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File: 95 KB, 640x568, Sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18396239 No.18396239 [Reply] [Original]

What changed?

>> No.18396244

Your taste buds are all fucked up from sucking cock and eating ass faggot

>> No.18396248 [DELETED] 


>> No.18396268

I suck cock and food tastes fine so it must be the ass eating

>> No.18396272

You're an uneducated retard but I'll explain.

As you get older, your taste buds become less sensitive. That's why children love candy, teenagers still do but less, 30 year olds like it less, etc etc.

When you are a kid/teenager, the sugar taste is so intense that it masks all the shitty chemical flavors. As the sugar sensation you get reduces with age, you begin to notice you're eating chemical sludge.

>> No.18396278

your american taste buds desensitized

used to be that these cakes had the most sugar of anything you will eat all day.

now, every food item on the shelf has this much sugar, so it just tastes like bread.

>> No.18396284

maybe that's the reason as to why Twinkies don't taste so good anymore. I had some a few weeks back for the first time since childhood and was severely dissappointed. I can't believe people even lead a campaign or started to stockpile them when Hostess was supposedly "discontinuing" them
if that's true then why doesn't other stuff I haven't had since childhood not taste different? It's gotta be something else anon

>> No.18396287
File: 531 KB, 750x1239, 36C40CEE-295C-4EB9-AB6F-12778E2D8383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things also change their recipe. Sometimes they change out ingredients for synthetic shit that tastes like plastic. For example, Coke now tastes like plastic shit to me. Mexican Coke which uses real sugar tastes like how Coke used to taste to me as a kid. It’s not always your palette changing. Sometimes things actually just are getting shittier

>> No.18396289

i dunno, there's even something weird about the fats in them now. I'm gonna guess it's palm kernel oil, because it feels like it congeals and sticks to my teeth, like cooling bacon grease sticks to the side of a pan

>> No.18396292

I gotta disagree on that one point.
new butterfinger are better than the old.
the wafery center is softer and doesn't get stuck in my molars like they did when i was a kid.

>> No.18396304

yeah I dunno what changed
New old schoolyard snacks like this just tend to leave this weird synthetic film/mouthfeel in my mouth these days, like I just ate wax and it's stuck all over my mouth. I distinctly remember Nutty Bars and Swiss Rolls being some of my favorites but nowadays I won't go near the things

>> No.18396308

Ass eater here, can confirm it makes everything taste like shit.

>> No.18396385
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrinkflation, whenever there wasn't a portion reduction ""they"" introduced a new "recipe" with "all-new" """flavor""". Thanks Obama.

>> No.18396393

Chips are starting to suck now, and it applies to most of the big brands. Lays/ruffles/doritos/etc. Seasoning got real fucking expensive with covid and hasn't stabilized yet, that's why all the new flavors are just recycling other chip flavors or just dumping flaming hot seasoning onto everything, because flaming hot is artificial and cheap to produce in the states. They're all way less seasoned than before, they're definitely putting less on and it's extremely obvious. The only thing that's slightly better are limon hot cheetos, because I always loved the sour/lime flavor and they've been dumping more citric acid on them because that's even cheaper than flaming hot seasoning.

t. fatass

>> No.18396420
File: 352 KB, 512x512, B2D13C16-6BEC-4B50-ACAF-87EDFF8AF7CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FDA banned added trans-fats from foods in 2019; pretty much all of those junk food products would have had transfats & needed to be reformulated. That could be behind the flavor change you noticed.

>> No.18396436

Any big brand has gotten smaller and dramatically decreased the quality (while increasing quantity.) Literally applies across the entire grocery store. Pick a product and it's gotten objectively worse. They either taste like HFCS or like nothing at all.

>> No.18396528

Budweiser changed how they brewed bud light back around 2012 or 2011. I used to kind of enjoy it and now it just tastes like burnt rice.

>> No.18396575

I still love Nuttybars.

>> No.18396602
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It might be the sweetener and some of the other flavoring components.

