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18402398 No.18402398 [Reply] [Original]

Why is actual Mexican food so bland? I thought it was supposed to be spicy, but it just tastes so grey.

>> No.18402412

>mexican food is bland
im sorry what? british food is bland its why i choose to eat mexican

>> No.18402416

If a British person put beef, cheese, and beans on bread people would be faster to criticize. It's OK if a Mexican does it.

>> No.18402418

Actual Mexican food has zero taste to it. You might think it's spicy but that's because you're eating inauthentic Mexican food where they actually put spices in it. I went to Mexico thinking all the food was going to be spicy and it was all the most tasteless food I've had in my life. I actually had to go to a McDonalds to have food with any taste to it.

>> No.18402430


>> No.18402437

op is somewhat correct in that traditional mexi food is not that spicy, texans made it spicy and that trended north

i would not call actual mexican food bland though, its very rich and savory if you go after their grilled meats, mole, and GOOD refried beans

>> No.18402454

Americanized Mexican food is good. Just like Americanized Chinese food is good. The slop those chucklefucks actually cook back home is nigh on inedible.

>> No.18402478

the main flavoring in real mexican food is just fat

>> No.18402487

Authentic ethnic food is bland because a) people don't want to eat the same strong flavors every day and b) people are eating because they are hungry and need energy, not for novelty. We have foods with strong flavors here because Americans have access to a wide variety of foods and flavors and because we're all morbidly obese and need strong tastes to trick our brains into allowing us to shove food down our throat even after it's screaming it's had enough calories for the month.

>> No.18402513

>I thought it was supposed to be spicy, but it just tastes so grey.

American hispanic here. Only the food that's cooked in Mexico is prepared pre-spicy. It's rare that Mexican food will be cooked pre-spicy in America. That's what salsas are for. In Mexico their salsas are more spicier than american salsas. To put it all into perspective, a natural born mexican laughs at taco bell salsa because none of it is spicy.

>> No.18402525

El sloppo de goy

>> No.18402530

>I went to Mexico thinking all the food was going to be spicy and it was all the most tasteless food I've had in my life.

You probably ate at some popular tourist locality only. Mostly every Mexican family pre-spices their meals. Salsa on the side for extra spice.

>> No.18402534

I hate to break it to you but 90% of Mexican restaurants are tex-mex.

>> No.18402543

There's a debate between cali-mex and tex-mex food. Both are prepared extremely different. A texan says "taco" and texans know he's talking about a soft taco. You say taco in california and they think you're talking about a crispy taco.

>> No.18402548

>a natural born mexican laughs at taco bell salsa because none of it is spicy.
no one thinks taco bell sauce is spicy, you arent special

>> No.18402552

Yeah but here's the thing, you can say penis in California and Californians can't tell you whether it's attached to a dude or not. So maybe they aren't really the authorities on what kind of food Mexican food is.

>> No.18402554

i wish they would just replace diablo with tobasco. fire tastes better than diablo.

>> No.18402567

thats shitty mexican food. where are you from?

>> No.18402582

People have been using the term "chicks with dicks" literally for decades, stop it with the le confused boomer act

>> No.18402684

Yes and until about five years ago everyone including the chick with a dick naturally understood it was a guy dressed up as a woman. It's only recently where the insane people have begun to insist that we all pretend they are women. Californians and coastal leftists in general are subhuman scum who should be exterminated.

>> No.18402687

There was a trans woman playing professional women's tennis as early as the 1970s. Cope and seethe retard

>> No.18402688

>devolves into tranny shitposting
modern 4chan is a mistake

>> No.18402701

penis haha

>> No.18402741

>trans woman
No such thing. It was a man.

>> No.18402742

how do i make mexican goyslop

>> No.18402771

You are doing it wrong; every serving comes with "complementary"(actually obligatory or you're rajón) japeños and mayonesa McCormick

>> No.18402898


OP is retarded. End yourself (in minecraft).

>> No.18402907

>No such thing as a trans woman
Why do incels always resort to playing retarded word games?

>> No.18402908

>retarded word games
That's your entire identity.

>> No.18402915

I'd still be a woman even if I never mentioned my identity once ;)

>> No.18403026

Because they’re stupid and sad

>> No.18403059

This, it's a classic example of the bigotry of low expectations.

>> No.18403074

Are Spanish speakers confused when they go to Italy and see penne arrabiata on menus?

>> No.18403165

If they were smart they probably would find a better place to post about their tranny obsession than the 4chan cooking board

>> No.18403168

Real Mexican food is bland and dripping wet for some reason. I never knew this until I moved to the west coast.

Literally tortillas soggy from meat juice and green peppers

>> No.18403172

Do Mexican places still serve refried beans?

>> No.18403189

Spanish speakers can't afford to go to italy

>> No.18403202

American Mexican restaurants are some of the worst restaurants in existence.

>> No.18403503

Basically westerners are used to eating the snack food of other countries.

Every county has its bland staple foods, cheap, uses dry goods, often served with other foods

>> No.18403505

seethe and cope

>> No.18403508

>generic sitdown cutout texmex
>real mexican food

>> No.18403518

Put hot sauce/salsa on top of everything in your picture. There, now it's better. Was that hard?

