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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 960x957, waterYourTeapot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18391261 No.18391261 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ - /tsg/
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread: >>18378233
(please do not overwater your teapot)

>> No.18391268

I like to stick bags of tea up my ass because I can use the strings to easily retrieve them later

>> No.18391270

The cruddy Japanese sencha I bought is surprisingly good grampa style. Much better than when I try to make it the proper way.

>> No.18391312

the weather is finally getting better so I'm drinking more tea
Need to move up to alaska so I can enjoy my tea more

>> No.18391316

Bummer that it isint better but im glad you found a way to drink it that works

>> No.18391324

You juat have to learn to embrace drinking hot tea in hot humid weather and have a nice sweat, give it a try sometimes is surprisingly pleasant.

>> No.18391341
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>> No.18391346
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i fell for the puerh meme, i bought a raw cake from 2007 and it just tastes like musky dollar store green tea and when i add sugar it tastes like arizona. i haven't felt more trolled in my life.

>> No.18391359

What did you buy? Where is it from? How are you brewing it?

>> No.18391366

>i fell for the puerh meme
everyone falls for it at least once

>> No.18391367

been there, done that. I hardly break a liter a day in summer even so. In winter I can easily get 3 or more liters a day.
Also I just can't stand summer anyhow, temperatures above 5 Celsius are torture

>> No.18391373

no goy, you have to spend six gorillion dollars on an AUTHENTIC tm bing chilling purple clay set hand made out of real chinese fecal matter and chemical colorants in order to properly tm tm understand tm the minerality of the goyfu brewed tea

>> No.18391377

Hot weather is good for you

>> No.18391379

Do you have a hygrometer taped to it?

>> No.18391384

Can you make cigar flavored puer if you store it in a cigar humidor?

>> No.18391390


>> No.18391407

If hot weather is so good then why does it make my PC crash?

>> No.18391460

What do the numbered infusions mean in the pastebin?

>> No.18391463

>a raw cake from 2007
If it was cheap that's kinda the peak garbage plantation tea year, but if you didn't like it at all it's probably just not for you. I think the reputation puer has as the TRUEST and MOST HARDCORE tea for REAL ENTHUSIASTS ONLY is mostly a mistake. Try some dan cong oolong, or maybe some dongfang meiren. Those are both fairly exotic and flavorful while being generally pleasant to drink and easy to brew.

>> No.18391566
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is it okay to drink yerba mate even if i hate the jesuits and the rest of the antichrist's minions?

>> No.18391595

No Protestants or gringxs allowed

>> No.18391612

Don't drink yerba mate

>> No.18391619
File: 178 KB, 427x1440, 2022-09-23-170226_2560x1440_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already fell for the meme, anon

>> No.18391670
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>this tea I bought tastes like tea!

>> No.18391829

Some sources say that puer is meant to help you digest after dinner. Other ones say you're supposed to drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Which one is it? Both? I have never had the guts to try puer.

>> No.18391842

it's best as a pre-workout or any other caffeine-requiring endeavor lmao

>> No.18391853

>Some sources say that puer is meant to help you digest after dinner.
It kinda helps but most statements like that are based on traditional Chinese medicine concepts.
>Other ones say you're supposed to drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
I wouldn't suggest it unless you have an iron stomach. Drinking a bunch of puer on an empty stomach will probably give you nausea.
Drink tea to enjoy it, don't try to follow some prescription to achive some kind of nebulous effects.

>> No.18391859

On the topic of tea on an empty stomach, everyone says not to drink matcha that way. But I do it all the time and feel fine. Am I not making it strong enough or have I built up a resistance from drinking other teas?

>> No.18391865

I get upset stomach if I drink regular green tea on an empty stomach, but matcha never does that to me.

>> No.18391875

It just depends on your constitution. I cant drink green tea on an empty stomach, some other anon said he made green tea in the morning and went for a run before breakfast. Just do whatever works for you, you would know if it was a problem for you because you would puke.
Here is a decent guide to brewing matcha

>> No.18392078

Yes, they fooled me too. It wasn't even that old yet it was like drinking hay/straw. Now I'm hyper vigilant about finishing tea quickly.

>> No.18392121


>> No.18392126

don't actually water your teapots, that's just a stupid giick to make gongfu brewing look more exciting

>> No.18392156

>the heat from the water cooks the pot

>> No.18392172
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How do i get my own colonly of brown slime like the op pic? Am i missing out gongfubros?

>> No.18392256

Simply epic thread. We're only missing anime avatarfag, /tsg/, vadham redeemer and the other homosexuals. Peak 4channel.

>> No.18392262

WHy the fuck is he making such a mess wtf is even going on

you tea fags have some splaining to do

>> No.18392277

He has palsy, you bigot

>> No.18392296

no excuse for making such a fucking mess, absolutely abysmal

>> No.18392305
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>anime avatarfag
Do you really think there's only one person posting anime images in these threads?

>> No.18392311

>He can't comprehend reaction images

>> No.18392458
File: 1.14 MB, 2272x2272, PXL_20220925_000801879_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed that the leaves are in such good condition. Upton always filled my samples half with fannings. Both samples from C-S are in perfect shape exactly as they appear on the site. This tea is also so much less bitter/astringent. Supposedly it's Moonlight style but it's not particularly low oxidation.
These were the only two Darjeelings I got, which are both expensive AV2 clonals, so maybe it's misleadingly good. But two thumbs up for C-S for Darjeeling if you want to try samples without paying high shipping fees.

>> No.18392626

Its so fuzzy
Yeah that's some nice looking leaves

>> No.18392628

>comprehend vs despising
It was never funny
Anime lost

>> No.18392647

You need to first ship your tray to guangdong wet storage for 999 silver moon nights after which master ding 'king of fat dongs' dong will spray liquid shit everywhere to innoculate his heirloom golden assflower spores which must be kept at 80% humidity for the mytotoxin to properly inocculate the tray (kunming assflower doesn't have the same pungency)

>> No.18392652

Speaking of which, can anyone recommend some good fu cha?

>> No.18392756

I have a brick of this ive been working on for a few years.
Its damn good, but it doesn't really have golden flowers so its not actually fucha. Rich tongue coating creamyness, sweet puerple tea kind of flavor profile, notes of well aged sheng. He hasn't raised the price on it more than $5 since he first listed it and its cheaper than the tea factory is selling them for on tmall.
Few other that i haven't tried.
My extremely scientific research has determined this is one of the better newer fu brick he is selling. Im going to buy a full brick of it shortly
If you want something a little weird there are these recently produced bai sha xi fu bricks made with tain jian on ebay.
This is some kind of drop shipping situation but ive ordered from this store before and the tea came reasonably quick and in one piece.
YS has a listing for an older production of the same tea (or maybe the same batch) if you want to see what it's about.
I sampled this last one a while ago from a different vendor and it was good, smooth and moderately smokey.

>> No.18392770 [DELETED] 

Those first two appear to be actually made from oldish wild tea trees on yun tai mountain.

>> No.18392817

Oh haven't tried this either but this guy has a brick he claims is from the 90s
And just for fun a fu brick made with buddas hand oolong from sea dyke, if you decide you are interested look it up on taobao, it will cost half as much (probably less)

>> No.18393037

Not same anon but I appreciate the list. A few of those teas were on my wish list so it is nice to hear that they are good. I personally can vouch for semi-aged baishaxi 1953 black box being a pretty good baseline Fu if you don't mind a bit of smoke.

On a side note apparently baishaxi makes a Qing Zhuan brick as well:
I would be very interested in trying it. Wonder how much it is on Tmall? I really like Qing Zhuan besides the fact it takes forever to brew gong fu style because it tends to be super compressed. Last time I made it I used a 30 minute first steep to get it to open up but it gongfued nicely after that. It is probably intended to be brewed by simmering. My Qing Zhuan is actually one of my favorite teas. Shame it is so uncommon.

>> No.18393244

>puerh lesbian mad that not everyone thinks their tea is good

>> No.18393707
File: 300 KB, 1309x861, StinkyChineseTEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would be very interested in trying it. Wonder how much it is on Tmall?
398 CNY is roughly $56
I still don't really know what the shipping fees are like, especially with taobao's own forwarding service.