I had chocolate milk a few times as a kid and really liked it, so I bought some when I was in college and ended up pouring it down the drain because it tasted so shitty. I thought it was rose-colored lenses but then tried a homemade syrup of cocoa and sugar, and realized that was it, that they'd changed the flavor components from natural ingredients to some kind of chemistry experiment.

>> No.18396675
File: 185 KB, 479x394, ur mom gve me a yankee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely not, you're insane

>> No.18396682

Alcohol and cigarettes destroyed my taste buds so I don't like sweets anymore

>> No.18396687

Honey buns are still alright if they're relatively fresh.

>> No.18396690

for me, its zapp's cajun kettle chips

>> No.18396692

Twinkies taste like shit now because they've changed the recipe like 8 times and made it worse every time. They're honestly one of the greatest examples of the "New Coke" effect

>> No.18396693

Try not eating sugar for a while. Made me realize how fucking stupidly sweet most candies actually are.

>> No.18396694

these treats used to use the smooth mouthfeel of hydrogenated vegetable oil. That's why they used to taste better. That's also why Oreos used to taste better before.

>> No.18396696
File: 9 KB, 269x370, JeppsonsMalort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a beverage made for people just like you

>In the 1930s Carl Jeppson, a Swedish immigrant to Chicago, began marketing his homemade brew. He sold it from door to door for medicinal and other purposes, and one legend says he preferred the strong taste because years of smoking had dulled his taste-buds.

>> No.18396711

Fruit is plenty sweet for me.

>> No.18396829

Those chips always sucked ass anyway.

>> No.18396860

I'm so fucking pissed about butterfinger, it was my favorite candy bar. The new version sucks ass it's not even close they completely ruined it.

>> No.18396866

I was curious so I ran out to try a Butterfinger tonight and I'm dissappointed. Not only does it taste different than I remember but the filling still caked my molars like they used to. It'll probably be the last one I eat ever again

>> No.18396876

Probably because the stuff they used to use was loaded with trans fats.

>> No.18396877

>marshmellow supremes
Mother fucker they dont even make those anymore. *sheds tear*

>> No.18396878

they're the best shit ever when you're in jail

>> No.18396881

For me it was the peanut better cookie bars and caramel cookie bars. Like Twix but bigger.

>> No.18396906

For me, it's regular Mountain Dew. I stopped drinking it several years back when they introduced the 'Real Sugar' version, plus some of the other flavors I ended up liking better (mainly Voltage). When I tried drinking some in the last year or so, there was something about it that just tasted wrong - the only way I can describe it is a 'chemical' flavor, which is imprecise as fuck but nothing else comes to mind. I'm also 46 so that probably plays a part, too...

>> No.18396907 [DELETED] 

They have worse ingredients.

Many products with chocolate have polyglycerol polyricinoleate. Good chocolate products don't.

Kit Kat and Hershey's used to not have it.

Bad product have polyglycerol polyricinoleate
vanillin instead of vanilla
cheese making liquid waste

This weekend, I saw for the first time cookies that have sodium pyrophosphate. Many publications talk about the dangers of pyrophosphates and polyphosphates.

>> No.18396912

Didn't they already ban trans fats decades ago?

>> No.18396916

They have worse ingredients.

Many products have polyglycerol polyricinoleate. Kit Kat and Hershey's didn't have it. They do.

Bad products have polyglycerol polyricinoleate
vanillin instead of vanilla
corn sugar instead of cane sugar
cheese making liquid waste

This weekend, I saw for the first time cookies with sodium pyrophosphate. Many publications talk about the dangers of pyrophosphates and polyphosphates.

It's crazy that they are making these foods for kids.

>> No.18396920

Nah it's only relatively recently it got out how bad they were for you and most places switched away from them almost immediately.

>> No.18396931

probably but that didn't stop companies from keeping the trans fat in. they're allowed to say "0g Trans Fat" if the amount can be rounded down to zero so they can legally have up to .4g per serving and still say it contains none. how many companies do so? probably all of them teebh lmao

>> No.18396943

So did you make that image or did you already know it's not just you when you asked the question?