>> No.18403561

Yea now that i consciously think about it for 2 seconds i agree. Taco trucks on every corner really would be hell. Otoh the slightly more elevated mexican places, the ones with real menus, can be dope af.

>> No.18403573

>a natural born mexican laughs at taco bell salsa because none of it is spicy
EVERYBODY laughs at taco bell salsa because none of it is spicy. being mexican has nothing to do with the case.

>> No.18403574

Certainly explains Japanese food. Those nips take bland to a whole new level.

>> No.18403771

He's 3rd~ generation at best, give him a break. He has no other culture to latch onto beyond food.

>> No.18403814

the beef would be an unseasoned slab of boiled chuck, the cheese would be cheddar, the beans would be sweeter than candy, and the bread would be sugary white bread.

>> No.18403915

>Texan says taco and Texans know he’s taking about a soft taco

I don’t know what you’re on about, I’m from south Texas and this isn’t true. I’m also half mex and half white, so when I hear taco I really depends on the context. Almost all Tex-mex chains started in Texas have crispy tacos as a main menu item, in fact most ask you what you prefer, crispy, corn, flour, etc… we eat all kinds of tacos here, the only thing that makes me angry is when Califags call breakfast tacos “breakfast burritos.” Listen you little faggot, it’s not wrapped like a burrito, the ends are open, and the tortilla is a regular size, it’s a taco not a burrito. Also never understood why cali Mexican food is the quintessential Mexican food when the Mexicans are from fucking Baja and shit.

>> No.18403963

regular mexican restaurants are the epitome of bland and lazy food
'trendy' mexican restaurants that are a step above price-wise usually try a little harder to maximize the bounds of mexican cuisine
went to a place downtown last month and had the best refried beans I've ever had in my entire life
lingua tacos were still bland and their rice was standard, but i'm still thinking about thos beans

>> No.18403997

Go back queer

>> No.18404017

t. projecting r/the_donald refugee

>> No.18404033

Just like any other type of food you have to spice it up, add red pepper cream, lime, onion, jalapeno etc and it would taste far more interesting than what you have pictured.

That's like going to a hamburger place and getting just the meat and buns with no toppings my friend

>> No.18404037
File: 4 KB, 184x193, Berswha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck boils beef? Not us, I can tell you that much. Hell, boiled ham joints are rare as hell too nowadays, the only people who still do that are over 70

>> No.18404039

The entire focus of many people these days are retarded word games, look at gender identity as an example. Are incels not allowed to play with words as well? Is that just a gay thing now?

>> No.18404043

Hang on a minute I just read the rest, what do you have against cheddar you cunt

>> No.18404049

yeah diablo isn't any hotter than fire but tastes 100% worse

>> No.18404074

>boiling any meat
absolutely disgusting

is boiling the worst cooking method for basically anything that isn't pasta? I think it must be

>> No.18404083

>when Califags call breakfast tacos “breakfast burritos
I line in California and I've never seen a breakfast taco on my life. Tacos are everywhere, breakfast burritos wrapped as burritos are everywhere, but I've never seen tacos with eggs and potatoes.
It's this a socal thing?

>> No.18404095

Boiling's useful for preparing some ingredients, e.g. mashed potatoes.
As for meat I think it's just a really antiquated thing, like for removing some of the salt from preserved stuff.

>> No.18404098

Yeah I wasn't including that since the finished product isn't straight from boiling to table. Kind of an arbitrary distinction on my part.

>> No.18404108

Arab food isn't bland

>> No.18404158

Boiled ham joints are more of an irish thing anyway, and are mostly because it was salt pork originally as you said

But yeah, we have some questionable cuisine but we'd always roast the meat, we're not insane

>> No.18404184

Seethe more lmao

>> No.18404191

Sir this is a food and cooking board.

>> No.18404193

Exterminated by who? Limp wristed pasty incels who jerk off all day and cry about identity evropa/muh white persecution? Lol. Lmao.

>> No.18404198

I’m not sure but I know people in north Mexico/south Texas have been eating them for forever. It’s just a nice thick flour tortilla with bacon, egg, bean, chorizo, potato, cheese, anything breakfast related really. The only places I’ve seen with breakfast burritos are like McDonald’s or any other fast food, except whataburger, they specifically call them breakfast taquitos and make them accordingly.

>> No.18404223

>Why is actual Mexican food so bland?
OP if it's "bland" you're not eating mexican food or trolling.

>> No.18404248
File: 111 KB, 785x731, soy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just point out that trans women have been considered women my entire adult life! You're playing word games!!