>> No.18393715

I should note i specifically recommended taobao over ordering from dragon tea house because their particular business is just being an opaque forwarding servuce. When you buy something from them they buy it off taobao and then mail it out to you, which would be fine but they charge what appears to be a 200% or more markup so its not a very economical way to buy tea.
But if you are willing to put in the effort you can get some good deals buying from taobao.

>> No.18393741

They also have a cheaper grade that is 1.6 kilos for 135 yuan and a more premium "wild tea" production that is 1 kilo for 680 yan
and the one you asked about initially

>> No.18393766
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My camera hates focusing on steaming hot chunks of tea
Some nice ripe this morning
I wish more HK tea shops had websites

>> No.18393859

Cruz de Malta is good starter yerba mate. pretty mellow grassy flavor but a strong caffeine kick for an elaborada. good choice - enjoy!

>> No.18393867
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Me extract tea from tea
Tea extract pee from me

>> No.18393881
File: 801 KB, 746x750, xiaguan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone in the US who might be interested I just noticed purple cloud teahouse added these 2022 big snow mountain xiaguan cakes made with 8 year aged loose maocha.
Same price as King Tea Mall

>> No.18394010

Should I store my teas in the fridge to preserve aroma?

>> No.18394055

No, don't put your teas in the fridge.
*unless you have factory sealed foil pouches of Japanese green tea, then only keep them in the fridge untill you open the bag, at let it come up to room temperature befire opening it to prevent condensation.
Otherwise the frige is just going to dry out your tea and contaminate it with bad smells

>> No.18394203

I got a YS Impressions cake in. It's pretty much unrelated to 7542, besides the fact that they're both blends of what I assume is plantation tea. It's actually pretty good for the price, and I'm happy with it. However, in the bracket of blended mystery meat bings of young sheng, w2t is just absolutely better in this price range. That's his bread and butter, imo. I almost never order from w2t because I prefer single origin tea, or if I'm buying blends, I'm ordering pretty old blends. w2t nails low end young blends though, I'd be comfortable saying 2dog is the clear leader in that segment

>> No.18394432

I haven't had an impression cake in a long time but i agree that its weird he compares it to 7542. I thought it was a nice cake but its fundamentally a different product then a big factory number recipie cake.

>> No.18394453

Cah I get some peppermint tea help/recommendations? I would like to get something high quality and fresh. Right now I'm drinking tetley which is nice but I'm curious about something higher quality, available in canada ideally thanks

>> No.18394462

Or what I should look for if not a specific brand recommendation

>> No.18394471

This is a USA based shop that is the usual recommendation for herbal teas. I will see if i can scare anything up in canada.

>> No.18394511

Capital tea in Canada sells it, prices isn't amazing, they are probably seeling mountain rose herbs peppermint, but if you wanted to grab some other teas...
I found this Canadian farm selling their own peppermint
Or just go on amazon canada and find someone with a big sack of organic peppermint leaf.

>> No.18394535


Mountain rose has a great price but the etsy store looks like it has a fresher product

The price disparity is pretty stark. The etsy one is like 4x the price of mountain rose and 2x the price of capital tea

I wonder if this is a markup or a valid difference in quality?

>> No.18394606

green and young raw's gave me stomach cramps on an empty, but after a while your body adjusts

>> No.18394619

a few of us have had and recommended these

>> No.18394736

Its not surprising that a hnad harvested and processed mint tea is more expensive the a quality commodity tea. Does that actually result i a superior product? I can tell you

>> No.18395086

Sencha on empty stomach used to make me feel ill but I just brute forced it and it doesn't bother me now

>> No.18395206
File: 102 KB, 799x1136, kant coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which tea has the biggest caffeine kick in your experience?

>> No.18395300

Cheap plantation puerh, specifically a 2011 xiaguan 8603 i paid $12 for.
Something like this should do the trick

>> No.18395308

Thanks anon that premium "wild tea" production sounds interesting.
you have to make an account to browse tmall or taobao right?
Also Qing Zhuan isn't stinky.

>> No.18395323

>Also Qing Zhuan isn't stinky.
Yeah im just fucking around
Sometimes you can browse without an account usually it tries to force you to make one.
Get Chinese characters to search with bebblecarp. Use chromium or some firefox translation extension to navigate taobao.
There is an extensive taobao guide in the taobao thread on /cgl/

>> No.18395331

Also tabao absolutely looses its shit if you have thrid party cookies disabled or your adblocking is too good at blocking tracking scripts. It will give you bot tests on every page.

>> No.18395484

has anyone here tried Chong Shi Cha aka bug shit tea?

>> No.18395487

Yeah some poster got some from chawangshop and psted tasting notes when he tried it. I think he said it was pleasant, you should be able to find it in the archives if any of them still have search enabled

>> No.18395500

>Sometimes you can browse without an account usually it tries to force you to make one.
I have just about never had any luck with that. Guess I will have to suck it up and make an account.
>Also tabao absolutely looses its shit if you have thrid party cookies disabled or your adblocking is too good at blocking tracking scripts. It will give you bot tests on every page.
Thanks for the heads up anon. That's going to be a pain. I really hate the modern internet.

>> No.18395539


>Yeah some poster got some from chawangshop and psted tasting notes when he tried it.
Here are my old notes. I may try it again tonight and see if my opinion has changed.

2006 Guangxi Chong Shi Cha 10g

brew parameters:
western style 3.3g/380ml for 2 minutes 1st brew, 150 seconds 2nd brew, and 10 minutes for a 3rd somewhat lighter but still tasty brew, the 4th brew is still steeping.

tasting notes:
a clean earthy taste, a nice sandy loam, not like shou but perhaps a bit more similar to a light liu bao, its surprisingly clean tasting compared to some of the wet piled tea i have had.
something woody like chicory dandelion root, some sweet flavored traditional Chinese medicine vibes, licorice root?
an aged herbaceous element that is hard to place, almost as if the "spiciness" of the plant had been striped of much of (but not all of) the "green", like damp fallen leaves on the forest floor.
low bitterness but quite drying and astringent in a pleasant way, mouthfeel overall sharp and dry.
sightly cooling almost minty aftertaste that lingers for a good awhile.
possibly a bit stimulating, perhaps it may contain some tea and therefore caffeine?

its honestly not half bad. its not going to be a regular drink for me but i will absolutely consider getting some again. the only thing that makes me a bit leery is the lack of knowledge of exactly how its made and what it is made from.

>> No.18395588

Alright teafags, quick question. I was gifted a box with teabags that date back to the 90s. Each bag is individually wrapped and there’s different assortment of teas, each assortment still in their original plastic wrapping. This means that the bags are wrapped twice in the original packaging. Are these still safe to brew, decades later?

>> No.18395601

>Are these still safe to brew, decades later?
If they are just tea they should be perfectly safe to drink. I can't guarantee the taste though. what kinds of tea are in it?

>> No.18395650

Thanks for reposting anon, very interesting read

>> No.18395661

Red zinger, cinnamon, peppermint and the one I’m most curious about: wild forest blackberry

>> No.18395662

Yeah they are safe to drink unless you open one and it smells like mold or rot, but that's very unlikely. Should be totally fine to drink. Old tea is a treat, even teabags, its a very interesting taste.

>> No.18395777

>digest after dinner
Sometimes after I drink puerh, my stomach gurgles as if it stimulated digestion.
Even if you don't believe in TCM, I wouldn't write it off out of hand, surely any long-standing system would be right about a lot of things through trial and error.

>> No.18395814
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>a clean earthy taste, a nice sandy loam

>> No.18395821

i live in japan, went to a tea ceremony yesterday where they served matcha

shit was gross, how does anybody unironically enjoy drinking this? i'll stick to my earl grey thanks

>> No.18395826

Did they burn some nice agarwood incense?

>> No.18395831

>my stomach gurgles as if it stimulated digestion.
My guess would be that if it works at all it is probably because it irritated the GI lining and your body wants to get it out. That is actually how Senna laxatives works. It is probably not actually improving "digestion" though.

>> No.18395849
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>Red zinger, cinnamon, peppermint and the one I’m most curious about: wild forest blackberry
I have no idea how well those herbal teas (celestial seasonings?) will have held up taste wise but they should still be safe if they have not gotten wet. They may have gone a bit flat though. If you try them tell us how they taste.

