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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18394507 No.18394507 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to make and drink my first ever cup of mate. What am I in for? The supermarket only had two varieties of mate. The one I got which is flavored mate leaves in a bag, and then a bottle of ready-to-drink mate which was with added sugar, caffeine and carbonation. My bag says it's 78% green mate, 18% roasted mate and then various flavorings. I'm going to be brewing with a paper filter.

>> No.18394519

Very mild stimulant

>> No.18394520

Tasty earthy and smokey tea. Depending on how smokey the mate is it can taste like burnt cigarettes a little, which is nice for some.

>> No.18394529


>> No.18394532

Says on the package you should brew with 80 degree water. Wtf? Not 100 degrees?

>> No.18394542

Don't you think the first thing I do is drop the fucking bag on the floor? Spilled out I think less than a teaspoon. Hopefully no dirt got into the bag. Oh well.

>> No.18394554
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I like this one best

>> No.18394556

fuck off

>> No.18394559

>I'm going to be brewing with a paper filter
That's not how you do it

>> No.18394586

You can brew it however you like, traditionally you brew the tea in the calabash or however they call their cups again.
Just fill your cup with mate, cup your hand over it, angle the cup so that the mate falls into your hand and you have like kind of a slope going down into your cup
add straw, add water until you can barely see your top layer of mate starting to swim
let it rest
keep adding water until the top layer of your mate leafs stays wet/swims a bit
now you start taking sips and re-filling
Once your top layer is properly soaked and sopping wet your cup is through and you can get a new one

At least thats how my friends from Argentina taught me how to do it, I'm sure you dont have to do it the autismo traditional way

Anyways its pretty much like >>18394520 said, it has an incredibly earthy taste and can be quite smokey. I like it a lot.
My favourite mate brands are Pajarito and Rosamonte, so I'd tell you to check those out

By the way, when you start to get to the end of your mate you will notice that a lot of dust has settled at the bottom. It is up to you if you like to drink the dust or not, I drink it, it carries more flavour that the leafs so just now that when you pour yourself a dusty mate you're in for a stronger taste experience

The effect of its stimulant on me is better than caffeine, caffeine announces itself with a bang and leaves your body just as fast. I feel like with mate the effect creeps up on you and stays longer.

>> No.18394596

Is this ready to drink mate brown? If yes then it's a different drink from the one you have from the gourd

>> No.18394600

I told you I didn't buy it dumbass, but it was some sort of yellow weak looking drink I don't fucking remember.

>> No.18394604

Weak fucking drink and I used a whole tablespoon. I'll go back to black tea.

>> No.18394846

I had some mate drink from the supermarket a coupe months ago. Dear fucking god it was awful. It tasted liek someone had steeped two dozen old cigarette butts in a cup of hot water overnight and then sold that rsulting liquid as a drink. never again.

>> No.18394847

>4% "Various Flavourings"
Throw it away.

>> No.18394869

it says what flavorings dumbass, I just didn't list them all

>> No.18394910

Don't do it anon you'll get addicted to it. I tried it once and it was too strong for my taste but after a couple of refills I was hooked. Next thing you know you are sipping on that shit all day like and Argentinian junkie

>> No.18394952

Argentino here, this guy's mostly right
also yes, the water is never at boiling point, 80º sounds like the sweetspot (I tell by looking at the air bubbles forming on the kettle, when you start seeing a tiny stream of bubbles rushing up to the surface you're good to go)
the point of the not so hot water is to avoid boiling the leaves and causing them to lose all their shit on the first two pours (this is called a "mate lavado" or washed out mate and it's generally frowned upon here)
I'm not autistic nor a fundamentalist about it tho, but it does become a tasteless water cup after that happens
try to find some videos on youtube about how to pour, I'm sure there's plenty and it's certainly easier to learn by watching someone else than reading about it on a chinese shadow puppetting forum

