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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 640x480, EEDAF2E2-4CE1-4E53-A9E2-0798CBD0BCEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18387475 No.18387475 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not living in NYC. Able to eat incredible cuisine from any country in the world instead of bland ass white people shit.

>> No.18387479

As much as I want to try Ethiopian food, I'd honestly rather live in Ethiopia than NYC. Not worth it.

>> No.18387480

>Rags and dog shit

I'll pass

>> No.18387501

this looks like actual dogshit

>> No.18387503

>bland ass white people shit
this is your brain filled with goyslop

>> No.18387514

i'm sorry but even after having it 10+ times i still do not like anything about injera

>> No.18387521
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>> No.18387525

Based enjoyer of the food God provides us

>> No.18387527

other than no herbs or pepper on the veggies that looks scrumptious. Chicken looks fine and tatos look like me ma used to make (from the packet but lovingly seasoned and with butter)

>> No.18387528

What the fuck gives you the impression that Ethiopian food has msg and food coloring in it?

>> No.18387530

I'll give the Ethiopian restaurants credit for presenting a novel experience for Westerners. Native Indian food is normally eaten with hands too from what I understand, but if you go to an Indian restaurant, you get a white tablecloth and plates and utensils. But the Ethiopes dgaf, and if you didn't do some reading online then you'll have no idea what's going on.

The bread (their "naan", idk what it's called) is moist, spongy, but not at all bad. The various purees were all tasty, even though I usually had no idea wtf I was eating. I've taken legit boomers to Ethiopian places and we all had a nice, fun time.

The country gets memed on a lot, but it has a lot of interesting history, and Ethiopian girls tend to be pretty beautiful.

Your instincts are not wrong, and you can find Ethiopian enclaves in much much smaller urban areas too, at least on the East Coast. The fantasy of living in a cosmopolitan wonderland that never sleeps where you can get authentic Chinese delivered to your $2,500/month studio at 4:00am in five minutes sounds nice, but now the city just gives me headaches.

It's indeed hard to go back once you've gotten used to having so many options. But I guess all we really need is the recipe.


>> No.18387601

>wipe ass with hand
>eat food with hand
The ethnic experience ladies and gentlemen

>> No.18387654

Ethiopian food is not that hard to find, but yes, I'm in a relatively big European city and even if there's a lot of different restaurants, there's still plenty of cuisines I can't find here.
That said, going to a restaurant isn't the same thing as going to the country itself. There's a lot of regional variation you won't be able to find from abroad.

>> No.18387714

Ethiopian restaurants are pretty easy to find anywhere, dum dum. They're also pretty much all the same.

>> No.18387722

Oh nononon

>> No.18387726

new york city is stressful and loud. i don't see how people live there. I'd rather eat bad food in the woods any day.

>> No.18387729

> not living in NYC. Able to eat incredible cuisine from any country in the world

Did you read the OP you lazy shitter. Seriously fuck you retard.

>> No.18387730

Bruh they have ethiopian food even in Texas.

>> No.18387758

N.Y. stinks like literally smells, can hardly wait to get outta there, when I do I take off my clothes and wash them...twice.

>> No.18387762

name an african restaurant that isn't injera memery
that's hard to come by

>> No.18387781
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>bland ass white people shit

>> No.18387792

Ethiopian vegetable and meat curries are alright but the bread is fucking garbage. Used to live in an area with a lot of Ethiopians. Good coffee too. But fuck that bread, it's shit and the cheap places stuff it in everything to stretch out the food. Also fuck off with your racism

>> No.18387797

We used to know a Ghanian (Ghanese? Ghanish?) restaurant. The owner was a huge asshole, or troll, or both, business genius either way. He could shit on a plate and karens would eat it up on Instagram out of liberal guilt, plus the customers had no basis for comparison, "maybe this is just how Ghanainian food is", nobody brave enough to complain. Now that I think about it, he might not have even been Ghanoid, maybe just a black guy with a dashiki and fake accent running a long con.

>> No.18387809

Is there a corn variety I'm not aware of? To me that's just chicken feed.

>> No.18387827

what does it taste like

>> No.18387841

Looks like a dog shit on my plate. No thanks.

>> No.18387847

>Also fuck off with your racism

>> No.18387850

It's yellow corn with red potatoes, sausage and crawfish very good on a summer day with some beer and friends.
unless of course you are a douche, which you probably are

>> No.18387852

The best Ethiopian food in rhe US is in DC and Northern Virginia

>> No.18387858

>white people food isnt bland, look here is a load of literal river bugs that we boiled with some bland ass corn!