>> No.18395862
File: 2.11 MB, 1976x1482, 1664147795517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As is tradition half the puer cakes made from 2002-2009 and many later ones come with health claims right inside the wrapper, i collect these because each one has slightly different chinglish and i find them funny.
As you can see
>you will find it very refreshing and thirst quenching. It also aids your digestion and quickens vourrecovery from fatigue and intoxication

>> No.18395944

Would you ever critique a local shop's tea preparation? A cafe near me uses boiling water regardless of tea type, and obviously the greens and oolongs suffer for it. The oolong comes out particularly bitter.

>> No.18395990
File: 593 KB, 1462x1115, 7DB0DAB9-0238-4E07-90D5-4DAAFC8DA035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy that’s really similar to this one. They don’t smell moldy or rotten so that’s a good check. Thanks anons. I’m at least keeping the tin box though.

>> No.18395997

Comfy boxes.

>> No.18396067
File: 119 KB, 720x316, SleepytimeRoom_720x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we had that exact same tin when I was growing up. Probably still do somewhere.

Celestial seasonings has commissioned a lot of really cozy artwork over the years. Shame I can't seem to find a gallery of all of it (though I didn't look that hard).

>> No.18396145

I need to put Little Bear on my plex.

>> No.18396274

Fuck, that’s peak comfy. Almost makes me wish for winter even though I hate the snow

>> No.18396357

That might be ok with water (my job has no AC and I just drink a bunch of water and sweat like a pig but I'm fine) but with hot tea I think you would be flirting with dehydration.

>> No.18396364

I would just never go back.
Alternatively, James Hoffman has a video on this for coffee. I actually like it a lot, you can interpret it in a lot of ways, and all of them should lead you to a correct answer.

>> No.18396370

>I would just never go back.
Their coffee is great and the cafe is really cozy, they just can't into tea that well.

>> No.18396389

I only really go to cafes for espresso, since I can't make it at home. They're really not for me, although there's an exceptional tea cafe that I'll never tell anyone about near where I am. Your order puerh from a binder, it's sorted by storage, age, and mountain, and the prices are all good. They have other decent tea, but the puerh game is insane, and it isn't even that expensive.

>> No.18396414
File: 584 KB, 933x786, 1655050601231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puerh from a binder

>> No.18396423

Yeah, I went to see if it was any good, and they had a decent but pretty boring selection. Some sencha, decent gyokuro, oolong, a house genmaicha thing, Darjeeling, basic teashop stuff. I asked if they had any puerh, expecting the usually one sheng + one shou mystery tea, and this qt says, "Oh, you'll want the puerh menu" and comes back with this giant tome of tea they have in the basement. There's nothing too insane on the menu, they have a few things from the 80's, but they have a LOT of tea.

>> No.18396456
File: 76 KB, 1474x998, LZCT-trnsprt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried Lazy Cat Tea?
They mostly sell expensive yancha. I have seen some positive reviews but it seems like they cater to the rich boomer crowd.
Their cheaper teas are somewhat reasonably priced.
Some cool teacups if you are into that kind of thing.

>> No.18396473

Damn, sounds nice, my local shop usually has a few cakes, and only like half of them are white label. Have to give them credit for getting me hooked on puer in the first place and also selling me a liubao tuo which was quite the revelation. I don't like going there though because the staff is annoying.

>> No.18396497

It would take a lot to get me to look past that logo.

>> No.18396501

You will HATE the site design
Im just having a hard time being sold on buying expensive yancha from a guy that lives in Europe.

>> No.18396506

Oh never mind they are in Shanghai. Dunno why i thought they were in the UK

>> No.18396510

Because the prices default to Good Boy Points, I thought the same thing.

>> No.18396586

This is the favorite store of Discord zoomers alongside TWL.

>> No.18396665
File: 91 KB, 1024x735, an-english-redware-stoneware-engine-turned-teapot-and-cover-c1760-18th-century-pottery-warrenantiques-com_271_1080x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is yixing a giant meme?
it seems like, short of traveling to china and witnessing your teapot being sourced and then made for huge $$$ there's no way to be certain what sellers claims as toward teapots is what you're actually getting. there's so much reported fakery, adulteration, and outright lies that it colors any vendor, no matter how venerable they seem, with suspicion

why don't western potters just make their own unglazed teapots? back in the 1700s-1800s they used to
surviving examples go for huge $$$ nowadays
surely it's not more work to just leave the teapot as is after bisque firing, it's more work to put the glaze on

and yeah yadda yadda yadda muh special clay but i'm not convinced the special clay matters all that much, how many of you actually have done the chemistry to decode how much if any purple clay benefits any given tea? none of you, it's all colloquialism and truisms. all stonewares are semi-porous if they're fired low enough. high iron red clay exists all around the world.

i think western manufacturers are sleeping on this opportunity while china gets to run all over the market and there's potential to be had for a potter to start making real yixing competition

>> No.18396683

>why don't western potters just make their own unglazed teapots
Czechs do. Among smarmy elitists, Czech pots are more acceptable than modern Yixing, although they aren't as respected as pre-70s F1/ROC/Ming work.

>> No.18396689

like two specialty potters who copy yixing techniques do, yes (though none of them make actual redware)
i'm talking about my pic rel, actually making a real alternative to yixing with different forms and unique spins on brewing tea
there would be a million different styles of unglazed redware in the world but everyone just sucks it up and buys yixing
it's not like there's not a million potters on etsy nowadays either

>> No.18396722

>temperatures above 5 Celsius are torture
Lose weight

>> No.18396723

Czech ware is local clay and the style is a mix of Japanese and Chinese, you will see Chinese patterns implemented on shiboridashis and such. Why they went the orientalist route instead of trying Slavic patterns etc., I don't know.
There was a British guy doing this with the historical clay used for British reproductions back in the day. I forget his name, unfortunately.
The second best I could find was the Brown Betty remake with modern engineering techniques. It uses that clay I mentioned, but it's glazed.
You can also buy modern storage jars with the clay here. This was a project many years in the making, but their font choice is kind of boring.

>> No.18396746

Here are a few shops ive turned up on etsy, their form is not executed on the same level as most decent yixing but they are raw clay and made in the west.
This one is wood fired so it's not really raw
I find generally that good western potters charge a lot for their work

>> No.18396755

>how many of you actually have done the chemistry to decode how much if any purple clay benefits any given tea? none of you, it's all colloquialism and truisms
And you run straight around to nihilism once you realize people believe things that aren't quantifiably true. Every post on 4chan is a bot post, you're on a reality TV-show where people bet how long you can put up with your life until you realize the whole thing is a joke. Did you even watch me type in this post? So the whole thing could just be fake then. Use your brain, reason with uncertainty.
Yixing isn't worth the price, and the effect on flavor is mostly hype, but you don't know why.

>> No.18396761

>nooo how dare you point out the fact that nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about on a materials science level when it comes to my overhyped $3000 goyfu pot
Not him but lel you're so mad at the internet right now

>> No.18396768

Where can i look at some czech pieces? Im interested

>> No.18396771

when did I run to nihilism? all i said was there's nothing 'hard' backing all the claims about yixing teapots. you're so defensive about this one thing that you went into a full blown truman show rant like a schizo. calm down and take a break from the internet.

>> No.18396779

The names with CZ next to them are the Czechs. There are some other nationalities there.

>> No.18396783
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Yixing may be a meme
But i still love these cute fuckers
And im going to keep using overpriced basic modern yixing sold by western vendors and enjoy it
I was really impressed by the quality of the craftsmanship of this piece and it doesn't make my tea taste worse
I might even buy more

>> No.18396788

Gets uppity about clay but won't brush his teeth. You love to see it.

>> No.18396805
File: 241 KB, 794x1059, 1664168336538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of stuff i always see when i look at western handmade teapots, weird proportions and forms that just don't work.

>> No.18396826
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one is slab built and the other is wheel thrown, you're comparing apples to oranges

>> No.18396867
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Some czech potters

>> No.18396895
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>> No.18396954
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If anyone is interested in trying one of the fermented Japanese teas here is a shop in the US selling some
>Yamabuki Nadeshiko is a new Japanese tea made with a patented manufacturing method called the microbial control fermentation method, incorporating sake production techniques to tea. The tea leaves are fermented in a clean room with black koji mold for a number of days before steam is used to kill the spores and then the leaf is dried for packaging.

