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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 169 KB, 600x591, m0mor2-b78926438z.120120309092821000g1415vtmq.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18393629 No.18393629 [Reply] [Original]

Why are ja/ck/ threads being deleted while Fagusea ones stay?
>>18391196 (15 hours)
>>18365988 (6 days, archived)

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to food and cooking.

>> No.18393635

It has become obvious that Adam has payed for his threads to be left alone, being to frightened to be seen to have proper ads on the angry racist site. If I had accounts on YouTube and Twitter I'd call him out on it.

>> No.18393638

jannies are fags

>> No.18393664

Do you think it's really worth it to invest in advertising on this site?
How many users do you think visit this board in a day?

>> No.18393668

That second thread also only has just over 100 replies - in 6 days. It was basically an empty thread kept alive through necrobumps and a new thread popped up almost immediately after it died.

>> No.18393676

Because the jannies are faggots who refuse to admit that this will always be a ja/ck/ board

>> No.18393690
File: 147 KB, 1196x624, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think it's really worth it to invest in advertising on this site?
It can be.
A one-time payment for a month's worth of protected astroturf threads could be well worth it.
>How many users do you think visit this board in a day?
At least 200, probably closer to 300.
All of whom now have to scroll past your interactive ad, which cannot be affected by adblock, and will mysteriously float to the top of the catalog every few hours with uncharacteristically positive posts.
Plus it's anonymous, so you can always just pretend you had no involvement, lest your brand be associated with yucky, icky 4chan.

4chan's always forced stupid shit into circulation, and you'd have to be stupid to think an advertiser wouldn't want to manipulate that in their favor. Or that they haven't tried.

>> No.18393713

I hide e-shill threads

>> No.18393718

>How many users do you think visit this board in a day?
that anons a schizo but probably about 10'000

>> No.18393731

All mcdonalds threads are paid advertising.

This board is plagued by advertisment bot threads

>> No.18393758
File: 76 KB, 530x665, file 530x665_009304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant be serious, i bet /ck/ doesnt even get a thousand different ips a day

>> No.18393765


>> No.18393772
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x720, jack explosion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18393823

it's more like 5 or 6
no more than a dozen for sure

>> No.18393827

two handed jack vids are kino

>> No.18393846

>an other omelet episode

>> No.18393964

he did nothing wrong

>> No.18393973

Okay, how?

>> No.18393976

steam choo choo

>> No.18393977

>If I had accounts on Twitter or YouTube
You are based, fuck those platforms

>> No.18394071
File: 2.83 MB, 853x480, jack's_shakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jack threads have been deleted since the beginning
just hija/ck/ the webm thread if you want to keep a subtle jack going

>> No.18394116

it's honestly kind of cringe how abundantly evident it is that Ragusea pays some "social media marketing" firm to keep making threads about him. They know enough basic lingo to make it seem like organic threads "based" "our guy" "what did he mean by this" but it's extremely clear people are getting paid to promote his shit.

>> No.18394129

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.18394174


>> No.18394267

How is Jack doing these days? Has his health declined further since the 2nd stroke?

>> No.18394287

they look like they just got let out of a basement dungeon in exchange for saying his shakes are good on video

>> No.18394340
File: 159 KB, 500x464, cucking_with_jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always hijack ragu threads so jannies will get fatigued and eventually clean tthe ragu threads

there are millions of us
yeah ja/ck/ is modern day jesus, /tv/,/sp/ and /fit/ and /ck/ booted him but he will prevail

>> No.18394343
File: 183 KB, 1063x560, cleanitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18394353

What are these shakes? They look pretty good?

>> No.18394354


>> No.18394366

you can be permabanned for being offtopic if your offtopic post is calling out the tranny jannies

>> No.18394373
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, jackdogbrow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love him so much bros

>> No.18394393

/ck/ gets 3600 posts a day.

>> No.18394398
File: 24 KB, 381x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the board dying

>> No.18394403

i don't know but i hope it keeps it up so we can get rid of tourists and shills

>> No.18394536

jannies fear ja/ck/, our one true king.