer parents fell for that meme. My mom at least stopped and switched to low carb but my Dad is doomed.

>> No.18519423

Eat shit zoomie fag, no one except maybe the very last of the millennials said any of this shit you turbo retards spew today.
>Bussin no cap fr fr
Fucking neck yourself immediately

>> No.18519458

The chocolate special k is delicious desu senpai

>> No.18519468

Zyzz died way too young fren, same with rich. I bet you know even more

>> No.18519760

Zoomers are what, 25 at most? None of them show any of the rampant consumerist woke bullshit millenials were suckered into. If anything, zoomers are even more based than a millenial ever could be. They weren't the marvel generation, they were the star wars autists, that was you, the 30 year old soyboys posting your funkopop hoard and proudly admiring your polyamorous partner wife bought it as a present for your vesectomy so she can further guarantee you'll never have children with her.

Boomers may be the biggest dipshit assholes, but millenials are the most entitled delusional failures in history. No one can match your disappointment in life. Zoomers will trap your rewards and hopefully learn from your degenerate mistakes.

>T. 25 years old zoomer
I've seen you faggots bitch about pokemon and how they don't repeat the same nostalgia wank that Disney and star war does. Nothing pisses you manchildren more knowing that something won't indulge in your manchild delusions.

>> No.18519783

I also really like rice cakes while dieting. The Tomato Basil ones were amazing but I don't think they're sold anymore.
When you are on a serious diet and restricting yourself to traditionally "healthy" foods your tastes change. Most processed foods are so salty/sweet/savory/fatty that it destroys your ability to taste and enjoy more subtle foods.

>> No.18519979

cream is actual cream
creme is cream flavor or describing a texture


>> No.18519981

'core as a suffix is actually one of the best linguistic inventions of the past few decades

>> No.18519996

they gay

>> No.18520373

I've met a lot of Americans, mostly whites, and they're definitely lard asses compared to Europeans, especially the girls. Only Britain is close to that in Uk.

>> No.18520420

Pro wrestlers and body builders aren't the norm and the BMI is not meant for them, it's widely known that they use anabolic steroids to build excess muscle on their body that they normally wouldn't be able to.
BMI is fine for the average person and it was never meant as a super accurate process anyways, but just an approximation. The only people I hear whine about BMI are fatties.

>> No.18520426

From an European's perpective white americans kinda look like dumb noisy giants, it's quite the sight. Felt way closer to asian americans because they are normal sized.

>> No.18520438

Fads always come and go. Like making everything pumpkin spice or bacon flavored. It's not going to stop because every company wants on the bandwagon.

>> No.18520552

It would be retarded to argue that body dismorphia is a disorder? OK.

>> No.18520605

I was in middle school in '03 and my school had fresh french fries, actually good pizza and soda machines. Same thing in high school. Might have been my district but the food was actually decent

>> No.18520606
File: 29 KB, 498x498, ED78F2AB-4412-4D8B-A2AD-46FE0D5BE972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue it’s worse now.

Everything is marketed as, low-carb, keto, sugar-free, gluten free,”high protein”, and super food.

A friend of mine cooked me some teriyaki chicken. Tasted like shit, but of course I won’t say that to a friend. I was baffled by how bad it was and the grumbling it made in my stomach. I asked what sauce he used and he pulled out some bottle of teriyaki sauce plastered with “Sugar-free, gluten free, keto friendly” labels. I checked out the ingredients and it was straight up nothing but artificial sweeteners/flavors and thickeners. Pure goyslop. Don’t even get me started on the keto, non dairy ice creams that are mostly soybean oil.

Some of the most mundane things now have been healthified by ketolards. My grocery stocks up on low carb tortillas and spinach egg white tortillas. So many wines are advertised as “no sugar added!!!” as if grapes weren’t already sugary. Even the fucking liquor is advertised as gluten free. Hard seltzers across all brands market themselves as ultra filtered, no additives, no sugar added, as if alcohol isn’t as calorie dense as oil. My friend bought a fucking 6 pack of seltzers to my house that had the gall to advertise it was brewed with ancient super gains like quinoa and amaranth.

It is all so tiresome, globohomo will stop at nothing to convince normies that highly processed sneed oil food is the nu-healthy.