>> No.18396993
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Mina-sama, I gave up on the bland sencha. Stuck in it the freezer to forget about it for who knows how long. Opened a bag of Sencha Mobata instead. It's way better.
>Brisk and bold, this tea carries in the mouth a strong vegetal taste (steamed brocoli) with a slight bitterness and a pleasant floral finish.
It does taste strongly like vegetables plus it's savory and jiggly. Is non-organic just superior?

>> No.18397062

>Is non-organic just superior?
Sometimes it is.
The meme is that in china smaller farmers only bother with getting organic certified if they have a hard time selling their tea. In Japan i would imagine organic vs conventional comes down to the individual farms and the soil altitude etc.

>> No.18397173

is this store any good? t. Pole

>> No.18397199

Sorry i don't know, i was just linking because they have clay teapots.
Looking at them they seem really expensive.

>> No.18397200
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>> No.18397866

I'm just a winter person
And my oncologist won't let me lose weight, they get concerned when I do

>> No.18397907
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Is it at all realistic to get a job doing tea ceremony stuff as a dorky white dude, or will people be annoyed they're not getting a cute Nipponese maiden?

>> No.18397930

>You can also buy modern storage jars with the clay here
if these were sized up to the size of puerh cakes i bet they would probably be very popular for aging in, very good prices compared to yixing storage crocks

>> No.18398179
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2040, whatlon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /tea/. Does anyone know what brand this bagged tea is? I got a bag of them and it's driving me crazy trying to figure it out.

>> No.18398180

Depends on where and when.

Would you be annoyed if it was some pasty white dude doing the ceremony? Are you in Japan? Or someplace in the midwest.

>> No.18398183

I'm in a northeastern US city with lots of Asians due to being a college town. I'm happy to talk tea with a fellow cracker but for some reason I hate seeing whitey in videos explaining tea stuff, it's a visceral and irrational reaction but I suspect I'm not alone.

>> No.18398196 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18398199
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>> No.18398258

American teaboos need to invent their own tea ceremony honestly. Might as well do the old fashioned thing of taking something you like and adapting it to your culture

>> No.18398268
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>> No.18398286

do they have a ceremony though?

>> No.18398315

I would like it but only because I'm gay and hate w*men

>> No.18398423

It wouldn't bother me personally so long as you are good at your job and sincere. People generally like like hearing from people who sound passionate and knowledgeable, think old school collage professor or academic. Just don't ham things up too much or add a bunch of woo woo. Some people love that stuff but it annoys just as many, myself included. That said there aren't that many "tea expert" style jobs in the west unless you run your own business. Did you have an actual job in mind or are you just speaking hypothetically?

>> No.18398428

i went to teamasters and bought a sampler based on this thread's recommendation. the big thing i took away from it is i actually like the red tea the most. ordered different varieties but can't really tell the difference so i'm going to keep getting the less expensive one.

>> No.18398590

Red tea is good
>ordered different varieties but can't really tell the difference so i'm going to keep getting the less expensive one.
Smart, it takes some people years to figure that out

>> No.18398609

You would probably have more success doing this in Asia than in the west. Westerners would accuse you of being inauthentic and culturally appropriative, Japanese people would think you were a funny novelty at the very least.

>> No.18398731

Reminds me of that guy from some Sony game presentation that was playing this Japanese wooden flute. People complained that it was a white guy playing some Japanese instrument and it turned out he waa recognized by japan as being one of 15 living masters of playing this particular flue.

>> No.18398746
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Hey anons
Which of these three things should i get with my EOT teaware order?
400g of 2004 yiwu, Kunming storage
2007 special order batch from three cranes liubao
A sack of reasonable quality lao cong shui yancha
I could really go for any of them. Im leaning toward the puer because its a good value and the liubao because its old enough and with the right storage to be the kind of liubao i most enjoy but i haven't had good yancha in a while and i miss them

>> No.18398759

Nice selection of good mate, no idea what that gurana one will be like, i never thought that matte needed more energy. Let us know what your favorite is.

>> No.18398905

Sorry anon, I cant make that decision for you. They all look good to me and are above my usual fare. I would go with whatever you want to drink most right now. I think it's a bad habit to focus too much on bargains unless they are what you actually wanted in the first place. There will be more tea.

>> No.18398923

fair advice, thanks anon.
Im mostly thinking outloud, but it doesn't hurt to ask incase some poster heard a particular tea is shit.

>> No.18398958

American tea ceremonies, where they still exist, are basically just English tea ceremonies.

>> No.18398961

Post obscure tea rituals

>> No.18398988

has here anyone ordered from yiwumountaintea.com before? Their random sample pack seems well priced im considering buying some of them:
Their cakes are pretty expensive though, not sure if they're worth getting when it seems like you can get similar quality from tea encounter but cheaper

>> No.18398999
File: 57 KB, 850x448, dead-phish-tea-crop-1200x632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Celestial Seasonings made a promotional Grateful Dead themed tea a few yeas back called "Ramble On Rose". While looking for Celestial Seasonings box artwork I sound a super high resolution version of this piece. It's not exactly my style and I don't care about the band but the art itself is pretty.

The file size is to big for 4chan so I am linking it here.

>> No.18399025

Haven't tried them, don't know what thier reputation like to the internet tea nerds. Their cake prices seem roughly in line with current market rates for yiwu tea, maybe a bit on the pricey side, assuming their quality is good. That said yiwu tea is damn expensive latley.
Their sample sets seem reasonabe. Probably a good way to try their shop and see how their quality is.

>> No.18399108

How do tea producers decide which teas to select as minis/tuos? Is it known that they'll choose lesser quality teas for this purpose and save the good stuff for full cakes/tongs

>> No.18399186
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$50 14 1/3lb lol

>> No.18399209

is it true that brits don't wash their teapots in order to build up residue on the inside because they believe it improves the flavor? what's the change between doing this on a glazed pot vs unglazed ware? do yixing pots also build up residue over time because they don't get washed with soap and water either?

>> No.18399234

>i think western manufacturers are sleeping on this opportunity while china gets to run all over the market and there's potential to be had for a potter to start making real yixing competition
The "authenticity" (which is ironic because it's forgery bait) is half of the value. It's like across-border puerh, barely distinguishable but none of the legend.

>> No.18399236

Full size cakes are the traditional size 356g or so.
Tuos are usually 100g sometimes 200 or 250
With the big tea factories like xiaguan tuos typically used more chopped material. Xiaguan will also make tuos or bricks sometimes with leftovers from pressing cakes, say they make a bulang old trea cake in 2010, they will sometimes make a bulang old trea tuo with the broken leaves they had leftover. But with standard tuo productions they use their own custom blend recipes that are different than they are for any of their cakes. Lots of tuos are fine quality even if they are less commonly made with premium materials.
Mini tuos (3g-6g) are usually where you can run into sketchy low quality teas especially if its made by a smaller lower tier factory. They just kind of buy some cheap tea dust from wherever and press cakes out of it.
"Dragon balls" 8g balls are a mostly modern theing and usually made with good quality material.
100g and 200g cakes are mostly a modern ternd and made by smaller tea producers that press their own cakes, especially ones that sell tea to the west. The main purpose of 100g or 200g cakes is to bring the price down and make the tea more accessible. For example bitterleaf teas makes a yearly production that is $1 per gram and sells them in 100g cakes, its easier for most people to convince themselves to spend $100 on a fancy tea cake than it is them to commit to a $357 tea cake.
These smaller vendors probably also use it as an excuse to charge a slightly higher price per gram. On of the reasons ive never ordered from white 2 tea is that he only makes 200g cakes. It makes his prices look better than other shops if you aren't thinking about price per gram.

>> No.18399238

Not a brit but I have a brown betty pot that gets a simple rinse in the sink. The build-up contrasts against the glaze because it's white, probably all minerals, probably calcium. I can try to get a photo if you're curious. Can't say I've paid attention to how that effects taste. Theoretically, I'd guess it mutes the tea, but in actuality it isn't obvious.