>> No.18387869

if you're gonna try refute it, maybe don't post literal boiled potato, corn and bug

>> No.18387872
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>> No.18387887

What did you pay for this plate of shit and dried flat bread?

>> No.18387895

you've never had it have you?

>> No.18387924

Los Angeles here. We have better food, better weather, and we're not some dense inner city shithole. Fuck New York

>> No.18387932

>sea floor looking pancakes
>five types of shit
>a tiny tuft of lettuce and the cheapest slice of tomato possible
What is this supposed to even be?

>> No.18387957

good ethiopian food in Minneapolis, surprisingly. lot of somalis, I guess

>> No.18387992

Somalia and Ethiopia are different countries

>> No.18387993

eat the bugs white boi

>> No.18388071

Daily reminder that ethiopians are starving to death every day while tatooed ny arthoes spend the equivalent of a months food for the entire village on a single plate of poverty grub so they can post it on their instagrams

>> No.18388084

So what

>> No.18388103

I know right? Only NYC has restaurants from anywhere outside of their country. It's amazing that no one else does that.

>> No.18388109
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For me it’s steak tartare with anchovies and a side of melted butter and a side of teriyaki sauce

>> No.18388110

maybe dont be a shitsucking fuckhead then, you mongoloid. go eat your sour bread

>> No.18388115

>muh crustaceans are bugs
real brainlet hours. stick to your spongebread and liquid shit

>> No.18388118

>poverty education
crustaceans arent bugs, maybe pay attention in school next time. black people eat crawfish boils too, you absolute cuisinelet and brainlet

>> No.18388121

people like this are so pathetic lol. keep seething, but living in midtown making a fuckton of money and popping out two blocks over to a place covered in pictures of celebrities who visited, or going to lou reed's favorite diner a few blocks over, is just so fucking cool and lameos like you will never ever get to. i remember i caught david byrne's broadway show late last year and when it finished popped over to patsy's for a penne vodka and when i went back outside david byrne is riding his fucking bicycle down 56th so i wave to him and he waves back lmao. you will literally never, ever know what it's like to be somewhere where real people are.

>> No.18388133

Or you can live anywhere else in NY and be able to travel to the city any time you want and not be a degenerate urbanite.

>> No.18388137

neck yourself redditor. I'll take stroganoff over starving african sloppa

>> No.18388139

>being some filthy fucking long island shitbag or god forbid an upstate freak
fuck no lmao, I actually don't like to make friends with other people who aren't also in manhattan, when I meet people who go on and on about how great the bronx/queens/brooklyn is or how harlems really turning it around I just roll my fucking eyes. it's how eternal losers cope when they shoot for a bullseye and miss. "actually i prefer it over here" lmao.

>> No.18388172

This has to be bait or a new pasta

>> No.18388174

>tfw your everyday life is so incomprehensible to a hicksville lifer that he's convinced it was carefully designed in a lab specifically to upset him
i'm sorry i think i'm kind of throwing you off here, let me dumb it down for the hayseed audience. me big fun. you big dumb. you big, big ugly. me great. me big money. you no money. you sad, you angry. me laugh.

>> No.18388178
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I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying the delusion.

I wish I could eat in a restaurant with a picture of Lou Reed in it.

>> No.18388185

no, hayseed. no picture. favorites. big like. big big like by big famous man. go to labor job. save coins. many months, save coin. hayseed can visit too. one day.


>> No.18388192

Oh, that changes everything I should come visit sometime. Maybe you can show me a toilet that Bill Cosby pissed in.

>> No.18388198

actually im glad i had the chance to make fun of you cause i'm taking the ferry over to see guys and dolls at the st george and was wanting to try something new and I'm excited to do this Russ & Daughters place tomorrow. so in a roundabout way, thanks! have a good one hayseed.

>> No.18388203

Shit... and I was hoping you could show me where Vince Vaughan bought his toasters.

Enjoy your gay musical, fag!

>> No.18388214

i remember, like 6 or 8 years ago, /ck/ went hard against ethiopian food, and made it into a meme. Not the "they have no food! lawl!!!!" meme, but rather how it was obnoxiously only pushed by trendy hipsters who wanted to seem enlightened, and the reality was it was fucking awful cuisine that masked its horrible ingredients with shitty spices.
And it makes sense... ethiopia is a shit hole that is probably more reliant on food aid than any other country in the world. The only people who get excited about its cuisine are retarded woke liberals who are desperately trying to find something to pat black people on the back over, and the best the could come up with is the cuisine from a nation of black people that is famously poor and incapable of feeding itself.

