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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18396376 No.18396376 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for your wise advice, fags.

>> No.18396381

That doesn't even look like rust.

>> No.18396382
File: 98 KB, 595x396, 1645588428439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use titanium

>> No.18396386


>> No.18396409

Snowpeak makes good stuff, as does evernew.

>> No.18396415

Solid gold cookware.
Is such a thing even possible? Yes it is.

>> No.18396417

you probably use lemon or other citrus soap like a brainlet

>> No.18396418

>Rubbing a piece of metal with a gross ass sponge or putting it into a moldy dishwasher and then using it again
I only use plastic silverware, metal is disgusting 1800s shit, stop pretending you're in vendetta england

>> No.18396433

Salt actually causes stainless to rust more than acids.

Notice the black specs. Stainless tends to get surfsce rust and underneath it can heavily pit and leave those black specks on the steel.

>> No.18396441
File: 656 KB, 869x758, AWKWARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wash your knife.
Or buy some detergent.

>> No.18396451

*shakes head*

>> No.18396463

>muh china
Post pics of your finely crafted western stainless “silverware”.

>> No.18396474
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Joke’s on you, bro, I have titanium chopsticks in a convenient container to carry in my messenger bag.

>> No.18396478

you are replying to someone who sperged about something on a piece of metal that was specifically tailor-produced, INVENTED to prevent retards like him from getting
cram it up your ass you incompetent fool

>> No.18396489

>le crampost topkek xD
Disregarded, faggot.
t. OP

>> No.18396490

no jokes. I have ti spork and ti chopsticks

>> No.18396499

In that case, I have no choice but to respect you. You are a man of fine metallurgical taste.

>> No.18396507

>stainless china
Found the problem.

>> No.18396517

thanks. anywhere I can get a good knife?

>> No.18396617

><country> can’t make <thing> because.. they just can’t, okay?

>> No.18396644

You can act ignorant and like it's not true but chinese manufacturing is not associated with subpar quality for just no reason. It's just way too profitable to manufacture literal trash there. A lot of gadget type of things that you can find on places like wish/aliexpress etc. are just literal manufactured e-waste. Of course they can, and do make nice things too but more often than not, there's cut corners in places where corners really shouldn't have been cut.

>> No.18396651
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well I see your problem. It says STAINLESS CHINA not STAINLESS STEEL

>> No.18396732

It’s awesome that you’re such a manyfacturelet and everything, and it’s so cool that you’re so confident based on shit you’ve learned on 4chan and YouTube :)
The problem is, you don’t actually know a thing about contracted manufacturing, do you.
And you accuse others of acting ignorant :( poor silly anon.
It’s okay. Suck on your juicebox and let daddy tell you how things work in the grownup world where companies will hire factories to make their shit.

You tell them “hey factory, I’ll pay you for to make <product> to <specs>”.
And they say okay or they don’t. And “okay” is usually contingent on you being able to do your own QC checks.
So if they cut corners compared to what you agreed on, you don’t have to pay shit. Which is why they don’t.
Why do you and your fellow retards think “Muh evil China makes China things and pawns them off on other countries”? Their manufacturing sector literally makes what said foreign company tells them to make, at the quality level they’re told to make it at.
>Of course they can, and do make nice things too
Yes, they make what they’re contracted and paid to make
>but more often than not, there's cut corners
Do I need to repeat it more?
What’s so hard to understand that manufactures make exactly what they’re contracted to make?

>> No.18396750

butthurt wumao
the point >>18396386
was trying to make is that mass manufactured goods stamped with 'china' is overwhelmingly of subpar quality. blame western corpos or whatever you like for it, but the fact of the matter is, 'made in china' products are overwhelmingly shit and everyone knows it, we just put up with it because it's cheap
cope all you like but it still won't change the fact that if you buy
>made in china
99.9% of the time it'll be garbage. we're not counting your OHMERGARD handmade $3000 yixing teapot made out of real tiger bone clay in that analysis.

>> No.18396751

You bought fake stainless steel that isn't actually stainless steel.
AFAIK only Liberty Tabletop makes flatware in the USA if you're a burger. You won't get fake stainless steel from them.

>> No.18396758

liberty is expensive as fuck
quality stainless never fucking wears so thrift stores are filled with them, i have an entire NIB set of 80s Oneida made in the same factory liberty is made now and paid less than $5 for it. stainless steel never had an issue with heavy metals in manufacture either (beyond the chromium but you're not avoiding that with modern stainless either) so feel free to vintage it up.

>> No.18396809

>YouTube buzzwords
Hey bro I love ADV China too!
But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re retarded as fuck for blaming factories for making what they’re told to make.
Actually no, you’re blaming the country the factories are in for making what they’re told to make.
Where do you live that I can contract a factory for something, and they’ll actually make it better than I requested for no additional cost?