>> No.18399240

Haha now that's a mate stash
That stuff keeps fine in its original packaging right? And its commonly made with aged material so im guessing keeping the bags around for a while won't hurt anything.
How much matte do you drink in a typical day?

>> No.18399251

>do yixing pots also build up residue over time because they don't get washed with soap and water either?
The first couple times i used my yixing it had a pretty strong muting effect on the tea but after a few usues it settled down. My pot doesn't have a visible layer of buildup on the inside but it must have some.
There is some disagreement with collectors about cleaning yixing and building up seasoning, some people think you should never clean a pot and occasionally end up with a pretty gross amount of buildup in them. Others will occasionally clean their in some way and think focusing too much on seasoning is silly.

>> No.18399271
File: 95 KB, 1000x667, Passion-Fruit-Juice [Passion-Fruit-Juice].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Upper Namring 1st flush Darjeeling is good. The flavor is similar to the most delicious fruit, which is passionfruit. When it's at the most expensive tier, 1st > 2nd.

>> No.18399286


>> No.18399294

The bags have an expiration date of 2024 but I've never had a problem with yerba or tea going bad, having recently finished off stuff I bought in 2016. Especial Seleccion usually means 24 month aged and I find that they need low temp water (140-150F) or the water goes green and bitter.
I drink about 30-50g yerba a day along with tea/coffee, about to quit for a while to lower caffeine tolerance. Yerba prices went up a bit so I wanna stretch it out a bit. I'm cosidering getting the Taragui sin palo 10kg $60. I want to try chimarrao, la tranquera and the rest of the recommendations I received. I just bought the lowest price so far.
Rosamonte has nice layers of flavor and good aroma

>> No.18399299

Premium indian tea doesn't get nearly enough love here.

>> No.18399332

It's fun to drink sencha during the shincha months. Next year I'll try getting 1st flush Darjeeling as soon as it arrives. Similar kind of situation that just sort of quietly happens.

>> No.18399340

What'd you get? Everything I've had has been fairly underwhelming.

>> No.18399345

The fancy first flush stuff is practically green tea right? Ive only had middling commodity first flush and it didn't doo much for me but i love me some second flush.

>> No.18399349

has anyone tried the teas grown in North America? or north americans, have you tried to grow tea yourself? AFAIK there's two commercial tea plantations in the US, one in the willamette valley of Oregon and the other older plantation near Charleston, south carolina. i tried a cupping from the oregon plantation and thought it was quite lovely though i can't remember my tasting notes from the time
has anyone tried growing a camellia sinensis bush themselves? greenhouse or no greenhouse? what was your results like?

>> No.18399363

The one in Charleston sells first flush black tea on their website, keep meaning to try it but haven't gotten around to it. The first flush is only available in that time of year untill it sells out.
There are a few others in hawaii and a bunch of personal projects that don't really sell tea to the pubic.
I have one tea bush outside, might get a few more this year since it survived the winter.
These guys have a decent selection of tea variatals, mostly from seed and not clones. Including some cold hardy ones, i got the sochi variety which is from a Russian tea research institute which worked on cold hardy teas.
If you digg around some you can find a complete wed directory of amican tea farms but there is very little availability.

>> No.18399366

picrel >>18392458
EX lot tippy clonal tea, top shelf stuff basically. >>18399345
Yeah, I didn't like any affordable options I've tried so I gravitated towards 2nd flush.
It's really close to Taiwanese oolong in oxidation level so it's around 75% green. They classify it as black because it's not rolled into balls or wok fired so the semantics confused me for ages.
1 year too late to bring this up possibly, but I got a similar fruit flavor from 2021 2nd flush Rohini Classic at Vahdam. IIRC the webpage description said it was AV2 plants. Surprisingly affordable.

>> No.18399372

Thank you

>> No.18399377

I will never buy indian tea

>> No.18399390
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Oh, they're actually still selling the very same DJ-76 lot so this is still relevant. The site description got deleted but it is cheap AV2 clonal tea

>> No.18399398

no make a new one, do some gonfu stuff in an american style.

>> No.18399401
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LP brought on some weird Korean heicha. Unfortunately, it is expensive like most Korean tea. I would buy some myself if it were more reasonably priced.

Also he is selling some nice looing guangdong stored 2006 Xiaguan 8633 cakes for $50.

>> No.18399453
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 2021ChapoMid-2_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2T is doing free shipping plus a free 25g tea sample on orders over $49 until september 26th at midnight PST with code "redredrobe".

I am strongly considering taking advantage of the sale. I am mostly looking at his cheaper non puerh heicha but I am open to recommendations.

Has anyone tried either of these?

Also has anyone tried these?

>> No.18399563

You're talking about Minto Island, right? I live near them actually. Wanted to visit someday. They sell live plants so I want to pick one up. I only heard about them recently though and they've got nothing listed on their web store.

I've tried two teas from Great Mississippi Tea Company. Chinese style stuff. Good flavor, but there are a lot of stems in the bag on top of being incredibly expensive. I wish we could get quality loose leaf tea domestically grown without it costing a fortune. There's also a bunch of farms in Hawaii but anything grown in Hawaii is automatically expensive due to how premium the real estate is.

>> No.18399605

I want to try, but I live in northern New England. I doubt they would survive a typical winter.

>> No.18399646
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>There are two major varieties. Camellia sinensis var. sinensis is the Chinese variety that has small leaves and is more tolerant of cold weather hardy into USDA Zone 6. C. sinensis var. assamica is from the Assam region of northern India with larger leaves hardy to zone 7 and south.

>> No.18399650

I have been looking for that korean hecha for a while, only seen it in one shop in England of all places. No way im paying 60¢/g for it though.
Good price for that crane, but i wish he specified which batch it is.

>> No.18399660

I have of the cold tolerant varieties from cam forest and it survived last winter in the ground in 6b

>> No.18399722

>only seen it in one shop in England of all places

>No way im paying 60¢/g for it though.
Sadly most fancy Korean tea seems to be similarly highly priced. I doubt you are going to find aged examples of that tea for much less short of perhaps flying to Korea yourself but I could be wrong.

This vendor has a lot of higher end Korean tea. I know LP has carried some of these producers teas before.
My guess is they don't grow much domestically so it tends to be made into into higher end traditionally processed luxury tea. I have seen some of plain probably machine processed Korean green teas go for less though.

>> No.18399742

I had some of the 2021 spring liubao from the club. Pretty fucking good.

>> No.18399788

Any idea about the chapo? I think it came in the club at some point and I kind of want to pick up one or both bricks.

>> No.18399792
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Finally got around to ordering some tea from purple cloud, I have been meaning to get that black box liubao for ages.

>> No.18399795
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>have to clean out a moldy cooler
>the mold smells really ripe
>make some tea
>now the savory notes remind me of mold

>> No.18399802

Also it's not even pu-er it's black tea.

>> No.18399816

Oh shit I did get 20g of each of those bricks before they were pressed. Very unique. I think I liked the roasted one a bit more.

>> No.18399833

Thanks I think I am going to grab one of each chapo. Free shipping FTW. I like weird heicha and had been waiting for an excuse to grab them.

>> No.18399846

>South Carolina
I wonder if that's this one: https://archive.org/details/teacultureexperi00shep

>> No.18399879

Im not sure if its the exact same type of tea but it's korean
There is also this

>> No.18399897

>Sadly most fancy Korean tea seems to be similarly highly priced. I doubt you are going to find aged examples of that tea for much less short of perhaps flying to Korea yourself but I could be wrong.
Yeah its true, there is pretry much nothing out there that sells to the west. I think even if i had a friend that lived in korea thry would have a hard time tracking that stuff down. Much easier to find the different fermented Japanese teas.
Like you said korea doesn't really export much tea and it seems like the domestic stuff is mostly a luxury to them.

>> No.18399939
File: 56 KB, 480x327, tea-tins-darjeeling_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I forgot about cominstea. The price is only somewhat better though. I think we have had this discussion before.

As an aside cominstea used to sell these really cool tins that were replicas of ones used by the London tea auctions. My guess is their supplier stomped making them which is a shame because I kind of wanted one.