>> No.18520629

those yoplait whips were good

>> No.18520777

>soda machines
Seriously? They were still giving us little cartons of milk in high school.

>> No.18520788

rice isn't corn

>> No.18520929

>it's like

>> No.18520945

No. They use toxic sweeteners to keep the calories and carbs low in all of that shit.

>> No.18521017

language evolves gramps. There's a reason we aren't musing middle english

>> No.18521076

Holy based.

>> No.18521621
File: 80 KB, 600x373, olean-olestra-snack-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invent calorie-free fat to fry potato chips in
>taste fucking great
>half the calories of regular potato chips
>but people would eat the entire 10-serving bag and complain about having to poop
>nothing contains olestra anymore
>baked chips have 'half the fat' but full calories still
>americans get fatter and fatter every year when there was a perfect fucking substitute right there
i will never not be mad about the olestra saga

>> No.18521626

This is either phenomenal bait or you're a 99th percentile ultra-rare retard for reading the 'mid' in 'mid-2000s' as 'mid' in the insulting-colloquial sense

>> No.18521647

diet foods aren't even a 2000s thing and they never stopped being "trendy" they're just normal now

>> No.18521654

And I bet you *never* use based, cringe, soy, goyslop, NPC, woke, etc, right?

>> No.18521783


>> No.18522002
File: 41 KB, 798x644, 1644709476399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how zoomers try to make shit from like, 2016, into nostalgia-bait.

>> No.18522228
File: 98 KB, 828x827, 166625168210775176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.18522231

Are you some kind of idiot? -core is millennial (and Gen X, but I mean in the internet context not IRL subculture) slang to the core.

>> No.18522236

Yoplait Whips are from 2002.

>> No.18522636
File: 53 KB, 960x954, 1648879970613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18524174

The diet stuff tasted off, soda, candy, you name it. Splenda is fucking gross and I remember seeing a lot of juices or soda using it as a substitute and was turned off by it.

>> No.18524966

>Don’t even get me started on the keto, non dairy ice creams that are mostly soybean oil.

How is that even supposed to be healthier? Soy oil is still like 120 calories a tablespoon, I don't see how on earth that's supposed to make you lose weight

>> No.18524983
File: 38 KB, 500x500, tn1_102208562 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is marketed as, low-carb, keto, sugar-free, gluten free,”high protein”, and super food.

I volunteer at a food bank and we've recently started getting a lot of "calorie free" """"food"""" that's mostly plant fiber, sweeteners and flavouring. It's just odd. Pic related

>> No.18525323

It’s supposed to be vegan so automatic weight loss right? They also get to plaster the front of the label with “Only 2g carbs!!! sugar free!!” they know the average person won’t look at the back label and see that 30g sugar was replaced with 20g more fat.

>> No.18525585

Gen X strapped -punk to everything
Millennials strapped -bro to everything
Get you some of that self awareness and don't turn into your intentionally out-of-touch parents.

>> No.18525647

>slang words are bad!
Self hating gen Z'er detected

>> No.18525679

my grandmom had these in bowls around her house

>> No.18525684

it was $10 for a carton or?

>> No.18525687
File: 13 KB, 250x272, stopped reading there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPhone filename

>> No.18525690

an actual good thing around this time period was the trans fats being removed from most things

>> No.18525697

ill drink to that fren

>> No.18525705

I don't get it
is this a woman facebook meme?

>> No.18525853


>> No.18525872

>Rice cakes are eating disorder meme food
Fuck off, rice cakes are a delicious and versatile snack.

>> No.18525877

Olestra chips never gave me the shits and I miss them dearly

>> No.18526425

Aww shiet I remember yoplait whips. I hate yogurt, but brought that because of the texture.

>> No.18526434

I definitely ate those all at one time or another when I was about 15lbs underweight. I don't know if I'd want a book written about them, but maybe a moderately witty listicle on a site like McSweeney'a could be entertaining.

>> No.18526468
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1500954104196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>restrict my calorie intake by severely limiting carbs and replace 1-2 meals with smoothies
>lose some weight
>give myself severe constipation and have to start eating carbs again so I don't give myself a bowel blockage
Why is losing weight so hard, sisters?

>> No.18526517

I will never understand how corporations managed to trick an entire generation into believing that replacing meat with soybean oil, factory slurry, 200% vegetable fat, thousands of additives and flavorings, all in the shape of said meat products would be 'healthier' and a good vegan diet. I lament anytime I go to the supermarket and the meat-free section gets bigger every time.

