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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18399857 No.18399857 [Reply] [Original]

Just drove to my local burger place a few hours ago.

(£7.10 for a double burger, with cucumber and coleslaw (optional) and chips, and a Pepsi.

>> No.18399865
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Looks like shit (in a good way). Would eat.

>> No.18399868


>> No.18399877
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The fine china

>> No.18399884

pepsi sucks. big time.

>> No.18399891
File: 470 KB, 600x576, 14b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating it out the polystyrene tray

>> No.18399925

Damn those chips look good.

>> No.18400199

Why are bong takeaways so notoriously bad? You can tell those fries have been reheated multiple times from the color of them, either that or they’re using old oil, or both. Those burger patties look processed, the type that’s full of binders and not just straight up meat. That sorry excuse for a bun, that looks like it’s been sat on and is that just a cucumber and tons of mayonnaise? It doesn’t look like a pickle kek.

>> No.18400203

>Why are bong takeaways so notoriously bad?

>> No.18400240

I don’t understand why people don’t open legit places though, instead of these using obviously processed shit? Would it really cost that much more to make actual burgers from ground meat, instead of using some frozen factory made ones? Like smash burgers aren’t expensive to make. Or what about using decent burger buns, or to actually cut and prepare your own French fries? Surely you’d drive these other places out of business. I just don’t get it, but perhaps bongs are just inept.

>> No.18400255

I have been wondering the same thing.
From where im from the last good place to get burgers from just got sold since the owner wanted to retire and im almost certain the quality will be shit.
Its probably the fact that if you make shit from actual fresh ingredients it will be too much effort, way too easy to just slap a frozen patty on the grill with shitty cheapest french fries you can find on the oil that has been sitting there for a month.

>> No.18400258

Also, im not even from bongland so its happening everywhere.

>> No.18400289

>cut and prepare your own French fries?
frozen fries are beter because they are blanched and then frozen which crystallizes the starch, then refried
hand cut fries aren't bad by any means but they do not meet expectations of the average consumer and cost way more in labour than they are generally worth
During the weekend I'd have to cut 2 or more 50 lbs sacks of potatoes a day to keep up with demand and I don't even work at a place where fries are a standard side
Autists would start screeching if we ran out or they weren't exactly like the fries mommy buys them from macdolands

>> No.18400294

>I don’t understand why people don’t open legit places though
A restaurant is not a commune for culinary idealists, it's a business. At every level, from Maccas to Michelin, it's not about the food, it's about money. The cheap places are running one type of scam; the expensive ones, another.

>> No.18400596

I know it’s a business, but surely a successful business is one that sells the best product. Yes price is a factor of course, but how much are they saving by buying cheap mass produced burgers with binders and fillers, versus making burgers from scratch using ground beef? Like burgers are cheap to make already, maybe they’re saving a few cents per burger, but in the end they’re serving a subpar product. If there was say a town with 3 burger places and 2 of them used this low quality produce and 1 used actual fresh ingredients, then surely the one using fresh and making everything from scratch would be the one you and everyone else would choose to go to and it would put the other two out of business.

I just don’t get it, perhaps the general public in Britain just doesn’t care and have poor taste, or maybe they’re just dumb and inept over there and they’re just clueless as to how to make a burger, even though it’s one of the easiest things to do.

Frozen might be better, but there’s clearly a difference in quality between something like in OPs picture from a cheap British kebab/burger place, compared to a good fast food place in the USA. OPs look nasty.

>> No.18400620

should've just saved gas and not purchased something that horrible looking

>> No.18400630

This is the sort of nasty shite you expect at a game of footy.

>> No.18400633

A successful business is the one that sells the most product with the lowest operating costs, not the best product. It's harder to keep a burger shack running if you're selling low volume high cost high maintenance (personal needs to be trained and kept around) burgers.

>> No.18400650

>No booze
If you aren't drinking so you can sleep for nearly 24 hours after a long week of lifting you need to be minding those gainz by eating right.
All those carbs and no protein is cringe breh

>> No.18400651

And working of course
This is a no NEET zone

>> No.18400656

A successful business is one that makes a profit, yes. Having a good product helps you achieve that though. Just like having a bad product is detrimental. Again, if there’s 2 burger places next to each other and one of them has good burgers and the other has shit ones, and they’re of a similar price range, which one are you going to go to? The good one obviously. Even if the good one is 50 cents or a dollar more expensive, you’d still choose it. The only chance the bad place has is if it’s in an area with low or equal level competition for the price. Again, I get that making fresh burgers might cost more, but the idea that it’s expensive or high cost or that much more seems ridiculous, since burgers are just ground meat and are cheap to make. Same with training staff to cook them, the difference between using pre made burgers and fresh ones isn’t night and day, both are simple processes that a monkey could do. Again, I can only think bongs are stupid or just utterly inept. These types of places wouldn’t survive in the USA.

>> No.18400658

Non-Americans should never post burgers or give their opinions when burgers are being discussed. This is worse than fast food.

>> No.18400662

It looks good cringelord
Not good enough to eat sober but no goyslop is
Goyslop is a once or twice a month occasion same with drinking
You don't wanna waste your retirement fund on goyslop

>> No.18400667

People excusing this shit and saying it’s cheap, when £7 is like $8-9 kek, what a rip off.

>> No.18400669

Man, the fries look good to me. All crispity crunchy.

>> No.18400672

People don't care and/or actually want the processed shit over the real burger, it's like asking why American bars don't serve proper cask conditioned ale.

>> No.18400677

>pre-cooked (well done) frozen patties reheated with a shitty store bought fast food style bun topped with cucumbers and coleslaw with a side over overcooked fries that are probably hollow on the inside looks good
>unironically uses "goyslop"
This is why nobody cares about your opinion.

>> No.18400709
File: 425 KB, 1164x1634, F3C7DA92-EFAD-4ED2-AD63-4B228D488113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>£7 is like $8-9
You don’t read the news I take it.

>> No.18400712

The patties look McDonald's tier delicious
The cukes are a nice touch
Fries look dank
>/ck/ doesn't like the term goyslop
Ffs go on reddit if you hate fun

>> No.18400937

it reminds me of those shitty diners with 800 items on the menu

>> No.18400951

you guys are still using polystyrene? my local chippy uses cardboard.

>> No.18401659

god those chips
must be a chinese takeaway they do the worst chips