Its almost like a sketch comedy scene. The premise is so ridiculous that only a complete retard would think it was real(and yet it was, ethiopian food was a trend in like 2010-2015)

>> No.18388229

Why are on 4 chan? Big money?

>> No.18388240

Big money has been on here 4 1/2 hours, think big money would have better things to do in Manhatten.

>> No.18388244

>you sad
>you angry
>me laugh

>> No.18388257

>you stoopid
>you tiresome
>me yawn

>> No.18388361

There's a line to get in to the deli that the Bee-Gees walked past one day.

>> No.18388365
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>> No.18388376

>enjoying living in the hive of degeneracy
Really speaks volumes about yourself. You faggots are the reason all the farms are being shut down out on the East end. Congrats on actively wiping out a centuries old way of life just so retarded 20-somethings have an extra place to party ig?

>> No.18388849

bit light on the vegetable, no?

>> No.18389039

Dallas, TX is the restaurant capital of the US. Of course TX has Ethiopian food.

>> No.18389214

Civilizations that had fresh foods did not use heavy spices to cover up the taste of rotting.

>> No.18389234
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>if you live on the coastal state you live in a city

>> No.18389268

>a spread out choloscape is better
Wew, they both blow.

>> No.18389333

something tells me you really do live in manhattan considering your disdain for the outer boroughs
dare i say... based

>> No.18389565
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The best thing about coonass sloppa is that the jews can't eat it or God will smite them.

>> No.18389573

Rubbish swearing

>> No.18389617
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>Imagine not living in NYC. Able to eat incredible cuisine from any country in the world instead of bland ass white people shit.

>> No.18389624

>southern cuisine
>white people food
lmao, even

>> No.18389637

Goy fuck yourself

>> No.18389720
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>> No.18389722

>>Imagine being able to afford living in NYC.

>> No.18389843

I'd mix all that together and make a righteous burger.

>> No.18390096

Money doesn't cure autism

>> No.18390164

>Dallas, TX is the restaurant capital of the US.
sounds like bullshit, but I believe it

>> No.18390170

it's injera, how are flyovers this dumb?

>> No.18390175

>living with a bunch of pink faced beetus beasts who invade the city in yankees apparel every time there's a game
go away
yankee stadium needs to be demolished and replaced with a chinese indoor mall

>> No.18390181

>would rather live by niggers

>> No.18390189

I really don't know what the hype is about this shit. The injera is far too sweet and the food is generally not that good. Perhaps it is due to the fact I went to an "Eritrean".

>> No.18390205

> in DC and Northern Virginia
So many things make sense now

>> No.18390209

>200% cope

>> No.18390228

sweet? are you high?

>> No.18390234

this looks utterly disgusting, plus I dont want to eat stuff that has been prepared and touched by niggers.

>> No.18390288

Why does it look like they never give you enough bread to mop up all the mush with? Same deal with Indian restaurants. Dont skimp on the bread, assholes.

>> No.18390308

t. the guy who screeches about portion sizes at fine dining joints he can't afford

I've never been to an ethiopian restaurant that didn't give you extra injera on the side

>> No.18390432

>imagine not spending $4000 to live in a small apartment in a city full of mice and shit and trash

>> No.18390449

>to (SHARE) a small apartment in a city full of mice and shit and trash
Fixed it for you bro

>> No.18390457

>celebrity worshiper

>> No.18390468

>yankee stadium needs to be demolished
Well we can agree on that out least.

>> No.18390478

Who shat on that plate?

>> No.18390559

It's blended rat from his cupboard apartment.

>> No.18390958

Veggies look steamed, and I personally enjoy the potato skins and a bit of greens stirred in, but would eat.

>> No.18390967

>5 piles of barf on a pancake

>> No.18390977

I like to just wipe my ass with the food.

>> No.18390985

I can't believe this post lol

>> No.18391032
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>> No.18391062

I grew up in NYC and moved out a few years ago. Can't imagine going back. Hustle-and-bustlecels going on about muh authentic ethnic food is just cope. NYC is a shithole. Everything is expensive, dealing with the subway that breaks down all the time, everything has a line, commute is long, can't afford real estate. Why does anyone live there?

>> No.18391068

Good thing it will look the same

>> No.18391179

I know it sounds weird but the places that are actually the most depressing are the medium sized towns in rural areas
>None of the charm of an actual small town
>Suburbs designed like you're in a major metro but you aren't
>All that is next to the major farm fields are chain restaurants so all of the fresh produce etc doesn't even get used
>Hours from the nearest major airport
If you want to live in a small town, do it right.