>> No.18527124

minish cap was soulful

>> No.18527136

I like puffed rice cakes tbqh

>> No.18527143

my favorite carbs are potatoes
and beer, i guess that counts too. nevermind, beer is my favorite carb

>> No.18527986

Yeah these zoomer poomers are cringe, not like us based 4chan keyed goyslop hating chud soys lingo users

>> No.18528024

Haha they really must be hungry in Hungary!

>> No.18528031

It's literally a /mu/ meme, retard.

>> No.18528037

Carbs don't help you shit, fat does. Also a lack of magnesium can give you constipation as well. You need more fat and maybe a magnesium supplement, not more carbs.

>> No.18528040

olestra was behind 90% of the fat-free-traditionally-fatty foods

>> No.18528098


>> No.18528158

9/10 posts that mention keto are people shitting it
strange how a diet can generate so much hate

>> No.18528169

whips were good af tho, and cheap. it was a college food for me

>> No.18528590

Isn't a high-fat diet bad for your heart?

>> No.18528601

Only if combined with high carb. You either need a high carb low fat diet or a low carb high fat diet. Due to the important role of fat in many hormonal processes, LCHF is preferable to HCLF. The demonization of dietary cholesterol has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18530039

Reagan tried to get ketchup classified as a vegetable. There's your problem.

>> No.18530060

This is the reason I disinherited my zoomer grandkids.
Selfish, self centered, entitled little shits that can't think for themselves without a cellphone podcast to tell them what to do.
Them bitches gonna hafta learn how to work for a living.

>> No.18530064

anyone who distills any type of science into just a couple sentences is being disingenuous and you should do the opposite of whatever they say.

>> No.18530750

Or maybe you should use that summary as the basis to research the topic yourself from a new perspective and come to your own conclusions one way or the other.

>> No.18530821

The bigger problem is that zoomers think being slim and not consooming corn syrup and sneed oils is an eating disorder.

>> No.18530835
File: 127 KB, 942x710, 1612279695180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is millennials dropped Star Wars after Disney made it shit. Marvel has been shit since Guardians of the Galaxy, but zoomers are still obsessed with it. Also, Pokémon is one of the most nostagliafag-heavy franchises out there. I don't know what you're smoking in your vape pen, sonny. Why the fuck are you seething about people who are just a couple of years older than you? Your post reeks of insecurity.

>> No.18530856

I think they literally don't understand that it didn't used to be normal for 60% of people to be obese. When the obesity rates were skyrocketing due to corn syrup and sneed people were doing everything they could to lose weight and the products of the time reflect that urgency everyone was feeling to stop the rapid rise of obesity. But since people weren't cutting out the things that were actually causing the problems the obesity epidemic was never solved and we instead started accepting obesity as normal. So then zoomers grow up in this world after everyone gave up on fighting obesity and they just think this is how people are and have always been, and when they look back on those diet crazes they don't see the actual circumstances that fueled it, they just think "lol eating disorders, don't they know obesity is normal?"

>> No.18530858


>> No.18530874

Zoomers were raised by iPads and nourished by goyslop. Of course their perceptions of reality are fucked. To be fair, millennial women started the "body positivity" horseshit to make themselves feel better about being lard-asses. Really females should just be banned from the Internet. A lot of our problems would go away.

>> No.18530886
File: 39 KB, 800x800, hubba-bubba-groovy-grape-bubble-gum-tape-56g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it so much bros....apparently they still make it in Canada though?

>> No.18530902

sugar & trans fat producers literally paying for fake science demonizing saturated fat

>> No.18530939
File: 29 KB, 731x536, yes I do fucking like jazz maia do you have a problem with that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been talking like that on 4chan for over a decade

>> No.18530949

>they're now calling goyslop goy-core
Those zoomers fuck up everything...

>> No.18530957

What? No we weren't. How old do you think zoomers are? You're thinking of alphas.

>> No.18530984

The iPad debuted in 2010. If the oldest zoomers are 25 right now, then they would have been 13 when the iPad first came on the market, i.e. the perfect age to get exposed and addicted to unrestricted fucked up porn like zoomer idol Billie Eilish publicly admitted she was.