>> No.18399952

kant was such a Cunt

>> No.18399971

Well I put in an order with W2T. If anyone else here wants to make an inadvisable impulse purchase you have another 2 hours or so until the sale ends.

>> No.18400002
File: 19 KB, 376x417, 41QJxs18f1L._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found my old Teavana one cup brewer thing in a box and gave it to my brother and his wife. Apparently these fucking things are $75 now? Jesus Christ I think I paid $20 for it in 2010 when I was in highschool.

>> No.18400046

They are probably not made anymore and that one seller on Amazon is just scalping some new old stock to people who don't know any better. There are a surprising number of people that only got into tea through Teavana back before they got liquidated by Starbucks. You still find normies asking about replacements for their favorite Teavana blends. Adagio teas seems to cater to the same audience these days.

>> No.18400058
File: 2.77 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220927_052111228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly clearing out space for a black friday order.
I like steep and release. I've been playing around with a hario switch this past week.

>> No.18400075

>I'm slowly clearing out space for a black friday order.
I wanted to put an an order now because I know I am going to order from other shops on Black Friday and not spending so much at once gives the illusion of fiscal responsibility. Yee On Tea is probably going to get my Black Friday cash.

>> No.18400411


>> No.18400460

That's fuckin' neato. I didn't know this thing existed but I want one.

>> No.18400475

for me its thick gold assam with a splash of milk. i fill the whole teapot, more than a pint, and drink it in one sitting. single infusions, water boiling on impact, each cup stronger than the previous.
somehow all the tea shops are out of ceylon

>> No.18400501

I wasn't closely following this but at least heard some news about Sri Lanka's president devaluing their currency Weimar style then the government collapsed. My reaction was "what about my TEA"

>> No.18400539
File: 792 KB, 1952x974, faggot_tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone fancy some faggot tea?

>> No.18400548

>it snaps off

>> No.18400587

When I look at ingredient listings on the random teas you can find at the supermarket or whatever, most of them have very little of the thing they get their flavor name from. Like wild/forest berry ones would barely have any of that.
I wonder if smell those teas have is also produced by some other substitute.

>> No.18400601

Most of those teas have some sort of food grade flavoring added to them. Usually its listed as natural flavors.

>> No.18400608
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If someone wants a bottom dispensing teapot that can be disassembled and cleaned the ingenuiTEA 2 seems to be a pretty good one.

>> No.18400657
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Still working my way through this brick from yee on tea.
This is a really nicer puer, its been softened up nicely but still has a pleasing bite to it. Must buy if you are putting in an order with the vampire.

>> No.18400674

Godspeed anon, props for getting deep into the heicha.

>> No.18400692


>> No.18400766

Is the filter in the vahdam one removable for cleaning? I shill the inginutea 2 because you can take the filter out for cleaning

>> No.18400845
File: 454 KB, 2000x1328, 1664288058281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use a slop bowl / wastewater bowl in your brewing setup? If so what do you use?
I just use a mug, eventually i will probably get some kind of stoneware bowl.
Pic related, antique slop bowl from the Mount Vernon collection.

>> No.18400952

honestly no idea and I'm not looking further into it because I just use a gaiwan

>> No.18400979

No worries

>> No.18400984
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Just a few sessions left with this cnnp 1101 liubao before i finish the tin.

>> No.18401006

how do you brew roasted oolong. i dont have any fancy equipment

>> No.18401016

put in mug
pour 90+ degree water on it
drink it when it cools enough
refill once it hits 1/3
wah lah

>> No.18401020

How roasted in it? If its dark and smells lije charcoal throw 4 grams in a mug and fill the mug with boiling water.
If its more of a moderate roast and you can still see some green in the tea than do the same thing except boil your water and then wait 5 minutes for it to cool before pouring it into your mug. Make sure you add the tea first before the water
Then when its cool enough drink it, and when you drink 1/2 to 2/3 down boil some more water and top it up, you can use freshly boiled water for both types when refilling, no need to let it cool.

>> No.18401032

This is a good tea, woody, lots of chocolate notes, some sweetness, chocolate lingers on the tongue for ages after drinking. Smooth, the basementy rootceller storage notes have diminished a bit since i first got it.
I wish i could buy liuan with a decade of Wudzu storage on it.

>> No.18401053

TFW my tea has too much qi and it makes me want to take a nap.
Cozy blanket apu .jpg

>> No.18401465

I have never been tea drunk before, cha-chee sounds like a meme

>> No.18401477
File: 131 KB, 1546x755, 1664303139076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never been tea drunk before
Just grab a pack of tea ciggs and smoke a few, you will get tea drunk for sure

>> No.18401483

That's because it's not a real thing. It's tea snobs getting high off their own farts and pretentiousness. At most, it's since idiot mistaking a caffeine buzz for being "drunk"

>> No.18401526

Tea drunk is just getting giddy off of drinking some strong tea while you are in a good mood.
cha qi is something else

>> No.18401534

>If you digg around some you can find a complete wed directory of amican tea farms
These are a bit out of date but should be a good start.

the US League of Tea Growers and their social media may also be a good spot to search.

>> No.18401553
File: 939 KB, 1483x2048, 1664304949781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta cop that high altitude Hawaiian white tea, only $10 for 16g
I guess the price isn't totally insane but i don't know if i trust any of these smalltime tea farmers to actually make tea properly.

>> No.18401573
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This is a tea farm in Mississippi
They are actually selling tea they grew on site.
For a few of them like the oolong they have listed they brought in somone that ostensibly knows how to process oolong, so it might actually be decent. Prices are a little more easy to stomach with their roasted oolong being 60¢ per gram

>> No.18401584

Rocky mountain yancha when

>> No.18401651

Imagine the tea
wuyi isn't even very high altitude

>> No.18401749

i bought a cheap oolong (~$6) and a relatively more expensive oolong (~$24) from the local asian supermarket. what expectation should i have if i do a taste test between the two?

>> No.18401761

Yeah I just use a knockbox

>> No.18401763

You should expect there to be a small difference but not much because they're guaranteed to be drastically marked up. Similarly priced oolongs bought online will have a noticable difference if you compared them.

>> No.18401772

sorry I tried, tea plants hate it here

>> No.18401776

Depends, are they the same type of oolong or totally different teas?
They could be somewhat similar, they could be totally different.
I don't really have an issue with asian market teas, than can be pretty decent and they don't seem dramatically marked up to me for an impotrt good.

>> No.18401874
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>My reaction was "what about my TEA"

>> No.18402346

I actually ordered some inexpensive ceylon right around the the time their president fled. It took about a month to arrive and the seller still included an extra 100g "sample" of dusty stuff. Pretty good deal.

>> No.18402360

Oh yeah you posted about that store right?
Its probably not safe to order from them right now unfortunately

>> No.18402365

>not starting a civil war in Malaysia so you can buy all their puer for cheap when they panic sell

>> No.18402383

Imagine all the 10 and 30 kilo baskets of liubao that are sitting in Malaysian warehouses

>> No.18402498

>It took about a month to arrive and the seller still included an extra 100g "sample" of dusty stuff. Pretty good deal
what store?

>Its probably not safe to order from them right now unfortunately
Just use paypal and have them reverse the charge if the shop doesn't deliver.

>> No.18402587

>Just use paypal and have them reverse the charge if the shop doesn't deliver.
Yeah fair enough

>> No.18402720

Never posted about it before, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of shops throw in some black tea fannings for free.

Literally an ebay seller located there. It was all fresh 2022 stuff though. They had raised their prices the last time I looked.

>> No.18402899

Farmer-Leaf order arrived. I'm drinking Jingmai Moonlight white right now. First time ever trying white tea. It's pretty nice. I'm not sure how to describe the flavor exactly. Maybe it's malty? Sort of curly parsley nutmeg plus floral. One cool thing is the liquor is a little jiggly, not to the same degree as sencha but it's got body. The buds are fuzzy.
I'm a puer h8r but first impression on this is it seems like a swell deal.

>> No.18402928

>It's pretty nice. I'm not sure how to describe the flavor exactly. Maybe it's malty?
Moonlight white teas tend to remind me of raw sugarcane and how i would imagine pleasant autumn leaves to taste.

>> No.18402985

Nice, i still have try some good white tea. Its cool that farmer leaf has a whole video up explaining how he makes it.