>> No.18396956

Capitalism. Shittier quality=more profits.

>> No.18396963

The good products are more expensive. Good chocolate companies make a lot more money.

>> No.18396975

hfcs instead of real sugar
milk powder instead of fresh milk
gmo wheat


>> No.18396994

Two major reasons major snack brands don't taste as good as they used to:
>trans fats scare/ban
People were getting fatter (not you third worlders, nobody gives a fuck about you) and trans fats were pointed to as a major contributor. Well, their major issue was directly tied to heart problems, but fatties' hearts were affected even more because they were lardasses that compounded the problems and they couldn't keep their sausage fingers off the sweet and salty foods that were loaded with trans fats. So, many companies removed trans fats well before the 2018 ban deadline BUT almost every single item that had trans fats just replaced them with MORE sugar and oil/fats. Now landwhales have really ballooned because their hearts can hold out slightly longer.
>maintaining profit growth
Almost every single one of these brands is from a large company, and many of those are parts of conglomerates. The way the economy is structured requires public companies to consistently post growth. One of the easiest ways to maintain growth is to reduce the cost of production, and in foods' case that means cheaper ingredients is the easiest of the easiest method. Usually cheaper substitutes. Sugar substitutes, fats substitutes, dairy substitutes, chocolate substitutes, etc.
The Oreo cookie is VERY noticeable in difference for anyone who had them over several decades. The Oreo now, the 90s-mid 00s, and the pre-90s Oreo are basically 3 different products.

>replacement of ingredients over time has effectively made these different products in familiar packages

>> No.18397009

growing up. i used to down zebra cakes like pussy but i cant stand the chemicals anymore. i like the textures of some but in terms of taste there is absolutely nothing

>> No.18397020

Fatbro what is with the rise of Utz brand? I feel like i never saw utz brand snacks before and now utz is everywhere, kettle chips cheese puffs and everything, and its in the stores' big main displays so it must be a real draw.

>> No.18397029

>what is with the rise of Utz brand?
not fatdude, but Utz started a pretty aggressive expansion strategy about 10 years ago, they were essentailly region locked (but very popular within that region) around PA before that

>> No.18397032

Most, if not all, reformulations/new formulations are intended to cut costs and/or fulfill some type of customer request with price in mind

>t I work R&D for a global food company

>> No.18397034

this doesn't make sense, if you have more sensitive taste, than the chemicals should be just as strong as the sugars.

>> No.18397038

Any baked good that's in a sealed plastic bag tends to be disappointing.

>> No.18397041

just ignore him, another retard making shit up and regurgitating bullshit without being able to keep a simple string of logic through one shitpost

>> No.18397048

>hurr your tastebuds changed
biggest cope

>> No.18397106

you're thinking of when they banned deep frying in trans fats, that was a while ago

>> No.18397175

>Many publications talk about the dangers of pyrophosphates polyphosphates

You're a gullible retard

t. chemist

>> No.18397180

Reese puffs is a good example for me, I remember distinctly when I was younger they used to have a waxy sheen on them and now they look super dry, sure do taste as bland as they look at least the wheat taste strongly overpowering any sweetness it has left

>> No.18397206
File: 80 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyslop never tasted good. You just grew up and realized it.

>> No.18397240

I think the bitterness of ass shit would balance out the overly sweetness of those treats.

>> No.18397246

Goyslop is just for kids who's parents never baked anything, it was a break on their pallets from months of kraft dinner.

>> No.18397247

The ingredients have had their quality reduced in order to pad profits.

>> No.18397260

I thought for a while I was just getting older, but my nieces and nephews won't touch them either.

>> No.18397267

Your anecdotal opinion is not fact. It has been widely proven in many peer reviewer scientific papers and studies (you probably don't even know what that is) that tastebuds, specifically sweet-sugary receptors degenerate with age. I wish """people""" were disallowed to post here if they IQ is not within 2 sigmas of 120.