>> No.18396810
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>industry grade steel

>> No.18396814
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>> No.18396820

>>youtube buzzwords
>adv china
what the fuck are you on about, i'm not blaming shit and neither were those posters
lemme restate myself
NOBODY IS SAYING china is incapable of producing good things
we're saying 'MADE IN CHINA' is a mark of poor quality in a western consumer perspective more often than not. blame it on corpos or whatever nonsense you've clearly huffed, nobody cares
you're so butthurt you're schizo ranting now leeeel
>b-but they were told to make it bad
i don't give a shit, it's still bad
>b-b-but petition mass corpos to make it better
>abloobloobloo youtube
fuck off and kill yourself wumao

>> No.18396821

>is told to buy stainless steel
>buys chinese damn
>damn stainless steel

>> No.18396825
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>chinese damn
that is not what I typed. i was unaware of this filter

>> No.18396827

>doesn't refuse the fact that he's a retard, to the magnitude of being able to rust a knife that is highly resistant to both rust and corrosion
cramposting is more useful than your pitiful existence, dipshit

>> No.18396855

Well fuck, definitely can’t argue with 4chan greentext.
You’re right. Chinese factories contracted to make a product out of a specific material make it out of a different material, and western companies just pay for it anyway because we all know how much they love spending money they don’t have to.
No need to be butthurt, YouTube viewer. But you’re still profoundly retarded for shitting your pants and screeching because factories made what they were told to make.
You’re just being silly at this pout because it seems you have just enough self-awareness to suddenly realize “wow it’s not China, it’s a matter of contract fulfillment”, but still feel compelled to double down because you’re used to arguing your shit on non-anonymous sites.
And just be honest with yourself, it’s clear that you and I both know where you leaned the term “Wumao” ;)

>> No.18396862

>I ran out of arguments: the post
Glad to accept your concession, wumao™™™. I know English is hard for you, given your painfully clear ESL status, but do try to word your posts without obvious grammatical errors, Mr. Wang Dong.

>> No.18396873

what word

>> No.18396874

You should really try to make your projection a bit less obvious next time, zoomer raised by a single mother.
Also, this is 4chan. Not your usual website. You don’t have to keep doubling down when you say something embarrassingly retarded. Just close the tab. :)

>> No.18396889


>> No.18396891

Best case scenario, he's a wumao. Worst case scenario,
>he does it for free

>> No.18396922

Chinese damn

>> No.18396923


>> No.18396927

do they TRULY filter chinesium?

>> No.18396930


>> No.18396932

It's very offensive to the advertisers.

>> No.18396934

they did for me

>> No.18396935

Thats rust from the dishwasher, the knife isnt rusted

>> No.18397197

Stainless is actually just stain resistant
You're better off buying silver

>> No.18397238

fucken weebs

>> No.18397276

he guaranteed does it for free, but that doesn't mean he's not a wumao
imagine spending your precious short life arguing about the quality of shitty stainless steel cutlery to defend daddy pooh bear on the internet lmfao
>buying chinese anything any year

>> No.18397323

Kek. Based hiro

>> No.18397459

Post silverware, YouTuber.

>> No.18397480

>Made in China
Why are you surprised that the product is shit? The Chinese are fully aware they can ship garbage products with zero consequence. If those were made in any civilised country there'd be a mass product recall as the product is very clearly mis-labeled and faulty. But China? Nah fuck it, just let em get away with it for decade after decade.

>> No.18397611

You bought low quality chinkshit. If it's made in China without a strong western overseer you can tell that it will be dogshit mongoloid trash. It's the only thing China can produce on their own.

>> No.18397697

My titanium spoon scratched the shit out of all of my nice Denby plates, so I don't use it at home anymore. I guess titanium must just the right hardness to fuck everything up even without sharp edges, since even my stainless knives don't leave marks.

>> No.18397700

Black specks and miscolorations on the steel can appear from salt too.

>> No.18397869

95% of chinese silverware isnt stainless its just polished hot rolled steel which will eventually rust like in the op

>> No.18397882

Ha ha goteem

>> No.18397899

Literally defending Chinese goods. Man have you ever used Amazon? Ebay and Google search for products have also been greatly negatively affected by Chinese actual trash. They pollute the market itself. They are trash people that make trash.

>> No.18397903

Dude you're actually Chinese haha

>> No.18397929

>at the quality level they’re told to make it at.
Chinese steel is notorious for not being in spec like ordered

>> No.18398411

yea titanium is stronk

>> No.18398546

took the word right out of my mouth

>> No.18398581

Op, be honest.
You stole that cheap piece of shit from a cafeteria or waffle house.
You don't give a fuck if it rusts, you'll just go steal another.

>> No.18398606

Said who you fucking retard? Why do you think they specify the chromium content? Just for the lulz? Brainlet.

>> No.18398618

Nah, Chinese manufacturers fake paperwork and only appear to meet spec. You can specify hold points and fly out your own people to oversee every point of the process and enforce the quality you want, but that adds a lot of expense so isn't always done.

>> No.18398639

Iron helps me play

>> No.18398680

is this bait? This must be bait

>> No.18398755

Chinese metal has literally no standard.
In Americas, Europe, and other parts of Asia steel has to meet a certain quality standard. China just churns out shit.
You deserve this, OP.

>> No.18399085

I can still trust Chinese-made carbon steel woks, right? I mean, there's no possible way they could fuck up their own country's invention, right? Isn't carbon steel also supposed to be very easy to manage?

>> No.18400131

>I mean, there's no possible way they could fuck up their own country's invention, right?
They literally poison their own baby formula to make a few more bucks

>> No.18400145

This right here, I think good stainless steel utensils are 18/8, but leave it to the chinks and it probably varies wildly between batches. You probably got an unlucky batch, go buy more of the same utensils and maybe you'll get lucky with a good batch.

>> No.18400889
File: 33 KB, 291x318, F2D2A4E6-FF6A-4380-B6A6-5EB5349D8A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you’ve never had to work with Chinese manufacturers without saying you haven’t worked with Chinese manufacturers.
How much did social credit did you earn for this post? There’s a lot of words here so I assume it’s by character count.