>> No.18395005

>(I tell by looking at the air bubbles forming on the kettle, when you start seeing a tiny stream of bubbles rushing up to the surface you're good to go)
water starts boiling at 100 degrees, the bubbles means it's boiling dumbass

>> No.18395027

Do you not understand the laws of thermodynamics anon?
Do you think when the lower part of the pot starts boiling that the entirety of the liquid has reached boiling temperature?
Thats not how it works, the heat needs to be transferred upwards and if you remove the heat source the 100 degree hot water will fuse with whatever temp the rest of the kettle has and settle somewhere between

I have a kettle which allows me to control temp so I just use that

>> No.18395037

That has nothing to do with laws of thermodynamics

>> No.18395119

Broscience, there's something called diffusion. When the water reaches 100 degrees the energy that's added from the stove goes to converting liquid water to water vapor, rather than to raising the temperature, i.e. the water is already 100 degrees when it starts boiling. And hot water moves upward causing the hot water and cold water to be mixed constantly from when you start heating it.

>> No.18395143

Do you guys have any advice on making terrere, or single brewed bulk batches? I've been heating water up to 160F and letting the mate steep for 10 minutes before straining. It comes out tasting very similarly to the store bought stuff, but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to make it even better.

>> No.18395164

theres a whole world of difference between a fine stream of bubbles forming on the bottom of the pot and a rolling boil, but I'm sure you're aware of that

>> No.18395223

Retard, the water is 100 degrees in both cases.

>> No.18395263
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>this is boiling water, according to some retard on 4channel.org
why come to the food and cooking board when you clearly have never been near a stove in your whole life?

>> No.18395325

If stonerfaggots had a drink, this would be it.

>> No.18395329

You're the one claiming you can tell the water is 80º "by looking at the air bubbles forming on the kettle, when you start seeing a tiny stream of bubbles rushing up to the surface you're good to go". A baseless assertion. Have you ever put a thermometer in the water when this happens or are you just guessing?

>also yes, the water is never at boiling point, 80º sounds like the sweetspot (I tell by looking at the air bubbles forming on the kettle, when you start seeing a tiny stream of bubbles rushing up to the surface you're good to go)

>> No.18395332

not really, terere is popular in Paraguay and I'm not really familiar with it
they usually drink it more or less like a cold brew, using lime or orange juice instead of water
I tried it a couple of times and it's really refreshing, but I can't be arsed to prepare it myself

>> No.18395340
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>bottle of ready-to-drink mate
>brewing with a paper filter
What in tarnation, please don't do this I beg you
Just drink it like God intended, pic related
t. argie

>> No.18395342

I'm tired of giving (You)'s away
fuck off

>> No.18395344

I didn't buy the ready-to-drink bottle fucking retard.

>> No.18395349

I brew a 5 gallon batch and serve it chilled and mildly carbonated out of a keg. I use around 400g of mate per batch. I may try doing an overnight steep in room temp water to see how it comes out compared to heating it next batch.

>> No.18395350

So the answer is yes you never put a thermometer in the water, you're just guessing baselessly that it's 80º.

>> No.18395389
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nigger I do homebrewing as a hobby and I'm fucking bored of watching and measuring water at different stages of heating and I know for a fucking fact that bubbles forming on your heating vessel do not mean it is boiling
again, fuck off

>> No.18395396

Doesn't change what I said faggot
By the way terere is easy as shit to do, you just use cold fruit juice instead of hot water.
The way you do it is:
yerba mate + any fruit juice you like (here its usually used orange flavoured) chilled with ice = terere
Main point of difference with normal traditional mate is that is drank in summer or hot days, and also that this has an inherently more sweet taste (where the other is usually bitter, unless sugar is added)

>> No.18395405

>the effect of it's stimulant on me is better than caffeine

that's weird you fucking moron because the stimulant in mate IS caffeine.


>> No.18395425

Altitude also makes a difference lol.

Interesting. I thought terere was just the name of cold brewed yerba mate, and not specifically with fruit juice.