>> No.18402993
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Sounds like good white tea anon. I really like whites, I want to get some more aged stuff, and some more moonlight white, but I'm kind of on a puer kick now. If you're just getting into it though, I'd recommend getting some of each of Baihao Yinzhen, Bai Mudan, Gongmei, and Shoumei. You can get all of it in the .10-.20/g range, and it's pretty fun to compare all the different parts of the leaf, and how they affect flavor. I'd recommend trying some aged stuff too, but it's been super hit and miss in my experience, so I wouldn't necessarily focus on that to start out. If you're interested in the mouthfeel, you can get some ultra-fuzzy silver needles, those a pretty unique experience. Overall I think white tea is treated extremely poorly in the current tea ranking zeitgeist, there's a lot of low quality plantation tea in the mix, and it's sweet so nobody wants to admit to enjoying it and be told they have a child's palate.
Personally, I think we're overdue for a white tea renaissance of sorts, it fully* ages in five-ish years, you can re-spin the processing as minimalist, or fundamental instead of easy, and I think it benefits way more from high quality material than people give it credit for. The summer pickings are already essentially a pariah as far as the enthusiast market goes, I'd be unsurprised if a carefully made white tea from excellent trees turned out to be extremely good, or even exceptional aged.

*I understand that this invites shitposting, it's comparable to 15-20 year sheng at this stage in terms of development from my experience
I haven't had any 20+ year old whites yet so maybe flavor development goes hyperbolic at some point and they're actually amazing, but so far I'd say you're getting 90% of your returns in the first five years.

>> No.18403138

He also included two free samples even though I ordered such a trivial amount of tea. Solid service.
Is it actually possible to age white tea at home since it's enzymatic? Or is there some special Hong Kong factor there too?

By the look of these leaves they appear premium, and it's spring harvest. 0.17 per gram seems very reasonable to me. I tried one sheng sample he sells for the same price and I way way way prefer this white tea.

>> No.18403258

>Overall I think white tea is treated extremely poorly in the current tea ranking zeitgeist
It as not as trendy to talk about nor typically considered quite as "prestigious" (in the sense of bragging rights) but that does not mean it is underrated. I generally only hear good things about it and I would guess most the puerh fans around here have at least a cake or two in their stash.
I got about a 1 kg of pressed white tea myself.

>I think we're overdue for a white tea renaissance of sorts, it fully* ages in five-ish years,
Pressed white tea and widespread intentional aging of it is a newer thing mostly riding on the rising popularity of puerh. White tea as a whole seems to have only gained a lot of it's widespread popularity in the last century. If anything white tea is on the upswing it does not need a "renaissance".

>The summer pickings are already essentially a pariah as far as the enthusiast market goes
Because summer pickings tend to be weaker than spring or even fall ones. That's not to say you can't have nice summer tea but it is understandable why it does not carry the same premium.

>Is it actually possible to age white tea at home since it's enzymatic?
It should slowly oxidize under relatively normal conditions. Before someone asks no aged white tea does not just turn into a black tea.

>Or is there some special Hong Kong factor there too?
You don't need full on HK root cellar conditions to age puerh. That said if wet stored taste is what you are after it is very difficult to do at home.

>By the look of these leaves they appear premium, and it's spring harvest. 0.17 per gram seems very reasonable to me.
That honestly looks like a more premium production to me. You can actually get a lot of decent white tea for 10¢/g.

>> No.18403631

Tea drunkenness is mostly just caffeine. There is also some stomach action going on, really just feels like I'm slightly sick and sometimes I have to rush to the toilet.

>> No.18403667

I always thought it's just a fun name for a caffeine buzz

>> No.18403687

>He also included two free samples even though I ordered such a trivial amount of tea. Solid service.
Nice, what did you get? Unfortunately the farmerleaf french website dosent give any free samples it seems.
I think white tea and agable non puerh or heicha teas like roasted oolong age the best if you just leave it in the original packet and dont mess with the humidity or anything.
Also I wish i could drink more white tea but for some reason its the only tea type that makes my stomach hurt for no reason, might be the high caffeine content but im unsure.
I think its from the combination of L-theanine and caffeine, the L-theanine explains the open mindedness of it and it doesnt feel jittery like a caffeine buzz. I've experienced tea drunkenness a bit though so I might be biased with it.

>> No.18403754

Those were the freebies, combined weight of 15 grams. Only things I ordered were a sample of white tea and a bag of Yingpan Shan black

>> No.18403918

How do I know if I can steep my tea multiple times before I buy it? The store ain't no help with this. What do I need to be looking for?

>> No.18403964

>typically considered quite as "prestigious" (in the sense of bragging rights) but that does not mean it is underrated.
That's exactly what underrated means. It's hard to buy high quality white tea because it's considered a lesser production. If people cared more about white tea, it would be made more carefully with higher quality material. I'm suggesting people should value white tea more than they do now.
>newer thing mostly riding on the rising popularity of puerh.
It's the opposite, actually. White tea has been aged for at least a few centuries, puerh aging didn't really exist until Taiwanese buyers started importing it and paying a premium for the older stuff.
>Because summer pickings tend to be weaker than spring or even fall ones.
I know, a lot of farmers won't even do a summer picking, because they can't turn it into puerh (if they're going to admit it's summer tea) Especially the forest tea is left unpicked because of how labor intensive it is.

>> No.18403967

you can steep pretty much all tea multiple times. even if you're brewing black tea western style, you can usually get at least two cups from it, just lenghen the brewing time on the second steeping
green tea, pu-erh and rolled oolong tend to benefit the most from multiple steepings

>> No.18403982

>Is it actually possible to age white tea at home
Complex question, all tea will "age" at home, in that the flavor is going to develop over time. With puerh, the flavor won't improve like it will with proper storage, even super "dry" storage like Kunming, if you're in the west. My intuition is that you're not going to be aging white tea at home, in the sense that you're not going to get a similar product to a tea that you buy that sat in Guangdong or Puerh city for five years. Your tea might improve though, I'm not sure.
As far as general storage, humidity is important for all tea. If you're buying Longjing, white tea, puerh, whatever, if you let it dry out it won't taste good. This is true to varying degrees, I've never taken too much care with cheap black tea, but I think people in general do terrible things to the Longjing they buy, and should take better care of it. Properly sealing it in mylar, keeping it from getting too cold, and getting some humidity into it if it dries out is really all I'm talking about here, but it's still important. In terms of enzymatic activity, temperature is going to be really important, if you want any tea to develop significantly over time, you need to keep it over ~70F and fairly stable. 80F is closer to ideal, and warmer is generally better. Sure at some point it'll fall off a cliff, you don't want to start denaturing enzymes, but whatever is happening is going to go much faster at higher temperatures.
That's not to say that white tea definitely won't age in the west, I haven't tried it, but I'd be surprised if tea bought now and kept, even if you're careful, for five years isn't noticeable worse than tea even lazily stored in southern China for the same amount of time.
I've also never had "wet" stored white tea, so I can't comment on the different styles of storage for white tea, but my intuition would be that it matters much less than it does for puerh.

>> No.18403999

>By the look of these leaves they appear premium, and it's spring harvest. 0.17 per gram seems very reasonable to me.
Yeah, I haven't had this year's yet, but Farmer Leaf produces what I would call a premium white tea. It's not super high quality material (at least it didn't used to be), but it's much better than what you'd call plantation or terrace tea. It's interesting that it's spring production, kind of curious how that ended up happening. I'd still give some 20+ year old puerh a try before you write it off, but if you like white tea then just drink white tea. It's tasty stuff, and it's usually much less expensive.

>> No.18404011

What is the time window involved in this? I often make a large pot per day and put in a thermos. Would it be viable to steep it again the next day but for longer or should it be done within a few hours or so? Maybe it doesn't really matter? I usually let the tea sit in the strainer, soggy and wet, until I throw it out the next day and add new leaves.
I realize this probably depends on the tea type as well.