>> No.18397269

They switch to cheaper, inferior ingredients over time to make more profit.

>> No.18397270

agreee. if it would be the "your taste buds change" nonsense, that would mean everything would taste different from my childhood. But things like homegrown fruits and veggies, and cookies and cakes made by my Mom taste the same.

>> No.18397272

imagine simping this hard for corporations that replaces sugar and cocoa with goyslop for profit.

>> No.18397300

sneed oils and cricket flour

>> No.18397340

if the soylems stopped buying it they'd change their business model

>> No.18397415

>sugar and cocoa
>not being goyslop themselves
I shiggy diggy

>> No.18397423


>> No.18397430

Nah, swiss cake rolls are dryerthan when i was a kid. Dryer and stiffer
Jewey leweys are still good

>> No.18397443

They changed the recipe to reduce costs, remove allergens and remove lard and butter.

>> No.18397458

Its the sawdust problem. How much sawdust can they add to a product before people notice. How much before people stop buying it.

Every company does this in one form.

>> No.18397467

I'm 36 and I love chocolate, I just try to not eat it often cause I'm a fatass.

>> No.18397471 [DELETED] 

I never thought they tasted good. As a kid when I'd do a sleepover at a white friend's house I was amazed at the following:

-All the food tasted like chemicals, like the "juice" that burned my throat and was 2% actual juice
-Everything smelled weird
-Everything was damp all the time like someone pissed on it
-No one took off their shoes inside
-Street clothes on the bed was acceptable
-Nobody seemed to ever wash their hands
-The rare occasion when an actual fresh fruit was consumed, it was normal to go find a box of literal sugar and dump sugar all over it first

I like to think every culture has its own unique ways that are no more or less wrong than our own, but you people make it hard

>> No.18397476

from your small text I predict this:
your inmune system is trash cause as a baby your parents, most likely your mom, washed everything exaustively and never left you on the ground

>> No.18397486

I got plenty of dirt as a kid at soccer practice, boy scouts, summer camp, etc. Dirt has a place in childhood and it's not :

-at the dining room table
-on your face at night
-in bed in general
-being stomped all over the floor like an animal

And my immune system is fine. No allergies, I'm in pretty great health because I'm physically active and eat good food. Thing is though I also get my vaccines which I know people like you think are a gubmint plot to steal your bodily fluids or something

>> No.18397493

weird, based on what I've heard, a good share of your inmune system is built as a baby, you've ever seen a baby touching something dirty and putting his hand in his mouth? That's inmune system XP building up. Apparently kids that grow with a mother that cleans exaustively cause she is paranoid some times end up with a shit inmune system. Happy it is not your case.

>> No.18397494

Mountain Dew tastes different because they removed one of the chemicals - they took the brominated vegetable oil out in 2020. Brominated vegetable oil is an emulsifying agent, so without it, the other chemicals in Mtn Dew do not combine together quite as well, causing that taste change.

>> No.18397504

Are you perhaps ignorant of modern germ theory? There's plenty of germs even on "clean" stuff as any surgeon can tell you, cleaning your house is just a matter of being a civilized human being. I can't imagine being able to tolerate being surrounded by filth all the time. A dirty cup on the coffee table here and there, some crumbs on the floor fine whatever, it's no biggie especially for a busy parent who has to wear many hats, but take off your shoes when you come in from the outside, wash your hands after you use the toilet, take a shower before you jump in the pool, wipe your face if you miss your mouth shoveling food into your pie hole, don't double dip your chips in the guac, if you grab some food from the common plate, it's yours now.... are these just outdated superstitions? Perhaps but to more civilized families it's just commonsense, and adults can tell how you were raised. We don't say anything because it's rude, but inside, we're judging you. Just FYI.