Your hot pockets are ready loser

>> No.18404930

Most TexMex food isn't all that spicy, either. Chili generally has a kick to it in TexMex, but usually it's not unpleasantly hot for most people. It gets pretty hot when you get into New Mexico style chili verde. I think that bled back into nu TexMex with all the cHilLihEaD hOt SauCe CoLLecTiOn! people

>> No.18405921
File: 1.09 MB, 720x540, average mexican meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the average daily Mexican meal looks like

>> No.18405955

the tranny plague infects and soon kills yet another thread, when will this tragedy end?
only replied to 3 because mass repliers are fucking annoying

>> No.18405965

europe has been a weapon to make brown people writhe and seethe for centuries, and i am glad to see it effective as ever

>> No.18406144
File: 159 KB, 1200x630, san diego mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag

>> No.18406175

the little dollie/mat completes this
I gotta visit my relatives in San Diego soon...

>> No.18406238

The only "bland" Mexican dish I've had was this chicken soup

>> No.18406611

It will end when Ben Shapiro & NRO direct the retarded masses of MIGApedes to obsess over something else, not a moment sooner

>> No.18406815

This. Tex-Mex is ass. As a certified beaner, there is no Mexican food like Cali-Mex. Once you've managed to avoid tapeworm from the tap water and getting stabbed / kidnapped by the cartel or just a homeless guy, Tijuana, Encenitas, and San Diego blow everything else out of the water. I actively avoid any restaurant that labels itself as Tex-Mex

>> No.18406817

Poaching chicken is usefull if you're going to shred and sauce it, assuming the water is also seasoned. Poached chicken alone on the other hand, bland as hell.

>> No.18406824

Mexican food isn't bland.

>> No.18406836

Isn't chicken usually boiled when it's served with mole?
It makes sense, because you want the meat to be moist while allowing the mole to be the star of the show

>> No.18407531

this. actual mexican food is legitimately disgusting.

>> No.18407571

Cali mex is slop for retards like you. Enjoy your garbage

>> No.18407890

Can confirm. I fry an egg sometimes

>> No.18408061

>I actually had to go to a McDonalds to have food with any taste to it.

Larper or retarded American. Whatever the case, definitely a retard.

>> No.18408091

Despite what coastals want to believe, most "authentic" foreign foods are only good because they are Americanized. The real food in those countries are optimized for cost and availability of the ingredients, not taste.

>> No.18408289

Not true at all
You are either inexperienced or a tastelet

>> No.18409438

Mexican food is very flavorful

>> No.18409701

it's because they don't have good manteca (lard). I've had some pretty bad refried beans before too

>> No.18409764

may a cartel behead you

>> No.18410274

You either have to be larping or a mouth breathing retard to think that's authentic Mexican food. That's Tex Mex Americanized garbage.

>> No.18410984

amerimutt thinks his plastic orange cheese is cheddar lol

>> No.18410990

>melty cheese is… le bad

>> No.18411002

kek based
seethe lol

>> No.18411019

Such a small but telling difference between Mexican restaurants: do they serve their food drenched in cheese and/or enchilada sauce, or is it naked? If it's swimming in something on a plate it's catering to white people who don't understand the cuisine. Nothing beats a simple taco or burrito with meat, cilantro, lime and onions. maybe avocado, radish, pickled onions if you want to get fancy. The meat is the star.

>> No.18411023

tell the other spic complaining about cheddar

>> No.18411093

A lot of meximutts love cheese all over their food especially cheddar

>> No.18411121

such a white take lmao. "if it's got sauce it's not authentic" fuck out of here bitch, I grew up in Texas in a border town and used to hire and feed crews to pick grapes for winemaking. I forgot to grab salsa for one of my fav crews one day (one of the mexican crews) to go along with the tacos from the local place, and they were legit upset with me lmao (and I really wanted to keep them around cause they were the fastest) so I drove back to get it for them and they hadn't taken a bite of anything when I returned. you're literally a fucking retard who knows nothing about hispanic culture whatsoever.

small anecdote: the cheapest to feed were Hondurans. they really loved chicharonnes (fried pig skin), like the kind you just buy in a big bag. they'd ask for that, tortillas, and salsa and they were satisfied at lunch, I'd spend like $5 at most and feel awful about it, the other crews were between $20-30 to feed, so I'd always go all out making sure the Hondurans had a bunch of gatorade and whatever sodas they liked and was still pocketing money on the side, there was just nothing else to get them.

>> No.18411468

And mole is a revered part of Mexican cuisine, which are a bunch of different sauces with 15+ ingredients

>> No.18412070

ah yes, british food that contains myriads of herbs, spices and seasoning, completely bland
go be a retard elsewhere

>> No.18412089

this isn't Mexican food. this is Chang's or Pajeet's version of Mexican food.

>> No.18412642

When I was in 8th grade I was a exchange student in Guadalajara. The two most surprising things were that their food was nothing like Mexican restaurants and every boy I met liked Dragonball Z.

>> No.18412655

Maybe because mexican restaurants are usually not run by actual Mexicans but rather chicanos and non Mexicans,also DBz is really popular here with brown poorfags that had no cable (it was airing on a free channel idk what's the correct term for that) I hate that show with a burning passion ever since I was a kid

>> No.18412777

This is wrong. Mexicans eat cotija cheese and queso fresco

>> No.18412806

>defending british """food"""

>> No.18412814
File: 283 KB, 1500x1500, 81G0mBFbirL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna pretend a crunchy taco isn't good.