>> No.18404022

the sooner you re-steep the better

>> No.18404023

>Would it be viable to steep it again the next day but for longer or should it be done within a few hours or so? Maybe it doesn't really matter?
Yeah, you can steep it the next day just fine, I do this all the time. 36h+ is getting to be a liiiiiittle close, tea will absolutely mold if you leave it out, but 24h is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just brew it again the next day. It'll taste different, but yeah, just brew it longer. Tea that's been left wet for a long time is actually overbrewed, but it doesn't matter as much if you're brewing western style. You'll have a very small amount of tea that's been extracting for 24 hours, and then the majority of the tea will be the new water you add. If you're doing gongfu, this can be a problem since there will be a much higher ratio of overextracted tea, but it doesn't matter as much for western style. It'll have a noticeable impact on flavor, however.

>> No.18404027

Thanks. Perhaps it would help if I somehow let it drain and dry while in the strainer, instead of just letting the bottom sit in a puddle?

>> No.18404036

Yeah, I'd pull the strainer out and chuck it on a plate or a bowl or something. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to drain it though.

>> No.18404142

For whatever it's worth, I tried these both now >>18403754
The Laos stuff is better. And cheaper. Reason being because it's milder. Surprisingly decent. The other was too aggressively toasted.
I hate wok firing so much it's unreal. Must be why white tea tastes so refreshing.

>> No.18404249

consider cold brewing the spent leaves overnight instead of using them the next day, just throw them into a pitcher with a lid to keep food smells out.
i use 400ml water and 5-10g leaves

>> No.18404314

Hm this means I have to drink it cold right? I doubt heating it up after cold brewing would make for any good results. I could give it a try depending on how it compares to re-heating the leaves again.

>> No.18404330
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Idk if it worked, but the cake feels softer I guess.

>> No.18404349

Big Moisture in absolute shambles

>> No.18404388
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Why aren't you grinding your own matcha at home right before drinking?

>> No.18404406

You have to send in those things to be repaired every two years, that power level is too high for me.

>> No.18404448
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Anyone know where i can get decent double lidded tea cannisters that are actually airtight? Thry don't need to be elaborate and decorative just functional.

>> No.18404477

Whoa. What kind of tea do I need for perfect at-home ground matcha?

>> No.18404479

how many vendors sell raw matcha grade green tea leaf to gaijin?

>> No.18404482
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It's got two lids and can displace air and create a good air tight seal.

>> No.18404492
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Why did lidded teacups not become a standard thing in the west? Can we get these popularized?
It's getting colder outside and it's harder to just sip on darjeeling while I work without it going cold too fast. It's not quite cold enough to switch to gong fu brewing copious amounts of puerh either

>> No.18404565

Decent suggestion thanks

>> No.18404582

Bigly expensive, I just use mason jars.

>> No.18404637

Ya that's fine. I bought this more for coffee, but I don't really care for coffee anymore lol.

>> No.18404666
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Tried yerba mate for the first time. Found pic related on the shelf at the grocery store and brewed some up in a mug since I don't have the hours and straw.

Not bad. Tastes kind of like smoking pipe tobacco, in a good way.

>> No.18404672

>Not bad. Tastes kind of like smoking pipe tobacco, in a good way.
That's a pretty well known popular brand so it's nice to have at the store. Mine only has some organic rebranded shit for white peope, its probably not smoked at all.

>> No.18404741
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finally got a nice nippon kettle and teapot.

>> No.18404783
File: 487 KB, 958x958, Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 15-19-07 Ryutagama Taki Nakazato Nanban Cup Woodfired Karatsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a store in Seattle that imports and sells Japanese ceramics.
Prices vary but its not on the super high end. Some cool stuff on there.

>> No.18404839

>You have to send in those things to be repaired every two years, that power level is too high for me.
They don't look like they would wear out that fast and in any case with how lightly a home user is likely to use it it seems like it should last a lifetime. Where did you read that matcha mills have to be serviced every 2 years?

>Whoa. What kind of tea do I need for perfect at-home ground matcha?
Tencha is what traditional matcha is made from. It's kind of hard to find for sale though because most of it gets turned into matcha.

>> No.18404842

>not flat

>> No.18404848

I have been lazy with organizing my tea related bookmarks and now I got a folder with nearly 2500 links in it. A lot of the links are duplicates or stuff that can otherwise be deleted but there are some obscure links in there I would like to find again. I have been meaning to make myself a comprehensive vendor spreadsheet plus another one types of useful tea related sites.

>> No.18404883

>It's hard to buy high quality white tea because it's considered a lesser production.
This feels like a comment from a parallel universe. Silver needle tea isn't exactly pleb stuff.
It's true that shit-tier white tea is being made to meet demand (I bought some, and the price was definitely too good to be true), but unless you're talking about the best of the best wild tea, high quality white tea isn't that hard to find. I would go as far as to say that it's sold as premium in many stores and the price probably keeps it from being more popular.
>inb4 "lol this loser thinks $4.00 a cup is premium"

>> No.18404926

>Silver needle tea isn't exactly pleb stuff.
Silver needle is absolutely pleb tea, it's made from clonal Da Bai varietal tea grown in terraces almost exclusively. You can get it graded for larger buds, which adds some cost, but it's not going much above 0.20/g.
>$4.00 a cup
Where are you paying this much for Baihao Yinzhen?

>> No.18404927


>> No.18404932


>> No.18404938

Trying to get a handle on all the vendiors is totally overwhelming. I think the pastebin covers just a tiny fraction of what's out there.
Ive tried to digg deeper into it but for every decent shop there are 20 stores reselling bulk flavored tea.
I really wish there was a better online directory system than search engines, they are almost useless for that sort or thing

>> No.18404944

First of all, that's not even "silver needle" Baihao Yinzhen. Bai Mudan is one bud one leaf (sometimes 1 bud two leaves, it's really just leaves and bud), it's technically a lower quality tea. Second of all, it's not even a Fuding tea so it shouldn't carry chinese meme prices, if it was Fuding they would have said so.
Here's a better tea for 0.12/g.
This is the actual fancy meme shit
The bad news is that you've been paying out the nose for extremely cheap tea, the good news is you can get better tea for almost a full order of magnitude less money.
If you don't like Yunnan sourcing you can get this stuff anywhere, but these are fairly representative of what you should be paying in the west.

>> No.18404955

>you've been paying out the nose for extremely cheap tea
I'm not buying it, that was just my context for premium white tea, apparently I'm misinformed.
>if it was Fuding they would have said so.
Yeah, they do say their white tea cakes are from Fuding, although obviously the cakes aren't silver needle.

>> No.18404960

Should Upton Tea just be removed from the pastebin at this point? Seems like there are too many caveats to ordering from them.

>> No.18404975

Harsh, but the white tea thing is pretty sad.
It's been known for a long time that they specialize in black tea, for instance:
>con: selection heavily tilted towards black teas
So maybe there could be a caveat emptor for their specialty eastern teas.

>> No.18404980

Meh, people gotta learn someday. I maintain my own list of vendors at this point, so I don't really care, but you can't hold people's hand all the time.

>> No.18405010

Peak bystander mentality. There's not holding people's hands, and then there's making bad recommendations because... you want them to learn a lesson without telling them?

>> No.18405016

I justified their existence like 6 months ago when I reviewed them vs Vahdam
The only real caveat is just order blacks and spiced, same as Vahdam, but without Upton having the problem of forgetting to ship stuff

>> No.18405017

Most of the tea Upton sells is good tea at a good price, and they have a good selection. I would consider Upton a good recommendation for western black tea, which is what the pastebin says. It's on the level of Vahdam at the very least.

>> No.18405033

>"hey just buy their western black teas, they're good at that"
>hmm I think I'll buy their white tea
>wtf what kind of trickery is this, why didn't you warn me

>> No.18405034

I do agree that
>not so great for Chinese and Japanese teas
is sufficient, I forgot that the pastebin had that and thought you were recommending no warning at all.

>> No.18405043

Okay i will leave Upton in with the same warning that's been there. Can't do much more than that.
They were one of the handful of websites that was listed in the old /jp/ version of the pastebin so ive been hesitant to ditch them completely.
Did a solid review of them and they are good for traditional Orthodox teas. Which none of the more flashy vendors really care about at all.

>> No.18405053
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>> No.18405059
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>> No.18405060

>big O Orthodox
Yeah they do have Russian Caravan don't they

>> No.18405066


>> No.18405084


>> No.18405088