>> No.18397511

>Are you perhaps ignorant of modern germ theory? There's plenty of germs even on "clean" stuff as any surgeon can tell you, cleaning your house is just a matter of being a civilized human being. I can't imagine being able to tolerate being surrounded by filth all the time.
nigger, I'm talking you about an obsessive mother tryting to "protect" his kid by OVERCLEANING AND DESINFECTING, not just cleaning

>> No.18397514

My parents were both busy professionals, they didn't have time to disinfect things, also
>washing your hands after taking a shit = overcleaning
Yeah, sounds about white

>> No.18397519

A lot of food simply got worse after the financial crisis, e.g., soy lecithin instead of real egg.

>> No.18397524


ahhh ok not human you responded to

>> No.18397526 [DELETED] 

Hate niggers and shitskins. Oatmeal cream pies are the only one that was ever good and their still good as an over indulgent sweet.

>> No.18397536
File: 50 KB, 488x488, GUEST_560f8857-e3b1-49d7-868e-b9a48b15e03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to eat DOZENS of little debbie swiss rolls and star crunch snack cakes when i was a kid
i tried them recently and they're both half the size and taste like shit
the chocolate feels like paint than chocolate, it doesn't melt it just coats your tongue in plastic

there's one exception, the zebra cake rolls
the zebra cakes suck ass and the swiss rolls suck ass, but for some reason they made these things and they're still good, like old world snack cakes

>> No.18397572

>>washing your hands after taking a shit = overcleaning
what an absolute retard you are, you can't even understand the concept of overcleaning

>> No.18397575

You're disgusting

>> No.18397585

look, I started the argument with good faith, but you have something in you that pushes you to be butthurt.
Do you understand the concept of cleaning too much? Is that a think in your brain? Well that's what I was talking about and not regular cleaning.

>> No.18397600
File: 88 KB, 802x792, minion mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they're still just as good as they were back then. you people are weird. i eat a lot of trash too but the things you probably consume to obtain these divisive opinions are gargantuan.

>> No.18397603

What would a venn diagram of anecdotal experience and real world example look like?
>muh high IQ
Kek post your report card

>> No.18397608

I've heard about this, yet I'm 36 and enjoying chocolate as if it was cocaine

>> No.18397623

it's the recipes chaning you moron, you think they use the same recipes for 40+ years?

>> No.18397629

You're right, though for me I haven't noticed a distinct difference between mexican and regular coke enough to warrant the price.

That too. Might be I'm just older and bigger but I am pretty fucking sure the old oatmeal creme pies were -big-, whereas now last I saw they were little hockey pucks. And as the anon beneath you mentions chips I noticed buying one once just how fucking much is empty air with more price. I wish I knew what smartfood did to make their popcorn softer because I'd be fine not buying chips again save for that. With chips themselves it makes me think I should look into cooking them myself kettle style given how easy it'd be to make a big batch that stays good.

To date about the only food I've seen with trans fat in their ingredients ever was some kind of frozen pizza +13 years ago and surprisingly haagen daaz ice cream. The rest must do the "we have 0.05g trans fat so we can just not include it" because they always read 0.

>> No.18397638

Cosmic brownies never tasted good, i've known that since I was 8.
Honey Buns I didn't try until I was 14~ and a friend showed me them. They're the same.
Nutter Butters, Oatmeal Pies, both great and still the same. Never liked Zebra Cakes.

>> No.18397643

i thought this website was 18+

>> No.18397653

my walmart recently started stocking what I call "Hot Chips", used to get them at Kash n Karry but they're gone. It's the same exact flavor from 20 years ago. And it's the store brand, so for $2 I get a big bag of nostalgia. This current bag, each chip is COATED in seasoning, I can only have a few before I close it back up.
side note: as a kid, eating these hot chips, mom would pour some in a ziplock for my lunchbox. I got an entire ball of the seasoning, compacted, a little smaller than a golf ball. I found it while sitting at the lunch table and suckled on that thing for two days.

>> No.18397663

That's fucking disgusting

>> No.18397670

Yeah it was great. Like a slightly spicy jawbreaker.

