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File: 61 KB, 720x540, black coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18383968 No.18383968 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking coffee, black, is not a replacement for a personality.

>> No.18384032

Why do people seethe so much over black coffee?

>> No.18384038

not liking black coffee is not a replacement for a personality

see how this works. people like different thing

>> No.18384049

they seethe because they lack personality

>> No.18384050

Drinking coffee with cream, White, does not make you less retarded

>> No.18384235

I just like how it tastes, but go ahead, keep seething at how people can tolerate - and even like - something you don't. I'm sure it'll make you feel like more of a man.
Besides, I was under the impression that black coffee was the boring motherfucker order.

>> No.18384243
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tastelets mostly anon
filtered by coffee lol

>> No.18384285

didn't ask

>> No.18384300

They literally can't drink anythung without sugar

>> No.18384353

imagine thinking personality is based off of things a person consooooooms.

>> No.18385323

Coffee is only tolerable as a holder for copious amounts of sugar.

>> No.18385368
File: 15 KB, 176x486, 00050000421169-hxhFMS6m6qaoo-en-US-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's a dash of this, no sugar

>> No.18385742

I like good hot coffee black. But when I’m home, I drink cold brew over ice with like a 1/3rd of the glass topped off with milk.

>> No.18385752

Neither is drinking a milkshake with coffee in it

>> No.18385761

Drinking anything aside from water is fucking gay and regarded. Also most water is gay and retarded.

>> No.18385786

I like my coffee like I like my men. White and sweet.

>> No.18385796

true, it's turning the frogs gay

>> No.18386319

>t. tells everyone he knows that he NEVER EVER puts milk or sugar in his coffee

>> No.18386332

>mfw drinking black coffee is my personality

>> No.18386484

I don't need to because they're not starfucks npcs who like sugary milk drinks

>> No.18386487
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Yes....it is.

>> No.18386550

I hate coffee but I drink it black anyway, I'm going to hate it either way

>> No.18386558


>> No.18386590

Because it gets old hearing about how the boomers at works have to tell everyone every time that they only drink their coffee black and they're for some reason proud of this

>> No.18386595

>hey man how would you like your coffee?
>black please

>> No.18386605


>Filtered like coffee, amirite?

>> No.18386609

Thats funny because the boomers I know add cream and sugar; they came from the generation that drank shitty Folgers

>> No.18386643

It's only by drinking it black that I can judge how good the coffee is. Same with dark chocolate. If it's foul then that's just the quality of the beans or how you're preparing it. Most coffee sold in the store is quite low quality. Occasionally we manage to get a good bag, but 8/10 it's shit.

>> No.18386645

Yes that’s fine but I enjoy the taste more like that and I don’t want milk in it.

>> No.18386647

Most boards on 4chan are at least 20% children under 18 if not more. That's why anyone over 30 is a boomer and it's also why you get all these incredibly specific, weird complaint threads making generalizations that simply don't make any sense

>> No.18386651

No, I'm talking about actual boomers working blue collar jobs. I guess not many people here have experience with actual manual labor and have no idea how boomers working there behave.

>> No.18386653

Re-read my post

>> No.18386680

There are a few purists who insist that anything other than black coffee is inferior, but these people exhibit autistic tendencies and are unable to comprehend any but the most obvious of physiological differences between the 8 billion people on this planet. For me, a splash of cream or milk provides a much needed viscosity to an otherwise watery beverage. Plus the cream helps reduce the noticeable acidity without compromising the flavor too much. I always found the thin texture with the high acidity to seem flabby and unappealing.

>> No.18386775

You make generalizations about others and then use an excuse about cream cutting acidity, when you can just do basic research to look for beans low in acidity and a darker roast. Your entire point about needing creamer is therefore retarded and plain wrong. The only physiological difference I need to be concerned with is that you’re just a low IQ nigger

>> No.18386783

>when you can just do basic research to look for beans low in acidity and a darker roast.
So when you drink coffee at work you bring your own coffee grinder with you, brew your own special hipster coffee?

>> No.18386788

i drink black coffee because it doesn’t have additional calories because my doctor told me i needed to cut back on the calories because i’m fat

>> No.18386790

Drinking coffee is not a replacement for a personality.
you fucking scumfuck retard

>> No.18386794

If you don’t like the coffee at work; then yes, why not just bring a hand grinder and an aero press/V60 and some filter and make your own? What is so difficult for you to understand?

>> No.18386797

Ignoring the banter, you did mention two good points about low acid beans and darker roasts, and for that I appreciate it. I do buy Honduran beans that have pretty low acidity already, but I don't care for the heavier astringency of a darker roasted coffee.

>> No.18386802

Thank god I don't work with inner city hipster faggots like yourself.