>> No.18530987

Ignore him, clearly a new dag trying to fit in, without realizing the terms these other people use were created by us.
Now tongue me bby.

>> No.18531010

Meant to reply to >>18530957 but yeah. Alphas are probably going to be even more fucked.

>> No.18531154

Anon, I am a zoomer, and when I was thirteen I started posting on 4chan.
I learned by watching YOU

>> No.18531202


>> No.18531303
File: 58 KB, 256x192, i can't read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been eleven years since then

>> No.18531309

I will not abide anyone talking shit about Quaker's flavored rice cakes, especially since they do have sugar for the most part. Rice cakes with mustard, that's the real eating disorder food.

>> No.18531314

yoplait whips were good as fuck

>> No.18531328

Zoomers and alphas are not particularly culturally distinct. They most likely will be in a few years when we can compare early zoomers to late alphas but as of yet, zoomers are far more different from millennials, millennials from gen x, and gen x from boomers than zoomers are from alphas.

>> No.18531392
File: 2.97 MB, 625x781, 1665492379395700.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to an 18+ website when I was 13
>it's YOUR fault I'm fucked in the head
typical zoomer trying to deflect accountability

>> No.18531401

What is this trend of the older generation making fun of the younger generation for not being able to do things the older generation really should have taught them?
Why would I mock my son for not being able to repair a car when I never showed him how?

>> No.18531414

>comparing using a can opener to repairing a car
I get your point but some things should be self-evident to anyone with even a little bit of common sense. The zoomer in the video is a teenager who should be able to figure something so simple out for himself.

>> No.18531425

Sure, I agree that something like how a can opener works, he should be able to figure out on his own and I'd like to believe he did after the video ended but this is just one of these weird things I see online

>> No.18531443

>I'd like to believe he did after the video ended

>> No.18531450

He is figuring it. Not figuring it out would be staring at it and saying "I don't know how to use that." Something boomers do with new technology all the fucking time.

>> No.18531477

>"He is figuring it."
The video is 49 seconds and he still couldn't figure out on his own how to use the can opener. This ain't looking very bussin' for you, zoomer bros. No cap.

>> No.18531479

I think the point is that this zoomer doesnt know how OLD technology works. The zoomer has lived in a world where he just uses the electric can opener, which is fine, but we can extrapolate this further. What happens in 10 years when kids dont know how to drive because theyve only been in self driving cars? Or like zoomer "artists" who only use a digital medium and have never used paints before.
The zoomer is a product of his environment, not his fault, but we are obviously relying on technology too much. Society has become so decadent we are losing knowledge/skills to technology. Im only 27 but i remember seeing shit like romeo and juliet written with texting shorthand when i was in high school.
The zoomer doesnt know how to operate a can opener today. Tomorrow the zoomer cant read.

>> No.18531490

That's a good thing because it means zoomers will stop coming here.

>> No.18531499

not really, rather this place will change to accommodate zoomers

>> No.18531564


>> No.18531605

Millennial here, I knew how to use a can opener because my mom showed me how, and she knew how to use a can opener because HER mom showed HER how. It's not just some perfectly intuitive thing, and I bet every person laughing at that kid knew how to use a can opener because someone taught them or they read some set of directions or maybe even because they saw people on TV using them. It's unfair to the kid to call him stupid just because he couldn't figure out how to use a now-uncommon kitchen tool that no one ever figured out in a perfect vacuum.

>> No.18531685

It was the last gasp of a rapidly-fattening population desperately trying to course-correct, before giving up and accepting a life of obesity

>> No.18531710

>now uncommon
Come on now.
>no one ever figured out in a perfect vacuum
It's two levers with toothed wheels and a handle that you turn to make them rotate. It's not rocket science.

>> No.18531780

>Come on now.
I haven't owned or even seen a can opener in person in probably 20 years. Most people I know don't buy canned food and those that do usually end up getting cans with pop tops that don't need can openers anyway.
>It's two levers with toothed wheels and a handle that you turn to make them rotate. It's not rocket science.
Everything seems simple and easy when you're already familiar with it. You have a biased perspective due to prior knowledge and need to recognize that. Again, you probably didn't just waddle into the kitchen as an 8 year old and use a can opener without ever seeing one before; you probably saw people using them or were taught by someone either directly or indirectly.