>> No.18397699


The recipes. As Corporate America has consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, and funneling profits to investors, they've been swapping out as many of the old delicious and more natural ingredients with cheaper synthetic shit, and adding all kinds of chemicals to prolong shelf life and fake flavors or (((((flavor enhancers)))))

The only junk food I've eaten now for 10 years are Fruit by the Foot, Reeses, Mexi-cokes, and the occasional professionally baked cake or pie for my birthday/holidays. Everything else tastes fucking disgusting, plastic, and stale now.

>> No.18397767

savorychads we win again
sugartoothdecay manchilds can't stop losing

>> No.18397794


>> No.18397797

Maybe you developed or refined your palate, or maybe you just got fat and lazy and don't ever feel the kind of hunger that a you did while growing and being more active.

>> No.18397826

Laws on adulteration changed to hide rampant food inflation in the Recession That Doesn't Exist

>> No.18397831

Clearly you're a retarded commie because you're failing to notice that if you drop quality enough nobody buys it

>> No.18397834

>bragging about sucking off academia in the age of the Replication Crisis

>> No.18397836

not if the entire "competition" is colliding.

>> No.18397840

If the 'competition' are other subsidiaries and nobody buys those either, then you still lose

>> No.18397841

meant for >>18397836

>> No.18397843

t. Beta-male cuck boy who is angry that people are eating ass

>> No.18397845

The fact that this thread is even this big and its being discussed this much is a little depressing.

Just go look at the ingredients at the store. It's a fucking nightmare. That's why it tastes like shit now, it was nothing like that 20 years ago.

>> No.18397853

Post bod.

>> No.18398125

Every thread has its share of contrarians that like to deny the obvious because it makes them feel edgy and important.

>> No.18398509

No dude, it's not that the formula changed - something YOU did makes it taste different! You probably eat shit or... or... you're old and your tastebuds are magically less efficient but only for these foods and nothing else! Yeah that's it... heh.. god I'm so fucking smart, and also superior to you... nothin personnel, kid!

>> No.18398586

>try to tell people recipes for things get changed
>nobody believes me
>but it's true

>> No.18398593


>> No.18398599

It was very much like that 20 years ago.

>> No.18398648

Wrong, this is actual, factual reason things taste differently post-covid: https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-announces-temporary-flexibility-policy-regarding-certain-labeling-requirements-foods-humans

Theyve been allowed tk substitute for cheaper ingredients without updating the packaging, FDA is rugpulling the nations nutrition.

>> No.18398665

You're not 12 anymore

>> No.18398672

when i indulge in sweets, i try to find high quality. why get some processed garbage when i can go to a local bakery and get something delicious?

>> No.18398675

Huh I've never heard of peer review studies before. Thanks for introducing this esoteric practice to me.

>> No.18398676
File: 53 KB, 586x487, 1644727353744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they IQ

>> No.18398693

That's weird. First time I noticed their shittiness was 2014. Time travelling treats?

>> No.18398733

You switched timelines again. Please return to your own. Ours is overfull.

>> No.18398765

>Fruit by the Foot
God these are so good when fresh.

>> No.18399204

everything tasted good when you were younger and had hope

>> No.18399243


Intredasting. Well, jokes on them. I've already found substitute snacks after experiencing their tomfoolery so I shant be returning to their products.

>> No.18399335
File: 40 KB, 300x232, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the little brownies with walnuts don't taste good anymore

>> No.18399346

lot of companies change their recipes over the years, I was disappointed in campbell's chunky soup, I remember them tasting very good in my youth but trying them recently I was extremely disappointed

>> No.18399362

Around here (Brazil) companies are obligated to explicitly inform changes on recipe and portion sizing.

It's amazing the kind of things you get to see.

>> No.18399374

I know the concept may be a bit dense for you, but one can compare what's listed on the package.

>> No.18399838

Why are you making up people to be mad about? Maybe lof off for a bit.