>> No.18395473

Virtually no one drinks mate with just straight cold water
It's either with hot water (bitter or sweet, depending on if you add sugar or not, also you may add some bits of other herbs or fruit skins for flavour to vary taste once in a while)
Or, with cold fruit juice (terere).

I don't think there are other ways to drink it, well depending on the country the way the yerba leaves are cut (bigger, smaller, with parts of the root or not, etc) may differ but that's about it

>> No.18395503


Mateine does not exist. It's caffeine

>> No.18395518

It may or it may not, but what's certain is that mate certainly hits different than coffee or other teas

>> No.18395535

sory, but you came to the thread for very autistic people making huge arguments about minor misinterpretations
enjoy your stay!

>> No.18395586

Mate makes me piss about 10x as much as coffee does.

>> No.18395597

That's a baby capybara right?

>> No.18395600

And all ice cubes are the same temperature.

>> No.18395633

All ice cubes that are melting are 0º yes.

>> No.18395651


>> No.18395712

There was a time when I would have flat out called this bait, but with the current state of /ck/ I honestly don't even know anymore. Do non-Americans even cook?

>> No.18395742

I like it either with the gourd and bambilla or brewed hot and then chilled in the fridge with a little bit of blue agave sweetener.
When you do it with the gourd there's a specific way so you don't do too much at first and lose flavor towards the end. Also the gourd ends up giving you a ton of caffeine

>> No.18396450

it's like green tea, also aged so it withstands lower temperature, sometimes as low as 60C if 24 month aged

>> No.18396583

Obviously someone never had canarias yellow

>> No.18396627

Does it taste like green tea or is it completely distinct?

>> No.18396637

there might be an oolong or ripe puerh that tastes half of what yerba tastes like

>> No.18397933

Mateine is a blend of alkaloids, caffeine is an alkaloid. Mateine as a single compound doesn't exist. The clear, focused feeling you get from Mate is caused by caffeine. There is a lot of theobromine in Mate, so the balance of inhibition/activation is different from coffee or tea, but you are still drinking caffeine.

>> No.18398016
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>The clear, focused feeling you get from Mate is caused by caffeine.

>> No.18398048
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>> No.18398054
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>> No.18398415
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>> No.18398422


>> No.18398450
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>> No.18398457
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>> No.18399233
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10kg for $60 brehs

>> No.18399834
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>> No.18399886

Jesus Christ dude you can obviously infer hes just guestimating out of habit. Your fucking changing the argument anyways fuck head

>> No.18400262

How much for one of those fancy cups with the metal straw though?
I'm a big fan of xanthine stimulants so I'd like to try this Mate stuff.
Are the other alkaloids in it pretty good?

>> No.18400723

you're doing God's work anon

>> No.18400738

good to have in cooler climate or air conditioned place, tried to use it to get more energy working in a hot kitchen and I felt bloated. thats just me though

>> No.18401049

The water in the floor of the kettle is at boiling point, not the whole mass of water.

>> No.18401341

Anyone else find that mate gets a lot mellower and nicer after a day?

Yes. Gets you ripping. 250g of tea to 2.5 gallons of water. 160f for 10 minutes and strain makes a nice brew.

>> No.18402528


>> No.18403363

Adding to the anons talking about terere;
terere in argentina is usually what they said, a cold variation of mate, instead of hot water, cold fruit juice, and usually served with ice cubes in the mate itself.
In paraguay, terere is also enjoyed with cold fruit juice, but traditionally they infuse the cold water with herbs and fruit skins (the actual herbs used i do not know, they look like random weeds but they are surely native and selected carfully), it is very nice.

Honestly mate is such a great social beverage, so much better than alcohol.

>> No.18403961

I want to try mate, but no local stores carry yerba, gourds, or bombillas (I'm in USA). Are the cheap gourd/bombilla sets on amazon decent? I'm not looking to spend $50 on a specialized mug I'll only use once if it turns out that I don't care for the taste.

>> No.18404029

you don't really need a gourd, a bombilla and a teacup is all you need