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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18403176 No.18403176 [Reply] [Original]

What, on earth is wrong, with you people? Have you no shame?

>> No.18403180

You just posted a cheeseburger what are you rambling on about schizo

>> No.18403182

The fruit of the cow's udder, you take after sacrificing its meat, and then mix it together, you filthy mongrel. Do you eat your own shit, too?

>> No.18403185

He's pretending the be Jewish. Part of keeping kosher is not eating dairy with beef. It's not a very funny post, you can just move on

>> No.18403188

This niggas never heard of a burger

>> No.18403191

How about I mix your teeth with the sidewalk, fella?

>> No.18403192

I sincerely think its wrong to do, apart from being a Jew. Would you have an Egg McMuffin Chicken Filet, too?

>> No.18403195

Accept Jesus Christ into your heart

>> No.18403197

In the same way that I would a cheeseburger, what are you saying?

>> No.18403200

It doesn't matter in the slightest. What matters is if it tastes good.

>> No.18403204

I'm technically Jewish and didn't learn anything about these stupid rules until I started posting here in my late 20's. I used to go to delis and order a liverwurst sandwich with an egg cream and nobody ever told me I was doing anything wrong.

>> No.18403206

The reality is that a cheeseburger is a fundamentally sexual experience, when, apart, from consuming bodies, you should leave sex out of the equation, as it relates, to eating food.

Cow titty milk+cow meat=sex with a cow
Eating beef=riding the bull

>> No.18403207
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Open your mouth and say ahhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.18403208
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In Australia, a real burger has cheese, lettuce, tomato, betroot, egg and a beef patty. Tell a whole nation we're wrong.

Some of our islanders like adding pineapple too. Nothing wrong witth that. What're you gonna do about it, shlomo?

>> No.18403212

A nation of convicts live worse than animals. News at 11

>> No.18403214

The less moral you are about eating food, the worse it will taste. Gluttony is a sin.

>> No.18403216

This isnt LiveJournal, no one cares.

>> No.18403220

"The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk." Says nothing here about eggs and cheese. What's with shylock and his convoluted rules?

>> No.18403221

Wherever you're from, I love you even though you talk shit. Have a good day bud.

>> No.18403223


>> No.18403225

I forgot to mention that there's no Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. We're just naturally smarter than most people, like how Chinese people are naturally really good at drawing little pictures on grains of rice.

>> No.18403226

It's not convoluted. Food shouldn't be an orgasm-inducing experience, it will literally turn you into swine, if you do so. Eventually, all food will lose its lustre, for you, as well.

>> No.18403229
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I must be pretty fucking moral then cause everything I eat tastes great,

>> No.18403230


>> No.18403237


>> No.18403238

That's regurgitated vomit. You're shocking your body, in trying to process too many different sensations. You will probably die young.

>> No.18403239

Sadly, no. It's just satire.

>> No.18403242
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No one get's out of here alive lil one

>> No.18403243
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What are you implying?

>> No.18403250

What are those Muslims prayer beads, for, anyway? Mash'allah

>> No.18403252

Go starve somewhere else

>> No.18403253

If you ate and drank less, you would appreciate the food more. That seems more like self inflicted punishment than pleasure making. I switched from double whoppers to whoppers and did not regret it.

>> No.18403254

See who's starving when you don't obey the word of Hashem. Famine, pestilence, war...

>> No.18403256


>> No.18403257

Eating food is a spiritual experience. You're not a glutton, if you eat that much, because its work, in and of itself. Still, you will only live to eat, as a profession, as opposed to working, to eat. It's like becoming a prostitute and expecting to enjoy sex.

>> No.18403261

You starving guys have got food all fucked up in your heads.

>> No.18403265

>the retard LARPer becomes confused when he sees a rosary and crucifix on pale skin

>> No.18403291

I thought that, despite everything, you wished me well, before; what changed? Do you worship the Virgin Mary?

>> No.18403298

You're gonna "worship" the porcelain after I pop ya in the gut.

>> No.18403303

Can I haz cheezburger, before?

>> No.18403332

this is wrong and satanic. you have the veil in front of your eyes.
first of all, the milk comes from a happy and very much alive cow and was made months or years before the beef cow used for the burger was slaughtered, Slaughtered, not sacrificed to any being.
Fuck man, sort yourself out.

>> No.18403349

>Would you have an Egg McMuffin Chicken Filet, too?
Yes, I'd also have oyakodon, and I'm not talking about the mother-daughter threesome kind.

>> No.18403427
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There's no obligation for us to respect or deal with your vitriol.

>> No.18403931

I think you take the milk first, and also it's usually from an entirely different cow but yeah, what's the issue?

>> No.18404125

>Part of keeping kosher is not eating dairy with beef.
oh no no no! it goes WAY deeper than that. you can't even cook meat in a pan that at anytime had milk in it. it's fucking retarded. it's a load of crap.

it all stems from some bizarre belief that boiling a baby com in its mothers milk is somehow bad (or something).

it's so retarded because the cattle that produce milk and the cattle that are bred for meat aren't even the same breed and not even slightly related.

all of kosher beliefs can be ignored they have no basis in any modern science and are all based on not understanding how anything works.

don't get me started on sabbath elevators or sabbath stoves, or even sabbath light switches it completely idiotic.

>> No.18404129

>The less moral you are about eating food, the worse it will taste
vegans must be pretty damn immoral because all their food taste nasty.

>> No.18404133

don't try to be logical about kosher foods it's all nonsense and open to absurd interpretation..

>> No.18404162
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Is it flu season again?

>> No.18404164
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>> No.18404228

based and impalepilled

>> No.18404362

I always carry some cheese with me to put on meat, so I can always stick it to the joo

>> No.18404408

You forgot the bacon and caramelised onions. Though we Australians need to embrace pickles already, no many places don't even stock them

>> No.18404415

>Killing animals for meat is ok
what the fuck is wrong with jews

>> No.18404499

Ever eaten fried chicken? What do you think goes into the batter?

>> No.18404503

Flour and seasoning, fuck crumbfags

>> No.18404524

Hello sirs why do you redeem the fruit of holy brahma bob with the flesh of sacred brahma sirs you should be redeeming holy piss shivambu nectar you fool. DO NOT REDEEM SACRED COW. BENCHOD BASTERD BLOODY BITCH. YOU WILL FACE THE FURY OF VISHNU WITH YOUR BASTERD CHEESEBERGER. HOW DARE SIRS MAKE CRORE FROM THE DEW OF COW BOBS AND ARSE MEAT OF COW. YOU WILL NOT REDEEM.