>> No.18400098

toasting most of these in a convection oven makes them so much tastier

>> No.18400102

Is it just me, or do Doritos have a 50/50 chance of tasting really good or quite bad? It's like there are two different recipes that use the same bag design.

>> No.18400117
File: 106 KB, 460x601, 1660487342657216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What changed?
You grew up and your tastes changed. I used to eat so much candy (especially hard lollipop-type candies) that I would never imagine eating today.

>> No.18400146

20 years ago was 2002, not 1950.

>> No.18400701

>You grew up and your tastes changed.
i'm 19

>> No.18400708

You're eating that as a grown man?
Fucking embarrassing imagine aspie frowning at you as you meekly purchase this and walk out the front door slouched over with your head down

>> No.18400737


>> No.18400829

>dude trust us, we're smarter than you and we all agree with each other
peer reviews can gargle my balls

>> No.18401199

REAL adults eat steak with black pepper and mashed potatoes with black pepper and a little butter and wash it down with a glass of water, amirite fellow numale who lets internet memes and ecelebs substitute his absent father figure?

>> No.18401215


I remember as a juvenile I was so excited when mom was making dinner. I'd grab a chunk of groud beef from the skillet when she wasn't looking and I would get all giddy and would start dancing almost. My mood was as if a famous experienced chef was cooking in my kitchen that night.

>> No.18401218

Why is it that when you become an adult, suddenly jumping on trampolines is impossible
I'm 28 and if I go on one, my brain feels like it starts fucking jiggling loose and bashing my skull. Dizziness, nausea, pain. I also can't be on anything that spins or I immediately get sick.

>> No.18401226

You worthless nigger you can suck my peer reviewed dick. Only 27% of peer reviewed studies can be replicated faggot

>> No.18401238

alot of the real ingredients are replaced with oil and flavoring

>> No.18401242

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18401246

Kek faggot

>> No.18401253

>You're eating that as a grown man?
>Fucking embarrassing

I would only buy them as a science experiment to see how they taste now and compare that taste to my young brain tastebuds.

>> No.18401254

I'll take your inability to come up with a response and subsequent choice to fall back on a canned phrase as a concession and will humbly accept it. Faggot.

You got dumb and your brain shrunk.

>> No.18401316

I e gotten some recently that were so stale they had almost a wet texture.
Same with ruffles potatoe chips now that I think about it.
All recently (last year or so) too

>> No.18401686

newfag, most likely a third worlder

>> No.18401695

Get your blood pressure checked. I'm 42 and don't experience that.

>> No.18401701

They assume you have children.

>> No.18401748

>Didn't they already ban trans fats decades ago?
The trans fats just moved to Twitter

>> No.18401793

I've had high blood pressure since I was a teenager due to heart issues (I was underweight for most of my life too)
brain small

>> No.18401816

These always tasted like shit. I grew up a fat kid but never ate these plastic-wrapped boxed cakes because they didn't taste good.

>> No.18401820

Almost. Kids have a higher tolerance/preference for sugar, as they need lots of energy to grow. Adults do not enjoy sugar as much as kids.

>> No.18402176

you have multiple kinds of tastes buds that are receptive to different things. primarily: sweet, sour, and many different kinds of bitter receptors. idk if it's true that sweetness receptors decline with age, but your metabolism does decline which makes it more of a chore for your body to deal with an abundance of sugar that literally melts in your mouth.

>> No.18402816

So then you're less likely to fuck her
Incel mindset

>> No.18404031

Nah, tastebuds change as you get older, but you don't just stop enjoying sweets because you get old. My grandmother was still asking for sips of coca cola on her deathbed.

I'd have to check the recipes, but I'd imagine a lot of those items have changed their recipes to be less expensive or perceived as healthier. Most cheaper sodas for example have taken to replacing much of their corn syrup with sucralose, which tastes like shit.

>> No.18404041

I have a 32 year old friend that still regularly eats this synthetic garbage sludge.

>> No.18404093

sounds like you had white trash subhuman friends, and from this i can also deduce that you yourself are subhuman