>> No.18531793

>equating an 8 year old to a 16 year old

>> No.18531795

>How is that even supposed to be healthier?
It isn't. It's part of a fad diet.

>> No.18531799

It doesn't matter. If you encounter a device you've never seen in your entire life there's a good chance you're not going to get how to use it immediately.

>> No.18531812

>some things should be self-evident
This is 100% a lie. Nothing is "intuitive." Even sucking a tit, something all infants must to do survive, must be learned.

>> No.18531815

>only been in self driving cars
Those won't be a thing for another 10-20 years.

>> No.18531851

Immediately? Yes. Almost a minute to figure out a basic kitchen utensil? I don't think so, zoomie.
>equating a literal infant to a 16 year old

>> No.18531885

>basic kitchen utensil
To you, yes. As I said, everything seems simple with prior knowledge. My job is literally writing technical instructions and teaching people how to use things. The number one thing that people fuck up when trying to teach others is taking their own knowledge and experience for granted and assuming everyone must know certain "basic" things when that's simply not the case. Most people have no appreciation for how they acquired their knowledge; once they know something for long enough it just becomes "common knowledge" to them and they forget that it was something they had to pick up externally through observation or have taught to them.

>> No.18532015
File: 115 KB, 400x400, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not fucked in the head

>> No.18532889
File: 114 KB, 800x800, diet bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually really simple, it's just boomers. well, women. they want to diet to lose weight but they don't want to exercise and have just come up with increasingly elaborate and expensive ways to justify just eating candy. if you look at GNC, they still market this stuff to the exact demographic i'm talking about

in the early 2000s the female baby boomers hit menopause so this specific "eating disordercore" that the OP is talking about was just trying to appeal to the recently menopausal baby boomers who still have money to burn. they'll spend like $8 on 3 servings of 100 calorie cheesecake bars so long as it's marketed as a healthy choice

these GNC bars cost $8. lmao

>> No.18532934

its literally just deflecting. like there really isn't anything that you 'do' about this because those people end up getting their just desserts when their kids inevitably stop talking to them.

but you're right, and it speaks to the lack of accountability in society. people will brag about paying for their kids college but won't talk about how he works at starbucks. it's not about being accountble for something it's about making yourself look responsible. everyone loves to talk about how Perfect Obama was because they ignore Malia's cocaine problem. ideally you shake your head and blame someone's parents, but that hits too close to home for some people and it's easier to just say "It's because they're a member of Other Tribe"

>> No.18534157

lmao @ the mad boomer text wall replies to this

>> No.18534191
File: 111 KB, 800x665, 001526088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diet food
>Extra Dessert Delights gum
A stick of this gum turned a woman into a giant apple, it was all over the news! The Wrigley Company covered this event, along with another untold many, up to continue selling their gum. This gum doesn't help you lose weight, it never did. Avoid any and all packs of Extra Dessert Delights sugar free gum Apple Pie flavor.

>> No.18536286
File: 277 KB, 1064x1148, 1665363847540419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's made by someone with an eating disorder. Their diet has turned into them relapsing into eating disorder shit.
So yeah it's a woman facebook meme

>> No.18536291

>all "muscly duders" have body dismorphia
Extremely retarded, yes.

>> No.18536364

>he doesn't like raw instant noodles
filtered, they're just crunchy and taste like plain noodles
pretty sure whips are still around anon, unless they magically folded in the last few years

>> No.18536457

the g*ysl*p industry is strong, they're putting out a lot of propaganda now, look up 'food neutrality'


the black 'nutritionist' in this video works for unilever btw. they'll try to piggyback their cattle feed on top of their cattle politics meanwhile chuds are eating raw eggs, raw milk kefir and /deenz/

>> No.18536555

For real? Man women really don't have it easy :/

>> No.18536579

They'll go up to 27 in just two months actually, didn't read the rest nor do I have any problem with it, I just know this fact catches selfproclaimed not-zoomers again and again.

>> No.18536603

>it didn't used to be normal for 60% of people to be obese.
I think about this every time I leave my house and look around at people. I'm a millennial though. Just glad someone else sees it.

>> No.18536609

They have it on amazon in the states

>> No.18536785

>-core started on /mu/
jfc ESLs really think culture just started on 4chan