>> No.18386813
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I started drinking it mostly out of convenience then just got used to it.
Might have something to do with growing up drinking plain hot tea more than coffee before I lived on my own.
I don't really like coffee that much but now I think I'll make some.
You have me craving it

>> No.18386818

coffe to me is a reason to live, and I don't think I'm exagerating one bit

>> No.18386827
File: 203 KB, 277x244, 1615329087424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect that.
Nice coffee really does have a good flavor.
It just upsets my stomach and I don't like how the caffeine comes on most of the time.

>> No.18386832

I drink good quality caffeine free coffee, I don't miss "actual" coffe one bit. About the upset stomach, idk, but maybe you have stomach problems, I used to have some kind of begining of stomach ulcer. The doctor prescrived me stomach protectors, for like a month and I didn't took coffee then. After that I was free to go. BUt if you do this and still have problems then maybe you have more serious problems. Or just don't tolerate coffee

>> No.18387033

please an hero immediately OP

>> No.18387313

Do we tell him?

>> No.18387326

Coffee is a disgusting beverage with a flavor that needs to be offuscated with a bunch of shit. It's the beverage equivalent of offal.
Now tea, it has to be drank without any sugar or milk as it has a very subtle high iq taste

>> No.18387331

What are some good caffeine free coffees?

>> No.18387336

No boomer is working in actual manual labor you fucking LARP. They're retired, dead, or in white collar positions for the company.

I know some Xers and millennials pull this "if you don't drink black then youre a pussy" shit, but they're also the type to hype up having beards and being married to a tatted-up fat woman who pack their shitty sandwich bags. Nobody takes them seriously, including the other bearded bros who drink black coffee and don't make a thing out of it.

>> No.18388669

Why is high acidic coffee even a thing? Sometimes I can feel my teeth hurting from the high acidic coffee. I prefer light roast coffee, black. But I don’t want to drink something that’s destroying the enamel on my teeth

>> No.18388743

Black coffee tastes the way my urine smells

>> No.18389709

I like my coffee how I like my wife’s second husband..raw and BLACK!

>> No.18389724

good goy

>> No.18389740

This gave me a really intense erection and I'm not quite sure why.

>> No.18389809
File: 349 KB, 512x664, 1639274784303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, I seethe over assholes with "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" mugs keep telling me to try my coffee black whenever I go to the employee lounge and hide my vanilla and honey at the back of the fridge.

>> No.18391221

Same but i like mine black and veiny

>> No.18391235

when I worked blue collar none of my coworkers even drank coffee, just monsters red-bulls and bud-lights.

>> No.18391241
File: 197 KB, 696x768, Screenshot_20220924-115134_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18391248

oh god

>> No.18391850

I drink coffee black because I actually like the taste of coffee. Occasionally I will use a bit of creamer, especially the seasonal ones, but never sugar.

>> No.18391855 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 704x512, 1663691108097539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't like the taste of cream in coffee. Cry about it queer

>> No.18391982

I got a cats tongue, so drinking hot black coffee is a pain in the ass for me, and the moment it cools down it feels like it's too cold.
But if I add a bit of milk it gets the perfect temperature for me, looks a lot more appealing and taste better imo.

>> No.18392002
File: 1.34 MB, 2322x3741, 20220924_181332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thats why I don't use that shit. Picrel is actual cream and dairy

>> No.18392010


>> No.18392047
File: 33 KB, 1000x1193, 1662412426320319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18392450

Coffee is a replacement for blood, not for personality.

>> No.18392462

I drink filter coffee with lots of butter in it. Then, I pour it into a mug in which I previously beat two eggs with some milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. It's good.

>> No.18392500

Hot and black like I like my women, I used to be able to say this when ordering, get a small smile from the waitress especially if she was black.
Not anymore.

>> No.18392510

why not bring it from home in a thermos
seems less obnoxious than grinding coffee in an office

>> No.18392539

I take it cold and bitter, like I take my women.

>> No.18392552


>> No.18392614

Neither is drinking the latest starbucks blend that only comes out whenever, did you get the latest blend/ OMG?

>> No.18392620

Wait dunkin has a new brew, did you get it?
I did, jealous?

>> No.18392787 [DELETED] 

because i hate niggers

>> No.18392793

post video of you putting a "dash" in.

>> No.18392800

you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.18393117

I don’t like milk nor sugar, that’s it. I don’t advertise my taste nor seethe over other people’s actions. What are you, a woman? Stereotypical vegan? I rather have no personality than to be a retarded redditor

>> No.18393456

I just don’t like the texture and taste of cream and sugar in coffee. I drink coffee to wake up, not to enjoy myself.

>> No.18393514

They're obese women who order those glorified milkshakes from Starschmucks that get mad when you point out what they drink is not "just a coffee".